/* errorreporter.vala * * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Florian Brosch * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Brosch Florian */ public class Valadoc.ErrorReporter : Object { private int _warnings = 0; private int _errors = 0; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) end tag */ private const string ANSI_COLOR_END = "\x1b[0m"; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) start tag for source location */ private string locus_color_start = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) end tag for source location */ private unowned string locus_color_end = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) start tag for warning titles */ private string warning_color_start = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) end tag for warning titles */ private unowned string warning_color_end = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) start tag for error titles */ private string error_color_start = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) end tag for error titles */ private unowned string error_color_end = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) start tag for note titles */ private string note_color_start = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) end tag for note titles */ private unowned string note_color_end = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) start tag for caret line (^^^) */ private string caret_color_start = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) end tag for caret line (^^^) */ private unowned string caret_color_end = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) start tag for quotes line ('...', `...`, `...') */ private string quote_color_start = ""; /** * SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) end tag for quotes line ('...', `...`, `...') */ private unowned string quote_color_end = ""; public int warnings_offset { get; set; } public int errors_offset { get; set; } public unowned GLib.FileStream stream { get; set; } public Settings? settings { get; set; } public int errors { get { return this._errors + errors_offset; } } public int warnings { get { return this._warnings + warnings_offset; } } public ErrorReporter (Settings? settings = null) { this.stream = GLib.stderr; this.settings = settings; } /** * Set all colors by string * * {{{ * "error=01;31:warning=01;35:note=01;36:caret=01;32:locus=01:quote=01" * }}} */ public bool set_colors (string str) { Regex val_regex; try { val_regex = new Regex ("^\\s*[0-9]+(;[0-9]*)*\\s*$"); } catch (RegexError e) { assert_not_reached (); } string error_color = null; string warning_color = null; string note_color = null; string caret_color = null; string locus_color = null; string quote_color = null; string[] fragments = str.split (":"); foreach (unowned string fragment in fragments) { string[] eq = fragment.split ("=", 2); if (eq.length != 2) { return false; } if (!val_regex.match (eq[1])) { return false; } unowned string checked_value = eq[1]._strip (); switch (eq[0]._strip ()) { case "error": error_color = checked_value; break; case "warning": warning_color = checked_value; break; case "note": note_color = checked_value; break; case "caret": caret_color = checked_value; break; case "locus": locus_color = checked_value; break; case "quote": quote_color = checked_value; break; default: return false; } } if (is_atty (this.stream.fileno ())) { if (error_color != null) { this.error_color_start = "\x1b[0" + error_color + "m"; this.error_color_end = ANSI_COLOR_END; } if (warning_color != null) { this.warning_color_start = "\x1b[0" + warning_color + "m"; this.warning_color_end = ANSI_COLOR_END; } if (note_color != null) { this.note_color_start = "\x1b[0" + note_color + "m"; this.note_color_end = ANSI_COLOR_END; } if (caret_color != null) { this.caret_color_start = "\x1b[0" + caret_color + "m"; this.caret_color_end = ANSI_COLOR_END; } if (locus_color != null) { this.locus_color_start = "\x1b[0" + locus_color + "m"; this.locus_color_end = ANSI_COLOR_END; } if (quote_color != null) { this.quote_color_start = "\x1b[0" + quote_color + "m"; this.quote_color_end = ANSI_COLOR_END; } } return true; } [CCode (has_target = false)] private delegate int AttyFunc (int fd); private bool is_atty (int fd) { Module module = Module.open (null, ModuleFlags.BIND_LAZY); if (module == null) { return false; } void* _func; module.symbol ("isatty", out _func); if (_func == null) { return false; } AttyFunc? func = (AttyFunc) _func; return func (fd) == 1; } [PrintfFormat] private inline void msg (string type, string type_color_start, string type_color_end, string file, long line, long startpos, long endpos, string errline, string msg_format, va_list args) { this.stream.printf ("%s%s:%lu.%lu-%lu.%lu:%s %s%s:%s ", locus_color_start, file, line, startpos, line, endpos, locus_color_end, type_color_start, type, type_color_end); print_highlighted_message (msg_format.vprintf (args)); this.stream.putc ('\n'); if (startpos <= endpos) { this.stream.printf ("%s\n", errline); this.stream.puts (caret_color_start); for (int i = 0; i < errline.char_count ()+1; i++) { if (errline[i] == '\t') { this.stream.printf ("\t"); } else if (i >= startpos - 1 && i < endpos - 1) { this.stream.printf ("^"); } else { this.stream.printf (" "); } } this.stream.puts (caret_color_end); this.stream.printf ("\n"); } } private void print_highlighted_message (string message) { int start = 0; int cur = 0; while (message[cur] != '\0') { if (message[cur] == '\'' || message[cur] == '`') { unowned string end_chars = (message[cur] == '`')? "`'" : "'"; this.stream.puts (message.substring (start, cur - start)); start = cur; cur++; while (message[cur] != '\0' && end_chars.index_of_char (message[cur]) < 0) { cur++; } if (message[cur] == '\0') { this.stream.puts (message.substring (start, cur - start)); start = cur; } else { cur++; this.stream.printf ("%s%s%s", quote_color_start, message.substring (start, cur - start), quote_color_end); start = cur; } } else { cur++; } } this.stream.puts (message.offset (start)); } [PrintfFormat] public void simple_warning (string? location, string msg_format, ...) { var args = va_list(); if (location != null) { this.stream.puts (locus_color_start); this.stream.puts (location); this.stream.puts (": "); this.stream.puts (locus_color_end); } this.stream.puts (warning_color_start); this.stream.puts ("warning: "); this.stream.puts (warning_color_end); print_highlighted_message (msg_format.vprintf (args)); this.stream.putc ('\n'); this._warnings++; } [PrintfFormat] public void simple_error (string? location, string msg_format, ...) { var args = va_list(); if (location != null) { this.stream.puts (locus_color_start); this.stream.puts (location); this.stream.puts (": "); this.stream.puts (locus_color_end); this.stream.putc (' '); } this.stream.puts (error_color_start); this.stream.puts ("error: "); this.stream.puts (error_color_end); print_highlighted_message (msg_format.vprintf (args)); this.stream.putc ('\n'); this._errors++; } [PrintfFormat] public void simple_note (string? location, string msg_format, ...) { if (_settings == null || _settings.verbose) { var args = va_list(); if (location != null) { this.stream.puts (locus_color_start); this.stream.puts (location); this.stream.puts (": "); this.stream.puts (locus_color_end); this.stream.putc (' '); } this.stream.puts (note_color_start); this.stream.puts ("note: "); this.stream.puts (note_color_end); print_highlighted_message (msg_format.vprintf (args)); this.stream.putc ('\n'); this._warnings++; } } [PrintfFormat] public void error (string file, long line, long startpos, long endpos, string errline, string msg_format, ...) { var args = va_list(); this.msg ("error", error_color_start, error_color_end, file, line, startpos, endpos, errline, msg_format, args); this._errors++; } [PrintfFormat] public void warning (string file, long line, long startpos, long endpos, string errline, string msg_format, ...) { var args = va_list(); this.msg ("warning", warning_color_start, warning_color_end, file, line, startpos, endpos, errline, msg_format, args); this._warnings++; } }