.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.6. .TH VALAC "1" "March 2018" "valac 0.40.0" "User Commands" .SH NAME valac \- compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and header files .SH SYNOPSIS .B valac [\fIOPTION\fR]... [\fIFILE\fR]... .SH DESCRIPTION Vala is a programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C. .TP valac, the Vala compiler, is a self-hosting compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and header files. It uses the GObject type system to create classes and interfaces declared in the Vala source code. .SS "Usage:" .IP valac [OPTION?] FILE... \- Vala Compiler .SS "Help Options:" .TP \-?, \fB\-\-help\fR Show help options .SS "Application Options:" .TP \fB\-\-vapidir\fR=\fI\,DIRECTORY\/\fR... Look for package bindings in DIRECTORY .TP \fB\-\-girdir\fR=\fI\,DIRECTORY\/\fR... Look for .gir files in DIRECTORY .TP \fB\-\-metadatadir\fR=\fI\,DIRECTORY\/\fR... Look for GIR .metadata files in DIRECTORY .TP \fB\-\-pkg\fR=\fI\,PACKAGE\/\fR... Include binding for PACKAGE .TP \fB\-\-vapi\fR=\fI\,FILE\/\fR Output VAPI file name .TP \fB\-\-library\fR=\fI\,NAME\/\fR Library name .TP \fB\-\-shared\-library\fR=\fI\,NAME\/\fR Shared library name used in generated gir .TP \fB\-\-gir\fR=\fI\,NAME\-VERSION\/\fR.gir GObject\-Introspection repository file name .TP \fB\-b\fR, \fB\-\-basedir\fR=\fI\,DIRECTORY\/\fR Base source directory .TP \fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-directory\fR=\fI\,DIRECTORY\/\fR Change output directory from current working directory .TP \fB\-\-version\fR Display version number .TP \fB\-\-api\-version\fR Display API version number .TP \fB\-C\fR, \fB\-\-ccode\fR Output C code .TP \fB\-H\fR, \fB\-\-header\fR=\fI\,FILE\/\fR Output C header file .TP \fB\-\-use\-header\fR Use C header file .TP \fB\-\-includedir\fR=\fI\,DIRECTORY\/\fR Directory used to include the C header file .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-internal\-header\fR=\fI\,FILE\/\fR Output internal C header file .TP \fB\-\-internal\-vapi\fR=\fI\,FILE\/\fR Output vapi with internal api .TP \fB\-\-fast\-vapi\fR Output vapi without performing symbol resolution .TP \fB\-\-use\-fast\-vapi\fR Use \fB\-\-fast\-vapi\fR output during this compile .TP \fB\-\-vapi\-comments\fR Include comments in generated vapi .TP \fB\-\-deps\fR Write make\-style dependency information to this file .TP \fB\-\-symbols\fR=\fI\,FILE\/\fR Output symbols file .TP \fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-compile\fR Compile but do not link .TP \fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-output\fR=\fI\,FILE\/\fR Place output in file FILE .TP \fB\-g\fR, \fB\-\-debug\fR Produce debug information .TP \fB\-\-thread\fR Enable multithreading support (DEPRECATED AND IGNORED) .TP \fB\-\-enable\-mem\-profiler\fR Enable GLib memory profiler .TP \fB\-D\fR, \fB\-\-define\fR=\fI\,SYMBOL\/\fR... Define SYMBOL .TP \fB\-\-main\fR=\fI\,SYMBOL\/\fR... Use SYMBOL as entry point .TP \fB\-\-nostdpkg\fR Do not include standard packages .TP \fB\-\-disable\-assert\fR Disable assertions .TP \fB\-\-enable\-checking\fR Enable additional run\-time checks .TP \fB\-\-enable\-deprecated\fR Enable deprecated features .TP \fB\-\-hide\-internal\fR Hide symbols marked as internal .TP \fB\-\-enable\-experimental\fR Enable experimental features .TP \fB\-\-disable\-warnings\fR Disable warnings .TP \fB\-\-fatal\-warnings\fR Treat warnings as fatal .TP \fB\-\-disable\-since\-check\fR Do not check whether used symbols exist in local packages .TP \fB\-\-enable\-experimental\-non\-null\fR Enable experimental enhancements for non\-null types .TP \fB\-\-enable\-gobject\-tracing\fR Enable GObject creation tracing .TP \fB\-\-cc\fR=\fI\,COMMAND\/\fR Use COMMAND as C compiler command .TP \fB\-X\fR, \fB\-\-Xcc\fR=\fI\,OPTION\/\fR... Pass OPTION to the C compiler .TP \fB\-\-pkg\-config\fR=\fI\,COMMAND\/\fR Use COMMAND as pkg\-config command .TP \fB\-\-dump\-tree\fR=\fI\,FILE\/\fR Write code tree to FILE .TP \fB\-\-save\-temps\fR Keep temporary files .TP \fB\-\-profile\fR=\fI\,PROFILE\/\fR Use the given profile instead of the default .TP \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR Do not print messages to the console .TP \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR Print additional messages to the console .TP \fB\-\-no\-color\fR Disable colored output, alias for \fB\-\-color\fR=\fI\,never\/\fR .TP \fB\-\-color\fR=\fI\,WHEN\/\fR Enable color output, options are 'always', 'never', or 'auto' .RS When no value is given \fIalways\fR is implied. When neither \fB--color\fR or \fB--no-color\fR are declared then \fB--color\fR=\fIauto\fR is used where output is colored when stderr is a terminal. .RE .TP \fB\-\-target\-glib\fR=\fI\,MAJOR\/\fR.MINOR Target version of glib for code generation .TP \fB\-\-gresources\fR=\fI\,FILE\/\fR... XML of gresources .TP \fB\-\-gresourcesdir\fR=\fI\,DIRECTORY\/\fR... Look for resources in DIRECTORY .TP \fB\-\-enable\-version\-header\fR Write vala build version in generated files .TP \fB\-\-disable\-version\-header\fR Do not write vala build version in generated files .TP \fB\-\-run\-args\fR Arguments passed to directly compiled executeable .TP \fB\-\-abi\-stability\fR Enable support for ABI stability .RS This changes the current behaviour to output public members of classes and interfaces the same order as they appear in Vala source. For libraries is recommended to use \fB--abi-stability\fR to ensure the maintainability of the resulting Application Binary Interface (ABI). This option is disabled by default for backward compatibility because it can break ABI of existing projects. .RE .SH BUGS https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vala/issues .SH "HOMEPAGE OR CONTACT" https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala .SH FEATURES Interfaces, properties, signals, foreach, lambda expressions, type inference for local variables, generics, non-null types, assisted memory management, exception handling .SH AUTHORS J??rg Billeter, Raffaele Sandrini.