Vala Reference Manual --------------------- The reference manual can be generated in the following formats: * devhelp - documentation browser for GNOME, use 'make all' or 'make devhelp' * html - multipage HTML, use 'make html' * print - single page HTML with CSS page media, 'make print' * pdf - uses WeasyPrint to generate from the print format, use 'make pdf' Status ------ The manual is a draft and contains a number of omissions and probably some errors. Contributing ------------ There are a number of ways you can contribute to improving the manual: * Raise questions on the Vala communication channels so an edit is then made * Post blogs and other tutorials that can then be used as source material for updating the manual * Raise a report in vala's issue tracker * Submit a patch to vala's gitlab with an amendment to the manual Editing the manual ------------------ The manual source is available at: The wiki version is editable by anyone who has access. To bring an edit in to the Vala source use 'make update-manual-from-wiki' This target will download the manual from the wiki. Using 'git diff' will show the changes. 'git add --patch' will allow changes to be added in stages.