/* valagerrormodule.vala * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Jürg Billeter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter * Thijs Vermeir */ using GLib; public class Vala.GErrorModule : CCodeDelegateModule { private int current_try_id = 0; private int next_try_id = 0; private bool is_in_catch = false; public override void generate_error_domain_declaration (ErrorDomain edomain, CCodeFile decl_space) { if (add_symbol_declaration (decl_space, edomain, get_ccode_name (edomain))) { return; } var cenum = new CCodeEnum (get_ccode_name (edomain)); foreach (ErrorCode ecode in edomain.get_codes ()) { if (ecode.value == null) { cenum.add_value (new CCodeEnumValue (get_ccode_name (ecode))); } else { ecode.value.emit (this); cenum.add_value (new CCodeEnumValue (get_ccode_name (ecode), get_cvalue (ecode.value))); } } decl_space.add_type_definition (cenum); string quark_fun_name = get_ccode_lower_case_prefix (edomain) + "quark"; var error_domain_define = new CCodeMacroReplacement (get_ccode_upper_case_name (edomain), quark_fun_name + " ()"); decl_space.add_type_definition (error_domain_define); var cquark_fun = new CCodeFunction (quark_fun_name, get_ccode_name (gquark_type.data_type)); decl_space.add_function_declaration (cquark_fun); } public override void visit_error_domain (ErrorDomain edomain) { if (edomain.comment != null) { cfile.add_type_definition (new CCodeComment (edomain.comment.content)); } generate_error_domain_declaration (edomain, cfile); if (!edomain.is_internal_symbol ()) { generate_error_domain_declaration (edomain, header_file); } if (!edomain.is_private_symbol ()) { generate_error_domain_declaration (edomain, internal_header_file); } string quark_fun_name = get_ccode_lower_case_prefix (edomain) + "quark"; var cquark_fun = new CCodeFunction (quark_fun_name, get_ccode_name (gquark_type.data_type)); push_function (cquark_fun); var cquark_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_quark_from_static_string")); cquark_call.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("\"" + get_ccode_quark_name (edomain) + "\"")); ccode.add_return (cquark_call); pop_function (); cfile.add_function (cquark_fun); } public override void visit_throw_statement (ThrowStatement stmt) { // method will fail current_method_inner_error = true; ccode.add_assignment (get_variable_cexpression ("_inner_error_"), get_cvalue (stmt.error_expression)); add_simple_check (stmt, true); } public virtual void return_with_exception (CCodeExpression error_expr) { var cpropagate = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_propagate_error")); cpropagate.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("error")); cpropagate.add_argument (error_expr); ccode.add_expression (cpropagate); // free local variables append_local_free (current_symbol, false); if (current_method is CreationMethod && current_method.parent_symbol is Class) { var cl = (Class) current_method.parent_symbol; ccode.add_expression (destroy_value (new GLibValue (new ObjectType (cl), new CCodeIdentifier ("self"), true))); ccode.add_return (new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } else if (is_in_coroutine ()) { ccode.add_return (new CCodeConstant ("FALSE")); } else { return_default_value (current_return_type); } } void uncaught_error_statement (CCodeExpression inner_error, bool unexpected = false) { // free local variables append_local_free (current_symbol, false); var ccritical = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_critical")); ccritical.add_argument (new CCodeConstant (unexpected ? "\"file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)\"" : "\"file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)\"")); ccritical.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("__FILE__")); ccritical.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("__LINE__")); ccritical.add_argument (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (inner_error, "message")); var domain_name = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_quark_to_string")); domain_name.add_argument (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (inner_error, "domain")); ccritical.add_argument (domain_name); ccritical.add_argument (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (inner_error, "code")); var cclear = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_clear_error")); cclear.add_argument (new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, inner_error)); // print critical message ccode.add_expression (ccritical); ccode.add_expression (cclear); if (is_in_constructor () || is_in_destructor ()) { // just print critical, do not return prematurely } else if (current_method is CreationMethod) { if (current_method.parent_symbol is Struct) { ccode.add_return (); } else { ccode.add_return (new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } } else if (is_in_coroutine ()) { var async_result_expr = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (new CCodeIdentifier ("_data_"), "_async_result"); var unref = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_object_unref")); unref.add_argument (async_result_expr); ccode.add_expression (unref); ccode.add_return (new CCodeConstant ("FALSE")); } else if (current_return_type != null) { return_default_value (current_return_type); } } bool in_finally_block (CodeNode node) { var current_node = node; while (current_node != null) { var try_stmt = current_node.parent_node as TryStatement; if (try_stmt != null && try_stmt.finally_body == current_node) { return true; } current_node = current_node.parent_node; } return false; } public override void add_simple_check (CodeNode node, bool always_fails = false) { current_method_inner_error = true; var inner_error = get_variable_cexpression ("_inner_error_"); if (always_fails) { // inner_error is always set, avoid unnecessary if statement // eliminates C warnings } else { var ccond = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.INEQUALITY, inner_error, new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); var unlikely = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("G_UNLIKELY")); unlikely.add_argument (ccond); ccode.open_if (unlikely); } if (current_try != null) { // surrounding try found // free local variables if (is_in_catch) { append_local_free (current_symbol, false, current_catch); } else { append_local_free (current_symbol, false, current_try); } var error_types = new ArrayList (); foreach (DataType node_error_type in node.get_error_types ()) { error_types.add (node_error_type); } bool has_general_catch_clause = false; if (!is_in_catch) { var handled_error_types = new ArrayList (); foreach (CatchClause clause in current_try.get_catch_clauses ()) { // keep track of unhandled error types foreach (DataType node_error_type in error_types) { if (clause.error_type == null || node_error_type.compatible (clause.error_type)) { handled_error_types.add (node_error_type); } } foreach (DataType handled_error_type in handled_error_types) { error_types.remove (handled_error_type); } handled_error_types.clear (); if (clause.error_type.equals (gerror_type)) { // general catch clause, this should be the last one has_general_catch_clause = true; ccode.add_goto (clause.clabel_name); break; } else { var catch_type = clause.error_type as ErrorType; if (catch_type.error_code != null) { /* catch clause specifies a specific error code */ var error_match = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_error_matches")); error_match.add_argument (inner_error); error_match.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_upper_case_name (catch_type.data_type))); error_match.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_name (catch_type.error_code))); ccode.open_if (error_match); } else { /* catch clause specifies a full error domain */ var ccond = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.EQUALITY, new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (inner_error, "domain"), new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_upper_case_name (clause.error_type.data_type))); ccode.open_if (ccond); } // go to catch clause if error domain matches ccode.add_goto (clause.clabel_name); ccode.close (); } } } if (has_general_catch_clause) { // every possible error is already caught // as there is a general catch clause // no need to do anything else } else if (error_types.size > 0) { // go to finally clause if no catch clause matches // and there are still unhandled error types ccode.add_goto ("__finally%d".printf (current_try_id)); } else if (in_finally_block (node)) { // do not check unexpected errors happening within finally blocks // as jump out of finally block is not supported } else { // should never happen with correct bindings uncaught_error_statement (inner_error, true); } } else if (current_method != null && current_method.get_error_types ().size > 0) { // current method can fail, propagate error CCodeBinaryExpression ccond = null; foreach (DataType error_type in current_method.get_error_types ()) { // If GLib.Error is allowed we propagate everything if (error_type.equals (gerror_type)) { ccond = null; break; } // Check the allowed error domains to propagate var domain_check = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.EQUALITY, new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (inner_error, "domain"), new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_upper_case_name (error_type.data_type))); if (ccond == null) { ccond = domain_check; } else { ccond = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.OR, ccond, domain_check); } } if (ccond != null) { ccode.open_if (ccond); return_with_exception (inner_error); ccode.add_else (); uncaught_error_statement (inner_error); ccode.close (); } else { return_with_exception (inner_error); } } else { uncaught_error_statement (inner_error); } if (!always_fails) { ccode.close (); } } public override void visit_try_statement (TryStatement stmt) { int this_try_id = next_try_id++; var old_try = current_try; var old_try_id = current_try_id; var old_is_in_catch = is_in_catch; var old_catch = current_catch; current_try = stmt; current_try_id = this_try_id; is_in_catch = true; foreach (CatchClause clause in stmt.get_catch_clauses ()) { clause.clabel_name = "__catch%d_%s".printf (this_try_id, get_ccode_lower_case_name (clause.error_type)); } is_in_catch = false; stmt.body.emit (this); is_in_catch = true; foreach (CatchClause clause in stmt.get_catch_clauses ()) { current_catch = clause; ccode.add_goto ("__finally%d".printf (this_try_id)); clause.emit (this); } current_try = old_try; current_try_id = old_try_id; is_in_catch = old_is_in_catch; current_catch = old_catch; ccode.add_label ("__finally%d".printf (this_try_id)); if (stmt.finally_body != null) { stmt.finally_body.emit (this); } // check for errors not handled by this try statement // may be handled by outer try statements or propagated add_simple_check (stmt, !stmt.after_try_block_reachable); } public override void visit_catch_clause (CatchClause clause) { current_method_inner_error = true; var error_type = (ErrorType) clause.error_type; if (error_type.error_domain != null) { generate_error_domain_declaration (error_type.error_domain, cfile); } ccode.add_label (clause.clabel_name); ccode.open_block (); if (clause.error_variable != null) { visit_local_variable (clause.error_variable); ccode.add_assignment (get_variable_cexpression (get_local_cname (clause.error_variable)), get_variable_cexpression ("_inner_error_")); } else { // error object is not used within catch statement, clear it var cclear = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_clear_error")); cclear.add_argument (new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.ADDRESS_OF, get_variable_cexpression ("_inner_error_"))); ccode.add_expression (cclear); } ccode.add_assignment (get_variable_cexpression ("_inner_error_"), new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); clause.body.emit (this); ccode.close (); } protected override void append_scope_free (Symbol sym, CodeNode? stop_at = null) { base.append_scope_free (sym, stop_at); if (!(stop_at is TryStatement || stop_at is CatchClause)) { var finally_block = (Block) null; if (sym.parent_node is TryStatement) { finally_block = ((TryStatement) sym.parent_node).finally_body; } else if (sym.parent_node is CatchClause) { finally_block = ((TryStatement) sym.parent_node.parent_node).finally_body; } if (finally_block != null && finally_block != sym) { finally_block.emit (this); } } } } // vim:sw=8 noet