/* valagasyncmodule.vala * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Jürg Billeter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: * Jürg Billeter */ using GLib; public class Vala.GAsyncModule : GtkModule { CCodeStruct generate_data_struct (Method m) { string dataname = Symbol.lower_case_to_camel_case (get_ccode_name (m)) + "Data"; var data = new CCodeStruct ("_" + dataname); data.add_field ("int", "_state_"); data.add_field ("GObject*", "_source_object_"); data.add_field ("GAsyncResult*", "_res_"); data.add_field ("GTask*", "_async_result"); if (!context.require_glib_version (2, 44)) { data.add_field ("GAsyncReadyCallback", "_callback_"); data.add_field ("gboolean", "_task_complete_"); } if (m is CreationMethod) { data.add_field ("GType", "object_type"); } if (m.binding == MemberBinding.INSTANCE) { var type_sym = (TypeSymbol) m.parent_symbol; if (type_sym is ObjectTypeSymbol) { data.add_field (get_ccode_name (type_sym) + "*", "self"); } else { data.add_field (get_ccode_name (type_sym), "self"); } } foreach (Parameter param in m.get_parameters ()) { bool is_unowned_delegate = param.variable_type is DelegateType && !param.variable_type.value_owned; var param_type = param.variable_type.copy (); param_type.value_owned = true; data.add_field (get_ccode_name (param_type), get_variable_cname (param.name)); if (param.variable_type is ArrayType) { var array_type = (ArrayType) param.variable_type; if (get_ccode_array_length (param)) { for (int dim = 1; dim <= array_type.rank; dim++) { data.add_field ("gint", get_parameter_array_length_cname (param, dim)); } } } else if (param.variable_type is DelegateType) { var deleg_type = (DelegateType) param.variable_type; if (deleg_type.delegate_symbol.has_target) { data.add_field ("gpointer", get_ccode_delegate_target_name (param)); if (!is_unowned_delegate) { data.add_field ("GDestroyNotify", get_delegate_target_destroy_notify_cname (get_variable_cname (param.name))); } } } } foreach (var type_param in m.get_type_parameters ()) { data.add_field ("GType", "%s_type".printf (type_param.name.down ())); data.add_field ("GBoxedCopyFunc", "%s_dup_func".printf (type_param.name.down ())); data.add_field ("GDestroyNotify", "%s_destroy_func".printf (type_param.name.down ())); } if (!(m.return_type is VoidType)) { data.add_field (get_ccode_name (m.return_type), "result"); if (m.return_type is ArrayType) { var array_type = (ArrayType) m.return_type; if (get_ccode_array_length (m)) { for (int dim = 1; dim <= array_type.rank; dim++) { data.add_field ("gint", get_array_length_cname ("result", dim)); } } } else if (m.return_type is DelegateType) { var deleg_type = (DelegateType) m.return_type; if (deleg_type.delegate_symbol.has_target) { data.add_field ("gpointer", get_delegate_target_cname ("result")); data.add_field ("GDestroyNotify", get_delegate_target_destroy_notify_cname ("result")); } } } return data; } CCodeFunction generate_free_function (Method m) { var dataname = Symbol.lower_case_to_camel_case (get_ccode_name (m)) + "Data"; var freefunc = new CCodeFunction (get_ccode_real_name (m) + "_data_free", "void"); freefunc.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC; freefunc.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("_data", "gpointer")); push_context (new EmitContext (m)); push_function (freefunc); ccode.add_declaration (dataname + "*", new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("_data_", new CCodeIdentifier ("_data"))); foreach (Parameter param in m.get_parameters ()) { if (!param.captured && param.direction != ParameterDirection.OUT) { var param_type = param.variable_type.copy (); if (!param_type.value_owned) { param_type.value_owned = !no_implicit_copy (param_type); } if (requires_destroy (param_type)) { ccode.add_expression (destroy_parameter (param)); } } } if (requires_destroy (m.return_type)) { if (get_ccode_array_length (m) || !(m.return_type is ArrayType)) { /* this is very evil. */ var v = new LocalVariable (m.return_type, ".result"); ccode.add_expression (destroy_local (v)); } else { var v = new GLibValue (m.return_type, new CCodeIdentifier ("_data_->result"), true); v.array_null_terminated = get_ccode_array_null_terminated (m); ccode.add_expression (destroy_value (v)); } } if (m.binding == MemberBinding.INSTANCE) { var this_type = m.this_parameter.variable_type.copy (); this_type.value_owned = true; if (requires_destroy (this_type)) { ccode.add_expression (destroy_parameter (m.this_parameter)); } } var freecall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_slice_free")); freecall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (dataname)); freecall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("_data_")); ccode.add_expression (freecall); pop_context (); cfile.add_function_declaration (freefunc); cfile.add_function (freefunc); return freefunc; } void generate_async_ready_callback_wrapper (Method m, string function_name) { var function = new CCodeFunction (function_name, "void"); function.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC; function.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("*source_object", "GObject")); function.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("*res", "GAsyncResult")); function.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("*user_data", "void")); push_function (function); // Set _task_complete_ to false after calling back to the real func var async_result_cast = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("G_TASK")); async_result_cast.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("res")); var dataname = Symbol.lower_case_to_camel_case (get_ccode_name (m)) + "Data"; ccode.add_declaration (dataname + "*", new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("_task_data_")); var get_data_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_task_get_task_data")); get_data_call.add_argument (async_result_cast); var data_var = new CCodeIdentifier ("_task_data_"); ccode.add_assignment (data_var, get_data_call); var task_inner_callback = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "_callback_"); var callback_is_nonnull = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.INEQUALITY, task_inner_callback, new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); ccode.open_if (callback_is_nonnull); var nested_callback = new CCodeFunctionCall (task_inner_callback); nested_callback.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("source_object")); nested_callback.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("res")); nested_callback.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("user_data")); ccode.add_expression (nested_callback); ccode.close (); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "_task_complete_"), new CCodeConstant ("TRUE")); pop_function (); cfile.add_function_declaration (function); cfile.add_function (function); } void generate_async_function (Method m) { push_context (new EmitContext ()); string? callback_wrapper = null; if (!context.require_glib_version (2, 44)) { callback_wrapper = get_ccode_real_name (m) + "_async_ready_wrapper"; generate_async_ready_callback_wrapper (m, callback_wrapper); } var dataname = Symbol.lower_case_to_camel_case (get_ccode_name (m)) + "Data"; var asyncfunc = new CCodeFunction (get_ccode_real_name (m), "void"); var cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); cparam_map.set (get_param_pos (-1), new CCodeParameter ("_callback_", "GAsyncReadyCallback")); cparam_map.set (get_param_pos (-0.9), new CCodeParameter ("_user_data_", "gpointer")); generate_cparameters (m, cfile, cparam_map, asyncfunc, null, null, null, 1); if (m.base_method != null || m.base_interface_method != null) { // declare *_real_* function asyncfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.STATIC; cfile.add_function_declaration (asyncfunc); } else if (m.is_private_symbol ()) { asyncfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.STATIC; } else if (context.hide_internal && m.is_internal_symbol ()) { asyncfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.INTERNAL; } push_function (asyncfunc); // logic copied from valaccodemethodmodule if (m.overrides || (m.base_interface_method != null && !m.is_abstract && !m.is_virtual)) { Method base_method; if (m.overrides) { base_method = m.base_method; } else { base_method = m.base_interface_method; } var base_expression_type = new ObjectType ((ObjectTypeSymbol) base_method.parent_symbol); var type_symbol = m.parent_symbol as ObjectTypeSymbol; var self_target_type = new ObjectType (type_symbol); var cself = get_cvalue_ (transform_value (new GLibValue (base_expression_type, new CCodeIdentifier ("base"), true), self_target_type, m)); ccode.add_declaration ("%s *".printf (get_ccode_name (type_symbol)), new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("self")); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeIdentifier ("self"), cself); } var dataalloc = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_slice_new0")); dataalloc.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (dataname)); var data_var = new CCodeIdentifier ("_data_"); ccode.add_declaration (dataname + "*", new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("_data_")); ccode.add_assignment (data_var, dataalloc); if (!context.require_glib_version (2, 44)) { ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "_callback_"), new CCodeConstant ("_callback_")); } var create_result = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_task_new")); var t = m.parent_symbol as TypeSymbol; if (!(m is CreationMethod) && m.binding == MemberBinding.INSTANCE && t != null && t.is_subtype_of (gobject_type)) { var gobject_cast = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("G_OBJECT")); gobject_cast.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("self")); create_result.add_argument (gobject_cast); } else { create_result.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } Parameter cancellable_param = null; foreach (Parameter param in m.get_parameters ()) { if (param.variable_type is ObjectType && param.variable_type.data_type.get_full_name () == "GLib.Cancellable") { cancellable_param = param; break; } } if (cancellable_param == null) { create_result.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } else { create_result.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (get_variable_cname (cancellable_param.name))); } if (context.require_glib_version (2, 44)) { create_result.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("_callback_")); } else { create_result.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (callback_wrapper)); } create_result.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("_user_data_")); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "_async_result"), create_result); if (!context.require_glib_version (2, 44)) { var task_completed_var = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "_task_complete_"); var callback = new CCodeIdentifier ("_callback_"); var callback_is_null = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.EQUALITY, callback, new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); ccode.open_if (callback_is_null); ccode.add_assignment (task_completed_var, new CCodeConstant ("TRUE")); ccode.close (); } var attach_data_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_task_set_task_data")); attach_data_call.add_argument (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "_async_result")); attach_data_call.add_argument (data_var); attach_data_call.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_real_name (m) + "_data_free")); ccode.add_expression (attach_data_call); if (m is CreationMethod) { ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "object_type"), new CCodeIdentifier ("object_type")); } else if (m.binding == MemberBinding.INSTANCE) { var this_type = m.this_parameter.variable_type.copy (); this_type.value_owned = true; // create copy if necessary as variables in async methods may need to be kept alive CCodeExpression cself = new CCodeIdentifier ("self"); if (this_type.is_real_non_null_struct_type ()) { cself = new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.POINTER_INDIRECTION, cself); } if (requires_copy (this_type)) { cself = get_cvalue_ (copy_value (new GLibValue (m.this_parameter.variable_type, cself, true), m.this_parameter)); } ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "self"), cself); } emit_context.push_symbol (m); foreach (Parameter param in m.get_parameters ()) { if (param.direction != ParameterDirection.OUT) { // create copy if necessary as variables in async methods may need to be kept alive var old_captured = param.captured; param.captured = false; current_method.coroutine = false; TargetValue value; if (param.variable_type.value_owned) { // do not use load_parameter for reference/ownership transfer // otherwise delegate destroy notify will not be moved value = get_parameter_cvalue (param); } else { value = load_parameter (param); } current_method.coroutine = true; store_parameter (param, value); param.captured = old_captured; } } emit_context.pop_symbol (); foreach (var type_param in m.get_type_parameters ()) { var type = "%s_type".printf (type_param.name.down ()); var dup_func = "%s_dup_func".printf (type_param.name.down ()); var destroy_func = "%s_destroy_func".printf (type_param.name.down ()); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, type), new CCodeIdentifier (type)); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, dup_func), new CCodeIdentifier (dup_func)); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, destroy_func), new CCodeIdentifier (destroy_func)); } var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_real_name (m) + "_co")); ccall.add_argument (data_var); ccode.add_expression (ccall); cfile.add_function (asyncfunc); pop_context (); } public void append_struct (CCodeStruct structure) { var typename = new CCodeVariableDeclarator (structure.name.substring (1)); var typedef = new CCodeTypeDefinition ("struct " + structure.name, typename); cfile.add_type_declaration (typedef); cfile.add_type_definition (structure); } public override void generate_method_declaration (Method m, CCodeFile decl_space) { if (m.coroutine) { if (add_symbol_declaration (decl_space, m, get_ccode_name (m))) { return; } var cl = m.parent_symbol as Class; var asyncfunc = new CCodeFunction (get_ccode_name (m), "void"); var cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); var carg_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); if (m.is_private_symbol ()) { asyncfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.STATIC; } else if (context.hide_internal && m.is_internal_symbol ()) { asyncfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.INTERNAL; } // do not generate _new functions for creation methods of abstract classes if (!(m is CreationMethod && cl != null && cl.is_abstract)) { generate_cparameters (m, decl_space, cparam_map, asyncfunc, null, carg_map, new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("fake")), 1); decl_space.add_function_declaration (asyncfunc); } var finishfunc = new CCodeFunction (get_ccode_finish_name (m)); cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); carg_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); if (m.is_private_symbol ()) { finishfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.STATIC; } else if (context.hide_internal && m.is_internal_symbol ()) { finishfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.INTERNAL; } // do not generate _new functions for creation methods of abstract classes if (!(m is CreationMethod && cl != null && cl.is_abstract)) { generate_cparameters (m, decl_space, cparam_map, finishfunc, null, carg_map, new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("fake")), 2); decl_space.add_function_declaration (finishfunc); } if (m is CreationMethod && cl != null) { // _construct function var function = new CCodeFunction (get_ccode_real_name (m)); if (m.is_private_symbol ()) { function.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.STATIC; } else if (context.hide_internal && m.is_internal_symbol ()) { function.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.INTERNAL; } cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); generate_cparameters (m, decl_space, cparam_map, function, null, null, null, 1); decl_space.add_function_declaration (function); function = new CCodeFunction (get_ccode_finish_real_name (m)); if (m.is_private_symbol ()) { function.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.STATIC; } else if (context.hide_internal && m.is_internal_symbol ()) { function.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.INTERNAL; } cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); generate_cparameters (m, decl_space, cparam_map, function, null, null, null, 2); decl_space.add_function_declaration (function); } } else { base.generate_method_declaration (m, decl_space); } } public override void visit_method (Method m) { if (m.coroutine) { cfile.add_include ("gio/gio.h"); if (!m.is_internal_symbol ()) { header_file.add_include ("gio/gio.h"); } if (!m.is_abstract && m.body != null) { var data = generate_data_struct (m); closure_struct = data; generate_free_function (m); generate_async_function (m); generate_finish_function (m); // append the _co function base.visit_method (m); closure_struct = null; // only append data struct here to make sure all struct member // types are declared before the struct definition append_struct (data); } else { generate_method_declaration (m, cfile); if (!m.is_internal_symbol ()) { generate_method_declaration (m, header_file); } if (!m.is_private_symbol ()) { generate_method_declaration (m, internal_header_file); } } if (m.is_abstract || m.is_virtual) { // generate virtual function wrappers var cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); var carg_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); generate_vfunc (m, new VoidType (), cparam_map, carg_map, "", 1); cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); carg_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); generate_vfunc (m, m.return_type, cparam_map, carg_map, "_finish", 2); } } else { base.visit_method (m); } } public override void visit_creation_method (CreationMethod m) { if (!m.coroutine) { base.visit_creation_method (m); } else { push_line (m.source_reference); bool visible = !m.is_private_symbol (); visit_method (m); if (m.source_type == SourceFileType.FAST) { return; } // do not generate _new functions for creation methods of abstract classes if (current_type_symbol is Class && !current_class.is_compact && !current_class.is_abstract) { var vfunc = new CCodeFunction (get_ccode_name (m)); var cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); var carg_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); push_function (vfunc); var vcall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_real_name (m))); vcall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_type_id (current_class))); generate_cparameters (m, cfile, cparam_map, vfunc, null, carg_map, vcall, 1); ccode.add_expression (vcall); if (!visible) { vfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.STATIC; } pop_function (); cfile.add_function (vfunc); vfunc = new CCodeFunction (get_ccode_finish_name (m)); cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); carg_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); push_function (vfunc); vcall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_finish_real_name (m))); generate_cparameters (m, cfile, cparam_map, vfunc, null, carg_map, vcall, 2); ccode.add_return (vcall); if (!visible) { vfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.STATIC; } pop_function (); cfile.add_function (vfunc); } pop_line (); } } void generate_finish_function (Method m) { push_context (new EmitContext ()); string dataname = Symbol.lower_case_to_camel_case (get_ccode_name (m)) + "Data"; var finishfunc = new CCodeFunction (get_ccode_finish_real_name (m)); var cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); cparam_map.set (get_param_pos (0.1), new CCodeParameter ("_res_", "GAsyncResult*")); generate_cparameters (m, cfile, cparam_map, finishfunc, null, null, null, 2); if (m.is_private_symbol () || m.base_method != null || m.base_interface_method != null) { finishfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.STATIC; } else if (context.hide_internal && m.is_internal_symbol ()) { finishfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.INTERNAL; } push_function (finishfunc); var return_type = m.return_type; if (m is CreationMethod) { var type_sym = (TypeSymbol) m.parent_symbol; if (type_sym is ObjectTypeSymbol) { ccode.add_declaration (get_ccode_name (type_sym) + "*", new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("result")); return_type = ((ObjectTypeSymbol) type_sym).get_this_type (); } } else if (!(return_type is VoidType) && !return_type.is_real_non_null_struct_type ()) { ccode.add_declaration (get_ccode_name (m.return_type), new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("result")); } var data_var = new CCodeIdentifier ("_data_"); ccode.add_declaration (dataname + "*", new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("_data_")); var async_result_cast = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("G_TASK")); async_result_cast.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("_res_")); var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_task_propagate_pointer")); ccall.add_argument (async_result_cast); if (m.get_error_types ().size > 0) { ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("error")); } else { ccall.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } ccode.add_assignment (data_var, ccall); bool has_cancellable = false; foreach (Parameter param in m.get_parameters ()) { if (param.variable_type is ObjectType && param.variable_type.data_type.get_full_name () == "GLib.Cancellable") { has_cancellable = true; break; } } // If a task is cancelled, g_task_propagate_pointer returns NULL if (m.get_error_types ().size > 0 || has_cancellable) { var is_null = new CCodeBinaryExpression (CCodeBinaryOperator.EQUALITY, new CCodeConstant ("NULL"), data_var); ccode.open_if (is_null); return_default_value (return_type); ccode.close (); } emit_context.push_symbol (m); foreach (Parameter param in m.get_parameters ()) { if (param.direction != ParameterDirection.IN) { return_out_parameter (param); if (!(param.variable_type is ValueType) || param.variable_type.nullable) { ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, get_variable_cname (param.name)), new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } } } emit_context.pop_symbol (); if (m is CreationMethod) { ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeIdentifier ("result"), new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "self")); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "self"), new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); ccode.add_return (new CCodeIdentifier ("result")); } else if (return_type.is_real_non_null_struct_type ()) { // structs are returned via out parameter CCodeExpression cexpr = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "result"); if (requires_copy (return_type)) { cexpr = get_cvalue_ (copy_value (new GLibValue (return_type, cexpr, true), return_type)); } ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.POINTER_INDIRECTION, new CCodeIdentifier ("result")), cexpr); } else if (!(return_type is VoidType)) { ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeIdentifier ("result"), new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "result")); if (return_type is ArrayType) { var array_type = (ArrayType) return_type; if (get_ccode_array_length (m)) { for (int dim = 1; dim <= array_type.rank; dim++) { ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.POINTER_INDIRECTION, new CCodeIdentifier (get_array_length_cname ("result", dim))), new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, get_array_length_cname ("result", dim))); } } } else if (return_type is DelegateType && ((DelegateType) return_type).delegate_symbol.has_target) { ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeUnaryExpression (CCodeUnaryOperator.POINTER_INDIRECTION, new CCodeIdentifier (get_delegate_target_cname ("result"))), new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, get_delegate_target_cname ("result"))); } if (!(return_type is ValueType) || return_type.nullable) { ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "result"), new CCodeConstant ("NULL")); } ccode.add_return (new CCodeIdentifier ("result")); } pop_function (); cfile.add_function (finishfunc); pop_context (); } public override string generate_ready_function (Method m) { // generate ready callback handler var dataname = Symbol.lower_case_to_camel_case (get_ccode_name (m)) + "Data"; var readyfunc = new CCodeFunction (get_ccode_name (m) + "_ready", "void"); if (!add_wrapper (readyfunc.name)) { // wrapper already defined return readyfunc.name; } readyfunc.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("source_object", "GObject*")); readyfunc.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("_res_", "GAsyncResult*")); readyfunc.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("_user_data_", "gpointer")); push_function (readyfunc); var data_var = new CCodeIdentifier ("_data_"); ccode.add_declaration (dataname + "*", new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("_data_")); ccode.add_assignment (data_var, new CCodeIdentifier ("_user_data_")); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "_source_object_"), new CCodeIdentifier ("source_object")); ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "_res_"), new CCodeIdentifier ("_res_")); if (!context.require_glib_version (2, 44)) { ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (data_var, "_task_complete_"), new CCodeConstant ("TRUE")); } var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (get_ccode_real_name (m) + "_co")); ccall.add_argument (data_var); ccode.add_expression (ccall); readyfunc.modifiers |= CCodeModifiers.STATIC; pop_function (); cfile.add_function_declaration (readyfunc); cfile.add_function (readyfunc); return readyfunc.name; } public override void generate_virtual_method_declaration (Method m, CCodeFile decl_space, CCodeStruct type_struct) { if (!m.coroutine) { base.generate_virtual_method_declaration (m, decl_space, type_struct); return; } if (!m.is_abstract && !m.is_virtual) { return; } var creturn_type = m.return_type; if (m.return_type.is_real_non_null_struct_type ()) { // structs are returned via out parameter creturn_type = new VoidType (); } // add vfunc field to the type struct var vdeclarator = new CCodeFunctionDeclarator (get_ccode_vfunc_name (m)); var cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); generate_cparameters (m, decl_space, cparam_map, new CCodeFunction ("fake"), vdeclarator, null, null, 1); var vdecl = new CCodeDeclaration ("void"); vdecl.add_declarator (vdeclarator); type_struct.add_declaration (vdecl); // add vfunc field to the type struct vdeclarator = new CCodeFunctionDeclarator (get_ccode_finish_vfunc_name (m)); cparam_map = new HashMap (direct_hash, direct_equal); generate_cparameters (m, decl_space, cparam_map, new CCodeFunction ("fake"), vdeclarator, null, null, 2); vdecl = new CCodeDeclaration (get_ccode_name (creturn_type)); vdecl.add_declarator (vdeclarator); type_struct.add_declaration (vdecl); } public override void visit_yield_statement (YieldStatement stmt) { if (!is_in_coroutine ()) { return; } if (stmt.yield_expression == null) { int state = emit_context.next_coroutine_state++; ccode.add_assignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (new CCodeIdentifier ("_data_"), "_state_"), new CCodeConstant (state.to_string ())); ccode.add_return (new CCodeConstant ("FALSE")); ccode.add_label ("_state_%d".printf (state)); ccode.add_statement (new CCodeEmptyStatement ()); return; } if (stmt.yield_expression.error) { stmt.error = true; return; } ccode.add_expression (get_cvalue (stmt.yield_expression)); if (stmt.tree_can_fail && stmt.yield_expression.tree_can_fail) { // simple case, no node breakdown necessary add_simple_check (stmt.yield_expression); } /* free temporary objects */ foreach (var value in temp_ref_values) { ccode.add_expression (destroy_value (value)); } temp_ref_values.clear (); } public override void return_with_exception (CCodeExpression error_expr) { if (!is_in_coroutine ()) { base.return_with_exception (error_expr); return; } var async_result_expr = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (new CCodeIdentifier ("_data_"), "_async_result"); CCodeFunctionCall set_error = null; set_error = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_task_return_error")); set_error.add_argument (async_result_expr); set_error.add_argument (error_expr); ccode.add_expression (set_error); append_local_free (current_symbol, false); // We already returned the error above, we must not return anything else here. var unref = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_object_unref")); unref.add_argument (async_result_expr); ccode.add_expression (unref); ccode.add_return (new CCodeConstant ("FALSE")); } public override void visit_return_statement (ReturnStatement stmt) { base.visit_return_statement (stmt); if (!is_in_coroutine ()) { return; } complete_async (); } public override void generate_cparameters (Method m, CCodeFile decl_space, Map cparam_map, CCodeFunction func, CCodeFunctionDeclarator? vdeclarator = null, Map? carg_map = null, CCodeFunctionCall? vcall = null, int direction = 3) { if (m.coroutine) { decl_space.add_include ("gio/gio.h"); if (direction == 1) { cparam_map.set (get_param_pos (-1), new CCodeParameter ("_callback_", "GAsyncReadyCallback")); cparam_map.set (get_param_pos (-0.9), new CCodeParameter ("_user_data_", "gpointer")); if (carg_map != null) { carg_map.set (get_param_pos (-1), new CCodeIdentifier ("_callback_")); carg_map.set (get_param_pos (-0.9), new CCodeIdentifier ("_user_data_")); } } else if (direction == 2) { cparam_map.set (get_param_pos (0.1), new CCodeParameter ("_res_", "GAsyncResult*")); if (carg_map != null) { carg_map.set (get_param_pos (0.1), new CCodeIdentifier ("_res_")); } } } base.generate_cparameters (m, decl_space, cparam_map, func, vdeclarator, carg_map, vcall, direction); } public string generate_async_callback_wrapper () { string async_callback_wrapper_func = "_vala_g_async_ready_callback"; if (!add_wrapper (async_callback_wrapper_func)) { return async_callback_wrapper_func; } var function = new CCodeFunction (async_callback_wrapper_func, "void"); function.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC; function.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("*source_object", "GObject")); function.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("*res", "GAsyncResult")); function.add_parameter (new CCodeParameter ("*user_data", "void")); push_function (function); var res_ref = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_object_ref")); res_ref.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("res")); CCodeFunctionCall ccall = null; // store reference to async result of inner async function in out async result ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_task_return_pointer")); ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("user_data")); ccall.add_argument (res_ref); ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_object_unref")); ccode.add_expression (ccall); // free async result ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_object_unref")); ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("user_data")); ccode.add_expression (ccall); pop_function (); cfile.add_function_declaration (function); cfile.add_function (function); return async_callback_wrapper_func; } }