include: - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates' ref: master file: '/templates/fedora.yml' variables: FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: latest FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION: rawhide FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO: "upower/$CI_PROJECT_NAME" FEDORA_IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY/upower/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/fedora/$FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION:$FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG" DEPENDENCIES: gtk-doc meson gettext-devel gcc redhat-rpm-config gcc-c++ glibc-devel systemd sqlite-devel gobject-introspection-devel libgudev-devel libimobiledevice-devel glib2-devel libplist-devel umockdev dbus-x11 python3-gobject python3-dbusmock python3-pip python3-packaging git LAST_ABI_BREAK: "9058d45685d1c7c08d52fb64c393fed9eeed542b" stages: - check-source - build - test - deploy image: $FEDORA_IMAGE test_nut_hwdb: stage: check-source except: variables: - $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" allow_failure: true script: - curl >rules/95-upower-hid.hwdb - git diff - "! git status -s | grep -q ." build: stage: build before_script: - git clone - cd glibc-tools - ./configure - make - cd .. script: - meson _build -Dintrospection=enabled -Dman=true -Dgtk-doc=true -Didevice=enabled - ninja -C _build except: variables: - $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" # avoid recompiling in test stage artifacts: name: untracked paths: [$(pwd)] expire_in: 3h30min # Compile test the other backends (they don't have extra dependencies currently) .build_backend_template: &build_backend stage: build script: - CFLAGS=-DUPOWER_CI_DISABLE_PLATFORM_CODE=1 meson _build -Dos_backend=$backend - ninja -C _build except: variables: - $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" build_dummy: variables: backend: dummy <<: *build_backend build_freebsd: variables: backend: freebsd <<: *build_backend build_openbsd: variables: backend: openbsd <<: *build_backend test: stage: test dependencies: - build before_script: - cd glibc-tools - make install - cd .. script: - catchsegv meson test -C _build --print-errorlogs --no-stdsplit - .ci/ _build/meson-logs/testlog.junit.xml artifacts: when: always expire_in: 1 week paths: - "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/_build/meson-logs/" except: variables: - $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" check_abi: stage: test script: - check-abi --suppr .ci/upower.suppr --parameters="-Dman=false -Dgtk-doc=false -Didevice=enabled" ${LAST_ABI_BREAK} $(git rev-parse HEAD) except: variables: - $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" # Create docs artifact for the website. # Note that the last successful artifact build is always kept, so 1 day as # expiry is completely fine. docs: stage: deploy dependencies: - build script: - ninja -C _build/ UPower-doc artifacts: name: "docs" when: always expire_in: 1 day paths: - "_build/doc/html" only: - master except: variables: - $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" # CONTAINERS creation stage container_fedora_build: extends: .fdo.container-build@fedora only: variables: - $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" && $CRON_TASK == "BUILD_CI_IMAGES" variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none # no need to pull the whole tree for rebuilding the image FDO_FORCE_REBUILD: 1 # a list of packages to install FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: $DEPENDENCIES FDO_DISTRIBUTION_EXEC: | curl | bash