/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010 Samsung Electronics * Minkyu Kang * * Configuation settings for the SAMSUNG Universal (EXYNOS4210) board. */ #ifndef __CONFIG_UNIVERSAL_H #define __CONFIG_UNIVERSAL_H #include #define CONFIG_TIZEN /* TIZEN lib */ /* Keep L2 Cache Disabled */ #define CONFIG_SYS_L2CACHE_OFF 1 /* Universal has 2 banks of DRAM */ #define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE 0x40000000 #define PHYS_SDRAM_1 CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE #define SDRAM_BANK_SIZE (256 << 20) /* 256 MB */ /* select serial console configuration */ /* Console configuration */ #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "run mmcboot" #define CONFIG_DEFAULT_CONSOLE "console=ttySAC1,115200n8\0" #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_SP_ADDR (CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR \ - GENERATED_GBL_DATA_SIZE) #define CONFIG_SYS_MEM_TOP_HIDE (1 << 20) /* ram console */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_BASE 0x00000000 /* memtest works on */ #define CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR (CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE + 0x4800000) /* Actual modem binary size is 16MiB. Add 2MiB for bad block handling */ #define NORMAL_MTDPARTS_DEFAULT CONFIG_MTDPARTS_DEFAULT #define MBRPARTS_DEFAULT "20M(permanent)"\ ",20M(boot)"\ ",1G(system)"\ ",100M(swap)"\ ",-(UMS)\0" #define CONFIG_ENV_UBI_MTD " ubi.mtd=${ubiblock} ubi.mtd=4 ubi.mtd=7" #define CONFIG_BOOTBLOCK "10" #define CONFIG_UBIBLOCK "9" #define CONFIG_ENV_UBIFS_OPTION " rootflags=bulk_read,no_chk_data_crc " #define CONFIG_ENV_FLASHBOOT CONFIG_ENV_UBI_MTD CONFIG_ENV_UBIFS_OPTION \ "${mtdparts}" #define CONFIG_ENV_COMMON_BOOT "${console} ${meminfo}" #define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ "updateb=" \ "onenand erase 0x0 0x100000;" \ "onenand write 0x42008000 0x0 0x100000\0" \ "updatek=" \ "onenand erase 0xc00000 0x500000;" \ "onenand write 0x41008000 0xc00000 0x500000\0" \ "bootk=" \ "run loaduimage; bootm 0x40007FC0\0" \ "updatebackup=" \ "mmc dev 0 2; mmc write 0 0x42100000 0 0x200;" \ "mmc dev 0 0\0" \ "updatebootb=" \ "mmc read 0 0x42100000 0x80 0x200; run updatebackup\0" \ "lpj=lpj=3981312\0" \ "ubifsboot=" \ "set bootargs root=ubi0!rootfs rootfstype=ubifs ${lpj} " \ CONFIG_ENV_FLASHBOOT " ${opts} ${lcdinfo} " \ CONFIG_ENV_COMMON_BOOT "; run bootk\0" \ "tftpboot=" \ "set bootargs root=ubi0!rootfs rootfstype=ubifs " \ CONFIG_ENV_FLASHBOOT " ${opts} ${lcdinfo} " \ CONFIG_ENV_COMMON_BOOT \ "; tftp 0x40007FC0 uImage; bootm 0x40007FC0\0" \ "nfsboot=" \ "set bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw " \ "nfsroot=${nfsroot},nolock,tcp " \ "ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}:${gatewayip}:" \ "${netmask}:generic:usb0:off " CONFIG_ENV_COMMON_BOOT \ "; run bootk\0" \ "ramfsboot=" \ "set bootargs root=/dev/ram0 rw rootfstype=ext2 " \ "${console} ${meminfo} " \ "initrd=0x43000000,8M ramdisk=8192\0" \ "mmcboot=" \ "set bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk${mmcdev}p${mmcrootpart} " \ "${lpj} rootwait ${console} ${meminfo} ${opts} ${lcdinfo}; " \ "run loaduimage; bootm 0x40007FC0\0" \ "bootchart=set opts init=/sbin/bootchartd; run bootcmd\0" \ "boottrace=setenv opts initcall_debug; run bootcmd\0" \ "mmcoops=mmc read 0 0x40000000 0x40 8; md 0x40000000 0x400\0" \ "verify=n\0" \ "rootfstype=ext4\0" \ "console=" CONFIG_DEFAULT_CONSOLE \ "mtdparts=" CONFIG_MTDPARTS_DEFAULT \ "mbrparts=" MBRPARTS_DEFAULT \ "meminfo=crashkernel=32M@0x50000000\0" \ "nfsroot=/nfsroot/arm\0" \ "bootblock=" CONFIG_BOOTBLOCK "\0" \ "ubiblock=" CONFIG_UBIBLOCK" \0" \ "ubi=enabled\0" \ "loaduimage=fatload mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} 0x40007FC0 uImage\0" \ "mmcdev=0\0" \ "mmcbootpart=2\0" \ "mmcrootpart=3\0" \ "opts=always_resume=1" #define CONFIG_USE_ONENAND_BOARD_INIT #define CONFIG_SAMSUNG_ONENAND #define CONFIG_SYS_ONENAND_BASE 0x0C000000 #define CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DWC2_OTG_PHY /* * SPI Settings */ #define CONFIG_SOFT_SPI #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__ void universal_spi_scl(int bit); void universal_spi_sda(int bit); int universal_spi_read(void); #endif /* Common misc for Samsung */ #define CONFIG_MISC_COMMON /* Download menu - Samsung common */ #define CONFIG_LCD_MENU /* Download menu - definitions for check keys */ #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__ #define KEY_PWR_PMIC_NAME "MAX8998_PMIC" #define KEY_PWR_STATUS_REG MAX8998_REG_STATUS1 #define KEY_PWR_STATUS_MASK (1 << 7) #define KEY_PWR_INTERRUPT_REG MAX8998_REG_IRQ1 #define KEY_PWR_INTERRUPT_MASK (1 << 7) #define KEY_VOL_UP_GPIO EXYNOS4_GPIO_X20 #define KEY_VOL_DOWN_GPIO EXYNOS4_GPIO_X21 #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */ /* LCD console */ #define LCD_BPP LCD_COLOR16 /* * LCD Settings */ #define CONFIG_BMP_16BPP #define CONFIG_LD9040 #define CONFIG_SYS_VIDEO_LOGO_MAX_SIZE ((500 * 160 * 4) + 54) #endif /* __CONFIG_H */