/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * * Driver for SPI controller on DaVinci. Based on atmel_spi.c * by Atmel Corporation * * Copyright (C) 2007 Atmel Corporation * * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this * project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <common.h> #include <spi.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/arch/hardware.h> #include "davinci_spi.h" void spi_init() { /* do nothing */ } struct spi_slave *spi_setup_slave(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs, unsigned int max_hz, unsigned int mode) { struct davinci_spi_slave *ds; if (!spi_cs_is_valid(bus, cs)) return NULL; ds = spi_alloc_slave(struct davinci_spi_slave, bus, cs); if (!ds) return NULL; ds->regs = (struct davinci_spi_regs *)CONFIG_SYS_SPI_BASE; ds->freq = max_hz; return &ds->slave; } void spi_free_slave(struct spi_slave *slave) { struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave); free(ds); } int spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave); unsigned int scalar; /* Enable the SPI hardware */ writel(SPIGCR0_SPIRST_MASK, &ds->regs->gcr0); udelay(1000); writel(SPIGCR0_SPIENA_MASK, &ds->regs->gcr0); /* Set master mode, powered up and not activated */ writel(SPIGCR1_MASTER_MASK | SPIGCR1_CLKMOD_MASK, &ds->regs->gcr1); /* CS, CLK, SIMO and SOMI are functional pins */ writel((SPIPC0_EN0FUN_MASK | SPIPC0_CLKFUN_MASK | SPIPC0_DOFUN_MASK | SPIPC0_DIFUN_MASK), &ds->regs->pc0); /* setup format */ scalar = ((CONFIG_SYS_SPI_CLK / ds->freq) - 1) & 0xFF; /* * Use following format: * character length = 8, * clock signal delayed by half clk cycle, * clock low in idle state - Mode 0, * MSB shifted out first */ writel(8 | (scalar << SPIFMT_PRESCALE_SHIFT) | (1 << SPIFMT_PHASE_SHIFT), &ds->regs->fmt0); /* * Including a minor delay. No science here. Should be good even with * no delay */ writel((50 << SPI_C2TDELAY_SHIFT) | (50 << SPI_T2CDELAY_SHIFT), &ds->regs->delay); /* default chip select register */ writel(SPIDEF_CSDEF0_MASK, &ds->regs->def); /* no interrupts */ writel(0, &ds->regs->int0); writel(0, &ds->regs->lvl); /* enable SPI */ writel((readl(&ds->regs->gcr1) | SPIGCR1_SPIENA_MASK), &ds->regs->gcr1); return 0; } void spi_release_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave); /* Disable the SPI hardware */ writel(SPIGCR0_SPIRST_MASK, &ds->regs->gcr0); } /* * This functions needs to act like a macro to avoid pipeline reloads in the * loops below. Use always_inline. This gains us about 160KiB/s and the bloat * appears to be zero bytes (da830). */ __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline u32 davinci_spi_xfer_data(struct davinci_spi_slave *ds, u32 data) { u32 buf_reg_val; /* send out data */ writel(data, &ds->regs->dat1); /* wait for the data to clock in/out */ while ((buf_reg_val = readl(&ds->regs->buf)) & SPIBUF_RXEMPTY_MASK) ; return buf_reg_val; } static int davinci_spi_read(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int len, u8 *rxp, unsigned long flags) { struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave); unsigned int data1_reg_val; /* enable CS hold, CS[n] and clear the data bits */ data1_reg_val = ((1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT) | (slave->cs << SPIDAT1_CSNR_SHIFT)); /* wait till TXFULL is deasserted */ while (readl(&ds->regs->buf) & SPIBUF_TXFULL_MASK) ; /* preload the TX buffer to avoid clock starvation */ writel(data1_reg_val, &ds->regs->dat1); /* keep reading 1 byte until only 1 byte left */ while ((len--) > 1) *rxp++ = davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val); /* clear CS hold when we reach the end */ if (flags & SPI_XFER_END) data1_reg_val &= ~(1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT); /* read the last byte */ *rxp = davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val); return 0; } static int davinci_spi_write(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int len, const u8 *txp, unsigned long flags) { struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave); unsigned int data1_reg_val; /* enable CS hold and clear the data bits */ data1_reg_val = ((1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT) | (slave->cs << SPIDAT1_CSNR_SHIFT)); /* wait till TXFULL is deasserted */ while (readl(&ds->regs->buf) & SPIBUF_TXFULL_MASK) ; /* preload the TX buffer to avoid clock starvation */ if (len > 2) { writel(data1_reg_val | *txp++, &ds->regs->dat1); len--; } /* keep writing 1 byte until only 1 byte left */ while ((len--) > 1) davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val | *txp++); /* clear CS hold when we reach the end */ if (flags & SPI_XFER_END) data1_reg_val &= ~(1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT); /* write the last byte */ davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val | *txp); return 0; } #ifndef CONFIG_SPI_HALF_DUPLEX static int davinci_spi_read_write(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int len, u8 *rxp, const u8 *txp, unsigned long flags) { struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave); unsigned int data1_reg_val; /* enable CS hold and clear the data bits */ data1_reg_val = ((1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT) | (slave->cs << SPIDAT1_CSNR_SHIFT)); /* wait till TXFULL is deasserted */ while (readl(&ds->regs->buf) & SPIBUF_TXFULL_MASK) ; /* keep reading and writing 1 byte until only 1 byte left */ while ((len--) > 1) *rxp++ = davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val | *txp++); /* clear CS hold when we reach the end */ if (flags & SPI_XFER_END) data1_reg_val &= ~(1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT); /* read and write the last byte */ *rxp = davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val | *txp); return 0; } #endif int spi_xfer(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int bitlen, const void *dout, void *din, unsigned long flags) { unsigned int len; if (bitlen == 0) /* Finish any previously submitted transfers */ goto out; /* * It's not clear how non-8-bit-aligned transfers are supposed to be * represented as a stream of bytes...this is a limitation of * the current SPI interface - here we terminate on receiving such a * transfer request. */ if (bitlen % 8) { /* Errors always terminate an ongoing transfer */ flags |= SPI_XFER_END; goto out; } len = bitlen / 8; if (!dout) return davinci_spi_read(slave, len, din, flags); else if (!din) return davinci_spi_write(slave, len, dout, flags); #ifndef CONFIG_SPI_HALF_DUPLEX else return davinci_spi_read_write(slave, len, din, dout, flags); #else printf("SPI full duplex transaction requested with " "CONFIG_SPI_HALF_DUPLEX defined.\n"); flags |= SPI_XFER_END; #endif out: if (flags & SPI_XFER_END) { u8 dummy = 0; davinci_spi_write(slave, 1, &dummy, flags); } return 0; } int spi_cs_is_valid(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs) { return bus == 0 && cs == 0; } void spi_cs_activate(struct spi_slave *slave) { /* do nothing */ } void spi_cs_deactivate(struct spi_slave *slave) { /* do nothing */ }