/* * (C) Copyright 2010 * Texas Instruments, <www.ti.com> * * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this * project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <config.h> #ifdef CONFIG_TWL6030_POWER #include <twl6030.h> static int twl6030_gpadc_read_channel(u8 channel_no) { u8 lsb = 0; u8 msb = 0; int ret = 0; ret = twl6030_i2c_read_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_ADC, GPCH0_LSB + channel_no * 2, &lsb); if (ret) return ret; ret = twl6030_i2c_read_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_ADC, GPCH0_MSB + channel_no * 2, &msb); if (ret) return ret; return (msb << 8) | lsb; } static int twl6030_gpadc_sw2_trigger(void) { u8 val; int ret = 0; ret = twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_ADC, CTRL_P2, CTRL_P2_SP2); if (ret) return ret; /* Waiting until the SW1 conversion ends*/ val = CTRL_P2_BUSY; while (!((val & CTRL_P2_EOCP2) && (!(val & CTRL_P2_BUSY)))) { ret = twl6030_i2c_read_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_ADC, CTRL_P2, &val); if (ret) return ret; udelay(1000); } return 0; } void twl6030_stop_usb_charging(void) { twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, CONTROLLER_CTRL1, 0); return; } void twl6030_start_usb_charging(void) { twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, CHARGERUSB_VICHRG, CHARGERUSB_VICHRG_1500); twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, CHARGERUSB_CINLIMIT, CHARGERUSB_CIN_LIMIT_NONE); twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, CONTROLLER_INT_MASK, MBAT_TEMP); twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, CHARGERUSB_INT_MASK, MASK_MCHARGERUSB_THMREG); twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, CHARGERUSB_VOREG, CHARGERUSB_VOREG_4P0); twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, CHARGERUSB_CTRL2, CHARGERUSB_CTRL2_VITERM_400); twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, CHARGERUSB_CTRL1, TERM); /* Enable USB charging */ twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, CONTROLLER_CTRL1, CONTROLLER_CTRL1_EN_CHARGER); return; } int twl6030_get_battery_current(void) { int battery_current = 0; u8 msb = 0; u8 lsb = 0; twl6030_i2c_read_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, FG_REG_11, &msb); twl6030_i2c_read_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, FG_REG_10, &lsb); battery_current = ((msb << 8) | lsb); /* convert 10 bit signed number to 16 bit signed number */ if (battery_current >= 0x2000) battery_current = (battery_current - 0x4000); battery_current = battery_current * 3000 / 4096; printf("Battery Current: %d mA\n", battery_current); return battery_current; } int twl6030_get_battery_voltage(void) { int battery_volt = 0; int ret = 0; /* Start GPADC SW conversion */ ret = twl6030_gpadc_sw2_trigger(); if (ret) { printf("Failed to convert battery voltage\n"); return ret; } /* measure Vbat voltage */ battery_volt = twl6030_gpadc_read_channel(7); if (battery_volt < 0) { printf("Failed to read battery voltage\n"); return ret; } battery_volt = (battery_volt * 25 * 1000) >> (10 + 2); printf("Battery Voltage: %d mV\n", battery_volt); return battery_volt; } void twl6030_init_battery_charging(void) { u8 stat1 = 0; int battery_volt = 0; int ret = 0; /* Enable VBAT measurement */ twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_PM, MISC1, VBAT_MEAS); /* Enable GPADC module */ ret = twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, TOGGLE1, FGS | GPADCS); if (ret) { printf("Failed to enable GPADC\n"); return; } battery_volt = twl6030_get_battery_voltage(); if (battery_volt < 0) return; if (battery_volt < 3000) printf("Main battery voltage too low!\n"); /* Check for the presence of USB charger */ twl6030_i2c_read_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER, CONTROLLER_STAT1, &stat1); /* check for battery presence indirectly via Fuel gauge */ if ((stat1 & VBUS_DET) && (battery_volt < 3300)) twl6030_start_usb_charging(); return; } void twl6030_power_mmc_init() { /* set voltage to 3.0 and turnon for APP */ twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_PM, VMMC_CFG_VOLTATE, 0x15); twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_PM, VMMC_CFG_STATE, 0x21); } void twl6030_usb_device_settings() { u8 data = 0; /* Select APP Group and set state to ON */ twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_PM, VUSB_CFG_STATE, 0x21); twl6030_i2c_read_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_PM, MISC2, &data); data |= 0x10; /* Select the input supply for VBUS regulator */ twl6030_i2c_write_u8(TWL6030_CHIP_PM, MISC2, data); } #endif