/* * (C) Copyright 2008, 2009 Andreas Pfefferle, * DENX Software Engineering, ap@denx.de. * (C) Copyright 2009 Detlev Zundel, * DENX Software Engineering, dzu@denx.de. * * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this * project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <asm/io.h> #include <common.h> #include <config.h> #include <mpc5xxx.h> #include <pci.h> #include <command.h> /* This is needed for the includes in ns16550.h */ #define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_REG_SIZE 1 #include <ns16550.h> #define GPIO_BASE ((u_char *)CONFIG_SYS_CS3_START) #define DIGIN_TOUCHSCR_MASK 0x00003000 /* Inputs 12-13 */ #define DIGIN_KEYB_MASK 0x00010000 /* Input 16 */ #define DIGIN_DRAWER_SW1 0x00400000 /* Input 22 */ #define DIGIN_DRAWER_SW2 0x00800000 /* Input 23 */ #define DIGIO_LED0 0x00000001 /* Output 0 */ #define DIGIO_LED1 0x00000002 /* Output 1 */ #define DIGIO_LED2 0x00000004 /* Output 2 */ #define DIGIO_LED3 0x00000008 /* Output 3 */ #define DIGIO_LED4 0x00000010 /* Output 4 */ #define DIGIO_LED5 0x00000020 /* Output 5 */ #define DIGIO_DRAWER1 0x00000100 /* Output 8 */ #define DIGIO_DRAWER2 0x00000200 /* Output 9 */ #define SERIAL_PORT_BASE ((u_char *)CONFIG_SYS_CS2_START) #define PSC_OP1_RTS 0x01 #define PSC_OP0_RTS 0x01 /* * Table with supported baudrates (defined in inka4x0.h) */ static const unsigned long baudrate_table[] = CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE; #define N_BAUDRATES (sizeof(baudrate_table) / sizeof(baudrate_table[0])) static unsigned int inka_digin_get_input(void) { return in_8(GPIO_BASE + 0) << 0 | in_8(GPIO_BASE + 1) << 8 | in_8(GPIO_BASE + 2) << 16 | in_8(GPIO_BASE + 3) << 24; } #define LED_HIGH(NUM) \ do { \ setbits_be32((unsigned *)MPC5XXX_GPT##NUM##_ENABLE, 0x10); \ } while (0) #define LED_LOW(NUM) \ do { \ clrbits_be32((unsigned *)MPC5XXX_GPT##NUM##_ENABLE, 0x10); \ } while (0) #define CHECK_LED(NUM) \ do { \ if (state & (1 << NUM)) { \ LED_HIGH(NUM); \ } else { \ LED_LOW(NUM); \ } \ } while (0) static void inka_digio_set_output(unsigned int state, int which) { volatile struct mpc5xxx_gpio *gpio = (struct mpc5xxx_gpio *)MPC5XXX_GPIO; if (which == 0) { /* other */ CHECK_LED(0); CHECK_LED(1); CHECK_LED(2); CHECK_LED(3); CHECK_LED(4); CHECK_LED(5); } else { if (which == 1) { /* drawer1 */ if (state) { clrbits_be32(&gpio->simple_dvo, 0x1000); udelay(1); setbits_be32(&gpio->simple_dvo, 0x1000); } else { setbits_be32(&gpio->simple_dvo, 0x1000); udelay(1); clrbits_be32(&gpio->simple_dvo, 0x1000); } } if (which == 2) { /* drawer 2 */ if (state) { clrbits_be32(&gpio->simple_dvo, 0x2000); udelay(1); setbits_be32(&gpio->simple_dvo, 0x2000); } else { setbits_be32(&gpio->simple_dvo, 0x2000); udelay(1); clrbits_be32(&gpio->simple_dvo, 0x2000); } } } udelay(1); } static int do_inkadiag_io(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int state, val; switch (argc) { case 3: /* Write a value */ val = simple_strtol(argv[2], NULL, 16); if (strcmp(argv[1], "drawer1") == 0) { inka_digio_set_output(val, 1); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "drawer2") == 0) { inka_digio_set_output(val, 2); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "other") == 0) inka_digio_set_output(val, 0); else { printf("Invalid argument: %s\n", argv[1]); return -1; } /* fall through */ case 2: /* Read a value */ state = inka_digin_get_input(); if (strcmp(argv[1], "drawer1") == 0) { val = (state & DIGIN_DRAWER_SW1) >> (ffs(DIGIN_DRAWER_SW1) - 1); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "drawer2") == 0) { val = (state & DIGIN_DRAWER_SW2) >> (ffs(DIGIN_DRAWER_SW2) - 1); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "other") == 0) { val = ((state & DIGIN_KEYB_MASK) >> (ffs(DIGIN_KEYB_MASK) - 1)) | (state & DIGIN_TOUCHSCR_MASK) >> (ffs(DIGIN_TOUCHSCR_MASK) - 2); } else { printf("Invalid argument: %s\n", argv[1]); return -1; } printf("exit code: 0x%X\n", val); return 0; default: cmd_usage(cmdtp); break; } return -1; } DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR; static int ser_init(volatile struct mpc5xxx_psc *psc, int baudrate) { unsigned long baseclk; int div; /* reset PSC */ out_8(&psc->command, PSC_SEL_MODE_REG_1); /* select clock sources */ out_be16(&psc->psc_clock_select, 0); baseclk = (gd->ipb_clk + 16) / 32; /* switch to UART mode */ out_be32(&psc->sicr, 0); /* configure parity, bit length and so on */ out_8(&psc->mode, PSC_MODE_8_BITS | PSC_MODE_PARNONE); out_8(&psc->mode, PSC_MODE_ONE_STOP); /* set up UART divisor */ div = (baseclk + (baudrate / 2)) / baudrate; out_8(&psc->ctur, (div >> 8) & 0xff); out_8(&psc->ctlr, div & 0xff); /* disable all interrupts */ out_be16(&psc->psc_imr, 0); /* reset and enable Rx/Tx */ out_8(&psc->command, PSC_RST_RX); out_8(&psc->command, PSC_RST_TX); out_8(&psc->command, PSC_RX_ENABLE | PSC_TX_ENABLE); return 0; } static void ser_putc(volatile struct mpc5xxx_psc *psc, const char c) { /* Wait 1 second for last character to go. */ int i = 0; while (!(psc->psc_status & PSC_SR_TXEMP) && (i++ < 1000000/10)) udelay(10); psc->psc_buffer_8 = c; } static int ser_getc(volatile struct mpc5xxx_psc *psc) { /* Wait for a character to arrive. */ int i = 0; while (!(in_be16(&psc->psc_status) & PSC_SR_RXRDY) && (i++ < 1000000/10)) udelay(10); return in_8(&psc->psc_buffer_8); } static int do_inkadiag_serial(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) { volatile struct NS16550 *uart; volatile struct mpc5xxx_psc *psc; unsigned int num, mode; int combrd, baudrate, i, j, len; int address; if (argc < 5) { cmd_usage(cmdtp); return 1; } argc--; argv++; num = simple_strtol(argv[0], NULL, 0); if (num < 0 || num > 11) { printf("invalid argument for num: %d\n", num); return -1; } mode = simple_strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0); combrd = 0; baudrate = simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10); for (i=0; i<N_BAUDRATES; ++i) { if (baudrate == baudrate_table[i]) break; } if (i == N_BAUDRATES) { printf("## Baudrate %d bps not supported\n", baudrate); return 1; } combrd = 115200 / baudrate; uart = (struct NS16550 *)(SERIAL_PORT_BASE + (num << 3)); printf("Testing uart %d.\n\n", num); if ((num >= 0) && (num <= 7)) { if (mode & 1) { /* turn on 'loopback' mode */ out_8(&uart->mcr, UART_MCR_LOOP); } else { /* * establish the UART's operational parameters * set DLAB=1, so rbr accesses DLL */ out_8(&uart->lcr, UART_LCR_DLAB); /* set baudrate */ out_8(&uart->rbr, combrd); /* set data-format: 8-N-1 */ out_8(&uart->lcr, UART_LCR_WLS_8); } if (mode & 2) { /* set request to send */ out_8(&uart->mcr, UART_MCR_RTS); udelay(10); /* check clear to send */ if ((in_8(&uart->msr) & UART_MSR_CTS) == 0x00) return -1; } if (mode & 4) { /* set data terminal ready */ out_8(&uart->mcr, UART_MCR_DTR); udelay(10); /* check data set ready and carrier detect */ if ((in_8(&uart->msr) & (UART_MSR_DSR | UART_MSR_DCD)) != (UART_MSR_DSR | UART_MSR_DCD)) return -1; } /* write each message-character, read it back, and display it */ for (i = 0, len = strlen(argv[3]); i < len; ++i) { j = 0; while ((in_8(&uart->lsr) & UART_LSR_THRE) == 0x00) { if (j++ > CONFIG_SYS_HZ) break; udelay(10); } out_8(&uart->rbr, argv[3][i]); j = 0; while ((in_8(&uart->lsr) & UART_LSR_DR) == 0x00) { if (j++ > CONFIG_SYS_HZ) break; udelay(10); } printf("%c", in_8(&uart->rbr)); } printf("\n\n"); out_8(&uart->mcr, 0x00); } else { address = 0; switch (num) { case 8: address = MPC5XXX_PSC6; break; case 9: address = MPC5XXX_PSC3; break; case 10: address = MPC5XXX_PSC2; break; case 11: address = MPC5XXX_PSC1; break; } psc = (struct mpc5xxx_psc *)address; ser_init(psc, simple_strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0)); if (mode & 2) { /* set request to send */ out_8(&psc->op0, PSC_OP0_RTS); udelay(10); /* check clear to send */ if ((in_8(&psc->ip) & PSC_IPCR_CTS) == 0) return -1; } len = strlen(argv[3]); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ser_putc(psc, argv[3][i]); printf("%c", ser_getc(psc)); } printf("\n\n"); } return 0; } #define BUZZER_GPT (MPC5XXX_GPT + 0x60) /* GPT6 */ static void buzzer_turn_on(unsigned int freq) { volatile struct mpc5xxx_gpt *gpt = (struct mpc5xxx_gpt *)(BUZZER_GPT); const u32 prescale = gd->ipb_clk / freq / 128; const u32 count = 128; const u32 width = 64; gpt->cir = (prescale << 16) | count; gpt->pwmcr = width << 16; gpt->emsr = 3; /* Timer enabled for PWM */ } static void buzzer_turn_off(void) { volatile struct mpc5xxx_gpt *gpt = (struct mpc5xxx_gpt *)(BUZZER_GPT); gpt->emsr = 0; } static int do_inkadiag_buzzer(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int period, freq; int prev, i; if (argc != 3) { cmd_usage(cmdtp); return 1; } argc--; argv++; period = simple_strtol(argv[0], NULL, 0); if (!period) printf("Zero period is senseless\n"); argc--; argv++; freq = simple_strtol(argv[0], NULL, 0); /* avoid zero prescale in buzzer_turn_on() */ if (freq > gd->ipb_clk / 128) { printf("%dHz exceeds maximum (%ldHz)\n", freq, gd->ipb_clk / 128); } else if (!freq) printf("Zero frequency is senseless\n"); else buzzer_turn_on(freq); clear_ctrlc(); prev = disable_ctrlc(0); printf("Buzzing for %d ms. Type ^C to abort!\n\n", period); i = 0; while (!ctrlc() && (i++ < CONFIG_SYS_HZ)) udelay(period); clear_ctrlc(); disable_ctrlc(prev); buzzer_turn_off(); return 0; } static int do_inkadiag_help(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]); cmd_tbl_t cmd_inkadiag_sub[] = { U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(io, 1, 1, do_inkadiag_io, "read digital input", "<drawer1|drawer2|other> [value] - get or set specified signal"), U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(serial, 4, 1, do_inkadiag_serial, "test serial port", "<num> <mode> <baudrate> <msg> - test uart num [0..11] in mode\n" "and baudrate with msg"), U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(buzzer, 2, 1, do_inkadiag_buzzer, "activate buzzer", "<period> <freq> - turn buzzer on for period ms with freq hz"), U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(help, 4, 1, do_inkadiag_help, "get help", "[command] - get help for command"), }; static int do_inkadiag_help(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) { extern int _do_help (cmd_tbl_t *cmd_start, int cmd_items, cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]); /* do_help prints command name - we prepend inkadiag to our subcommands! */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP puts ("inkadiag "); #endif return _do_help(&cmd_inkadiag_sub[0], ARRAY_SIZE(cmd_inkadiag_sub), cmdtp, flag, argc, argv); } static int do_inkadiag(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) { cmd_tbl_t *c; c = find_cmd_tbl(argv[1], &cmd_inkadiag_sub[0], ARRAY_SIZE(cmd_inkadiag_sub)); if (c) { argc--; argv++; return c->cmd(c, flag, argc, argv); } else { /* Unrecognized command */ cmd_usage(cmdtp); return 1; } } U_BOOT_CMD(inkadiag, 6, 1, do_inkadiag, "inkadiag - inka diagnosis\n", "[inkadiag what ...]\n" " - perform a diagnosis on inka hardware\n" "'inkadiag' performs hardware tests."); /* Relocate the command table function pointers when running in RAM */ int inkadiag_init_r (void) { cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp; for (cmdtp = &cmd_inkadiag_sub[0]; cmdtp != &cmd_inkadiag_sub[ARRAY_SIZE(cmd_inkadiag_sub)]; cmdtp++) { ulong addr; addr = (ulong) (cmdtp->cmd) + gd->reloc_off; cmdtp->cmd = (int (*)(struct cmd_tbl_s *, int, int, char *[]))addr; addr = (ulong)(cmdtp->name) + gd->reloc_off; cmdtp->name = (char *)addr; if (cmdtp->usage) { addr = (ulong)(cmdtp->usage) + gd->reloc_off; cmdtp->usage = (char *)addr; } #ifdef CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP if (cmdtp->help) { addr = (ulong)(cmdtp->help) + gd->reloc_off; cmdtp->help = (char *)addr; } #endif } return 0; }