x#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # # The veralign script sets the appropriate versions in all of # the package configuration files for all of the supported # languages. It is used to prepare a release or move master # forward to the next anticipated version. # # USAGE # ----------------------------------------------------------- # usage: veralign.sh # # EXAMPLE # ----------------------------------------------------------- # $ ./veralign.sh 0.12.0 1.0.0 # $ ./veralign.sh 1.0.0 1.1.0 # # IMPORTANT USAGE NOTE # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Define the environment variable DRYRUN to have the script # print out all matches to the oldVersion hilighted so that # you can verify it will change the right things. # declare -A FILES # These files require a manual touch: FILES[CHANGES.md]=manual FILES[debian/changelog]=manual FILES[doap.rdf]=manual # These files can be updated automatically: FILES[ApacheThrift.nuspec]=simpleReplace FILES[appveyor.yml]=simpleReplace FILES[bower.json]=jsonReplace FILES[CMakeLists.txt]=simpleReplace FILES[compiler/cpp/src/thrift/version.h]=simpleReplace FILES[configure.ac]=configureReplace FILES[contrib/Rebus/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs]=simpleReplace FILES[contrib/thrift.spec]=simpleReplace FILES[contrib/zeromq/csharp/AssemblyInfo.cs]=simpleReplace FILES[contrib/thrift-maven-plugin/pom.xml]=pomReplace FILES[doc/specs/idl.md]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/d/src/thrift/base.d]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/dart/pubspec.yaml]=pubspecReplace FILES[lib/delphi/src/Thrift.pas]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/erl/src/thrift.app.src]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/haxe/haxelib.json]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/java/gradle.properties]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/js/package-lock.json]=jsonReplace FILES[lib/js/package.json]=jsonReplace FILES[lib/js/src/thrift.js]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/lua/Thrift.lua]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/netstd/Tests/Thrift.Tests/Thrift.Tests.csproj]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/netstd/Tests/Thrift.PublicInterfaces.Compile.Tests/Thrift.PublicInterfaces.Compile.Tests.csproj]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/netstd/Tests/Thrift.IntegrationTests/Thrift.IntegrationTests.csproj]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/netstd/Thrift/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/netstd/Thrift/Thrift.csproj]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/ocaml/_oasis]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/perl/lib/Thrift.pm]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/py/setup.py]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/rb/thrift.gemspec]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/rs/Cargo.toml]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/st/package.xml]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/swift/Sources/Thrift.swift]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/ThriftTests.swift]=simpleReplace FILES[lib/ts/package-lock.json]=jsonReplace FILES[lib/ts/package.json]=jsonReplace FILES[package-lock.json]=jsonReplace FILES[package.json]=jsonReplace FILES[sonar-project.properties]=simpleReplace FILES[test/dart/test_client/pubspec.yaml]=pubspecReplace FILES[test/erl/src/thrift_test.app.src]=simpleReplace FILES[test/netstd/Client/Client.csproj]=simpleReplace FILES[test/netstd/Server/Server.csproj]=simpleReplace FILES[Thrift.podspec]=simpleReplace FILES[tutorial/dart/client/pubspec.yaml]=pubspecReplace FILES[tutorial/dart/console_client/pubspec.yaml]=pubspecReplace FILES[tutorial/dart/server/pubspec.yaml]=pubspecReplace FILES[tutorial/delphi/DelphiClient/DelphiClient.dproj]=simpleReplace FILES[tutorial/delphi/DelphiServer/DelphiServer.dproj]=simpleReplace FILES[tutorial/netstd/Client/Client.csproj]=simpleReplace FILES[tutorial/netstd/Interfaces/Interfaces.csproj]=simpleReplace FILES[tutorial/netstd/Server/Server.csproj]=simpleReplace FILES[tutorial/ocaml/_oasis]=simpleReplace if [ ! -f "CHANGES.md" ]; then >&2 echo "error: run veralign.sh while in the thrift root directory" exit 1 fi if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then >&2 echo "usage: veralign.sh " exit 1 fi jq --version 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then >&2 echo "error: the 'jq' package is not installed" exit 1 fi # # validateVersion: check that a version matches the major.minor.patch # format which is the lowest common denominator supported by all # project systems. # \param $1 the version # \returns 0 if the version is compliant # function validateVersion { local result local valid valid=$(echo "$1" | sed '/^[[:digit:]]\+\.[[:digit:]]\+\.[[:digit:]]\+$/!{q22}') result=$? if [ $result -eq 22 ]; then >&2 echo "error: version '$1' does not conform to the required major.minor.patch format" return ${result} fi } OLDVERSION=$1 NEWVERSION=$2 validateVersion "${OLDVERSION}" || exit $? validateVersion "${NEWVERSION}" || exit $? # # escapeVersion: escape the version for use as a sed search # \param $1 the version to escape # \output the escaped string # \returns 0 # \example VERSEARCH=$(escapeVersion "[1.0.0]"); echo $VERSEARCH; => "\[1\.0\.0\]" # function escapeVersion { echo "$(echo "$1" | sed 's/\./\\./g' | sed 's/\[/\\\[/g' | sed 's/\]/\\\]/g')" } # Set up verbose hilighting if running interactive if [ "$(tput colors)" -ne 0 ]; then reverse=$(tput rev) red=$(tput setaf 1) green=$(tput setaf 2) yellow=$(tput setaf 3) normal=$(tput sgr0) fi declare -A MANUAL # # manual: note that update of said file is manual # \param $1 filename to do replacements on # \returns 0 # function manual { MANUAL["$1"]="" return 0 } # # configureReplace: replace the AC_INIT field in configure.ac # \param $1 filename to do replacements on # \returns 0 on success # function configureReplace { replace "$1" "[thrift], [${OLDVERSION}]" "[thrift], [${NEWVERSION}]" } # # jsonReplace: replace a specific version field in a JSON file # must be a top level "version" field in the json structure # \param $1 filename to do replacements on # \returns 0 on success # function jsonReplace { local result local output if [ ! -z "$DRYRUN" ]; then output=$(jq -e ".version" "$1") else output=$(jq -e ".version = \"${NEWVERSION}\"" "$1" > tmp.$$.json && mv tmp.$$.json "$1") fi result=$? if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then printf "%-60s | %5d | ${red}ERROR${normal}: version tag not found" "$1" "$count" echo return 1 elif [ ! -z "$DRYRUN" ]; then output=${output%\"} output=${output#\"} printf "%-60s | %5d | MATCHES: version: \"${reverse}${green}${output}${normal}\"" "$1" 1 echo return 0 fi printf "%-60s | %5d | ${green}OK${normal}" "$1" 1 echo return 0 } # # pubspecReplace: replace a specific version field in a YAML file # must be a top level "version" field in the yaml structure # did not find a package that preserves comments so this is # somewhat brain-dead, but it gets the job done # \param $1 filename to do replacements on # \returns 0 on success # function pubspecReplace { replace "$1" "version: ${OLDVERSION}" "version: ${NEWVERSION}" } # # pomReplace: replace a specific version field in a maven pom file # must be a top level "version" field in the xml structure # \param $1 filename to do replacements on # \returns 0 on success # function pomReplace { replace "$1" "^ ${OLDVERSION}<\/version>" " ${NEWVERSION}<\/version>" } # # replace: replace occurrences of one string with another # the file specified must contain the old string at least once # in order to be successful. # \param $1 filename to do replacements on # \param $2 the "old" string to be replaced # \param $3 the "new" striing to replace it with # \returns 0 on success # function replace { local result local output local oldString="$2" local newString="$3" local oldRegex=$(escapeVersion "${oldString}") local count=$(grep -Ec "${oldRegex}" "$1") local verbose if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then printf "%-60s | %5d | ${red}NOT FOUND${normal}: ${oldString}" "$1" 0 echo return 1 elif [ ! -z "$DRYRUN" ]; then printf "%-60s | %5d | MATCHES:" "$1" "$count" echo while read -r line; do echo " > $(echo "$line" | sed "s/${oldRegex}/${reverse}${green}${oldString}${normal}/g")" done < <(grep -E "${oldRegex}" "$1") return 0 fi output=$(sed -i "s/${oldRegex}/${newString}/g" "$1") result=$? if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then printf "%-60s | %5d | ${red}ERROR${normal}: %s" "$1" "$count" "$output" echo return 1 fi printf "%-60s | %5d | ${green}OK${normal}" "$1" "$count" echo return 0 } # # simpleReplace: replace occurrences of ${OLDVERSION} with ${NEWVERSION} # the file specified must contain OLDVERSION at least once # in order to be successful. # \param $1 filename to do replacements on # \param $2 the "old" string to be replaced # \param $3 the "new" striing to replace it with # \returns 0 on success # function simpleReplace { replace "$1" "${OLDVERSION}" "${NEWVERSION}" } echo "" echo "Apache Thrift Version Alignment Tool" echo "------------------------------------" echo "" echo "Previous Version: ${OLDVERSION}" echo " New Version: ${NEWVERSION}" echo "" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------+-------+----------------------" echo "Filename | Count | Status " echo "-------------------------------------------------------------+-------+----------------------" for file in $(echo "${!FILES[@]}" | sort); do ${FILES[$file]} $file || exit $? done echo echo "Files that must be modified manually:" echo for manu in $(echo "${!MANUAL[@]}" | sort); do echo " > ${yellow}${manu}${normal}" done exit 0