To run all tests: make check or with coverage info: ./configure --enable-compiler-coverage make lcov-check == C tests == To run all C tests (assuming the current directory is $top_srcdir): make -C tests check-TESTS To run an individual test: make -C tests check-TESTS TESTS=test-handles To run tests under Valgrind: make -C tests check-valgrind To run an individual test under Valgrind: make -C tests check-valgrind TESTS=test-handles To debug an individual test you can set one of the following env variable: * TPL_TEST_VALGRIND : to run Gabble inside valgrind. The report is added to tools/tpl-testing.log. export TPL_TEST_VALGRIND=1 * TPL_TEST_REFDBG : to run Gabble inside refdbg. The report is written to tools/refdbg.log. You can change TPL_WRAPPER to use an alternative refdbg and change REFDBG_OPTIONS to set your own parameters. Example: export TPL_TEST_REFDBG=1 export TPL_WRAPPER="/path/to/refdbg" export REFDBG_OPTIONS="btnum=16" * TPL_WRAPPER="nemiver" : to run Gabble inside the graphical debugger nemiver. You'll be able to set up breakpoints; then hit the "continue" button to launch Gabble. * TPL_TEST_STRACE : to run Gabble inside strace. The report is written to tools/strace.log. export TPL_TEST_STRACE=1