telepathy-logger 0.1.4 (2010-07-08) =================================== Fix: * Don't crash if the logger is asked to observe the same channel twice. This appens with telepathy-idle because of bug fdo #28918. telepathy-logger 0.1.3 (2010-06-28) =================================== Dependencies: * telepathy-glib ≥ 0.11.7 Enhancements: * Properly support the Debug interface. * Reuse existing TpAccount objects instead of creating new ones. This reduce the D-Bus traffic when logging messages as we don't need to fetch the account properties any more (fdo #28682). * Cache all the participants of the room when logging group text channels (fdo #28680). Fixes: * Correctly set the 'isuser' flag when logging text channels. * Correctly set the sender ID when logging group text channels. * Properly sort dates in the list returned by tpl_log_manager_get_filtered_messages_finish. * Fix a race when logging text messages. * Correctly set the default value of the ignorelist gconf key. * Install the logger to $libexec. * Set the Recover flag in the logger's client file so MissionControl will make it observe existing channels when (re)starting. * Return earlier from ObserveChannels() to avoid blocking channels dispatching too long (fdo #28787). telepathy-logger 0.1.2 (2010-06-18) =================================== The API of libtelepathy-logger has been cleaned up and now only includes: - TplEntity (previously TplContact) - TplEntry (previously TplLogEntry) - TplEntryText (previously TplLogTextEntry) - TplLogManager This API should stay stable in the 0.1.x cycle. The library has been licensed more permissively and is now available under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or (at your option) any later version. Dependencies: * telepathy-glib ≥ 0.11.5 * telepathy-mission-control ≥ 5.4.0 is recommended telepathy-logger 0.1.1 (2010-02-26) =================================== The ``brick by brick'' release. This is the second previous release of the telepathy-logger. You should be aware that this is a piece of software that is still very much in development, everything is subject to change. The idea behind tp-logger is that it will become a generic logging daemon usable anywhere in Telepathy, with any Telepathy client. Changes in this release: - libtelepathy-logger.pc is now just telepathy-logger.pc - asynchronous API has _finish() methods. - Fix a crasher in handling MUCs - Logger now observes channels that are open when it starts - API now includes support for storing favourite contacts in a way that can be shared between Telepathy clients telepathy-logger 0.1.0 (2010-02-24) =================================== The ``Calamity Ensues'' release This is the first preview release of the telepathy-logger. You should be aware that this is a piece of software that is still very much in development, everything is subject to change. The idea behind tp-logger is that it will become a generic logging daemon usable anywhere in Telepathy, with any Telepathy client. Things that mostly work: - logging of text channels into an Empathy style log format using a Telepathy Observer client - Telepathy-style D-Bus API to retrieve logs (will be extended soon with more functionality) - libtelepathy-logger API to allow clients to access logs en-masse - GConf preferences to control what accounts to log Things that don't work: - existing channels won't be logged when the logger starts - preference changes aren't noticed asynchronously Note that tp-logger won't import your existing logs from Empathy, for the time being, if you're running it, you are going to end up with two sets of logs, one from Empathy and one from tp-logger.