#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later import re import sys import uuid HEADER = f'''\ | Name | Partition Type UUID | Allowed File Systems | Explanation | |------|---------------------|----------------------|-------------| ''' ARCHITECTURES = { 'ALPHA': 'Alpha', 'ARC': 'ARC', 'ARM': '32-bit ARM', 'ARM64': '64-bit ARM/AArch64', 'IA64': 'Itanium/IA-64', 'LOONGARCH64': 'LoongArch 64-bit', 'MIPS_LE': '32-bit MIPS LittleEndian (mipsel)', 'MIPS64_LE': '64-bit MIPS LittleEndian (mips64el)', 'PPC': '32-bit PowerPC', 'PPC64': '64-bit PowerPC BigEndian', 'PPC64_LE': '64-bit PowerPC LittleEndian', 'RISCV32': 'RISC-V 32-bit', 'RISCV64': 'RISC-V 64-bit', 'S390': 's390', 'S390X': 's390x', 'TILEGX': 'TILE-Gx', 'X86': 'x86', 'X86_64': 'amd64/x86_64', } TYPES = { 'ROOT' : 'Root Partition', 'ROOT_VERITY' : 'Root Verity Partition', 'ROOT_VERITY_SIG' : 'Root Verity Signature Partition', 'USR' : '`/usr/` Partition', 'USR_VERITY' : '`/usr/` Verity Partition', 'USR_VERITY_SIG' : '`/usr/` Verity Signature Partition', 'ESP': 'EFI System Partition', 'SRV': 'Server Data Partition', 'VAR': 'Variable Data Partition', 'TMP': 'Temporary Data Partition', 'SWAP': 'Swap', 'HOME': 'Home Partition', 'USER_HOME': 'Per-user Home Partition', 'LINUX_GENERIC': 'Generic Linux Data Partition', 'XBOOTLDR': 'Extended Boot Loader Partition', } DESCRIPTIONS = { 'ROOT': ( 'Any native, optionally in LUKS', 'On systems with matching architecture, the first partition with this type UUID on the disk ' 'containing the active EFI ESP is automatically mounted to the root directory /. ' 'If the partition is encrypted with LUKS or has dm-verity integrity data (see below), the ' 'device mapper file will be named `/dev/mapper/root`.'), 'USR': ( 'Any native, optionally in LUKS', 'Similar semantics to root partition, but just the `/usr/` partition.'), 'ROOT_VERITY': ( 'A dm-verity superblock followed by hash data', 'Contains dm-verity integrity hash data for the matching root partition. If this feature is ' 'used the partition UUID of the root partition should be the first 128 bits of the root hash ' 'of the dm-verity hash data, and the partition UUID of this dm-verity partition should be the ' 'final 128 bits of it, so that the root partition and its Verity partition can be discovered ' 'easily, simply by specifying the root hash.'), 'USR_VERITY': ( 'A dm-verity superblock followed by hash data', 'Similar semantics to root Verity partition, but just for the `/usr/` partition.'), 'ROOT_VERITY_SIG': ( 'A serialized JSON object, see below', 'Contains a root hash and a PKCS#7 signature for it, permitting signed dm-verity GPT images.'), 'USR_VERITY_SIG': ( 'A serialized JSON object, see below', 'Similar semantics to root Verity signature partition, but just for the `/usr/` partition.'), 'ESP': ( 'VFAT', 'The ESP used for the current boot is automatically mounted to `/efi/` (or `/boot/` as ' 'fallback), unless a different partition is mounted there (possibly via `/etc/fstab`, or ' 'because the Extended Boot Loader Partition — see below — exists) or the directory is ' 'non-empty on the root disk. This partition type is defined by the ' '[UEFI Specification](http://www.uefi.org/specifications).'), 'XBOOTLDR': ( 'Typically VFAT', 'The Extended Boot Loader Partition (XBOOTLDR) used for the current boot is automatically ' 'mounted to /boot/, unless a different partition is mounted there (possibly via ' '/etc/fstab) or the directory is non-empty on the root disk. This partition type ' 'is defined by the [Boot Loader Specification](https://systemd.io/BOOT_LOADER_SPECIFICATION).'), 'SWAP': ( 'Swap, optionally in LUKS', 'All swap partitions on the disk containing the root partition are automatically enabled. ' 'If the partition is encrypted with LUKS, the device mapper file will be named ' '`/dev/mapper/swap`. This partition type predates the Discoverable Partitions Specification.'), 'HOME': ( 'Any native, optionally in LUKS', 'The first partition with this type UUID on the disk containing the root partition is ' 'automatically mounted to `/home/`. If the partition is encrypted with LUKS, the device ' 'mapper file will be named `/dev/mapper/home`.'), 'SRV': ( 'Any native, optionally in LUKS', 'The first partition with this type UUID on the disk containing the root partition is ' 'automatically mounted to `/srv/`. If the partition is encrypted with LUKS, the device ' 'mapper file will be named `/dev/mapper/srv`.'), 'VAR': ( 'Any native, optionally in LUKS', 'The first partition with this type UUID on the disk containing the root partition is ' 'automatically mounted to `/var/` — under the condition that its partition UUID matches ' 'the first 128 bits of `HMAC-SHA256(machine-id, 0x4d21b016b53445c2a9fb5c16e091fd2d)` ' '(i.e. the SHA256 HMAC hash of the binary type UUID keyed by the machine ID as read from ' '[`/etc/machine-id`](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/machine-id.html). ' 'This special requirement is made because `/var/` (unlike the other partition types ' 'listed here) is inherently private to a specific installation and cannot possibly be ' 'shared between multiple OS installations on the same disk, and thus should be bound to ' 'a specific instance of the OS, identified by its machine ID. If the partition is ' 'encrypted with LUKS, the device mapper file will be named `/dev/mapper/var`.'), 'TMP': ( 'Any native, optionally in LUKS', 'The first partition with this type UUID on the disk containing the root partition is ' 'automatically mounted to `/var/tmp/`. If the partition is encrypted with LUKS, the ' 'device mapper file will be named `/dev/mapper/tmp`. Note that the intended mount point ' 'is indeed `/var/tmp/`, not `/tmp/`. The latter is typically maintained in memory via ' 'tmpfs and does not require a partition on disk. In some cases it might be ' 'desirable to make `/tmp/` persistent too, in which case it is recommended to make it ' 'a symlink or bind mount to `/var/tmp/`, thus not requiring its own partition type UUID.'), 'USER_HOME': ( 'Any native, optionally in LUKS', 'A home partition of a user, managed by ' '[`systemd-homed`](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-homed.html).'), 'LINUX_GENERIC': ( 'Any native, optionally in LUKS', 'No automatic mounting takes place for other Linux data partitions. This partition type ' 'should be used for all partitions that carry Linux file systems. The installer needs ' 'to mount them explicitly via entries in /etc/fstab. Optionally, these ' 'partitions may be encrypted with LUKS. This partition type predates the Discoverable ' 'Partitions Specification.'), } def extract(file): for line in file: # print(line) m = re.match(r'^#define\s+GPT_(.*SD_ID128_MAKE\(.*\))', line) if not m: continue if m2 := re.match(r'^(ROOT|USR)_([A-Z0-9]+|X86_64|PPC64_LE|MIPS_LE|MIPS64_LE)(|_VERITY|_VERITY_SIG)\s+SD_ID128_MAKE\((.*)\)', m.group(1)): type, arch, suffix, u = m2.groups() u = uuid.UUID(u.replace(',', '')) assert arch in ARCHITECTURES type = f'{type}{suffix}' assert type in TYPES yield type, arch, u elif m2 := re.match(r'(\w+)\s+SD_ID128_MAKE\((.*)\)', m.group(1)): type, u = m2.groups() u = uuid.UUID(u.replace(',', '')) yield type, None, u else: raise Exception(f'Failed to match: {m.group(1)}') def generate(defines): prevtype = None print(HEADER, end='') uuids = set() for type, arch, uuid in defines: tdesc = TYPES[type] adesc = '' if arch is None else f' ({ARCHITECTURES[arch]})' # Let's make sure that we didn't select&paste the same value twice assert uuid not in uuids uuids.add(uuid) if type != prevtype: prevtype = type morea, moreb = DESCRIPTIONS[type] else: morea = moreb = 'ditto' print(f'| _{tdesc}{adesc}_ | `{uuid}` | {morea} | {moreb} |') if __name__ == '__main__': known = extract(sys.stdin) generate(known)