/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ #include #include #include "netlink-util.h" #include "networkd-ipv6-proxy-ndp.h" #include "networkd-link.h" #include "networkd-manager.h" #include "networkd-network.h" #include "networkd-queue.h" #include "socket-util.h" #include "string-util.h" void network_adjust_ipv6_proxy_ndp(Network *network) { assert(network); if (set_isempty(network->ipv6_proxy_ndp_addresses)) return; if (!socket_ipv6_is_supported()) { log_once(LOG_WARNING, "%s: IPv6 proxy NDP addresses are set, but IPv6 is not supported by kernel, " "Ignoring IPv6 proxy NDP addresses.", network->filename); network->ipv6_proxy_ndp_addresses = set_free_free(network->ipv6_proxy_ndp_addresses); } } static int ipv6_proxy_ndp_address_configure_handler( sd_netlink *rtnl, sd_netlink_message *m, Request *req, Link *link, struct in6_addr *address) { int r; assert(m); assert(link); r = sd_netlink_message_get_errno(m); if (r < 0) log_link_message_warning_errno(link, m, r, "Could not add IPv6 proxy ndp address entry, ignoring"); if (link->static_ipv6_proxy_ndp_messages == 0) { log_link_debug(link, "IPv6 proxy NDP addresses set."); link->static_ipv6_proxy_ndp_configured = true; link_check_ready(link); } return 1; } /* send a request to the kernel to add an IPv6 Proxy entry to the neighbour table */ static int ipv6_proxy_ndp_address_configure(const struct in6_addr *address, Link *link, Request *req) { _cleanup_(sd_netlink_message_unrefp) sd_netlink_message *m = NULL; int r; assert(address); assert(link); assert(link->manager); assert(link->manager->rtnl); assert(req); /* create new netlink message */ r = sd_rtnl_message_new_neigh(link->manager->rtnl, &m, RTM_NEWNEIGH, link->ifindex, AF_INET6); if (r < 0) return r; r = sd_rtnl_message_neigh_set_flags(m, NTF_PROXY); if (r < 0) return r; r = sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr(m, NDA_DST, address); if (r < 0) return r; return request_call_netlink_async(link->manager->rtnl, m, req); } static int ipv6_proxy_ndp_address_process_request(Request *req, Link *link, struct in6_addr *address) { int r; assert(req); assert(link); assert(address); if (!link_is_ready_to_configure(link, false)) return 0; r = ipv6_proxy_ndp_address_configure(address, link, req); if (r < 0) return log_link_warning_errno(link, r, "Failed to configure IPv6 proxy NDP address: %m"); return 1; } int link_request_static_ipv6_proxy_ndp_addresses(Link *link) { struct in6_addr *address; int r; assert(link); assert(link->network); link->static_ipv6_proxy_ndp_configured = false; SET_FOREACH(address, link->network->ipv6_proxy_ndp_addresses) { r = link_queue_request_safe(link, REQUEST_TYPE_IPV6_PROXY_NDP, address, NULL, in6_addr_hash_func, in6_addr_compare_func, ipv6_proxy_ndp_address_process_request, &link->static_ipv6_proxy_ndp_messages, ipv6_proxy_ndp_address_configure_handler, NULL); if (r < 0) return log_link_warning_errno(link, r, "Failed to request IPv6 proxy NDP address: %m"); } if (link->static_ipv6_proxy_ndp_messages == 0) { link->static_ipv6_proxy_ndp_configured = true; link_check_ready(link); } else { log_link_debug(link, "Setting IPv6 proxy NDP addresses."); link_set_state(link, LINK_STATE_CONFIGURING); } return 0; } int config_parse_ipv6_proxy_ndp_address( const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata) { _cleanup_free_ struct in6_addr *address = NULL; Network *network = ASSERT_PTR(userdata); union in_addr_union buffer; int r; assert(filename); assert(rvalue); if (isempty(rvalue)) { network->ipv6_proxy_ndp_addresses = set_free_free(network->ipv6_proxy_ndp_addresses); return 0; } r = in_addr_from_string(AF_INET6, rvalue, &buffer); if (r < 0) { log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to parse IPv6 proxy NDP address, ignoring: %s", rvalue); return 0; } if (in_addr_is_null(AF_INET6, &buffer)) { log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, 0, "IPv6 proxy NDP address cannot be the ANY address, ignoring: %s", rvalue); return 0; } address = newdup(struct in6_addr, &buffer.in6, 1); if (!address) return log_oom(); r = set_ensure_put(&network->ipv6_proxy_ndp_addresses, &in6_addr_hash_ops, address); if (r < 0) return log_oom(); if (r > 0) TAKE_PTR(address); return 0; }