/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */ #include #include #include #include #include "alloc-util.h" #include "hexdecoct.h" #include "macro.h" #include "memory-util.h" #include "string-util.h" char octchar(int x) { return '0' + (x & 7); } int unoctchar(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') return c - '0'; return -EINVAL; } char decchar(int x) { return '0' + (x % 10); } int undecchar(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; return -EINVAL; } char hexchar(int x) { static const char table[16] = "0123456789abcdef"; return table[x & 15]; } int unhexchar(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10; return -EINVAL; } char *hexmem(const void *p, size_t l) { const uint8_t *x; char *r, *z; z = r = new(char, l * 2 + 1); if (!r) return NULL; for (x = p; x < (const uint8_t*) p + l; x++) { *(z++) = hexchar(*x >> 4); *(z++) = hexchar(*x & 15); } *z = 0; return r; } static int unhex_next(const char **p, size_t *l) { int r; assert(p); assert(l); /* Find the next non-whitespace character, and decode it. We * greedily skip all preceding and all following whitespace. */ for (;;) { if (*l == 0) return -EPIPE; if (!strchr(WHITESPACE, **p)) break; /* Skip leading whitespace */ (*p)++, (*l)--; } r = unhexchar(**p); if (r < 0) return r; for (;;) { (*p)++, (*l)--; if (*l == 0 || !strchr(WHITESPACE, **p)) break; /* Skip following whitespace */ } return r; } int unhexmem_full(const char *p, size_t l, bool secure, void **ret, size_t *ret_len) { _cleanup_free_ uint8_t *buf = NULL; size_t buf_size; const char *x; uint8_t *z; int r; assert(ret); assert(ret_len); assert(p || l == 0); if (l == (size_t) -1) l = strlen(p); /* Note that the calculation of memory size is an upper boundary, as we ignore whitespace while decoding */ buf_size = (l + 1) / 2 + 1; buf = malloc(buf_size); if (!buf) return -ENOMEM; for (x = p, z = buf;;) { int a, b; a = unhex_next(&x, &l); if (a == -EPIPE) /* End of string */ break; if (a < 0) { r = a; goto on_failure; } b = unhex_next(&x, &l); if (b < 0) { r = b; goto on_failure; } *(z++) = (uint8_t) a << 4 | (uint8_t) b; } *z = 0; *ret_len = (size_t) (z - buf); *ret = TAKE_PTR(buf); return 0; on_failure: if (secure) explicit_bzero_safe(buf, buf_size); return r; } /* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-6 * Notice that base32hex differs from base32 in the alphabet it uses. * The distinction is that the base32hex representation preserves the * order of the underlying data when compared as bytestrings, this is * useful when representing NSEC3 hashes, as one can then verify the * order of hashes directly from their representation. */ char base32hexchar(int x) { static const char table[32] = "0123456789" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV"; return table[x & 31]; } int unbase32hexchar(char c) { unsigned offset; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; offset = '9' - '0' + 1; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'V') return c - 'A' + offset; return -EINVAL; } char *base32hexmem(const void *p, size_t l, bool padding) { char *r, *z; const uint8_t *x; size_t len; assert(p || l == 0); if (padding) /* five input bytes makes eight output bytes, padding is added so we must round up */ len = 8 * (l + 4) / 5; else { /* same, but round down as there is no padding */ len = 8 * l / 5; switch (l % 5) { case 4: len += 7; break; case 3: len += 5; break; case 2: len += 4; break; case 1: len += 2; break; } } z = r = malloc(len + 1); if (!r) return NULL; for (x = p; x < (const uint8_t*) p + (l / 5) * 5; x += 5) { /* x[0] == XXXXXXXX; x[1] == YYYYYYYY; x[2] == ZZZZZZZZ * x[3] == QQQQQQQQ; x[4] == WWWWWWWW */ *(z++) = base32hexchar(x[0] >> 3); /* 000XXXXX */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[0] & 7) << 2 | x[1] >> 6); /* 000XXXYY */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[1] & 63) >> 1); /* 000YYYYY */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[1] & 1) << 4 | x[2] >> 4); /* 000YZZZZ */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[2] & 15) << 1 | x[3] >> 7); /* 000ZZZZQ */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[3] & 127) >> 2); /* 000QQQQQ */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[3] & 3) << 3 | x[4] >> 5); /* 000QQWWW */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[4] & 31)); /* 000WWWWW */ } switch (l % 5) { case 4: *(z++) = base32hexchar(x[0] >> 3); /* 000XXXXX */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[0] & 7) << 2 | x[1] >> 6); /* 000XXXYY */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[1] & 63) >> 1); /* 000YYYYY */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[1] & 1) << 4 | x[2] >> 4); /* 000YZZZZ */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[2] & 15) << 1 | x[3] >> 7); /* 000ZZZZQ */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[3] & 127) >> 2); /* 000QQQQQ */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[3] & 3) << 3); /* 000QQ000 */ if (padding) *(z++) = '='; break; case 3: *(z++) = base32hexchar(x[0] >> 3); /* 000XXXXX */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[0] & 7) << 2 | x[1] >> 6); /* 000XXXYY */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[1] & 63) >> 1); /* 000YYYYY */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[1] & 1) << 4 | x[2] >> 4); /* 000YZZZZ */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[2] & 15) << 1); /* 000ZZZZ0 */ if (padding) { *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; } break; case 2: *(z++) = base32hexchar(x[0] >> 3); /* 000XXXXX */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[0] & 7) << 2 | x[1] >> 6); /* 000XXXYY */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[1] & 63) >> 1); /* 000YYYYY */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[1] & 1) << 4); /* 000Y0000 */ if (padding) { *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; } break; case 1: *(z++) = base32hexchar(x[0] >> 3); /* 000XXXXX */ *(z++) = base32hexchar((x[0] & 7) << 2); /* 000XXX00 */ if (padding) { *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; } break; } *z = 0; return r; } int unbase32hexmem(const char *p, size_t l, bool padding, void **mem, size_t *_len) { _cleanup_free_ uint8_t *r = NULL; int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h; uint8_t *z; const char *x; size_t len; unsigned pad = 0; assert(p || l == 0); assert(mem); assert(_len); if (l == (size_t) -1) l = strlen(p); /* padding ensures any base32hex input has input divisible by 8 */ if (padding && l % 8 != 0) return -EINVAL; if (padding) { /* strip the padding */ while (l > 0 && p[l - 1] == '=' && pad < 7) { pad++; l--; } } /* a group of eight input bytes needs five output bytes, in case of * padding we need to add some extra bytes */ len = (l / 8) * 5; switch (l % 8) { case 7: len += 4; break; case 5: len += 3; break; case 4: len += 2; break; case 2: len += 1; break; case 0: break; default: return -EINVAL; } z = r = malloc(len + 1); if (!r) return -ENOMEM; for (x = p; x < p + (l / 8) * 8; x += 8) { /* a == 000XXXXX; b == 000YYYYY; c == 000ZZZZZ; d == 000WWWWW * e == 000SSSSS; f == 000QQQQQ; g == 000VVVVV; h == 000RRRRR */ a = unbase32hexchar(x[0]); if (a < 0) return -EINVAL; b = unbase32hexchar(x[1]); if (b < 0) return -EINVAL; c = unbase32hexchar(x[2]); if (c < 0) return -EINVAL; d = unbase32hexchar(x[3]); if (d < 0) return -EINVAL; e = unbase32hexchar(x[4]); if (e < 0) return -EINVAL; f = unbase32hexchar(x[5]); if (f < 0) return -EINVAL; g = unbase32hexchar(x[6]); if (g < 0) return -EINVAL; h = unbase32hexchar(x[7]); if (h < 0) return -EINVAL; *(z++) = (uint8_t) a << 3 | (uint8_t) b >> 2; /* XXXXXYYY */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) b << 6 | (uint8_t) c << 1 | (uint8_t) d >> 4; /* YYZZZZZW */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) d << 4 | (uint8_t) e >> 1; /* WWWWSSSS */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) e << 7 | (uint8_t) f << 2 | (uint8_t) g >> 3; /* SQQQQQVV */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) g << 5 | (uint8_t) h; /* VVVRRRRR */ } switch (l % 8) { case 7: a = unbase32hexchar(x[0]); if (a < 0) return -EINVAL; b = unbase32hexchar(x[1]); if (b < 0) return -EINVAL; c = unbase32hexchar(x[2]); if (c < 0) return -EINVAL; d = unbase32hexchar(x[3]); if (d < 0) return -EINVAL; e = unbase32hexchar(x[4]); if (e < 0) return -EINVAL; f = unbase32hexchar(x[5]); if (f < 0) return -EINVAL; g = unbase32hexchar(x[6]); if (g < 0) return -EINVAL; /* g == 000VV000 */ if (g & 7) return -EINVAL; *(z++) = (uint8_t) a << 3 | (uint8_t) b >> 2; /* XXXXXYYY */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) b << 6 | (uint8_t) c << 1 | (uint8_t) d >> 4; /* YYZZZZZW */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) d << 4 | (uint8_t) e >> 1; /* WWWWSSSS */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) e << 7 | (uint8_t) f << 2 | (uint8_t) g >> 3; /* SQQQQQVV */ break; case 5: a = unbase32hexchar(x[0]); if (a < 0) return -EINVAL; b = unbase32hexchar(x[1]); if (b < 0) return -EINVAL; c = unbase32hexchar(x[2]); if (c < 0) return -EINVAL; d = unbase32hexchar(x[3]); if (d < 0) return -EINVAL; e = unbase32hexchar(x[4]); if (e < 0) return -EINVAL; /* e == 000SSSS0 */ if (e & 1) return -EINVAL; *(z++) = (uint8_t) a << 3 | (uint8_t) b >> 2; /* XXXXXYYY */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) b << 6 | (uint8_t) c << 1 | (uint8_t) d >> 4; /* YYZZZZZW */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) d << 4 | (uint8_t) e >> 1; /* WWWWSSSS */ break; case 4: a = unbase32hexchar(x[0]); if (a < 0) return -EINVAL; b = unbase32hexchar(x[1]); if (b < 0) return -EINVAL; c = unbase32hexchar(x[2]); if (c < 0) return -EINVAL; d = unbase32hexchar(x[3]); if (d < 0) return -EINVAL; /* d == 000W0000 */ if (d & 15) return -EINVAL; *(z++) = (uint8_t) a << 3 | (uint8_t) b >> 2; /* XXXXXYYY */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) b << 6 | (uint8_t) c << 1 | (uint8_t) d >> 4; /* YYZZZZZW */ break; case 2: a = unbase32hexchar(x[0]); if (a < 0) return -EINVAL; b = unbase32hexchar(x[1]); if (b < 0) return -EINVAL; /* b == 000YYY00 */ if (b & 3) return -EINVAL; *(z++) = (uint8_t) a << 3 | (uint8_t) b >> 2; /* XXXXXYYY */ break; case 0: break; default: return -EINVAL; } *z = 0; *mem = TAKE_PTR(r); *_len = len; return 0; } /* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-4 */ char base64char(int x) { static const char table[64] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789+/"; return table[x & 63]; } int unbase64char(char c) { unsigned offset; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return c - 'A'; offset = 'Z' - 'A' + 1; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return c - 'a' + offset; offset += 'z' - 'a' + 1; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0' + offset; offset += '9' - '0' + 1; if (c == '+') return offset; offset++; if (c == '/') return offset; return -EINVAL; } ssize_t base64mem(const void *p, size_t l, char **out) { char *r, *z; const uint8_t *x; assert(p || l == 0); assert(out); /* three input bytes makes four output bytes, padding is added so we must round up */ z = r = malloc(4 * (l + 2) / 3 + 1); if (!r) return -ENOMEM; for (x = p; x < (const uint8_t*) p + (l / 3) * 3; x += 3) { /* x[0] == XXXXXXXX; x[1] == YYYYYYYY; x[2] == ZZZZZZZZ */ *(z++) = base64char(x[0] >> 2); /* 00XXXXXX */ *(z++) = base64char((x[0] & 3) << 4 | x[1] >> 4); /* 00XXYYYY */ *(z++) = base64char((x[1] & 15) << 2 | x[2] >> 6); /* 00YYYYZZ */ *(z++) = base64char(x[2] & 63); /* 00ZZZZZZ */ } switch (l % 3) { case 2: *(z++) = base64char(x[0] >> 2); /* 00XXXXXX */ *(z++) = base64char((x[0] & 3) << 4 | x[1] >> 4); /* 00XXYYYY */ *(z++) = base64char((x[1] & 15) << 2); /* 00YYYY00 */ *(z++) = '='; break; case 1: *(z++) = base64char(x[0] >> 2); /* 00XXXXXX */ *(z++) = base64char((x[0] & 3) << 4); /* 00XX0000 */ *(z++) = '='; *(z++) = '='; break; } *z = 0; *out = r; return z - r; } static int base64_append_width( char **prefix, int plen, const char *sep, int indent, const void *p, size_t l, int width) { _cleanup_free_ char *x = NULL; char *t, *s; ssize_t len, slen, avail, line, lines; len = base64mem(p, l, &x); if (len <= 0) return len; lines = DIV_ROUND_UP(len, width); slen = strlen_ptr(sep); if (plen >= SSIZE_MAX - 1 - slen || lines > (SSIZE_MAX - plen - 1 - slen) / (indent + width + 1)) return -ENOMEM; t = realloc(*prefix, (ssize_t) plen + 1 + slen + (indent + width + 1) * lines); if (!t) return -ENOMEM; memcpy_safe(t + plen, sep, slen); for (line = 0, s = t + plen + slen, avail = len; line < lines; line++) { int act = MIN(width, avail); if (line > 0 || sep) { memset(s, ' ', indent); s += indent; } memcpy(s, x + width * line, act); s += act; *(s++) = line < lines - 1 ? '\n' : '\0'; avail -= act; } assert(avail == 0); *prefix = t; return 0; } int base64_append( char **prefix, int plen, const void *p, size_t l, int indent, int width) { if (plen > width / 2 || plen + indent > width) /* leave indent on the left, keep last column free */ return base64_append_width(prefix, plen, "\n", indent, p, l, width - indent - 1); else /* leave plen on the left, keep last column free */ return base64_append_width(prefix, plen, " ", plen, p, l, width - plen - 1); } static int unbase64_next(const char **p, size_t *l) { int ret; assert(p); assert(l); /* Find the next non-whitespace character, and decode it. If we find padding, we return it as INT_MAX. We * greedily skip all preceding and all following whitespace. */ for (;;) { if (*l == 0) return -EPIPE; if (!strchr(WHITESPACE, **p)) break; /* Skip leading whitespace */ (*p)++, (*l)--; } if (**p == '=') ret = INT_MAX; /* return padding as INT_MAX */ else { ret = unbase64char(**p); if (ret < 0) return ret; } for (;;) { (*p)++, (*l)--; if (*l == 0) break; if (!strchr(WHITESPACE, **p)) break; /* Skip following whitespace */ } return ret; } int unbase64mem_full(const char *p, size_t l, bool secure, void **ret, size_t *ret_size) { _cleanup_free_ uint8_t *buf = NULL; const char *x; uint8_t *z; size_t len; int r; assert(p || l == 0); assert(ret); assert(ret_size); if (l == (size_t) -1) l = strlen(p); /* A group of four input bytes needs three output bytes, in case of padding we need to add two or three extra * bytes. Note that this calculation is an upper boundary, as we ignore whitespace while decoding */ len = (l / 4) * 3 + (l % 4 != 0 ? (l % 4) - 1 : 0); buf = malloc(len + 1); if (!buf) return -ENOMEM; for (x = p, z = buf;;) { int a, b, c, d; /* a == 00XXXXXX; b == 00YYYYYY; c == 00ZZZZZZ; d == 00WWWWWW */ a = unbase64_next(&x, &l); if (a == -EPIPE) /* End of string */ break; if (a < 0) { r = a; goto on_failure; } if (a == INT_MAX) { /* Padding is not allowed at the beginning of a 4ch block */ r = -EINVAL; goto on_failure; } b = unbase64_next(&x, &l); if (b < 0) { r = b; goto on_failure; } if (b == INT_MAX) { /* Padding is not allowed at the second character of a 4ch block either */ r = -EINVAL; goto on_failure; } c = unbase64_next(&x, &l); if (c < 0) { r = c; goto on_failure; } d = unbase64_next(&x, &l); if (d < 0) { r = d; goto on_failure; } if (c == INT_MAX) { /* Padding at the third character */ if (d != INT_MAX) { /* If the third character is padding, the fourth must be too */ r = -EINVAL; goto on_failure; } /* b == 00YY0000 */ if (b & 15) { r = -EINVAL; goto on_failure; } if (l > 0) { /* Trailing rubbish? */ r = -ENAMETOOLONG; goto on_failure; } *(z++) = (uint8_t) a << 2 | (uint8_t) (b >> 4); /* XXXXXXYY */ break; } if (d == INT_MAX) { /* c == 00ZZZZ00 */ if (c & 3) { r = -EINVAL; goto on_failure; } if (l > 0) { /* Trailing rubbish? */ r = -ENAMETOOLONG; goto on_failure; } *(z++) = (uint8_t) a << 2 | (uint8_t) b >> 4; /* XXXXXXYY */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) b << 4 | (uint8_t) c >> 2; /* YYYYZZZZ */ break; } *(z++) = (uint8_t) a << 2 | (uint8_t) b >> 4; /* XXXXXXYY */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) b << 4 | (uint8_t) c >> 2; /* YYYYZZZZ */ *(z++) = (uint8_t) c << 6 | (uint8_t) d; /* ZZWWWWWW */ } *z = 0; *ret_size = (size_t) (z - buf); *ret = TAKE_PTR(buf); return 0; on_failure: if (secure) explicit_bzero_safe(buf, len); return r; } void hexdump(FILE *f, const void *p, size_t s) { const uint8_t *b = p; unsigned n = 0; assert(b || s == 0); if (!f) f = stdout; while (s > 0) { size_t i; fprintf(f, "%04x ", n); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (i >= s) fputs(" ", f); else fprintf(f, "%02x ", b[i]); if (i == 7) fputc(' ', f); } fputc(' ', f); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (i >= s) fputc(' ', f); else fputc(isprint(b[i]) ? (char) b[i] : '.', f); } fputc('\n', f); if (s < 16) break; n += 16; b += 16; s -= 16; } }