#!/usr/bin/perl ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## $Id$ ## ## Copyright 2002-2003 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330, ## Bostom MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. ## ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Creates a blank MS-DOS formatted hard disk image # eval { use bytes; }; use Fcntl; use Errno; use Cwd; sub absolute_path($) { my($f) = @_; my($c); return $f if ( $f =~ /^\// ); $c = cwd(); $c = '' if ( $c eq '/' ); return $c.'/'.$f; } %opt = (); @args = (); for $a ( @ARGV ) { if ( $a =~ /^\-/ ) { foreach $o ( split(//, substr($a,1)) ) { $opt{$o} = 1; } } else { push(@args, $a); } } ($file,$c,$h,$s) = @args; $c += 0; $h += 0; $s += 0; if ( !$file || $c < 1 || $c > 1024 || $h < 1 || $h > 256 || $s < 1 || $s > 63 ) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-do] file c h s (max: 1024 256 63)\n"; print STDERR " -d add DOSEMU header\n"; print STDERR " -o print filesystem offset to stdout\n"; exit 1; } $cylsize = $h*$s*512; sysopen(OUTPUT, $file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, 0666) or die "$0: Cannot open: $file\n"; eval { binmode OUTPUT; }; # Print out DOSEMU header, if requested if ( $opt{'d'} ) { $emuhdr = "DOSEMU\0" . pack("VVVV", $h, $s, $c, 128); $emuhdr .= "\0" x (128 - length($emuhdr)); print OUTPUT $emuhdr; } # Print the MBR and partition table $mbr = ''; while ( $line = ) { chomp $line; foreach $byte ( split(/\s+/, $line) ) { $mbr .= chr(hex($byte)); } } if ( length($mbr) > 446 ) { die "$0: Bad MBR code\n"; } $mbr .= "\0" x (446 - length($mbr)); print OUTPUT $mbr; # Print partition table $psize = $c*$h*$s-$s; $bhead = ($h > 1) ? 1 : 0; $bsect = 1; $bcyl = ($h > 1) ? 0 : 1; $ehead = $h-1; $esect = $s + ((($c-1) & 0x300) >> 2); $ecyl = ($c-1) & 0xff; if ( $psize > 65536 ) { $fstype = 0x06; } else { $fstype = 0x04; } print OUTPUT pack("CCCCCCCCVV", 0x80, $bhead, $bsect, $bcyl, $fstype, $ehead, $esect, $ecyl, $s, $psize); print OUTPUT "\0" x 48; print OUTPUT "\x55\xaa"; # Output blank file $totalsize = $c*$h*$s; $tracks = $c*$h; $track = "\0" x (512*$s); # Print fractional track print OUTPUT "\0" x (512 * ($s-1)); for ( $i = 1 ; $i < $tracks ; $i++ ) { print OUTPUT $track; } # Print mtools temp file $n = 0; while ( !defined($tmpdir) ) { $tmpdir = "/tmp/mkdiskimage.$$.".($n++); if ( !mkdir($tmpdir, 0700) ) { die "$0: Failed to make temp directory: $tmpdir\n" if ( $! != EEXIST ); undef $tmpdir; } } $cfgfile = $tmpdir.'/mtools.conf'; $imglink = $tmpdir.'/disk.img'; die "$0: Failed to create symlink $imglink\n" if ( !symlink(absolute_path($file), $imglink) ); $offset = $s*512 + ($opt{'d'} ? 128 : 0); open(MCONFIG, "> ${cfgfile}") or die "$0: Cannot make mtools config\n"; print MCONFIG "drive z:\n"; print MCONFIG "file=\"${imglink}\"\n"; print MCONFIG "cylinders=${c}\n"; print MCONFIG "heads=${h}\n"; print MCONFIG "sectors=${s}\n"; print MCONFIG "offset=${offset}\n"; print MCONFIG "mformat_only\n"; close(MCONFIG); # Output the filesystem offset to stdout if appropriate if ( $opt{'o'} ) { print $offset, "\n"; } $ENV{'MTOOLSRC'} = $cfgfile; system('mformat', 'z:'); # Clean up in /tmp unlink($cfgfile); unlink($imglink); rmdir($tmpdir); seek(OUTPUT, $s*512+0x36, 0); read(OUTPUT, $fsname, 8); # FAT12: adjust partition type if ( $fsname eq 'FAT12 ' ) { $fstype = 0x01; } seek(OUTPUT, 446+4, 0); print OUTPUT pack("C", $fstype); exit 0; __END__