; -*- fundamental -*- (asm-mode sucks) ; $Id$ ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; NOT Copyright 2000 H. Peter Anvin ; ; This file is in the public domain. Enjoy. However, I would ; appreciate it if modified versions were marked as such, and ; please don't bug me about any version not released by me. ; ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; mbr.asm ; ; Simple Master Boot Record, including support for EBIOS extensions. ; ; The MBR lives in front of the boot sector, and is responsible for ; loading the boot sector of the active partition. The EBIOS support ; is needed if the active partition starts beyond cylinder 1024. ; ; This MBR determines all geometry info at runtime. It uses only the ; linear block field in the partition table. It does, however, pass ; the partition table information unchanged to the target OS. ; ; This MBR should be "8086-clean", i.e. not require a 386. ; ; ; Note: The MBR is actually loaded at 0:7C00h, but we quickly move it down to ; 0600h. ; cpu 8086 org 0600h _start: cli xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,7C00h sti cld mov si,sp ; Start address mov di,0600h ; Destination address mov cx,512/2 rep movsw ; ; Now, jump to the copy at 0600h so we can load the boot sector at 7C00h. ; Since some BIOSes seem to think 0000:7C00h and 07C0:0000h are the same ; thing, use a far jump to canonicalize the address. This also makes ; sure that it is a code speculation barrier. ; jmp 0:next ; Jump to copy at 0600h next: mov [DriveNo], dl ; Drive number stored in DL ; ; Check for CHS parameters. This doesn't work on floppy disks, ; but for an MBR we don't care. ; mov ah,08h ; Get drive parameters int 13h xor ax,ax mov al,dh inc ax ; From 0-based to count mov [Heads],ax and cl,3Fh ; Max sector number mov [Sectors],cl ; Note: we actually don't care about the number of ; cylinders, since that's the highest-order division ; ; Now look for one (and only one) active partition. ; mov si,PartitionTable xor ax,ax mov cx,4 checkpartloop: test byte [si],80h jz .notactive inc ax mov di,si .notactive: add si,byte 16 loop checkpartloop cmp ax,byte 1 ; Better be only one jnz not_one_partition ; ; Now we have the active partition partition information in DS:DI. ; Check to see if we support EBIOS. ; mov dl,[DriveNo] mov ax,4100h mov bx,055AAh xor cx,cx xor dh,dh stc int 13h jc no_ebios cmp bx,0AA55h jne no_ebios test cl,1 ; LBA device access jz no_ebios ; ; We have EBIOS. Load the boot sector using LBA. ; push di mov si,dapa mov bx,[di+8] ; Copy the block address mov [si+8],bx mov bx,[di+10] mov [si+10],bx mov dl,[DriveNo] mov ah,42h ; Extended Read jmp short common_tail ; ; No EBIOS. Load the boot sector using CHS. ; no_ebios: push di mov ax,[di+8] mov dx,[di+10] div word [Sectors] inc dx mov cx,dx ; Sector # xor dx,dx div word [Heads] ; DX = head #, AX = cylinder # mov ch,al shr ax,1 shr ax,1 and al,0C0h or cl,al mov dh,dl ; Head # mov dl,[DriveNo] mov bx,7C00h mov ax,0201h ; Read one sector common_tail: int 13h jc disk_error pop si ; DS:SI -> partition table entry ; ; Verify that we have a boot sector, jump ; cmp word [7C00h+510],0AA55h jne missing_os cli jmp 0:7C00h ; Jump to boot sector; far ; jump is speculation barrier ; (Probably not neecessary, but ; there is plenty of space.) not_one_partition: ja too_many_os missing_os: mov si,missing_os_msg jmp short die too_many_os: disk_error: mov si,bad_disk_msg die: .msgloop: lodsb xor al,al jz .now mov ah,0Eh ; TTY output mov bx,0007h int 10h jmp short .msgloop .now: jmp short .now align 4, db 0 ; Begin data area ; ; EBIOS disk address packet ; dapa: dw 16 ; Packet size .count: dw 1 ; Block count .off: dw 7C00h ; Offset of buffer .seg: dw 0 ; Segment of buffer .lba: dd 0 ; LBA (LSW) dd 0 ; LBA (MSW) ; CHS information Heads: dw 0 Sectors: dw 0 ; Error messages missing_os_msg db 'Missing operating system', 13, 10, 0 bad_disk_msg db 'Operating system loading error', 13, 10, 0 ; ; Maximum MBR size: 446 bytes; end-of-boot-sector signature also needed. ; Note that some operating systems (NT, DR-DOS) put additional stuff at ; the end of the MBR, so shorter is better. ; PartitionTable equ $$+446 ; Start of partition table ; ; BSS data; put at 800h ; DriveNo equ 0800h