;; $Id$ ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Copyright 1994-2002 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330, ;; Bostom MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. ;; ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; macros.inc ;; ;; Convenient macros ;; %ifndef _MACROS_INC %define _MACROS_INC ; ; Identify the module we're compiling; the "correct" should be defined ; in the module itself to 1 ; %ifndef IS_SYSLINUX %define IS_SYSLINUX 0 %endif %ifndef IS_PXELINUX %define IS_PXELINUX 0 %endif %ifndef IS_ISOLINUX %define IS_ISOLINUX 0 %endif ; ; For our convenience: define macros for jump-over-unconditinal jumps ; %macro jmpz 1 jnz %%skip jmp %1 %%skip: %endmacro %macro jmpnz 1 jz %%skip jmp %1 %%skip: %endmacro %macro jmpe 1 jne %%skip jmp %1 %%skip: %endmacro %macro jmpne 1 je %%skip jmp %1 %%skip: %endmacro %macro jmpc 1 jnc %%skip jmp %1 %%skip: %endmacro %macro jmpnc 1 jc %%skip jmp %1 %%skip: %endmacro %macro jmpb 1 jnb %%skip jmp %1 %%skip: %endmacro %macro jmpnb 1 jb %%skip jmp %1 %%skip: %endmacro ; ; Macros similar to res[bwd], but which works in the code segment (after ; section .text) ; %macro zb 1 times %1 db 0 %endmacro %macro zw 1 times %1 dw 0 %endmacro %macro zd 1 times %1 dd 0 %endmacro ; ; Macros for network byte order of constants ; %define htons(x) ( ( ((x) & 0FFh) << 8 ) + ( ((x) & 0FF00h) >> 8 ) ) %define ntohs(x) htons(x) %define htonl(x) ( ( ((x) & 0FFh) << 24) + ( ((x) & 0FF00h) << 8 ) + ( ((x) & 0FF0000h) >> 8 ) + ( ((x) & 0FF000000h) >> 24) ) %define ntohl(x) htonl(x) %endif ; _MACROS_INC