; -*- fundamental -*- (asm-mode sucks) ; $Id$ ; **************************************************************************** ; ; ldlinux.asm ; ; A program to boot Linux kernels off an MS-DOS formatted floppy disk. This ; functionality is good to have for installation floppies, where it may ; be hard to find a functional Linux system to run LILO off. ; ; This program allows manipulation of the disk to take place entirely ; from MS-LOSS, and can be especially useful in conjunction with the ; umsdos filesystem. ; ; Copyright (C) 1994-2005 H. Peter Anvin ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330, ; Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. ; ; **************************************************************************** %ifndef IS_MDSLINUX %define IS_SYSLINUX 1 %endif %include "macros.inc" %include "config.inc" %include "kernel.inc" %include "bios.inc" %include "tracers.inc" %include "layout.inc" ; ; Some semi-configurable constants... change on your own risk. ; my_id equ syslinux_id FILENAME_MAX_LG2 equ 4 ; log2(Max filename size Including final null) FILENAME_MAX equ 11 ; Max mangled filename size NULLFILE equ ' ' ; First char space == null filename NULLOFFSET equ 0 ; Position in which to look retry_count equ 16 ; How patient are we with the disk? %assign HIGHMEM_SLOP 0 ; Avoid this much memory near the top LDLINUX_MAGIC equ 0x3eb202fe ; A random number to identify ourselves with MAX_OPEN_LG2 equ 6 ; log2(Max number of open files) MAX_OPEN equ (1 << MAX_OPEN_LG2) SECTOR_SHIFT equ 9 SECTOR_SIZE equ (1 << SECTOR_SHIFT) ; ; This is what we need to do when idle ; %macro RESET_IDLE 0 ; Nothing %endmacro %macro DO_IDLE 0 ; Nothing %endmacro ; ; The following structure is used for "virtual kernels"; i.e. LILO-style ; option labels. The options we permit here are `kernel' and `append ; Since there is no room in the bottom 64K for all of these, we ; stick them at vk_seg:0000 and copy them down before we need them. ; struc vkernel vk_vname: resb FILENAME_MAX ; Virtual name **MUST BE FIRST!** vk_rname: resb FILENAME_MAX ; Real name vk_appendlen: resw 1 alignb 4 vk_append: resb max_cmd_len+1 ; Command line alignb 4 vk_end: equ $ ; Should be <= vk_size endstruc ; ; Segment assignments in the bottom 640K ; Stick to the low 512K in case we're using something like M-systems flash ; which load a driver into low RAM (evil!!) ; ; 0000h - main code/data segment (and BIOS segment) ; real_mode_seg equ 4000h cache_seg equ 3000h ; 64K area for metadata cache vk_seg equ 2000h ; Virtual kernels xfer_buf_seg equ 1000h ; Bounce buffer for I/O to high mem comboot_seg equ real_mode_seg ; COMBOOT image loading zone ; ; File structure. This holds the information for each currently open file. ; struc open_file_t file_sector resd 1 ; Sector pointer (0 = structure free) file_left resd 1 ; Number of sectors left endstruc %ifndef DEPEND %if (open_file_t_size & (open_file_t_size-1)) %error "open_file_t is not a power of 2" %endif %endif ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BEGIN CODE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Memory below this point is reserved for the BIOS and the MBR ; section .earlybss trackbufsize equ 8192 trackbuf resb trackbufsize ; Track buffer goes here getcbuf resb trackbufsize ; ends at 4800h section .bss alignb 8 ; Expanded superblock SuperInfo equ $ resq 16 ; The first 16 bytes expanded 8 times FAT resd 1 ; Location of (first) FAT RootDirArea resd 1 ; Location of root directory area RootDir resd 1 ; Location of root directory proper DataArea resd 1 ; Location of data area RootDirSize resd 1 ; Root dir size in sectors TotalSectors resd 1 ; Total number of sectors EndSector resd 1 ; Location of filesystem end ClustSize resd 1 ; Bytes/cluster ClustMask resd 1 ; Sectors/cluster - 1 CopySuper resb 1 ; Distinguish .bs versus .bss DriveNumber resb 1 ; BIOS drive number ClustShift resb 1 ; Shift count for sectors/cluster ClustByteShift resb 1 ; Shift count for bytes/cluster alignb open_file_t_size Files resb MAX_OPEN*open_file_t_size ; ; Constants for the xfer_buf_seg ; ; The xfer_buf_seg is also used to store message file buffers. We ; need two trackbuffers (text and graphics), plus a work buffer ; for the graphics decompressor. ; xbs_textbuf equ 0 ; Also hard-coded, do not change xbs_vgabuf equ trackbufsize xbs_vgatmpbuf equ 2*trackbufsize section .text ; ; Some of the things that have to be saved very early are saved ; "close" to the initial stack pointer offset, in order to ; reduce the code size... ; StackBuf equ $-44-32 ; Start the stack here (grow down - 4K) PartInfo equ StackBuf ; Saved partition table entry FloppyTable equ PartInfo+16 ; Floppy info table (must follow PartInfo) OrigFDCTabPtr equ StackBuf-4 ; The high dword on the stack ; ; Primary entry point. Tempting as though it may be, we can't put the ; initial "cli" here; the jmp opcode in the first byte is part of the ; "magic number" (using the term very loosely) for the DOS superblock. ; bootsec equ $ jmp short start ; 2 bytes nop ; 1 byte ; ; "Superblock" follows -- it's in the boot sector, so it's already ; loaded and ready for us ; bsOemName db 'SYSLINUX' ; The SYS command sets this, so... ; ; These are the fields we actually care about. We end up expanding them ; all to dword size early in the code, so generate labels for both ; the expanded and unexpanded versions. ; %macro superb 1 bx %+ %1 equ SuperInfo+($-superblock)*8+4 bs %+ %1 equ $ zb 1 %endmacro %macro superw 1 bx %+ %1 equ SuperInfo+($-superblock)*8 bs %+ %1 equ $ zw 1 %endmacro %macro superd 1 bx %+ %1 equ $ ; no expansion for dwords bs %+ %1 equ $ zd 1 %endmacro superblock equ $ superw BytesPerSec superb SecPerClust superw ResSectors superb FATs superw RootDirEnts superw Sectors superb Media superw FATsecs superw SecPerTrack superw Heads superinfo_size equ ($-superblock)-1 ; How much to expand superd Hidden superd HugeSectors ; ; This is as far as FAT12/16 and FAT32 are consistent ; zb 54 ; FAT12/16 need 26 more bytes, ; FAT32 need 54 more bytes superblock_len equ $-superblock SecPerClust equ bxSecPerClust ; ; Note we don't check the constraints above now; we did that at install ; time (we hope!) ; start: cli ; No interrupts yet, please cld ; Copy upwards ; ; Set up the stack ; xor ax,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,StackBuf ; Just below BSS mov es,ax ; ; DS:SI may contain a partition table entry. Preserve it for us. ; mov cx,8 ; Save partition info mov di,sp rep movsw mov ds,ax ; Now we can initialize DS... ; ; Now sautee the BIOS floppy info block to that it will support decent- ; size transfers; the floppy block is 11 bytes and is stored in the ; INT 1Eh vector (brilliant waste of resources, eh?) ; ; Of course, if BIOSes had been properly programmed, we wouldn't have ; had to waste precious space with this code. ; mov bx,fdctab lfs si,[bx] ; FS:SI -> original fdctab push fs ; Save on stack in case we need to bail push si ; Save the old fdctab even if hard disk so the stack layout ; is the same. The instructions above do not change the flags mov [DriveNumber],dl ; Save drive number in DL and dl,dl ; If floppy disk (00-7F), assume no ; partition table js harddisk floppy: mov cl,6 ; 12 bytes (CX == 0) ; es:di -> FloppyTable already ; This should be safe to do now, interrupts are off... mov [bx],di ; FloppyTable mov [bx+2],ax ; Segment 0 fs rep movsw ; Faster to move words mov cl,[bsSecPerTrack] ; Patch the sector count mov [di-8],cl ; AX == 0 here int 13h ; Some BIOSes need this jmp short not_harddisk ; ; The drive number and possibly partition information was passed to us ; by the BIOS or previous boot loader (MBR). Current "best practice" is to ; trust that rather than what the superblock contains. ; ; Would it be better to zero out bsHidden if we don't have a partition table? ; ; Note: di points to beyond the end of PartInfo ; harddisk: test byte [di-16],7Fh ; Sanity check: "active flag" should jnz no_partition ; be 00 or 80 mov eax,[di-8] ; Partition offset (dword) mov [bsHidden],eax no_partition: ; ; Get disk drive parameters (don't trust the superblock.) Don't do this for ; floppy drives -- INT 13:08 on floppy drives will (may?) return info about ; what the *drive* supports, not about the *media*. Fortunately floppy disks ; tend to have a fixed, well-defined geometry which is stored in the superblock. ; ; DL == drive # still mov ah,08h int 13h jc no_driveparm and ah,ah jnz no_driveparm shr dx,8 inc dx ; Contains # of heads - 1 mov [bsHeads],dx and cx,3fh mov [bsSecPerTrack],cx no_driveparm: not_harddisk: ; ; Ready to enable interrupts, captain ; sti ; ; Do we have EBIOS (EDD)? ; eddcheck: mov bx,55AAh mov ah,41h ; EDD existence query mov dl,[DriveNumber] int 13h jc .noedd cmp bx,0AA55h jne .noedd test cl,1 ; Extended disk access functionality set jz .noedd ; ; We have EDD support... ; mov byte [getlinsec.jmp+1],(getlinsec_ebios-(getlinsec.jmp+2)) .noedd: ; ; Load the first sector of LDLINUX.SYS; this used to be all proper ; with parsing the superblock and root directory; it doesn't fit ; together with EBIOS support, unfortunately. ; mov eax,[FirstSector] ; Sector start mov bx,ldlinux_sys ; Where to load it call getonesec ; Some modicum of integrity checking cmp dword [ldlinux_magic+4],LDLINUX_MAGIC^HEXDATE jne kaboom ; Go for it... jmp ldlinux_ent ; ; getonesec: get one disk sector ; getonesec: mov bp,1 ; One sector ; Fall through ; ; getlinsec: load a sequence of BP floppy sector given by the linear sector ; number in EAX into the buffer at ES:BX. We try to optimize ; by loading up to a whole track at a time, but the user ; is responsible for not crossing a 64K boundary. ; (Yes, BP is weird for a count, but it was available...) ; ; On return, BX points to the first byte after the transferred ; block. ; ; This routine assumes CS == DS, and trashes most registers. ; ; Stylistic note: use "xchg" instead of "mov" when the source is a register ; that is dead from that point; this saves space. However, please keep ; the order to dst,src to keep things sane. ; getlinsec: add eax,[bsHidden] ; Add partition offset xor edx,edx ; Zero-extend LBA (eventually allow 64 bits) .jmp: jmp strict short getlinsec_cbios ; ; getlinsec_ebios: ; ; getlinsec implementation for EBIOS (EDD) ; getlinsec_ebios: .loop: push bp ; Sectors left .retry2: call maxtrans ; Enforce maximum transfer size movzx edi,bp ; Sectors we are about to read mov cx,retry_count .retry: ; Form DAPA on stack push edx push eax push es push bx push di push word 16 mov si,sp pushad mov dl,[DriveNumber] push ds push ss pop ds ; DS <- SS mov ah,42h ; Extended Read int 13h pop ds popad lea sp,[si+16] ; Remove DAPA jc .error pop bp add eax,edi ; Advance sector pointer sub bp,di ; Sectors left shl di,SECTOR_SHIFT ; 512-byte sectors add bx,di ; Advance buffer pointer and bp,bp jnz .loop ret .error: ; Some systems seem to get "stuck" in an error state when ; using EBIOS. Doesn't happen when using CBIOS, which is ; good, since some other systems get timeout failures ; waiting for the floppy disk to spin up. pushad ; Try resetting the device xor ax,ax mov dl,[DriveNumber] int 13h popad loop .retry ; CX-- and jump if not zero ;shr word [MaxTransfer],1 ; Reduce the transfer size ;jnz .retry2 ; Total failure. Try falling back to CBIOS. mov byte [getlinsec.jmp+1],(getlinsec_cbios-(getlinsec.jmp+2)) ;mov byte [MaxTransfer],63 ; Max possibe CBIOS transfer pop bp ; ... fall through ... ; ; getlinsec_cbios: ; ; getlinsec implementation for legacy CBIOS ; getlinsec_cbios: .loop: push edx push eax push bp push bx movzx esi,word [bsSecPerTrack] movzx edi,word [bsHeads] ; ; Dividing by sectors to get (track,sector): we may have ; up to 2^18 tracks, so we need to use 32-bit arithmetric. ; div esi xor cx,cx xchg cx,dx ; CX <- sector index (0-based) ; EDX <- 0 ; eax = track # div edi ; Convert track to head/cyl ; We should test this, but it doesn't fit... ; cmp eax,1023 ; ja .error ; ; Now we have AX = cyl, DX = head, CX = sector (0-based), ; BP = sectors to transfer, SI = bsSecPerTrack, ; ES:BX = data target ; call maxtrans ; Enforce maximum transfer size ; Must not cross track boundaries, so BP <= SI-CX sub si,cx cmp bp,si jna .bp_ok mov bp,si .bp_ok: shl ah,6 ; Because IBM was STOOPID ; and thought 8 bits were enough ; then thought 10 bits were enough... inc cx ; Sector numbers are 1-based, sigh or cl,ah mov ch,al mov dh,dl mov dl,[DriveNumber] xchg ax,bp ; Sector to transfer count mov ah,02h ; Read sectors mov bp,retry_count .retry: pushad int 13h popad jc .error .resume: movzx ecx,al ; ECX <- sectors transferred shl ax,SECTOR_SHIFT ; Convert sectors in AL to bytes in AX pop bx add bx,ax pop bp pop eax pop edx add eax,ecx sub bp,cx jnz .loop ret .error: dec bp jnz .retry xchg ax,bp ; Sectors transferred <- 0 shr word [MaxTransfer],1 jnz .resume ; Fall through to disk_error ; ; kaboom: write a message and bail out. ; disk_error: kaboom: xor si,si mov ss,si mov sp,StackBuf-4 ; Reset stack mov ds,si ; Reset data segment pop dword [fdctab] ; Restore FDC table .patch: ; When we have full code, intercept here mov si,bailmsg ; Write error message, this assumes screen page 0 .loop: lodsb and al,al jz .done mov ah,0Eh ; Write to screen as TTY mov bx,0007h ; Attribute int 10h jmp short .loop .done: cbw ; AH <- 0 int 16h ; Wait for keypress int 19h ; And try once more to boot... .norge: jmp short .norge ; If int 19h returned; this is the end ; ; Truncate BP to MaxTransfer ; maxtrans: cmp bp,[MaxTransfer] jna .ok mov bp,[MaxTransfer] .ok: ret ; ; Error message on failure ; bailmsg: db 'Boot error', 0Dh, 0Ah, 0 ; This fails if the boot sector overflows zb 1F8h-($-$$) FirstSector dd 0xDEADBEEF ; Location of sector 1 MaxTransfer dw 0x007F ; Max transfer size bootsignature dw 0AA55h ; ; =========================================================================== ; End of boot sector ; =========================================================================== ; Start of LDLINUX.SYS ; =========================================================================== ldlinux_sys: syslinux_banner db 0Dh, 0Ah %if IS_MDSLINUX db 'MDSLINUX ' %else db 'SYSLINUX ' %endif db version_str, ' ', date, ' ', 0 db 0Dh, 0Ah, 1Ah ; EOF if we "type" this in DOS align 8, db 0 ldlinux_magic dd LDLINUX_MAGIC dd LDLINUX_MAGIC^HEXDATE ; ; This area is patched by the installer. It is found by looking for ; LDLINUX_MAGIC, plus 8 bytes. ; patch_area: LDLDwords dw 0 ; Total dwords starting at ldlinux_sys LDLSectors dw 0 ; Number of sectors - (bootsec+this sec) CheckSum dd 0 ; Checksum starting at ldlinux_sys ; value = LDLINUX_MAGIC - [sum of dwords] ; Space for up to 64 sectors, the theoretical maximum SectorPtrs times 64 dd 0 ldlinux_ent: ; ; Note that some BIOSes are buggy and run the boot sector at 07C0:0000 ; instead of 0000:7C00 and the like. We don't want to add anything ; more to the boot sector, so it is written to not assume a fixed ; value in CS, but we don't want to deal with that anymore from now ; on. ; jmp 0:.next .next: ; ; Tell the user we got this far ; mov si,syslinux_banner call writestr ; ; Tell the user if we're using EBIOS or CBIOS ; print_bios: mov si,cbios_name cmp byte [getlinsec.jmp+1],(getlinsec_ebios-(getlinsec.jmp+2)) jne .cbios mov si,ebios_name .cbios: call writestr ; ; Now we read the rest of LDLINUX.SYS. Don't bother loading the first ; sector again, though. ; load_rest: mov si,SectorPtrs mov bx,7C00h+2*SECTOR_SIZE ; Where we start loading mov cx,[LDLSectors] .get_chunk: jcxz .done xor bp,bp lodsd ; First sector of this chunk mov edx,eax .make_chunk: inc bp dec cx jz .chunk_ready inc edx ; Next linear sector cmp [si],edx ; Does it match jnz .chunk_ready ; If not, this is it add si,4 ; If so, add sector to chunk jmp short .make_chunk .chunk_ready: call getlinsecsr shl bp,SECTOR_SHIFT add bx,bp jmp .get_chunk .done: ; ; All loaded up, verify that we got what we needed. ; Note: the checksum field is embedded in the checksum region, so ; by the time we get to the end it should all cancel out. ; verify_checksum: mov si,ldlinux_sys mov cx,[LDLDwords] mov edx,-LDLINUX_MAGIC .checksum: lodsd add edx,eax loop .checksum and edx,edx ; Should be zero jz all_read ; We're cool, go for it! ; ; Uh-oh, something went bad... ; mov si,checksumerr_msg call writestr jmp kaboom ; ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutines that have to be in the first sector ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; writestr: write a null-terminated string to the console ; This assumes we're on page 0. This is only used for early ; messages, so it should be OK. ; writestr: .loop: lodsb and al,al jz .return mov ah,0Eh ; Write to screen as TTY mov bx,0007h ; Attribute int 10h jmp short .loop .return: ret ; getlinsecsr: save registers, call getlinsec, restore registers ; getlinsecsr: pushad call getlinsec popad ret ; ; Checksum error message ; checksumerr_msg db ' Load error - ', 0 ; Boot failed appended ; ; BIOS type string ; cbios_name db 'CBIOS', 0 ebios_name db 'EBIOS', 0 ; ; Debug routine ; %ifdef debug safedumpregs: cmp word [Debug_Magic],0D00Dh jnz nc_return jmp dumpregs %endif rl_checkpt equ $ ; Must be <= 8000h rl_checkpt_off equ ($-$$) %ifndef DEPEND %if rl_checkpt_off > 400h %error "Sector 1 overflow" %endif %endif ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of code and data that have to be in the first sector ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- all_read: ; ; Let the user (and programmer!) know we got this far. This used to be ; in Sector 1, but makes a lot more sense here. ; mov si,copyright_str call writestr ; ; Insane hack to expand the superblock to dwords ; expand_super: xor eax,eax mov si,superblock mov di,SuperInfo mov cx,superinfo_size .loop: lodsw dec si stosd ; Store expanded word xor ah,ah stosd ; Store expanded byte loop .loop ; ; Compute some information about this filesystem. ; ; First, generate the map of regions genfatinfo: mov edx,[bxSectors] and dx,dx jnz .have_secs mov edx,[bsHugeSectors] .have_secs: mov [TotalSectors],edx add edx,eax mov [EndSector],edx mov eax,[bxResSectors] mov [FAT],eax ; Beginning of FAT mov edx,[bxFATsecs] and dx,dx jnz .have_fatsecs mov edx,[bootsec+36] ; FAT32 BPB_FATsz32 .have_fatsecs: imul edx,[bxFATs] add eax,edx mov [RootDirArea],eax ; Beginning of root directory mov [RootDir],eax ; For FAT12/16 == root dir location mov edx,[bxRootDirEnts] add dx,SECTOR_SIZE/32-1 shr dx,SECTOR_SHIFT-5 mov [RootDirSize],edx add eax,edx mov [DataArea],eax ; Beginning of data area ; Next, generate a cluster size shift count and mask mov eax,[bxSecPerClust] bsr cx,ax mov [ClustShift],cl push cx add cl,9 mov [ClustByteShift],cl pop cx dec ax mov [ClustMask],eax inc ax shl eax,9 mov [ClustSize],eax ; ; FAT12, FAT16 or FAT28^H^H32? This computation is fscking ridiculous. ; getfattype: mov eax,[EndSector] sub eax,[DataArea] shr eax,cl ; cl == ClustShift mov cl,nextcluster_fat12-(nextcluster+2) cmp eax,4085 ; FAT12 limit jb .setsize mov cl,nextcluster_fat16-(nextcluster+2) cmp eax,65525 ; FAT16 limit jb .setsize ; ; FAT32, root directory is a cluster chain ; mov cl,[ClustShift] mov eax,[bootsec+44] ; Root directory cluster sub eax,2 shl eax,cl add eax,[DataArea] mov [RootDir],eax mov cl,nextcluster_fat28-(nextcluster+2) .setsize: mov byte [nextcluster+1],cl ; ; Common initialization code ; %include "cpuinit.inc" %include "init.inc" ; ; Clear Files structures ; mov di,Files mov cx,(MAX_OPEN*open_file_t_size)/4 xor eax,eax rep stosd ; ; Initialize the metadata cache ; call initcache ; ; Now, everything is "up and running"... patch kaboom for more ; verbosity and using the full screen system ; ; E9 = JMP NEAR mov dword [kaboom.patch],0e9h+((kaboom2-(kaboom.patch+3)) << 8) ; ; Now we're all set to start with our *real* business. First load the ; configuration file (if any) and parse it. ; ; In previous versions I avoided using 32-bit registers because of a ; rumour some BIOSes clobbered the upper half of 32-bit registers at ; random. I figure, though, that if there are any of those still left ; they probably won't be trying to install Linux on them... ; ; The code is still ripe with 16-bitisms, though. Not worth the hassle ; to take'm out. In fact, we may want to put them back if we're going ; to boot ELKS at some point. ; ; ; Load configuration file ; mov di,syslinux_cfg call open jz no_config_file ; ; Now we have the config file open. Parse the config file and ; run the user interface. ; %include "ui.inc" ; ; Linux kernel loading code is common. ; %include "runkernel.inc" ; ; COMBOOT-loading code ; %include "comboot.inc" %include "com32.inc" %include "cmdline.inc" ; ; Boot sector loading code ; %include "bootsect.inc" ; ; Abort loading code ; %include "abort.inc" ; ; allocate_file: Allocate a file structure ; ; If successful: ; ZF set ; BX = file pointer ; In unsuccessful: ; ZF clear ; allocate_file: TRACER 'a' push cx mov bx,Files mov cx,MAX_OPEN .check: cmp dword [bx], byte 0 je .found add bx,open_file_t_size ; ZF = 0 loop .check ; ZF = 0 if we fell out of the loop .found: pop cx ret ; ; searchdir: ; Search the root directory for a pre-mangled filename in DS:DI. ; ; NOTE: This file considers finding a zero-length file an ; error. This is so we don't have to deal with that special ; case elsewhere in the program (most loops have the test ; at the end). ; ; If successful: ; ZF clear ; SI = file pointer ; DX:AX = file length in bytes ; If unsuccessful ; ZF set ; searchdir: call allocate_file jnz .alloc_failure push gs push es push ds pop es ; ES = DS mov eax,[RootDir] ; First root directory sector .scansector: call getcachesector ; GS:SI now points to this sector mov cx,SECTOR_SIZE/32 ; 32 == directory entry size .scanentry: cmp byte [gs:si],0 jz .failure ; Hit directory high water mark push cx push si push di mov cx,11 gs repe cmpsb pop di pop si pop cx jz .found add si,32 loop .scanentry call nextsector jnc .scansector ; CF is set if we're at end ; If we get here, we failed .failure: pop es pop gs .alloc_failure: xor ax,ax ; ZF <- 1 ret .found: mov eax,[gs:si+28] ; File size add eax,SECTOR_SIZE-1 shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT jz .failure ; Zero-length file mov [bx+4],eax mov cl,[ClustShift] mov dx,[gs:si+20] ; High cluster word shl edx,16 mov dx,[gs:si+26] ; Low cluster word sub edx,2 shl edx,cl add edx,[DataArea] mov [bx],edx ; Starting sector mov eax,[gs:si+28] ; File length again mov dx,[gs:si+30] ; 16-bitism, sigh mov si,bx and eax,eax ; ZF <- 0 pop es pop gs ret ; ; writechr: Write a single character in AL to the console without ; mangling any registers; handle video pages correctly. ; writechr: call write_serial ; write to serial port if needed pushfd test byte [cs:DisplayCon], 01h jz .nothing pushad mov ah,0Eh mov bl,07h ; attribute mov bh,[cs:BIOS_page] ; current page int 10h popad .nothing: popfd ret ; ; ; kaboom2: once everything is loaded, replace the part of kaboom ; starting with "kaboom.patch" with this part kaboom2: mov si,err_bootfailed call cwritestr call getchar call vgaclearmode int 19h ; And try once more to boot... .norge: jmp short .norge ; If int 19h returned; this is the end ; ; mangle_name: Mangle a DOS filename pointed to by DS:SI into a buffer pointed ; to by ES:DI; ends on encountering any whitespace ; mangle_name: mov cx,11 ; # of bytes to write mn_loop: lodsb cmp al,' ' ; If control or space, end jna mn_end cmp al,'.' ; Period -> space-fill je mn_is_period cmp al,'a' jb mn_not_lower cmp al,'z' ja mn_not_uslower sub al,020h jmp short mn_not_lower mn_is_period: mov al,' ' ; We need to space-fill mn_period_loop: cmp cx,3 ; If <= 3 characters left jbe mn_loop ; Just ignore it stosb ; Otherwise, write a period loop mn_period_loop ; Dec CX and (always) jump mn_not_uslower: cmp al,ucase_low jb mn_not_lower cmp al,ucase_high ja mn_not_lower mov bx,ucase_tab-ucase_low cs xlatb mn_not_lower: stosb loop mn_loop ; Don't continue if too long mn_end: mov al,' ' ; Space-fill name rep stosb ; Doesn't do anything if CX=0 ret ; Done ; ; Upper-case table for extended characters; this is technically code page 865, ; but code page 437 users will probably not miss not being able to use the ; cent sign in kernel images too much :-) ; ; The table only covers the range 129 to 164; the rest we can deal with. ; ucase_low equ 129 ucase_high equ 164 ucase_tab db 154, 144, 'A', 142, 'A', 143, 128, 'EEEIII' db 142, 143, 144, 146, 146, 'O', 153, 'OUUY', 153, 154 db 157, 156, 157, 158, 159, 'AIOU', 165 ; ; unmangle_name: Does the opposite of mangle_name; converts a DOS-mangled ; filename to the conventional representation. This is needed ; for the BOOT_IMAGE= parameter for the kernel. ; NOTE: A 13-byte buffer is mandatory, even if the string is ; known to be shorter. ; ; DS:SI -> input mangled file name ; ES:DI -> output buffer ; ; On return, DI points to the first byte after the output name, ; which is set to a null byte. ; unmangle_name: push si ; Save pointer to original name mov cx,8 mov bp,di un_copy_body: lodsb call lower_case stosb cmp al,' ' jbe un_cb_space mov bp,di ; Position of last nonblank+1 un_cb_space: loop un_copy_body mov di,bp mov al,'.' ; Don't save stosb mov cx,3 un_copy_ext: lodsb call lower_case stosb cmp al,' ' jbe un_ce_space mov bp,di un_ce_space: loop un_copy_ext mov di,bp mov byte [es:di], 0 pop si ret ; ; lower_case: Lower case a character in AL ; lower_case: cmp al,'A' jb lc_ret cmp al,'Z' ja lc_1 or al,20h ret lc_1: cmp al,lcase_low jb lc_ret cmp al,lcase_high ja lc_ret push bx mov bx,lcase_tab-lcase_low cs xlatb pop bx lc_ret: ret ; ; getfssec_edx: Get multiple sectors from a file ; ; This routine makes sure the subtransfers do not cross a 64K boundary, ; and will correct the situation if it does, UNLESS *sectors* cross ; 64K boundaries. ; ; ES:BX -> Buffer ; EDX -> Current sector number ; CX -> Sector count (0FFFFh = until end of file) ; Must not exceed the ES segment ; Returns EDX=0, CF=1 on EOF (not necessarily error) ; All arguments are advanced to reflect data read. ; getfssec_edx: push ebp push eax .getfragment: xor ebp,ebp ; Fragment sector count push edx ; Starting sector pointer .getseccnt: inc bp dec cx jz .do_read xor eax,eax mov ax,es shl ax,4 add ax,bx ; Now AX = how far into 64K block we are not ax ; Bytes left in 64K block inc eax shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT ; Sectors left in 64K block cmp bp,ax jnb .do_read ; Unless there is at least 1 more sector room... mov eax,edx ; Current sector inc edx ; Predict it's the linearly next sector call nextsector jc .do_read cmp edx,eax ; Did it match? jz .getseccnt .do_read: pop eax ; Starting sector pointer call getlinsecsr lea eax,[eax+ebp-1] ; This is the last sector actually read shl bp,9 add bx,bp ; Adjust buffer pointer call nextsector jc .eof mov edx,eax and cx,cx jnz .getfragment .done: pop eax pop ebp ret .eof: xor edx,edx stc jmp .done ; ; getfssec: Get multiple sectors from a file ; ; Same as above, except SI is a pointer to a open_file_t ; ; ES:BX -> Buffer ; DS:SI -> Pointer to open_file_t ; CX -> Sector count (0FFFFh = until end of file) ; Must not exceed the ES segment ; Returns CF=1 on EOF (not necessarily error) ; All arguments are advanced to reflect data read. ; getfssec: push edx movzx edx,cx cmp edx,[si+4] jbe .sizeok mov edx,[si+4] mov cx,dx .sizeok: sub [si+4],edx mov edx,[si] call getfssec_edx mov [si],edx pop edx ret ; ; nextcluster: Advance a cluster pointer in EDI to the next cluster ; pointed at in the FAT tables. CF=0 on return if end of file. ; nextcluster: jmp strict short nextcluster_fat28 ; This gets patched nextcluster_fat12: push eax push edx push bx push cx push si mov edx,edi shr edi,1 pushf ; Save the shifted-out LSB (=CF) add edx,edi mov eax,edx shr eax,9 call getfatsector mov bx,dx and bx,1FFh mov cl,[gs:si+bx] inc edx mov eax,edx shr eax,9 call getfatsector mov bx,dx and bx,1FFh mov ch,[gs:si+bx] popf jnc .even shr cx,4 .even: and cx,0FFFh movzx edi,cx cmp di,0FF0h pop si pop cx pop bx pop edx pop eax ret ; ; FAT16 decoding routine. ; nextcluster_fat16: push eax push si push bx mov eax,edi shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT-1 call getfatsector mov bx,di add bx,bx and bx,1FEh movzx edi,word [gs:si+bx] cmp di,0FFF0h pop bx pop si pop eax ret ; ; FAT28 ("FAT32") decoding routine. ; nextcluster_fat28: push eax push si push bx mov eax,edi shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT-2 call getfatsector mov bx,di add bx,bx add bx,bx and bx,1FCh mov edi,dword [gs:si+bx] and edi,0FFFFFFFh ; 28 bits only cmp edi,0FFFFFF0h pop bx pop si pop eax ret ; ; nextsector: Given a sector in EAX on input, return the next sector ; of the same filesystem object, which may be the root ; directory or a cluster chain. Returns EOF. ; ; Assumes CS == DS. ; nextsector: push edi push edx mov edx,[DataArea] mov edi,eax sub edi,edx jae .isdata ; Root directory inc eax cmp eax,edx cmc jmp .done .isdata: not edi test edi,[ClustMask] jz .endcluster ; It's not the final sector in a cluster inc eax jmp .done .endcluster: push gs ; nextcluster trashes gs push cx not edi mov cl,[ClustShift] shr edi,cl add edi,2 ; Now EDI contains the cluster number call nextcluster cmc jc .exit ; There isn't anything else... ; New cluster number now in EDI sub edi,2 shl edi,cl ; CF <- 0, unless something is very wrong lea eax,[edi+edx] .exit: pop cx pop gs .done: pop edx pop edi ret ; ; getfatsector: Check for a particular sector (in EAX) in the FAT cache, ; and return a pointer in GS:SI, loading it if needed. ; ; Assumes CS == DS. ; getfatsector: add eax,[FAT] ; FAT starting address jmp getcachesector ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Common modules ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %include "getc.inc" ; getc et al %include "conio.inc" ; Console I/O %include "writestr.inc" ; String output %include "parseconfig.inc" ; High-level config file handling %include "parsecmd.inc" ; Low-level config file handling %include "bcopy32.inc" ; 32-bit bcopy %include "loadhigh.inc" ; Load a file into high memory %include "font.inc" ; VGA font stuff %include "graphics.inc" ; VGA graphics %include "highmem.inc" ; High memory sizing %include "strcpy.inc" ; strcpy() %include "cache.inc" ; Metadata disk cache ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Begin data section ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- section .data ; ; Lower-case table for codepage 865 ; lcase_low equ 128 lcase_high equ 165 lcase_tab db 135, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138 db 139, 140, 141, 132, 134, 130, 145, 145, 147, 148, 149 db 150, 151, 152, 148, 129, 155, 156, 155, 158, 159, 160 db 161, 162, 163, 164, 164 copyright_str db ' Copyright (C) 1994-', year, ' H. Peter Anvin' db CR, LF, 0 boot_prompt db 'boot: ', 0 wipe_char db BS, ' ', BS, 0 err_notfound db 'Could not find kernel image: ',0 err_notkernel db CR, LF, 'Invalid or corrupt kernel image.', CR, LF, 0 err_noram db 'It appears your computer has less than ' asciidec dosram_k db 'K of low ("DOS")' db CR, LF db 'RAM. Linux needs at least this amount to boot. If you get' db CR, LF db 'this message in error, hold down the Ctrl key while' db CR, LF db 'booting, and I will take your word for it.', CR, LF, 0 err_badcfg db 'Unknown keyword in syslinux.cfg.', CR, LF, 0 err_noparm db 'Missing parameter in syslinux.cfg.', CR, LF, 0 err_noinitrd db CR, LF, 'Could not find ramdisk image: ', 0 err_nohighmem db 'Not enough memory to load specified kernel.', CR, LF, 0 err_highload db CR, LF, 'Kernel transfer failure.', CR, LF, 0 err_oldkernel db 'Cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image.' db CR, LF, 0 err_notdos db ': attempted DOS system call', CR, LF, 0 err_comlarge db 'COMBOOT image too large.', CR, LF, 0 err_a20 db CR, LF, 'A20 gate not responding!', CR, LF, 0 err_bootfailed db CR, LF, 'Boot failed: please change disks and press ' db 'a key to continue.', CR, LF, 0 ready_msg db 'Ready.', CR, LF, 0 crlfloading_msg db CR, LF loading_msg db 'Loading ', 0 dotdot_msg db '.' dot_msg db '.', 0 aborted_msg db ' aborted.' ; Fall through to crlf_msg! crlf_msg db CR, LF null_msg db 0 crff_msg db CR, FF, 0 syslinux_cfg db 'SYSLINUXCFG' ; Mangled form ConfigName db 'syslinux.cfg',0 ; Unmangled form %if IS_MDSLINUX manifest db 'MANIFEST ' %endif ; ; Command line options we'd like to take a look at ; ; mem= and vga= are handled as normal 32-bit integer values initrd_cmd db 'initrd=' initrd_cmd_len equ 7 ; ; Config file keyword table ; %include "keywords.inc" ; ; Extensions to search for (in *forward* order). ; exten_table: db 'CBT',0 ; COMBOOT (specific) db 'BSS',0 ; Boot Sector (add superblock) db 'BS ',0 ; Boot Sector db 'COM',0 ; COMBOOT (same as DOS) db 'C32',0 ; COM32 exten_table_end: dd 0, 0 ; Need 8 null bytes here ; ; Misc initialized (data) variables ; %ifdef debug ; This code for debugging only debug_magic dw 0D00Dh ; Debug code sentinel %endif alignb 4, db 0 BufSafe dw trackbufsize/SECTOR_SIZE ; Clusters we can load into trackbuf BufSafeSec dw trackbufsize/SECTOR_SIZE ; = how many sectors? BufSafeBytes dw trackbufsize ; = how many bytes? EndOfGetCBuf dw getcbuf+trackbufsize ; = getcbuf+BufSafeBytes %ifndef DEPEND %if ( trackbufsize % SECTOR_SIZE ) != 0 %error trackbufsize must be a multiple of SECTOR_SIZE %endif %endif