; -*- fundamental -*- (asm-mode sucks) ; **************************************************************************** ; ; ldlinux.asm ; ; A program to boot Linux kernels off an MS-DOS formatted floppy disk. This ; functionality is good to have for installation floppies, where it may ; be hard to find a functional Linux system to run LILO off. ; ; This program allows manipulation of the disk to take place entirely ; from MS-LOSS, and can be especially useful in conjunction with the ; umsdos filesystem. ; ; Copyright 1994-2009 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved ; Copyright 2009 Intel Corporation; author: H. Peter Anvin ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330, ; Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. ; ; **************************************************************************** %ifndef IS_MDSLINUX %define IS_SYSLINUX 1 %endif %include "head.inc" ; ; Some semi-configurable constants... change on your own risk. ; my_id equ syslinux_id FILENAME_MAX_LG2 equ 6 ; log2(Max filename size Including final null) FILENAME_MAX equ (1< 0x0000 .vfat_end: and ax,ax jnz .not_us_pop .ucs_ok: pop bx inc bx cmp cx,3 je .vfat_adj_add2 cmp cx,9 jne .vfat_adj_add0 .vfat_adj_add3: inc si .vfat_adj_add2: inc si .vfat_adj_add1: inc si .vfat_adj_add0: loop .vfat_cmp ; Okay, if we got here we had a match on this particular ; entry... live to see another one. popa jmp .next_entry .not_us_pop: pop bx .not_us: popa jmp .nomatch .short_entry: test byte [gs:si+11],8 ; Ignore volume labels jnz .nomatch cmp byte [VFATNext],0 ; Do we have a longname match? jne .no_long_match ; We already have a VFAT longname match, however, ; the match is only valid if the checksum matches push cx push si push ax xor ax,ax mov cx,11 .csum_loop: gs lodsb ror ah,1 add ah,al loop .csum_loop cmp ah,[VFATCsum] pop ax pop si pop cx je .found ; Got a match on longname .no_long_match: ; Look for a shortname match push cx push si push di mov di,MangledBuf mov cx,11 gs repe cmpsb pop di pop si pop cx je .found .nomatch: ; Reset the VFAT matching state machine mov dh,[VFATInit] mov [VFATNext],dh .next_entry: add si,32 dec cx jnz .scanentry call nextsector jnc .scansector ; CF is set if we're at end ; If we get here, we failed .failure: pop es pop gs pop cx .alloc_failure: pop bx xor eax,eax ; ZF <- 1 ret .found: mov eax,[gs:si+28] ; File size add eax,SECTOR_SIZE-1 shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT mov [bx+4],eax ; Sector count mov cl,[ClustShift] mov dx,[gs:si+20] ; High cluster word shl edx,16 mov dx,[gs:si+26] ; Low cluster word sub edx,2 shl edx,cl add edx,[DataArea] mov [bx],edx ; Starting sector mov eax,[gs:si+28] ; File length again mov dl,[gs:si+11] ; File attribute mov si,bx ; File pointer... and si,si ; ZF <- 0 pop es pop gs pop cx pop bx ret section .data alignz 4 ; Note: we have no use of the first 32 bytes (header), ; nor of the folloing 32 bytes (case mapping of control ; characters), as long as we adjust the offsets appropriately. codepage equ $-(32+32) codepage_data: incbin "codepage.cp",32+32 cp_uppercase equ codepage+cp.uppercase cp_unicode equ codepage+cp.unicode cp_unicode_alt equ codepage+cp.unicode_alt codepage_end equ $ section .text ; ; Input: UCS-2 character in AX ; Output: Single byte character in AL, ZF = 1 ; On failure, returns ZF = 0 ; ucs2_to_cp: push es push di push cx push cs pop es mov di,cp_unicode mov cx,512 repne scasw xchg ax,cx pop cx pop di pop es not ax ; Doesn't change the flags! ret section .bss VFATInit resb 1 VFATNext resb 1 VFATCsum resb 1 section .text ; ; close_file: ; Deallocates a file structure (pointer in SI) ; Assumes CS == DS. ; close_file: and si,si jz .closed mov dword [si],0 ; First dword == file_sector xor si,si .closed: ret ; ; close_dir: ; Deallocates a directory structure (pointer in SI) ; Assumes CS == DS. ; close_dir: and si,si jz .closed mov dword [si],0 ; First dword == file_sector xor si,si .closed: ret ; ; searchdir: ; ; Open a file ; ; On entry: ; DS:DI = filename ; If successful: ; ZF clear ; SI = file pointer ; EAX = file length in bytes ; If unsuccessful ; ZF set ; ; Assumes CS == DS == ES, and trashes BX and CX. ; searchdir: mov eax,[CurrentDir] cmp byte [di],'/' ; Root directory? jne .notroot mov eax,[RootDir] inc di .notroot: .pathwalk: push eax ; Current directory sector mov si,di .findend: lodsb cmp al,' ' jbe .endpath cmp al,'/' jne .findend .endpath: xchg si,di ; GRC: si begin; di end[ /]+1 pop eax ; Current directory sector ; GRC Here I need to check if di-1 = si which signifies ; we have the desired directory in EAX ; What about where the file name = "."; later mov dx,di dec dx cmp dx,si jz .founddir mov [PrevDir],eax ; Remember last directory searched push di call mangle_dos_name ; MangledBuf <- component call search_dos_dir pop di jz .notfound ; Pathname component missing cmp byte [di-1],'/' ; Do we expect a directory je .isdir ; Otherwise, it should be a file .isfile: test dl,18h ; Subdirectory|Volume Label jnz .badfile ; If not a file, it's a bad thing ; SI and EAX are already set mov [si+file_bytesleft],eax push eax add eax,SECTOR_SIZE-1 shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT mov [si+file_left],eax ; Sectors left pop eax and eax,eax ; EAX != 0 jz .badfile ret ; Done! ; If we expected a directory, it better be one... .isdir: test dl,10h ; Subdirectory jz .badfile xor eax,eax xchg eax,[si+file_sector] ; Get sector number and free file structure jmp .pathwalk ; Walk the next bit of the path ; Found the desired directory; ZF set but EAX not 0 .founddir: ret .badfile: xor eax,eax mov [si],eax ; Free file structure .notfound: xor eax,eax ; Zero out EAX ret ; ; readdir: Read one file from a directory ; ; ES:DI -> String buffer (filename) ; DS:SI -> Pointer to open_file_t ; DS Must be the SYSLINUX Data Segment ; ; Returns the file's name in the filename string buffer ; EAX returns the file size ; EBX returns the beginning sector (currently without offsetting) ; DL returns the file type ; The directory handle's data is incremented to reflect a name read. ; readdir: push ecx push bp ; Using bp to transfer between segment registers push si push es push fs ; Using fs to store the current es (from COMBOOT) push gs mov bp,es mov fs,bp cmp si,0 jz .fail .load_handle: mov eax,[ds:si+file_sector] ; Current sector mov ebx,[ds:si+file_bytesleft] ; Current offset cmp eax,0 jz .fail .fetch_cache: call getcachesector .move_current: add si,bx ; Resume last position in sector mov ecx,SECTOR_SIZE ; 0 out high part sub cx,bx shr cx,5 ; Number of entries left .scanentry: cmp byte [gs:si],0 jz .fail cmp word [gs:si+11],0Fh ; Long filename jne .short_entry .vfat_entry: push eax push ecx push si push di .vfat_ln_info: ; Get info about the line that we're on mov al,[gs:si] test al,40h jz .vfat_tail_ln and al,03Fh mov ah,1 ; On beginning line jmp .vfat_ck_ln .vfat_tail_ln: ; VFAT tail line processing (later in VFAT, head in name) test al,80h ; Invalid data? jnz .vfat_abort mov ah,0 ; Not on beginning line cmp dl,al jne .vfat_abort ; Is this the entry we need? mov bl,[gs:si+13] cmp bl,[VFATCsum] je .vfat_cp_ln jmp .vfat_abort .vfat_ck_ln: ; Load this line's VFAT CheckSum mov bl,[gs:si+13] mov [VFATCsum],bl .vfat_cp_ln: ; Copy VFAT line dec al ; Store the next line we need mov dx,ax ; Use DX to store the progress mov cx,13 ; 13 characters per VFAT DIRENT cbw ; AH <- 0 mul cl ; Offset for DI add di,ax ; Increment DI inc si ; Align to the real characters .vfat_cp_chr: gs lodsw ; Unicode here!! call ucs2_to_cp ; Convert to local codepage jnz .vfat_abort ; Use short name if character not on codepage stosb ; CAN NOT OVERRIDE es cmp al,0 jz .vfat_find_next ; Null-terminated string; don't process more cmp cx,3 je .vfat_adj_add2 cmp cx,9 jne .vfat_adj_add0 .vfat_adj_add3: inc si .vfat_adj_add2: inc si .vfat_adj_add1: inc si .vfat_adj_add0: loop .vfat_cp_chr cmp dh,1 ; Is this the first round? jnz .vfat_find_next .vfat_null_term: ; Need to null-terminate if first line as we rolled over the end mov al,0 stosb .vfat_find_next: ;Find the next part of the name pop di pop si pop ecx pop eax cmp dl,0 jz .vfat_find_info ; We're done with the name add si,DIRENT_SIZE dec cx jnz .vfat_entry call nextsector jnc .vfat_entry ; CF is set if we're at end jmp .fail .vfat_find_info: ; Fetch next entry for the size/"INode" add si,DIRENT_SIZE dec cx jnz .get_info call nextsector jnc .get_info ; CF is set if we're at end jmp .fail .vfat_abort: ; Something went wrong, skip pop di pop si pop ecx pop eax jmp .skip_entry .short_entry: test byte [gs:si+11],8 ; Ignore volume labels //HERE jnz .skip_entry mov edx,eax ;Save current sector push cx push si push di mov cx,8 .short_file: gs lodsb cmp al,'.' jz .short_dot .short_file_loop: cmp al,' ' jz .short_skip_bs stosb loop .short_file_loop jmp .short_period .short_skip_bs: ; skip blank spaces in FILENAME (before EXT) add si,cx dec si .short_period: mov al,'.' stosb mov cx,3 .short_ext: gs lodsb cmp al,' ' jz .short_done stosb loop .short_ext jmp .short_done .short_dot: stosb gs lodsb cmp al,' ' jz .short_done stosb .short_done: mov al,0 ; Null-terminate the short strings stosb pop di pop si pop cx mov eax,edx .get_info: mov ebx,[gs:si+28] ; length mov dl,[gs:si+11] ; type .next_entry: add si,DIRENT_SIZE dec cx jnz .store_offset call nextsector jnc .store_sect ; CF is set if we're at end jmp .fail .skip_entry: add si,DIRENT_SIZE dec cx jnz .scanentry call nextsector jnc .scanentry ; CF is set if we're at end jmp .fail .store_sect: pop gs pop fs pop es pop si mov [ds:si+file_sector],eax mov eax,0 ; Now at beginning of new sector jmp .success .store_offset: pop gs pop fs pop es pop si ; cx=num remain; SECTOR_SIZE-(cx*32)=cur pos shl ecx,DIRENT_SHIFT mov eax,SECTOR_SIZE sub eax,ecx and eax,0ffffh .success: mov [ds:si+file_bytesleft],eax ; "INode" number = ((CurSector-RootSector)*SECTOR_SIZE + Offset)/DIRENT_SIZE) mov ecx,eax mov eax,[ds:si+file_sector] sub eax,[RootDir] shl eax,SECTOR_SHIFT add eax,ecx shr eax,DIRENT_SHIFT dec eax xchg eax,ebx ; -> EBX=INode, EAX=FileSize jmp .done .fail: pop gs pop fs pop es pop si call close_dir xor eax,eax stc .done: pop bp pop ecx .end: ret section .bss alignb 4 CurrentDir resd 1 ; Current directory PrevDir resd 1 ; Last scanned directory section .text ; ; ; kaboom2: once everything is loaded, replace the part of kaboom ; starting with "kaboom.patch" with this part kaboom2: mov si,err_bootfailed call writestr cmp byte [kaboom.again+1],18h ; INT 18h version? je .int18 call getchar call vgaclearmode int 19h ; And try once more to boot... .norge: jmp short .norge ; If int 19h returned; this is the end .int18: call vgaclearmode int 18h .noreg: jmp short .noreg ; Nynorsk ; ; mangle_name: Mangle a filename pointed to by DS:SI into a buffer pointed ; to by ES:DI; ends on encountering any whitespace. ; DI is preserved. ; ; This verifies that a filename is < FILENAME_MAX characters, ; doesn't contain whitespace, zero-pads the output buffer, ; and removes trailing dots and redundant slashes, plus changes ; backslashes to forward slashes, ; so "repe cmpsb" can do a compare, and the path-searching routine ; gets a bit of an easier job. ; ; mangle_name: push di push bx xor ax,ax mov cx,FILENAME_MAX-1 mov bx,di .mn_loop: lodsb cmp al,' ' ; If control or space, end jna .mn_end cmp al,'\' ; Backslash? jne .mn_not_bs mov al,'/' ; Change to forward slash .mn_not_bs: cmp al,ah ; Repeated slash? je .mn_skip xor ah,ah cmp al,'/' jne .mn_ok mov ah,al .mn_ok stosb .mn_skip: loop .mn_loop .mn_end: cmp bx,di ; At the beginning of the buffer? jbe .mn_zero cmp byte [es:di-1],'.' ; Terminal dot? je .mn_kill cmp byte [es:di-1],'/' ; Terminal slash? jne .mn_zero .mn_kill: dec di ; If so, remove it inc cx jmp short .mn_end .mn_zero: inc cx ; At least one null byte xor ax,ax ; Zero-fill name rep stosb pop bx pop di ret ; Done ; ; unmangle_name: Does the opposite of mangle_name; converts a DOS-mangled ; filename to the conventional representation. This is needed ; for the BOOT_IMAGE= parameter for the kernel. ; NOTE: A 13-byte buffer is mandatory, even if the string is ; known to be shorter. ; ; DS:SI -> input mangled file name ; ES:DI -> output buffer ; ; On return, DI points to the first byte after the output name, ; which is set to a null byte. ; unmangle_name: call strcpy dec di ; Point to final null byte ret ; ; mangle_dos_name: ; Mangle a DOS filename component pointed to by DS:SI ; into [MangledBuf]; ends on encountering any whitespace or ; slash. ; ; WARNING: saves pointers into the buffer for longname ; matches! ; ; Assumes CS == DS == ES. ; mangle_dos_name: pusha mov di,MangledBuf mov [NameStart],si mov cx,11 ; # of bytes to write mov bx,cp_uppercase ; Case-conversion table .loop: lodsb cmp al,' ' ; If control or space, end jna .end cmp al,'/' ; Slash, too je .end cmp al,'.' ; Period -> space-fill je .is_period xlatb ; Convert to upper case mov ah,cl ; If the first byte (only!)... cmp ax,0BE5h ; ... equals E5 hex ... jne .charok mov al,05h ; ... change it to 05 hex .charok: stosb loop .loop ; Don't continue if too long ; Find the end for the benefit of longname search .find_end: lodsb cmp al,' ' jna .end cmp al,'/' jne .find_end .end: dec si sub si,[NameStart] mov [NameLen],si mov al,' ' ; Space-fill name rep stosb ; Doesn't do anything if CX=0 popa ret ; Done .is_period: mov al,' ' ; We need to space-fill .period_loop: cmp cx,3 ; If <= 3 characters left jbe .loop ; Just ignore it stosb ; Otherwise, write a space loop .period_loop ; Dec CX and *always* jump section .bss alignb 2 NameStart resw 1 NameLen resw 1 MangledBuf resb 11 section .text ; ; getfssec_edx: Get multiple sectors from a file ; ; This routine makes sure the subtransfers do not cross a 64K boundary, ; and will correct the situation if it does, UNLESS *sectors* cross ; 64K boundaries. ; ; ES:BX -> Buffer ; EDX -> Current sector number ; CX -> Sector count (0FFFFh = until end of file) ; Must not exceed the ES segment ; Returns EDX=0, CF=1 on EOF (not necessarily error) ; All arguments are advanced to reflect data read. ; getfssec_edx: push ebp push eax .getfragment: xor ebp,ebp ; Fragment sector count push edx ; Starting sector pointer .getseccnt: inc bp dec cx jz .do_read xor eax,eax mov ax,es shl ax,4 add ax,bx ; Now AX = how far into 64K block we are not ax ; Bytes left in 64K block inc eax shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT ; Sectors left in 64K block cmp bp,ax jnb .do_read ; Unless there is at least 1 more sector room... mov eax,edx ; Current sector inc edx ; Predict it's the linearly next sector call nextsector jc .do_read cmp edx,eax ; Did it match? jz .getseccnt .do_read: pop eax ; Starting sector pointer call getlinsecsr lea eax,[eax+ebp-1] ; This is the last sector actually read shl bp,9 add bx,bp ; Adjust buffer pointer call nextsector jc .eof mov edx,eax and cx,cx jnz .getfragment .done: pop eax pop ebp ret .eof: xor edx,edx stc jmp .done ; ; getfssec: Get multiple sectors from a file ; ; Same as above, except SI is a pointer to a open_file_t ; ; ES:BX -> Buffer ; DS:SI -> Pointer to open_file_t ; CX -> Sector count (0FFFFh = until end of file) ; Must not exceed the ES segment ; Returns CF=1 on EOF (not necessarily error) ; ECX returns number of bytes read. ; All arguments are advanced to reflect data read. ; getfssec: push edx movzx edx,cx push edx ; Zero-extended CX cmp edx,[si+file_left] jbe .sizeok mov edx,[si+file_left] mov cx,dx .sizeok: sub [si+file_left],edx mov edx,[si+file_sector] call getfssec_edx mov [si+file_sector],edx pop ecx ; Sectors requested read shl ecx,SECTOR_SHIFT cmp ecx,[si+file_bytesleft] ja .eof .noteof: sub [si+file_bytesleft],ecx ; CF <- 0 pop edx ret .eof: mov ecx,[si+file_bytesleft] call close_file pop edx stc ret ; ; nextcluster: Advance a cluster pointer in EDI to the next cluster ; pointed at in the FAT tables. CF=0 on return if end of file. ; nextcluster: jmp strict short nextcluster_fat28 ; This gets patched nextcluster_fat12: push eax push edx push bx push cx push si mov edx,edi shr edi,1 pushf ; Save the shifted-out LSB (=CF) add edx,edi mov eax,edx shr eax,9 call getfatsector mov bx,dx and bx,1FFh mov cl,[gs:si+bx] inc edx mov eax,edx shr eax,9 call getfatsector mov bx,dx and bx,1FFh mov ch,[gs:si+bx] popf jnc .even shr cx,4 .even: and cx,0FFFh movzx edi,cx cmp di,0FF0h pop si pop cx pop bx pop edx pop eax ret ; ; FAT16 decoding routine. ; nextcluster_fat16: push eax push si push bx mov eax,edi shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT-1 call getfatsector mov bx,di add bx,bx and bx,1FEh movzx edi,word [gs:si+bx] cmp di,0FFF0h pop bx pop si pop eax ret ; ; FAT28 ("FAT32") decoding routine. ; nextcluster_fat28: push eax push si push bx mov eax,edi shr eax,SECTOR_SHIFT-2 call getfatsector mov bx,di add bx,bx add bx,bx and bx,1FCh mov edi,dword [gs:si+bx] and edi,0FFFFFFFh ; 28 bits only cmp edi,0FFFFFF0h pop bx pop si pop eax ret ; ; nextsector: Given a sector in EAX on input, return the next sector ; of the same filesystem object, which may be the root ; directory or a cluster chain. Returns EOF. ; ; Assumes CS == DS. ; nextsector: push edi push edx mov edx,[DataArea] mov edi,eax sub edi,edx jae .isdata ; Root directory inc eax cmp eax,edx cmc jmp .done .isdata: not edi test edi,[ClustMask] jz .endcluster ; It's not the final sector in a cluster inc eax jmp .done .endcluster: push gs ; nextcluster trashes gs push cx not edi mov cl,[ClustShift] shr edi,cl add edi,2 ; Now EDI contains the cluster number call nextcluster cmc jc .exit ; There isn't anything else... ; New cluster number now in EDI sub edi,2 shl edi,cl ; CF <- 0, unless something is very wrong lea eax,[edi+edx] .exit: pop cx pop gs .done: pop edx pop edi ret ; ; getfatsector: Check for a particular sector (in EAX) in the FAT cache, ; and return a pointer in GS:SI, loading it if needed. ; ; Assumes CS == DS. ; getfatsector: add eax,[FAT] ; FAT starting address jmp getcachesector ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Common modules ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %include "getc.inc" ; getc et al %include "conio.inc" ; Console I/O %include "plaincon.inc" ; writechr %include "writestr.inc" ; String output %include "writehex.inc" ; Hexadecimal output %include "configinit.inc" ; Initialize configuration %include "parseconfig.inc" ; High-level config file handling %include "parsecmd.inc" ; Low-level config file handling %include "bcopy32.inc" ; 32-bit bcopy %include "loadhigh.inc" ; Load a file into high memory %include "font.inc" ; VGA font stuff %include "graphics.inc" ; VGA graphics %include "highmem.inc" ; High memory sizing %include "strcpy.inc" ; strcpy() %include "cache.inc" ; Metadata disk cache %include "idle.inc" ; Idle handling %include "adv.inc" ; Auxillary Data Vector %include "localboot.inc" ; Disk-based local boot ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Begin data section ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- section .data copyright_str db ' Copyright (C) 1994-' asciidec YEAR db ' H. Peter Anvin et al', CR, LF, 0 err_bootfailed db CR, LF, 'Boot failed: please change disks and press ' db 'a key to continue.', CR, LF, 0 syslinux_cfg1 db '/boot' ; /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg syslinux_cfg2 db '/syslinux' ; /syslinux/syslinux.cfg syslinux_cfg3 db '/' ; /syslinux.cfg config_name db 'syslinux.cfg', 0 ; syslinux.cfg ; ; Config file keyword table ; %include "keywords.inc" ; ; Extensions to search for (in *forward* order). ; exten_table: db '.cbt' ; COMBOOT (specific) db '.bss' ; Boot Sector (add superblock) db '.bs', 0 ; Boot Sector db '.com' ; COMBOOT (same as DOS) db '.c32' ; COM32 exten_table_end: dd 0, 0 ; Need 8 null bytes here ; ; Misc initialized (data) variables ; %ifdef debug ; This code for debugging only debug_magic dw 0D00Dh ; Debug code sentinel %endif alignz 4 BufSafe dw trackbufsize/SECTOR_SIZE ; Clusters we can load into trackbuf BufSafeBytes dw trackbufsize ; = how many bytes? %ifndef DEPEND %if ( trackbufsize % SECTOR_SIZE ) != 0 %error trackbufsize must be a multiple of SECTOR_SIZE %endif %endif