;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Copyright 1994-2009 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved ;; Copyright 2009 Intel Corporation; author: H. Peter Anvin ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330, ;; Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. ;; ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; comboot.inc ;; ;; Common code for running a COMBOOT image ;; section .text16 ; Parameter registers definition; this is the definition ; of the stack frame used by INT 21h and INT 22h. %define P_FLAGS word [bp+44] %define P_FLAGSL byte [bp+44] %define P_FLAGSH byte [bp+45] %define P_CS word [bp+42] %define P_IP word [bp+40] %define P_CSIP dword [bp+40] %define P_DS word [bp+38] %define P_ES word [bp+36] %define P_FS word [bp+34] %define P_GS word [bp+32] %define P_EAX dword [bp+28] %define P_AX word [bp+28] %define P_HAX word [bp+30] %define P_AL byte [bp+28] %define P_AH byte [bp+29] %define P_ECX dword [bp+24] %define P_CX word [bp+24] %define P_HCX word [bp+26] %define P_CL byte [bp+24] %define P_CH byte [bp+25] %define P_EDX dword [bp+20] %define P_DX word [bp+20] %define P_HDX word [bp+22] %define P_DL byte [bp+20] %define P_DH byte [bp+21] %define P_EBX dword [bp+16] %define P_BX word [bp+16] %define P_HBX word [bp+18] %define P_BL byte [bp+16] %define P_BH byte [bp+17] %define P_EBP dword [bp+8] %define P_BP word [bp+8] %define P_HBP word [bp+10] %define P_ESI dword [bp+4] %define P_SI word [bp+4] %define P_HSI word [bp+6] %define P_EDI dword [bp] %define P_DI word [bp] %define P_HDI word [bp+2] ; Looks like a COMBOOT image but too large comboot_too_large: call close_file mov si,err_comlarge call writestr jmp enter_command ; ; Load a COMBOOT image. A COMBOOT image is basically a DOS .COM file, ; except that it may, of course, not contain any DOS system calls. We ; do, however, allow the execution of INT 20h to return to SYSLINUX. ; is_comboot_image: push si ; Save file handle call make_plain_cmdline call comboot_setup_api mov cx,comboot_seg mov es,cx xor di,di mov cx,64 ; 256 bytes (size of PSP) xor eax,eax ; Clear PSP rep stosd mov word [es:0], 020CDh ; INT 20h instruction ; First non-free paragraph ; This is valid because comboot_seg == real_mode_seg ; == the highest segment used by all derivatives int 12h ; Get DOS memory size shl ax,6 ; Kilobytes -> paragraphs mov word [es:02h],ax %ifndef DEPEND %if real_mode_seg != comboot_seg %error "This code assumes real_mode_seg == comboot_seg" %endif %endif ; Copy the command line from high memory mov si,cmd_line_here mov cx,125 ; Max cmdline len (minus space and CR) mov di,081h ; Offset in PSP for command line mov al,' ' ; DOS command lines begin with a space stosb .loop: es lodsb and al,al jz .done stosb loop .loop .done: mov al,0Dh ; CR after last character stosb mov ax,di sub al,82h ; Include space but not CR mov [es:80h],al ; Store command line length ; Now actually load the file... pop si ; File handle mov bx,100h ; Load at :0100h mov cx,10000h >> SECTOR_SHIFT ; Absolute maximum # of sectors pm_call getfssec cmp ecx,65536-256-2 ; Maximum size ja comboot_too_large ; And invoke the program... mov ax,es mov ds,ax mov ss,ax xor sp,sp push word 0 ; Return to address 0 -> exit jmp comboot_seg:100h ; Run it ; Proper return vector ; Note: this gets invoked both via INT 21h and directly via INT 20h. ; We don't need to cld explicitly here, because comboot_exit does that ; when invoking RESET_STACK_AND_SEGS. comboot_return: cli ; May not have a safe stack push enter_command ; Normal return to command prompt jmp comboot_exit ; ; Set up the COMBOOT API interrupt vectors. This is now done at ; initialization time. ; comboot_setup_api: mov di,DOSErrTramp ; Error trampolines mov cx,32 push cx mov eax,02EB206Ah ; push 20h; jmp $+4 .loop1: stosd inc ah loop .loop1 dec di mov byte [di-1],0E9h mov ax,comboot_bogus-2 sub ax,di stosw pop cx ; CX <- 32 mov si,4*20h ; DOS interrupt vectors mov bx,comboot_vectors mov di,DOSSaveVectors .loop2: movsd movzx eax,word [bx] inc bx inc bx mov [si-4],eax loop .loop2 ret ; ; Restore the original state of the COMBOOT API vectors ; comboot_cleanup_api: pusha mov si,DOSSaveVectors mov di,4*20h mov cx,20h rep movsd ; Restore DOS-range vectors popa ret section .bss16 alignb 4 DOSSaveVectors resd 32 section .data16 %define comboot_err(x) (DOSErrTramp+4*((x)-20h)) comboot_vectors: dw comboot_return ; INT 20 = exit dw comboot_int21 ; INT 21 = DOS-compatible system calls dw comboot_int22 ; INT 22 = native system calls dw comboot_err(23h) ; INT 23 = DOS Ctrl-C handler dw comboot_err(24h) ; INT 24 = DOS critical error handler dw comboot_err(25h) ; INT 25 = DOS absolute disk read dw comboot_err(26h) ; INT 26 = DOS absolute disk write dw comboot_err(27h) ; INT 27 = DOS TSR dw comboot_int28 ; INT 28 = DOS idle interrupt dw comboot_int29 ; INT 29 = DOS fast console output dw comboot_err(2Ah) ; INT 2A = DOS network API (NetBIOS) dw comboot_err(2Bh) ; INT 2B = DOS reserved dw comboot_err(2Ch) ; INT 2C = DOS reserved dw comboot_iret ; INT 2D = DOS reserved, AMIS dw comboot_err(2Eh) ; INT 2E = DOS run command dw comboot_iret ; INT 2F = DOS multiplex interrupt dw comboot_err(30h) ; INT 30 = DOS CP/M system calls dw comboot_err(31h) ; INT 31 = DPMI dw comboot_err(32h) ; INT 32 = DOS reserved dw comboot_iret ; INT 33 = DOS mouse API dw comboot_err(34h) ; INT 34 = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(35h) ; INT 35 = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(36h) ; INT 36 = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(37h) ; INT 37 = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(38h) ; INT 38 = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(39h) ; INT 39 = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(3Ah) ; INT 3A = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(3Bh) ; INT 3B = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(3Ch) ; INT 3C = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(3Dh) ; INT 3D = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(3Eh) ; INT 3E = DOS FPU emulation dw comboot_err(3Fh) ; INT 3F = DOS overlay manager section .text16 ; INT 21h: generic DOS system call comboot_int21: sti push ds push es push fs push gs pushad cld mov bp,cs mov ds,bp mov es,bp mov bp,sp ; Set up stack frame call adjust_screen ; The COMBOOT program might have changed the screen mov cx,int21_count mov si,int21_table .again: lodsb cmp al,P_AH lodsw loopne .again ; The last function in the list is the ; "no such function" function clc call ax ; Call the invoked function comboot_resume: mov bp,sp ; In case the function clobbers BP setc P_FLAGSL ; Propagate CF->error popad pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds comboot_iret: iret comboot_bad_int21: mov ax,P_AX push P_CSIP push 21h ; Fall through ; Attempted to execute invalid DOS system call ; The interrupt number is on the stack. comboot_bogus: pop dx ; Interrupt number pop edi ; CS:IP mov cx,err_notdos push comboot_bogus_tail jmp comboot_exit_msg comboot_bogus_tail: xchg ax,dx call writehex2 ; Interrupt number mov al,' ' call writechr xchg ax,dx call writehex4 ; Function number (AX) mov al,' ' call writechr mov eax,edi call writehex8 ; CS:IP of the origin call crlf jmp enter_command ; ; Generic COMBOOT return to command line code ; stack -> where to go next ; CX -> message (for _msg version) ; comboot_exit: xor cx,cx comboot_exit_msg: pop bx ; Return address RESET_STACK_AND_SEGS SI ; Contains sti, cld call adjust_screen ; The COMBOOT program might have changed the screen jcxz .nomsg mov si,KernelCName call writestr mov si,cx call writestr .nomsg: jmp bx ; ; INT 21h system calls ; comboot_getkey: ; 01 = get key with echo call vgashowcursor call comboot_getchar call vgahidecursor call writechr clc ret comboot_writechr: ; 02 = writechr mov al,P_DL call writechr clc ret comboot_writeserial: ; 04 = write serial port mov al,P_DL call write_serial clc ret comboot_getkeynoecho: ; 08 = get key w/o echo call comboot_getchar clc ret comboot_writestr: ; 09 = write DOS string mov es,P_DS mov si,P_DX .loop: es lodsb cmp al,'$' ; End string with $ - bizarre je .done call writechr jmp short .loop .done: clc ret comboot_checkkey: ; 0B = check keyboard status cmp byte [APIKeyFlag],00h jnz .waiting call pollchar .waiting: setz al dec al ; AL = 0FFh if present, 0 if not mov P_AL,al clc ret comboot_checkver: ; 30 = check DOS version ; We return 0 in all DOS-compatible version registers, ; but the high part of eax-ebx-ecx-edx spell "SYSLINUX" mov P_EAX,'SY' << 16 mov P_EBX,'SL' << 16 mov P_ECX,'IN' << 16 mov P_EDX,'UX' << 16 ret comboot_getchar: cmp byte [APIKeyFlag],00h jne .queued call getchar ; If not queued get input and al,al ; Function key? (CF <- 0) jnz .done mov [APIKeyWait],ah ; High part of key inc byte [APIKeyFlag] ; Set flag .done: mov P_AL,al ret .queued: mov al,[APIKeyWait] dec byte [APIKeyFlag] jmp .done ; ; INT 28h - DOS idle ; comboot_int28: sti cld call do_idle iret ; ; INT 29h - DOS fast write character ; comboot_int29: sti cld call writechr ; Preserves registers! iret ; ; INT 22h - SYSLINUX-specific system calls ; System call number in ax ; comboot_int22: sti push ds push es push fs push gs pushad cld mov bp,cs mov ds,bp mov es,bp mov bp,sp ; Set up stack frame call adjust_screen ; The COMBOOT program might have changed the screen cmp ax,int22_count jb .ok xor ax,ax ; Function 0 -> unimplemented .ok: xchg ax,bx add bx,bx ; CF <- 0 call [bx+int22_table] jmp comboot_resume ; On return ; ; INT 22h AX=0000h Unimplemented call ; comapi_err: stc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0001h Get SYSLINUX version ; comapi_get_version: ; Number of API functions supported mov P_AX,int22_count ; SYSLINUX version mov P_CX,(VERSION_MAJOR << 8)+VERSION_MINOR ; SYSLINUX derivative ID byte mov P_DX,my_id ; For future use mov P_BX,cs ; cs == 0 mov P_ES,ds ; ES:SI -> version banner mov P_SI,syslinux_banner ; ES:DI -> copyright string mov P_DI,copyright_str comapi_nop: clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0002h Write string ; ; Write null-terminated string in ES:BX ; comapi_writestr: mov ds,P_ES mov si,P_BX call writestr clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0003h Run command ; ; Terminates the COMBOOT program and executes the command line in ; ES:BX as if it had been entered by the user. ; comapi_run: mov ds,P_ES mov si,P_BX mov di,command_line call strcpy push load_kernel ; Run a new kernel jmp comboot_exit ; Terminate task, clean up ; ; INT 22h AX=0004h Run default command ; ; Terminates the COMBOOT program and executes the default command line ; as if a timeout had happened or the user pressed . ; comapi_run_default: push auto_boot jmp comboot_exit ; ; INT 22h AX=0005h Force text mode ; ; Puts the video in standard text mode ; comapi_textmode: call vgaclearmode clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0006h Open file ; comapi_open: push ds mov ds,P_ES mov si,P_SI mov di,InitRD pm_call mangle_name pop ds pm_call searchdir jz comapi_err mov P_EAX,eax mov P_CX,SECTOR_SIZE mov P_SI,si clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0007h Read file ; comapi_read: mov es,P_ES mov bx,P_BX mov si,P_SI mov cx,P_CX pm_call getfssec jnc .noteof xor si,si ; SI <- 0 on EOF, CF <- 0 .noteof: mov P_SI,si mov P_ECX,ecx ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0008h Close file ; comapi_close: mov si,P_SI call close_file clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0009h Call PXE stack ; %if IS_PXELINUX comapi_pxecall: mov bx,P_BX mov es,P_ES mov di,P_DI call pxenv mov ax,[PXEStatus] mov P_AX,ax ret %else comapi_pxecall equ comapi_err ; Not available %endif ; ; INT 22h AX=000Ah Get Derivative-Specific Info ; comapi_derinfo: mov P_AL,my_id %if IS_PXELINUX mov ax,[APIVer] mov P_DX,ax mov ax,[StrucPtr] mov P_BX,ax mov ax,[StrucPtr+2] mov P_ES,ax mov ax,[InitStack] mov P_SI,ax mov ax,[InitStack+2] mov P_FS,ax %else ; Physical medium... mov P_CL,SECTOR_SHIFT mov al,[DriveNumber] mov P_DL,al mov P_FS,cs mov P_SI,OrigESDI %if IS_SYSLINUX || IS_EXTLINUX mov P_ES,cs mov P_BX,PartInfo %elif IS_ISOLINUX mov P_ES,cs mov P_BX,spec_packet mov ax,[BIOSType] sub ax,bios_cdrom shr ax,2 mov P_CH,al ; Mode (el torito/cbios/ebios) %endif %endif clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=000Bh Get Serial Console Configuration ; comapi_serialcfg: mov ax,[SerialPort] mov P_DX,ax mov ax,[BaudDivisor] mov P_CX,ax mov ax,[FlowControl] or al,ah mov ah,[FlowIgnore] shr ah,4 test byte [DisplayCon],01h jnz .normalconsole or ah,80h .normalconsole: mov P_BX,ax clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=000Ch Perform final cleanup ; comapi_cleanup: %if IS_PXELINUX ; Unload PXE if requested test dl,3 setnz [KeepPXE] sub bp,sp ; unload_pxe may move the stack around call unload_pxe add bp,sp ; restore frame pointer... %elif IS_SYSLINUX || IS_EXTLINUX ; Restore original FDC table mov eax,[OrigFDCTabPtr] mov [fdctab],eax %endif call cleanup_hardware clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=000Dh Clean up then replace bootstrap ; comapi_chainboot: call comapi_cleanup mov eax,P_EDI mov [trackbuf+4],eax ; Copy from mov eax,P_ECX mov [trackbuf+8],eax ; Total bytes mov eax,7C00h mov [trackbuf],eax ; Copy to push eax ; Entry point on stack mov esi,P_ESI mov edx,P_EBX mov bx,P_DS jmp replace_bootstrap_one ; ; INT 22h AX=000Eh Get configuration file name ; comapi_configfile: mov P_ES,cs mov P_BX,ConfigName clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=000Fh Get IPAPPEND strings ; comapi_ipappend: mov P_ES,cs mov P_CX,numIPAppends mov P_BX,IPAppends clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0010h Resolve hostname ; %if IS_PXELINUX comapi_dnsresolv: mov ds,P_ES mov si,P_BX call dns_resolv mov P_EAX,eax clc ret %else comapi_dnsresolv equ comapi_err %endif section .text16 ; ; INT 22h AX=0011h Obsolete ; ; ; INT 22h AX=0012h Obsolete ; ; ; INT 22h AX=0013h Idle call ; comapi_idle: call do_idle clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0014h Local boot ; %if HAS_LOCALBOOT comapi_localboot: mov ax,P_DX jmp local_boot %else comapi_localboot equ comapi_err %endif ; HAS_LOCALBOOT ; ; INT 22h AX=0015h Feature flags ; comapi_features: mov P_ES,cs mov P_BX,feature_flags mov P_CX,feature_flags_len clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0016h Run kernel image ; comapi_runkernel: mov al,P_DL cmp al,VK_TYPES-1 ja .error mov [KernelType],al push ds mov ds,P_DS mov si,P_SI mov di,KernelName pm_call mangle_name pop ds pm_call searchdir jz comapi_err ; The kernel image was found, so we can load it... mov [Kernel_SI],si mov [Kernel_EAX],eax ; It's not just possible, but quite likely, that ES:BX ; points into real_mode_seg or xfer_buf_seg, so we ; need to exercise some special care here... use ; trackbuf as an intermediary push ds mov ds,P_ES mov si,P_BX mov di,trackbuf call strcpy pop ds %if IS_PXELINUX mov al,P_CL mov [IPAppend],al %endif call comboot_exit .finish: ; Copy the command line into its proper place push es mov dx,real_mode_seg mov es,dx mov si,trackbuf mov di,cmd_line_here call strcpy mov byte [es:di-1],' ' ; Simulate APPEND pop es mov [CmdLinePtr],di mov word [CmdOptPtr],zero_string jmp kernel_good_saved .error equ comapi_usingvga.error ; ; INT 22h AX=0017h Report video mode change ; comapi_usingvga: mov ax,P_BX cmp ax,0Fh ; Unknown flags = failure ja .error mov [UsingVGA],al mov cx,P_CX mov dx,P_DX mov [GXPixCols],cx mov [GXPixRows],dx test al,08h jnz .notext call adjust_screen .notext: clc ret .error: stc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0018h Query custom font ; comapi_userfont: mov al,[UserFont] and al,al jz .done mov al,[VGAFontSize] mov P_ES,aux_seg mov P_BX,aux.fontbuf .done: ; CF=0 here mov P_AL,al ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0019h Read disk ; %if IS_SYSLINUX || IS_ISOLINUX || IS_EXTLINUX comapi_readdisk: mov esi,P_ESI ; Enforce ESI == EDI == 0, these or esi,P_EDI ; are reserved for future expansion jnz .err mov eax,P_EDX mov es,P_ES mov bx,P_BX mov bp,P_CX ; WE CANNOT use P_* after touching bp! call getlinsec clc ret .err: stc ret %else comapi_readdisk equ comapi_err %endif ; ; INT 22h AX=001Ah Obsolete ; ; ; INT 22h AX=001Bh Obsolete ; ; ; INT 22h AX=001Ch Get pointer to auxillary data vector ; comapi_getadv: mov P_ES,ds mov P_BX,adv0.data mov P_CX,ADV_LEN ret ; ; INT 22h AX=001Dh Write auxillary data vector ; comapi_writeadv equ adv_write ; ; INT 22h AX=001Eh Keyboard remapping table comapi_kbdtable: cmp P_DX,0 jne .err mov P_AX,1 ; Version mov P_CX,256 ; Length mov P_ES,cs mov P_BX,KbdMap ret .err: stc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=001Fh Get current working directory ; comapi_getcwd: mov P_ES,cs mov P_BX,CurrentDirName clc ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0020h Open directory ; %if IS_SYSLINUX comapi_opendir: push ds mov ds,P_ES mov si,P_SI mov di,InitRD pm_call mangle_name pop ds pm_call searchdir jnz comapi_err ; Didn't find a directory cmp eax,0 jz comapi_err ; Found nothing ;ZF is unset pm_call alloc_fill_dir mov P_EAX,eax mov P_CX,SECTOR_SIZE mov P_SI,si clc ret %else comapi_opendir equ comapi_err %endif ; ; INT 22h AX=0021h Read directory ; %if IS_SYSLINUX comapi_readdir: mov es,P_ES mov di,P_DI mov si,P_SI pm_call readdir mov P_EAX,eax mov P_DL,dl mov P_EBX,ebx mov P_SI,si ret %else comapi_readdir equ comapi_err %endif ; ; INT 22h AX=0022h Close directory ; %if IS_SYSLINUX comapi_closedir: mov si,P_SI call close_dir clc ret %else comapi_closedir equ comapi_err %endif ; ; INT 22h AX=0023h Query shuffler size ; comapi_shufsize: mov P_CX,bcopyxx_safe ret ; ; INT 22h AX=0024h Cleanup, shuffle and boot raw ; comapi_shufraw: call comapi_cleanup mov edi,P_EDI mov esi,P_ESI mov ecx,P_ECX jmp shuffle_and_boot_raw section .data16 %macro int21 2 db %1 dw %2 %endmacro int21_table: int21 00h, comboot_return int21 01h, comboot_getkey int21 02h, comboot_writechr int21 04h, comboot_writeserial int21 08h, comboot_getkeynoecho int21 09h, comboot_writestr int21 0Bh, comboot_checkkey int21 30h, comboot_checkver int21 4Ch, comboot_return int21 -1, comboot_bad_int21 int21_count equ ($-int21_table)/3 alignz 2 int22_table: dw comapi_err ; 0000 unimplemented syscall dw comapi_get_version ; 0001 get SYSLINUX version dw comapi_writestr ; 0002 write string dw comapi_run ; 0003 run specified command dw comapi_run_default ; 0004 run default command dw comapi_textmode ; 0005 force text mode dw comapi_open ; 0006 open file dw comapi_read ; 0007 read file dw comapi_close ; 0008 close file dw comapi_pxecall ; 0009 call PXE stack dw comapi_derinfo ; 000A derivative-specific info dw comapi_serialcfg ; 000B get serial port config dw comapi_cleanup ; 000C perform final cleanup dw comapi_err ; 000D clean up then bootstrap dw comapi_configfile ; 000E get name of config file dw comapi_ipappend ; 000F get ipappend strings dw comapi_dnsresolv ; 0010 resolve hostname dw comapi_err ; 0011 maximum shuffle descriptors dw comapi_err ; 0012 cleanup, shuffle and boot dw comapi_idle ; 0013 idle call dw comapi_localboot ; 0014 local boot dw comapi_features ; 0015 feature flags dw comapi_runkernel ; 0016 run kernel image dw comapi_usingvga ; 0017 report video mode change dw comapi_userfont ; 0018 query custom font dw comapi_readdisk ; 0019 read disk dw comapi_err ; 001A cleanup, shuffle and boot to pm dw comapi_err ; 001B cleanup, shuffle and boot to rm dw comapi_getadv ; 001C get pointer to ADV dw comapi_writeadv ; 001D write ADV to disk dw comapi_kbdtable ; 001E keyboard remapping table dw comapi_getcwd ; 001F get current working directory dw comapi_opendir ; 0020 open directory dw comapi_readdir ; 0021 read directory dw comapi_closedir ; 0022 close directory dw comapi_shufsize ; 0023 query shuffler size dw comapi_shufraw ; 0024 cleanup, shuffle and boot raw int22_count equ ($-int22_table)/2 APIKeyWait db 0 APIKeyFlag db 0 zero_string db 0 ; Empty, null-terminated string ; ; This is the feature flag array for INT 22h AX=0015h ; ; Note: PXELINUX clears the idle is noop flag if appropriate ; in pxe_detect_nic_type ; feature_flags: db 1 ; Have local boot, idle is not noop feature_flags_len equ ($-feature_flags) err_notdos db ': attempted DOS system call INT ',0 err_comlarge db 'COMBOOT image too large.', CR, LF, 0 section .bss16 alignb 4 DOSErrTramp resd 33 ; Error trampolines global ConfigName, CurrentDirName ConfigName resb FILENAME_MAX CurrentDirName resb FILENAME_MAX