/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright 2010 Gert Hulselmans - All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston MA 02110-1301, USA; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * whichsys.c * * Detemine which command to execute, based on the Syslinux bootloader variant * from which you run it. * * Usage: whichsys.c32 [-iso- command] [-pxe- command] [-sys- command] * Examples: whichsys.c32 -iso- chain.c32 hd0 -sys- chain.c32 hd1 swap * whichsys.c32 -iso- config iso.cfg -pxe- config pxe.cfg * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "syslinux/config.h" static struct syslinux_parameter { char **arg[1]; bool option; } isolinux, pxelinux, syslinux; /* XXX: this really should be librarized */ static void boot_args(char **args) { int len = 0, a = 0; char **pp; const char *p; char c, *q, *str; for (pp = args; *pp; pp++) len += strlen(*pp) + 1; q = str = alloca(len); for (pp = args; *pp; pp++) { p = *pp; while ((c = *p++)) *q++ = c; *q++ = ' '; a = 1; } q -= a; *q = '\0'; if (!str[0]) syslinux_run_default(); else syslinux_run_command(str); } static void usage(void) { static const char usage[] = "\ Usage: whichsys.c32 [-iso- command] [-pxe- command] [-sys- command]\n\ Examples: whichsys.c32 -iso- chain.c32 hd0 -sys- chain.c32 hd1 swap\n\ whichsys.c32 -iso- config iso.cfg -pxe- config pxe.cfg\n"; fprintf(stderr, usage); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const union syslinux_derivative_info *sdi; int arg = 0; openconsole(&dev_null_r, &dev_stdcon_w); /* If no argument got passed, let's show the usage */ if (argc == 1) { usage(); return 0; } arg++; while (arg < argc) { if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-iso-")) { argv[arg] = NULL; isolinux.arg[0] = &argv[arg + 1]; isolinux.option = true; } if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-pxe-")) { argv[arg] = NULL; pxelinux.arg[0] = &argv[arg + 1]; pxelinux.option = true; } if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-sys-")) { argv[arg] = NULL; syslinux.arg[0] = &argv[arg + 1]; syslinux.option = true; } arg++; } sdi = syslinux_derivative_info(); switch (sdi->c.filesystem) { case SYSLINUX_FS_ISOLINUX: isolinux.option ? boot_args(isolinux.arg[0]) : fprintf(stderr, "No command specified for ISOLINUX.\n\n"); usage(); break; case SYSLINUX_FS_PXELINUX: pxelinux.option ? boot_args(pxelinux.arg[0]) : fprintf(stderr, "No command specified for PXELINUX.\n\n"); usage(); break; case SYSLINUX_FS_SYSLINUX: syslinux.option ? boot_args(syslinux.arg[0]) : fprintf(stderr, "No command specified for SYSLINUX.\n\n"); usage(); break; case SYSLINUX_FS_UNKNOWN: default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown Syslinux filesystem\n\n"); } return -1; }