## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## $Id$ ## ## Copyright 1998 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02139, ## USA; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later ## version; incorporated herein by reference. ## ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Main Makefile for SYSLINUX # NASM = nasm CC = gcc CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer LDFLAGS = -O2 -s BINDIR = /usr/bin VERSION = $(shell cat version) .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< # # The BTARGET refers to objects that are derived from ldlinux.asm; we # like to keep those uniform for debugging reasons; however, distributors # want to recompile the installers (ITARGET). # SOURCES = ldlinux.asm syslinux.asm syslinux.c copybs.asm \ pxelinux.asm pxe.inc mbr.asm BTARGET = bootsect.bin ldlinux.sys ldlinux.bin ldlinux.lst pxelinux.bin mbr.bin ITARGET = syslinux.com syslinux copybs.com DOCS = COPYING NEWS README TODO *.doc OTHER = Makefile bin2c.pl now.pl genstupid.pl keytab-lilo.pl version \ sys2ansi.pl all: $(BTARGET) $(ITARGET) ls -l $(BTARGET) $(ITARGET) installer: $(ITARGET) ls -l $(BTARGET) $(ITARGET) # The DATE is set on the make command line when building binaries for # official release. Otherwise, substitute a hex string that is pretty much # guaranteed to be unique to be unique from build to build. ifndef HEXDATE HEXDATE := $(shell perl now.pl ldlinux.asm pxelinux.asm) endif ifndef DATE DATE := $(HEXDATE) endif ldlinux.bin: ldlinux.asm $(NASM) -f bin -dVERSION="'$(VERSION)'" -dDATE_STR="'$(DATE)'" -dHEXDATE="$(HEXDATE)" -l ldlinux.lst -o ldlinux.bin ldlinux.asm perl genstupid.pl < ldlinux.lst pxelinux.bin: pxelinux.asm $(NASM) -f bin -dVERSION="'$(VERSION)'" -dDATE_STR="'$(DATE)'" -dHEXDATE="$(HEXDATE)" -l pxelinux.lst -o pxelinux.bin pxelinux.asm bootsect.bin: ldlinux.bin dd if=ldlinux.bin of=bootsect.bin bs=512 count=1 ldlinux.sys: ldlinux.bin dd if=ldlinux.bin of=ldlinux.sys bs=512 skip=1 mbr.bin: mbr.asm $(NASM) -f bin -l mbr.lst -o mbr.bin mbr.asm syslinux.com: syslinux.asm bootsect.bin ldlinux.sys stupid.inc $(NASM) -f bin -l syslinux.lst -o syslinux.com syslinux.asm copybs.com: copybs.asm $(NASM) -f bin -l copybs.lst -o copybs.com copybs.asm bootsect_bin.c: bootsect.bin bin2c.pl perl bin2c.pl bootsect < bootsect.bin > bootsect_bin.c ldlinux_bin.c: ldlinux.sys bin2c.pl perl bin2c.pl ldlinux < ldlinux.sys > ldlinux_bin.c syslinux: syslinux.o bootsect_bin.o ldlinux_bin.o stupid.o $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o syslinux \ syslinux.o bootsect_bin.o ldlinux_bin.o stupid.o ldlinux.lst: ldlinux.bin : Generated by side effect stupid.c: ldlinux.lst genstupid.pl perl genstupid.pl < ldlinux.lst stupid.inc: stupid.c : Generated by side effect stupid.o: stupid.c install: all install -c syslinux $(BINDIR) tidy: rm -f syslinux.lst copybs.lst *.o *_bin.c stupid.* pxelinux.lst clean: tidy rm -f $(ITARGET) dist: tidy rm -f *~ \#* spotless: clean dist rm -f $(BTARGET) # # Hook to add private Makefile targets for the maintainer. # -include Makefile.private