/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3 * (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional * terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG * license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files * included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers * and at http://www.swig.org/legal.html. * * typemap.c * * A somewhat generalized implementation of SWIG1.1 typemaps. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "swig.h" #include "cparse.h" #include #if 0 #define SWIG_DEBUG #endif static int typemap_search_debug = 0; static int typemaps_used_debug = 0; static int typemap_register_debug = 0; static int in_typemap_search_multi = 0; static void replace_embedded_typemap(String *s, ParmList *parm_sublist, Wrapper *f, Node *file_line_node); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Typemaps are stored in a collection of nested hash tables. Something like * this: * * [ type ] * +-------- [ name ] * +-------- [ name ] * * Each hash table [ type ] or [ name ] then contains references to the * different typemap methods. These are referenced by names such as * "tmap:in", "tmap:out", "tmap:argout", and so forth. * * The object corresponding to a specific typemap method has the following attributes: * * "type" - Typemap type * "pname" - Parameter name * "code" - Typemap code * "source" - Source directive (%apply or %typemap) for the typemap * "locals" - Local variables (if any) * "kwargs" - Typemap attributes * * Example for a typemap method named "in": * %typemap(in, warning="987:my warning", noblock=1) int &my_int (int tmp) "$1 = $input;" * * "type" - r.int * "pname" - my_int * "code" - $1 = $input; * "source" - typemap(in) int &my_int * "locals" - int tmp * "kwargs" - warning="987:my typemap warning", foo=123 * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Hash *typemaps; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemap_identifier_fix() * * Create a type that can be used as a hash key lookup independent of the various * ways a template parameter list can be defined. This is achieved by fully * resolving the template parameters. * * This is a copy and modification of feature_identifier_fix in parser.y. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static SwigType *typemap_identifier_fix(const SwigType *s) { String *tp = SwigType_istemplate_templateprefix(s); if (tp) { String *ts, *ta, *tq, *tr; ts = SwigType_templatesuffix(s); ta = SwigType_templateargs(s); tq = Swig_symbol_type_qualify(ta, 0); tr = SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(ta); Append(tp,tr); Append(tp,ts); Delete(ts); Delete(ta); Delete(tq); Delete(tr); return tp; } else { return NewString(s); } } static Hash *get_typemap(const SwigType *type) { Hash *tm = 0; SwigType *dtype = 0; SwigType *hashtype; if (SwigType_istemplate(type)) { SwigType *rty = typemap_identifier_fix(type); String *ty = Swig_symbol_template_deftype(rty, 0); dtype = Swig_symbol_type_qualify(ty, 0); type = dtype; Delete(ty); } /* remove unary scope operator (::) prefix indicating global scope for looking up in the hashmap */ hashtype = SwigType_remove_global_scope_prefix(type); tm = Getattr(typemaps, hashtype); Delete(dtype); Delete(hashtype); return tm; } static void set_typemap(const SwigType *type, Hash **tmhash) { SwigType *hashtype = 0; Hash *new_tm = 0; assert(*tmhash == 0); if (SwigType_istemplate(type)) { SwigType *rty = typemap_identifier_fix(type); String *ty = Swig_symbol_template_deftype(rty, 0); String *tyq = Swig_symbol_type_qualify(ty, 0); hashtype = SwigType_remove_global_scope_prefix(tyq); *tmhash = Getattr(typemaps, hashtype); Delete(rty); Delete(tyq); Delete(ty); } else { hashtype = SwigType_remove_global_scope_prefix(type); } if (!*tmhash) { /* this type has not been seen before even after resolving template parameter types */ new_tm = NewHash(); *tmhash = new_tm; } /* note that the unary scope operator (::) prefix indicating global scope has been removed from the type */ Setattr(typemaps, hashtype, *tmhash); Delete(hashtype); Delete(new_tm); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_init() * * Initialize the typemap system * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_typemap_init(void) { typemaps = NewHash(); } static String *typemap_method_name(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method) { static Hash *names = 0; String *s; /* Due to "interesting" object-identity semantics of DOH, we have to make sure that we only intern strings without object identity into the hash table. (typemap_attach_kwargs calls typemap_method_name several times with the "same" String *tmap_method (i.e., same object identity) but differing string values.) Most other callers work around this by using char* rather than String *. -- mkoeppe, Jun 17, 2003 */ const char *method_without_object_identity = Char(tmap_method); if (!names) names = NewHash(); s = Getattr(names, method_without_object_identity); if (s) return s; s = NewStringf("tmap:%s", tmap_method); Setattr(names, method_without_object_identity, s); Delete(s); return s; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemap_register() * * Internal implementation for Swig_typemap_register() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void typemap_register(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, ParmList *parms, const_String_or_char_ptr code, ParmList *locals, ParmList *kwargs, String *source_directive) { Hash *tm; Hash *tm1; Hash *tm2; Parm *np; String *tm_method; SwigType *type; String *pname; if (!parms) return; if (typemap_register_debug) { Printf(stdout, "Registering - %s\n", tmap_method); Swig_print_node(parms); } tm_method = typemap_method_name(tmap_method); /* Register the first type in the parameter list */ type = Getattr(parms, "type"); pname = Getattr(parms, "name"); /* See if this type has been seen before */ tm = get_typemap(type); if (!tm) { set_typemap(type, &tm); } if (pname) { /* See if parameter has been seen before */ tm1 = Getattr(tm, pname); if (!tm1) { tm1 = NewHash(); Setattr(tm, pname, tm1); Delete(tm1); } tm = tm1; } /* Now see if this typemap method has been seen before */ tm2 = Getattr(tm, tm_method); if (!tm2) { tm2 = NewHash(); Setattr(tm, tm_method, tm2); Delete(tm2); } /* For a multi-argument typemap, the typemap code and information is really only stored in the last argument. However, to make this work, we perform a really neat trick using the typemap method name. For example, consider this typemap %typemap(in) (int foo, int *bar, char *blah[]) { ... } To store it, we look at typemaps for the following: typemap method type-name ---------------------------------------------- "in" int foo "in-int+foo:" int *bar "in-int+foo:-p.int+bar: char *blah[] Notice how the typemap method name expands to encode information about previous arguments. */ np = nextSibling(parms); if (np) { /* Make an entirely new typemap method key */ String *multi_tmap_method = NewStringf("%s-%s+%s:", tmap_method, type, pname); /* Now reregister on the remaining arguments */ typemap_register(multi_tmap_method, np, code, locals, kwargs, source_directive); Delete(multi_tmap_method); } else { ParmList *clocals = CopyParmList(locals); ParmList *ckwargs = CopyParmList(kwargs); Setfile(tm2, Getfile(code)); Setline(tm2, Getline(code)); Setattr(tm2, "code", code); Setattr(tm2, "type", type); Setattr(tm2, "source", source_directive); if (pname) { Setattr(tm2, "pname", pname); } Setattr(tm2, "locals", clocals); Setattr(tm2, "kwargs", ckwargs); Delete(clocals); Delete(ckwargs); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_register() * * Add a new, possibly multi-argument, typemap * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_typemap_register(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, ParmList *parms, const_String_or_char_ptr code, ParmList *locals, ParmList *kwargs) { String *parms_str = ParmList_str_multibrackets(parms); String *source_directive = NewStringf("typemap(%s) %s", tmap_method, parms_str); typemap_register(tmap_method, parms, code, locals, kwargs, source_directive); Delete(source_directive); Delete(parms_str); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemap_get() * * Retrieve typemap information. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Hash *typemap_get(SwigType *type, const_String_or_char_ptr name) { Hash *tm, *tm1; tm = get_typemap(type); if (!tm) { return 0; } if ((name) && Len(name)) { tm1 = Getattr(tm, name); return tm1; } return tm; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_copy() * * Copy a typemap * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Swig_typemap_copy(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, ParmList *srcparms, ParmList *parms) { Hash *tm = 0; String *tm_method; Parm *p; String *pname; SwigType *ptype; String *tm_methods, *multi_tmap_method; if (ParmList_len(parms) != ParmList_len(srcparms)) return -1; tm_method = typemap_method_name(tmap_method); p = srcparms; tm_methods = NewString(tm_method); while (p) { ptype = Getattr(p, "type"); pname = Getattr(p, "name"); /* Lookup the type */ tm = typemap_get(ptype, pname); if (!tm) break; tm = Getattr(tm, tm_methods); if (!tm) break; /* Got a match. Look for next typemap */ multi_tmap_method = NewStringf("%s-%s+%s:", tm_methods, ptype, pname); Delete(tm_methods); tm_methods = multi_tmap_method; p = nextSibling(p); } Delete(tm_methods); if (!p && tm) { /* Got some kind of match */ String *parms_str = ParmList_str_multibrackets(parms); String *srcparms_str = ParmList_str_multibrackets(srcparms); String *source_directive = NewStringf("typemap(%s) %s = %s", tmap_method, parms_str, srcparms_str); typemap_register(tmap_method, parms, Getattr(tm, "code"), Getattr(tm, "locals"), Getattr(tm, "kwargs"), source_directive); Delete(source_directive); Delete(srcparms_str); Delete(parms_str); return 0; } /* Not found */ return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_clear() * * Delete a multi-argument typemap * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_typemap_clear(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, ParmList *parms) { SwigType *type; String *name; Parm *p; String *multi_tmap_method; Hash *tm = 0; /* This might not work */ multi_tmap_method = NewString(tmap_method); p = parms; while (p) { type = Getattr(p, "type"); name = Getattr(p, "name"); tm = typemap_get(type, name); if (!tm) return; p = nextSibling(p); if (p) Printf(multi_tmap_method, "-%s+%s:", type, name); } if (tm) { tm = Getattr(tm, typemap_method_name(multi_tmap_method)); if (tm) { Delattr(tm, "code"); Delattr(tm, "locals"); Delattr(tm, "kwargs"); } } Delete(multi_tmap_method); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_apply() * * Multi-argument %apply directive. This is pretty horrible so I sure hope * it works. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int count_args(String *s) { /* Count up number of arguments */ int na = 0; char *c = Char(s); while (*c) { if (*c == '+') na++; c++; } return na; } int Swig_typemap_apply(ParmList *src, ParmList *dest) { String *ssig, *dsig; Parm *p, *np, *lastp, *dp, *lastdp = 0; int narg = 0; SwigType *type = 0, *name; Hash *tm, *sm; int match = 0; /* Printf(stdout,"apply : %s --> %s\n", ParmList_str(src), ParmList_str(dest)); */ /* Create type signature of source */ ssig = NewStringEmpty(); dsig = NewStringEmpty(); p = src; dp = dest; lastp = 0; while (p) { lastp = p; lastdp = dp; np = nextSibling(p); if (np) { Printf(ssig, "-%s+%s:", Getattr(p, "type"), Getattr(p, "name")); Printf(dsig, "-%s+%s:", Getattr(dp, "type"), Getattr(dp, "name")); narg++; } p = np; dp = nextSibling(dp); } /* make sure a typemap node exists for the last destination node */ type = Getattr(lastdp, "type"); tm = get_typemap(type); if (!tm) { set_typemap(type, &tm); } name = Getattr(lastdp, "name"); if (name) { Hash *tm1 = Getattr(tm, name); if (!tm1) { tm1 = NewHash(); Setattr(tm, NewString(name), tm1); Delete(tm1); } tm = tm1; } /* This is a little nasty. We need to go searching for all possible typemaps in the source and apply them to the target */ type = Getattr(lastp, "type"); name = Getattr(lastp, "name"); /* See if there is a matching typemap in this scope */ sm = typemap_get(type, name); /* if there is not matching, look for a typemap in the original typedef, if any, like in: typedef unsigned long size_t; ... %apply(size_t) {my_size}; ==> %apply(unsigned long) {my_size}; */ if (!sm) { SwigType *ntype = SwigType_typedef_resolve(type); if (ntype && (Cmp(ntype, type) != 0)) { sm = typemap_get(ntype, name); } Delete(ntype); } if (sm) { /* Got a typemap. Need to only merge attributes for methods that match our signature */ Iterator ki; Hash *deferred_add; match = 1; /* Since typemap_register can modify the `sm` hash, we *cannot* call typemap_register while iterating over sm. * Create a temporary hash of typemaps to add immediately after. */ deferred_add = NewHash(); for (ki = First(sm); ki.key; ki = Next(ki)) { /* Check for a signature match with the source signature */ if ((count_args(ki.key) == narg) && (Strstr(ki.key, ssig))) { String *oldm; /* A typemap we have to copy */ String *nkey = Copy(ki.key); Replace(nkey, ssig, dsig, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); /* Make sure the typemap doesn't already exist in the target map */ oldm = Getattr(tm, nkey); if (!oldm || (!Getattr(tm, "code"))) { String *code; Hash *sm1 = ki.item; code = Getattr(sm1, "code"); if (code) { Replace(nkey, dsig, "", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); Replace(nkey, "tmap:", "", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); Setattr(deferred_add, nkey, sm1); } } Delete(nkey); } } /* After assembling the key/item pairs, add the resulting typemaps */ for (ki = First(deferred_add); ki.key; ki = Next(ki)) { Hash *sm1 = ki.item; String *src_str = ParmList_str_multibrackets(src); String *dest_str = ParmList_str_multibrackets(dest); String *source_directive = NewStringf("apply %s { %s }", src_str, dest_str); typemap_register(ki.key, dest, Getattr(sm1, "code"), Getattr(sm1, "locals"), Getattr(sm1, "kwargs"), source_directive); Delete(source_directive); Delete(dest_str); Delete(src_str); } Delete(deferred_add); } Delete(ssig); Delete(dsig); return match; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_clear_apply() * * %clear directive. Clears all typemaps for a type (in the current scope only). * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Multi-argument %clear directive */ void Swig_typemap_clear_apply(Parm *parms) { String *tsig; Parm *p, *np, *lastp; int narg = 0; Hash *tm; String *name; /* Create a type signature of the parameters */ tsig = NewStringEmpty(); p = parms; lastp = 0; while (p) { lastp = p; np = nextSibling(p); if (np) { Printf(tsig, "-%s+%s:", Getattr(p, "type"), Getattr(p, "name")); narg++; } p = np; } tm = get_typemap(Getattr(lastp, "type")); if (!tm) { Delete(tsig); return; } name = Getattr(lastp, "name"); if (name) { tm = Getattr(tm, name); } if (tm) { /* Clear typemaps that match our signature */ Iterator ki, ki2; char *ctsig = Char(tsig); for (ki = First(tm); ki.key; ki = Next(ki)) { char *ckey = Char(ki.key); if (strncmp(ckey, "tmap:", 5) == 0) { int na = count_args(ki.key); if ((na == narg) && strstr(ckey, ctsig)) { Hash *h = ki.item; for (ki2 = First(h); ki2.key; ki2 = Next(ki2)) { Delattr(h, ki2.key); } } } } } Delete(tsig); } /* Internal function to strip array dimensions. */ static SwigType *strip_arrays(SwigType *type) { SwigType *t; int ndim; int i; t = Copy(type); ndim = SwigType_array_ndim(t); for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) { SwigType_array_setdim(t, i, "ANY"); } return t; } static void debug_search_result_display(Node *tm) { if (tm) Printf(stdout, " Using: %%%s\n", Getattr(tm, "source")); else Printf(stdout, " None found\n"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemap_search_helper() * * Helper function for typemap_search to see if there is a type match in the typemap * tm. A match is sought in this order: * %typemap(tm_method) ctype cqualifiedname * %typemap(tm_method) ctype cname * %typemap(tm_method) ctype * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Hash *typemap_search_helper(int debug_display, Hash *tm, const String *tm_method, SwigType *ctype, const String *cqualifiedname, const String *cname, Hash **backup) { Hash *result = 0; Hash *tm1; if (debug_display && cqualifiedname) Printf(stdout, " Looking for: %s\n", SwigType_str(ctype, cqualifiedname)); if (tm && cqualifiedname) { tm1 = Getattr(tm, cqualifiedname); if (tm1) { result = Getattr(tm1, tm_method); /* See if there is a type - qualified name match */ if (result && Getattr(result, "code")) goto ret_result; if (result) *backup = result; } } if (debug_display && cname) Printf(stdout, " Looking for: %s\n", SwigType_str(ctype, cname)); if (tm && cname) { tm1 = Getattr(tm, cname); if (tm1) { result = Getattr(tm1, tm_method); /* See if there is a type - name match */ if (result && Getattr(result, "code")) goto ret_result; if (result) *backup = result; } } if (debug_display) Printf(stdout, " Looking for: %s\n", SwigType_str(ctype, 0)); if (tm) { result = Getattr(tm, tm_method); /* See if there is simply a type without name match */ if (result && Getattr(result, "code")) goto ret_result; if (result) *backup = result; } ret_result: return result; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemap_search() * * Search for a typemap match. This is where the typemap pattern matching rules * are implemented... tries to find the most specific typemap that includes a * 'code' attribute. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Hash *typemap_search(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, SwigType *type, const_String_or_char_ptr name, const_String_or_char_ptr qualifiedname, SwigType **matchtype, Node *node) { Hash *result = 0; Hash *tm; Hash *backup = 0; SwigType *primitive = 0; SwigType *ctype = 0; SwigType *ctype_unstripped = 0; int isarray; const String *cname = 0; const String *cqualifiedname = 0; String *tm_method = typemap_method_name(tmap_method); int debug_display = (in_typemap_search_multi == 0) && typemap_search_debug; if ((name) && Len(name)) cname = name; if ((qualifiedname) && Len(qualifiedname)) cqualifiedname = qualifiedname; if (debug_display) { String *typestr = SwigType_str(type, cqualifiedname ? cqualifiedname : cname); Swig_diagnostic(Getfile(node), Getline(node), "Searching for a suitable '%s' typemap for: %s\n", tmap_method, typestr); Delete(typestr); } ctype = Copy(type); ctype_unstripped = Copy(ctype); while (ctype) { /* Try to get an exact type-match */ tm = get_typemap(ctype); result = typemap_search_helper(debug_display, tm, tm_method, ctype, cqualifiedname, cname, &backup); if (result && Getattr(result, "code")) goto ret_result; { /* Look for the type reduced to just the template prefix - for templated types without the template parameter list being specified */ SwigType *template_prefix = SwigType_istemplate_only_templateprefix(ctype); if (template_prefix) { tm = get_typemap(template_prefix); result = typemap_search_helper(debug_display, tm, tm_method, template_prefix, cqualifiedname, cname, &backup); Delete(template_prefix); if (result && Getattr(result, "code")) goto ret_result; } } /* look for [ANY] arrays */ isarray = SwigType_isarray(ctype); if (isarray) { /* If working with arrays, strip away all of the dimensions and replace with "ANY". See if that generates a match */ SwigType *noarrays = strip_arrays(ctype); tm = get_typemap(noarrays); result = typemap_search_helper(debug_display, tm, tm_method, noarrays, cqualifiedname, cname, &backup); Delete(noarrays); if (result && Getattr(result, "code")) goto ret_result; } /* No match so far - try with a qualifier stripped (strip one qualifier at a time until none remain) * The order of stripping in SwigType_strip_single_qualifier is used to provide some sort of consistency * with the default (SWIGTYPE) typemap matching rules for the first qualifier to be stripped. */ { SwigType *oldctype = ctype; ctype = SwigType_strip_single_qualifier(oldctype); if (!Equal(ctype, oldctype)) { Delete(oldctype); continue; } Delete(oldctype); } /* Once all qualifiers are stripped try resolve a typedef */ { SwigType *oldctype = ctype; ctype = SwigType_typedef_resolve(ctype_unstripped); Delete(oldctype); Delete(ctype_unstripped); ctype_unstripped = Copy(ctype); } } /* Hmmm. Well, no match seems to be found at all. See if there is some kind of default (SWIGTYPE) mapping */ primitive = SwigType_default_create(type); while (primitive) { tm = get_typemap(primitive); result = typemap_search_helper(debug_display, tm, tm_method, primitive, cqualifiedname, cname, &backup); if (result && Getattr(result, "code")) goto ret_result; { SwigType *nprim = SwigType_default_deduce(primitive); Delete(primitive); primitive = nprim; } } if (ctype != type) { Delete(ctype); ctype = 0; } result = backup; ret_result: Delete(primitive); if (matchtype) *matchtype = Copy(ctype); Delete(ctype); Delete(ctype_unstripped); return result; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemap_search_multi() * * Search for a multi-argument typemap. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Hash *typemap_search_multi(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, ParmList *parms, int *nmatch) { SwigType *type; SwigType *mtype = 0; String *name; String *multi_tmap_method; Hash *tm; Hash *tm1 = 0; if (!parms) { *nmatch = 0; return 0; } type = Getattr(parms, "type"); name = Getattr(parms, "name"); /* Try to find a match on the first type */ tm = typemap_search(tmap_method, type, name, 0, &mtype, parms); if (tm) { if (mtype && SwigType_isarray(mtype)) { Setattr(parms, "tmap:match", mtype); } Delete(mtype); multi_tmap_method = NewStringf("%s-%s+%s:", tmap_method, type, name); in_typemap_search_multi++; tm1 = typemap_search_multi(multi_tmap_method, nextSibling(parms), nmatch); in_typemap_search_multi--; if (tm1) tm = tm1; if (Getattr(tm, "code")) { *(nmatch) = *nmatch + 1; if (typemap_search_debug && tm1 && (in_typemap_search_multi == 0)) { Printf(stdout, " Multi-argument typemap found...\n"); } } else { tm = 0; } Delete(multi_tmap_method); } if (typemap_search_debug && (in_typemap_search_multi == 0)) debug_search_result_display(tm); if (typemaps_used_debug && (in_typemap_search_multi == 0) && tm) { String *typestr = SwigType_str(type, name); Swig_diagnostic(Getfile(parms), Getline(parms), "Typemap for %s (%s) : %%%s\n", typestr, tmap_method, Getattr(tm, "source")); assert(Getfile(parms) && Len(Getfile(parms)) > 0); /* Missing file and line numbering information */ Delete(typestr); } return tm; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemap_replace_vars() * * Replaces typemap variables on a string. index is the $n variable. * type and pname are the type and parameter name. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void replace_local_types(ParmList *p, const String *name, const String *rep) { SwigType *t; while (p) { t = Getattr(p, "type"); Replace(t, name, rep, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); p = nextSibling(p); } } static int check_locals(ParmList *p, const char *s) { while (p) { char *c = GetChar(p, "type"); if (strstr(c, s)) return 1; p = nextSibling(p); } return 0; } static int typemap_replace_vars(String *s, ParmList *locals, SwigType *type, SwigType *rtype, String *pname, String *lname, int index) { char var[512]; char *varname; SwigType *ftype; int bare_substitution_count = 0; Replaceall(s, "$typemap", "$TYPEMAP"); /* workaround for $type substitution below */ ftype = SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(type); if (!pname) pname = lname; { Parm *p; int rep = 0; p = locals; while (p) { if (Strchr(Getattr(p, "type"), '$')) rep = 1; p = nextSibling(p); } if (!rep) locals = 0; } sprintf(var, "$%d_", index); varname = &var[strlen(var)]; /* If the original datatype was an array. We're going to go through and substitute its array dimensions */ if (SwigType_isarray(type) || SwigType_isarray(ftype)) { String *size; int ndim; int i; if (SwigType_array_ndim(type) != SwigType_array_ndim(ftype)) type = ftype; ndim = SwigType_array_ndim(type); size = NewStringEmpty(); for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) { String *dim = SwigType_array_getdim(type, i); if (index == 1) { char t[32]; sprintf(t, "$dim%d", i); Replace(s, t, dim, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, t, dim); } sprintf(varname, "dim%d", i); Replace(s, var, dim, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, var, dim); if (Len(size)) Putc('*', size); Append(size, dim); Delete(dim); } sprintf(varname, "size"); Replace(s, var, size, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, var, size); Delete(size); } /* Parameter name substitution */ if (index == 1) { Replace(s, "$parmname", pname, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); } strcpy(varname, "name"); Replace(s, var, pname, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); /* Type-related stuff */ { SwigType *star_type, *amp_type, *base_type, *lex_type; SwigType *ltype, *star_ltype, *amp_ltype; String *mangle, *star_mangle, *amp_mangle, *base_mangle, *base_name, *base_type_str; String *descriptor, *star_descriptor, *amp_descriptor; String *ts; char *sc; sc = Char(s); if (strstr(sc, "type") || check_locals(locals, "type")) { /* Given type : $type */ ts = SwigType_str(type, 0); if (index == 1) { Replace(s, "$type", ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, "$type", type); } strcpy(varname, "type"); Replace(s, var, ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, var, type); Delete(ts); sc = Char(s); } if (strstr(sc, "ltype") || check_locals(locals, "ltype")) { /* Local type: $ltype */ ltype = SwigType_ltype(type); ts = SwigType_str(ltype, 0); if (index == 1) { Replace(s, "$ltype", ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, "$ltype", ltype); } strcpy(varname, "ltype"); Replace(s, var, ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, var, ltype); Delete(ts); Delete(ltype); sc = Char(s); } if (strstr(sc, "mangle") || strstr(sc, "descriptor")) { /* Mangled type */ mangle = SwigType_manglestr(type); if (index == 1) Replace(s, "$mangle", mangle, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); strcpy(varname, "mangle"); Replace(s, var, mangle, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); descriptor = NewStringf("SWIGTYPE%s", mangle); if (index == 1) if (Replace(s, "$descriptor", descriptor, DOH_REPLACE_ANY)) SwigType_remember(type); strcpy(varname, "descriptor"); if (Replace(s, var, descriptor, DOH_REPLACE_ANY)) SwigType_remember(type); Delete(descriptor); Delete(mangle); } /* One pointer level removed */ /* This creates variables of the form $*n_type $*n_ltype */ if (SwigType_ispointer(ftype) || (SwigType_isarray(ftype)) || (SwigType_isreference(ftype)) || (SwigType_isrvalue_reference(ftype))) { if (!(SwigType_isarray(type) || SwigType_ispointer(type) || SwigType_isreference(type) || SwigType_isrvalue_reference(type))) { star_type = Copy(ftype); } else { star_type = Copy(type); } if (!(SwigType_isreference(star_type) || SwigType_isrvalue_reference(star_type))) { if (SwigType_isarray(star_type)) { SwigType_del_element(star_type); } else { SwigType_del_pointer(star_type); } ts = SwigType_str(star_type, 0); if (index == 1) { Replace(s, "$*type", ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, "$*type", star_type); } sprintf(varname, "$*%d_type", index); Replace(s, varname, ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, varname, star_type); Delete(ts); } else { SwigType_del_element(star_type); } star_ltype = SwigType_ltype(star_type); ts = SwigType_str(star_ltype, 0); if (index == 1) { Replace(s, "$*ltype", ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, "$*ltype", star_ltype); } sprintf(varname, "$*%d_ltype", index); Replace(s, varname, ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, varname, star_ltype); Delete(ts); Delete(star_ltype); star_mangle = SwigType_manglestr(star_type); if (index == 1) Replace(s, "$*mangle", star_mangle, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); sprintf(varname, "$*%d_mangle", index); Replace(s, varname, star_mangle, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); star_descriptor = NewStringf("SWIGTYPE%s", star_mangle); if (index == 1) if (Replace(s, "$*descriptor", star_descriptor, DOH_REPLACE_ANY)) SwigType_remember(star_type); sprintf(varname, "$*%d_descriptor", index); if (Replace(s, varname, star_descriptor, DOH_REPLACE_ANY)) SwigType_remember(star_type); Delete(star_descriptor); Delete(star_mangle); Delete(star_type); } else { /* TODO: Signal error if one of the $* substitutions is requested */ } /* One pointer level added */ amp_type = Copy(type); SwigType_add_pointer(amp_type); ts = SwigType_str(amp_type, 0); if (index == 1) { Replace(s, "$&type", ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, "$&type", amp_type); } sprintf(varname, "$&%d_type", index); Replace(s, varname, ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, varname, amp_type); Delete(ts); amp_ltype = SwigType_ltype(type); SwigType_add_pointer(amp_ltype); ts = SwigType_str(amp_ltype, 0); if (index == 1) { Replace(s, "$<ype", ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, "$<ype", amp_ltype); } sprintf(varname, "$&%d_ltype", index); Replace(s, varname, ts, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, varname, amp_ltype); Delete(ts); Delete(amp_ltype); amp_mangle = SwigType_manglestr(amp_type); if (index == 1) Replace(s, "$&mangle", amp_mangle, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); sprintf(varname, "$&%d_mangle", index); Replace(s, varname, amp_mangle, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); amp_descriptor = NewStringf("SWIGTYPE%s", amp_mangle); if (index == 1) if (Replace(s, "$&descriptor", amp_descriptor, DOH_REPLACE_ANY)) SwigType_remember(amp_type); sprintf(varname, "$&%d_descriptor", index); if (Replace(s, varname, amp_descriptor, DOH_REPLACE_ANY)) SwigType_remember(amp_type); Delete(amp_descriptor); Delete(amp_mangle); Delete(amp_type); /* Base type */ if (SwigType_isarray(type)) { base_type = Copy(type); Delete(SwigType_pop_arrays(base_type)); } else { base_type = SwigType_base(type); } base_type_str = SwigType_str(base_type, 0); base_name = SwigType_namestr(base_type_str); if (index == 1) { Replace(s, "$basetype", base_name, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, "$basetype", base_name); } strcpy(varname, "basetype"); Replace(s, var, base_type_str, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); replace_local_types(locals, var, base_name); base_mangle = SwigType_manglestr(base_type); if (index == 1) Replace(s, "$basemangle", base_mangle, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); strcpy(varname, "basemangle"); Replace(s, var, base_mangle, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); Delete(base_mangle); Delete(base_name); Delete(base_type_str); Delete(base_type); lex_type = SwigType_base(rtype); if (index == 1) Replace(s, "$lextype", lex_type, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); strcpy(varname, "lextype"); Replace(s, var, lex_type, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); Delete(lex_type); } /* Replace any $n. with (&n)-> */ { char temp[64]; sprintf(var, "$%d.", index); sprintf(temp, "(&$%d)->", index); Replace(s, var, temp, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); } /* Replace the bare $n variable */ sprintf(var, "$%d", index); bare_substitution_count = Replace(s, var, lname, DOH_REPLACE_NUMBER_END); Delete(ftype); return bare_substitution_count; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * static typemap_locals() * * Takes a string, a parameter list and a wrapper function argument and * creates the local variables. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static void typemap_locals(String *s, ParmList *l, Wrapper *f, int argnum) { Parm *p; char *new_name; p = l; while (p) { SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type"); SwigType *at = SwigType_alttype(pt, 1); String *pn = Getattr(p, "name"); String *value = Getattr(p, "value"); if (at) pt = at; if (pn) { if (Len(pn) > 0) { String *str; int isglobal = 0; str = NewStringEmpty(); if (strncmp(Char(pn), "_global_", 8) == 0) { isglobal = 1; } /* If the user gave us $type as the name of the local variable, we'll use the passed datatype instead */ if ((argnum >= 0) && (!isglobal)) { Printf(str, "%s%d", pn, argnum); } else { Append(str, pn); } if (isglobal && Wrapper_check_local(f, str)) { p = nextSibling(p); Delete(str); if (at) Delete(at); continue; } if (value) { String *pstr = SwigType_str(pt, str); new_name = Wrapper_new_localv(f, str, pstr, "=", value, NIL); Delete(pstr); } else { String *pstr = SwigType_str(pt, str); new_name = Wrapper_new_localv(f, str, pstr, NIL); Delete(pstr); } if (!isglobal) { /* Substitute */ Replace(s, pn, new_name, DOH_REPLACE_ID | DOH_REPLACE_NOQUOTE); } Delete(str); } } p = nextSibling(p); if (at) Delete(at); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemap_warn() * * If any warning message is attached to this parameter's "tmap::warning" * attribute, return the warning message (special variables will need expanding * before displaying the warning). * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static String *typemap_warn(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, Parm *p) { String *temp = NewStringf("%s:warning", tmap_method); String *w = Getattr(p, typemap_method_name(temp)); Delete(temp); return w ? Copy(w) : 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemap_merge_fragment_kwargs() * * If multiple 'fragment' attributes are provided to a typemap, combine them by * concatenating with commas. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void typemap_merge_fragment_kwargs(Parm *kw) { Parm *reattach_kw = NULL; Parm *prev_kw = NULL; Parm *next_kw = NULL; String *fragment = NULL; while (kw) { next_kw = nextSibling(kw); if (Strcmp(Getattr(kw, "name"), "fragment") == 0) { String *thisfragment = Getattr(kw, "value"); String *kwtype = Getattr(kw, "type"); if (!fragment) { /* First fragment found; it should remain in the list */ fragment = thisfragment; prev_kw = kw; } else { /* Concatenate to previously found fragment */ Printv(fragment, ",", thisfragment, NULL); reattach_kw = prev_kw; } if (kwtype) { String *mangle = Swig_string_mangle(kwtype); Append(fragment, mangle); Delete(mangle); /* Remove 'type' from kwargs so it's not duplicated later */ Setattr(kw, "type", NULL); } } else { /* Not a fragment */ if (reattach_kw) { /* Update linked list to remove duplicate fragment */ DohIncref(kw); set_nextSibling(reattach_kw, kw); set_previousSibling(kw, reattach_kw); Delete(reattach_kw); reattach_kw = NULL; } prev_kw = kw; } kw = next_kw; } if (reattach_kw) { /* Update linked list to remove duplicate fragment */ set_nextSibling(reattach_kw, kw); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_lookup() * * Attach one or more typemaps to a node and optionally generate the typemap contents * into the wrapper. * * Looks for a typemap matching the given type and name and attaches the typemap code * and any typemap attributes to the provided node. * * The node should contain the "type" and "name" attributes for the typemap match on. * input. The typemap code and typemap attribute values are attached onto the node * prefixed with "tmap:". For example with tmap_method="in", the typemap code can be retrieved * with a call to Getattr(node, "tmap:in") (this is also the string returned) and the * "noblock" attribute can be retrieved with a call to Getattr(node, "tmap:in:noblock"). * * tmap_method - typemap method, eg "in", "out", "newfree" * node - the node to attach the typemap and typemap attributes to * lname - name of variable to substitute $1, $2 etc for * f - wrapper code to generate into if non null * actioncode - code to generate into f before the out typemap code, unless * the optimal attribute is set in the out typemap in which case * $1 in the out typemap will be replaced by the code in actioncode. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static String *Swig_typemap_lookup_impl(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, Node *node, const_String_or_char_ptr lname, Wrapper *f, String *actioncode) { SwigType *type; SwigType *mtype = 0; String *pname; String *qpname = 0; String *noscope_pname = 0; Hash *tm = 0; String *s = 0; String *sdef = 0; String *warning = 0; ParmList *locals; ParmList *kw; char temp[256]; String *symname; String *cname = 0; String *clname = 0; char *cmethod = Char(tmap_method); int optimal_attribute = 0; int optimal_substitution = 0; int delete_optimal_attribute = 0; int num_substitutions = 0; SwigType *matchtype = 0; type = Getattr(node, "type"); if (!type) return sdef; /* Special hook (hack!). Check for the 'ref' feature and add code it contains to any 'newfree' typemap code. * We could choose to put this hook into a number of different typemaps, not necessarily 'newfree'... * Rather confusingly 'newfree' is used to release memory and the 'ref' feature is used to add in memory references - yuck! */ if (Cmp(tmap_method, "newfree") == 0) { String *base = SwigType_base(type); Node *typenode = Swig_symbol_clookup(base, 0); if (typenode) sdef = Swig_ref_call(typenode, lname); Delete(base); } pname = Getattr(node, "name"); noscope_pname = Copy(pname); if (pname && Getattr(node, "sym:symtab")) { /* Add on a qualified name search for any symbol in the symbol table, for example: * struct Foo { * int *foo(int bar) -> Foo::foo * }; * Note that if node is a parameter (Parm *) then there will be no symbol table attached to the Parm *. */ String *qsn; if (Swig_scopename_check(pname)) { /* sometimes pname is qualified, so we remove all the scope for the lookup */ Delete(noscope_pname); noscope_pname = Swig_scopename_last(pname); /* Printf(stdout, "Removed scope: %s => %s\n", pname, noscope_pname); */ } qsn = Swig_symbol_qualified(node); if (qsn && Len(qsn)) { qpname = NewStringf("%s::%s", qsn, noscope_pname); Delete(qsn); } } tm = typemap_search(tmap_method, type, noscope_pname, qpname, &mtype, node); if (typemap_search_debug) debug_search_result_display(tm); if (typemaps_used_debug && tm) { String *typestr = SwigType_str(type, qpname ? qpname : pname); Swig_diagnostic(Getfile(node), Getline(node), "Typemap for %s (%s) : %%%s\n", typestr, tmap_method, Getattr(tm, "source")); assert(Getfile(node) && Len(Getfile(node)) > 0); /* Missing file and line numbering information */ Delete(typestr); } Delete(qpname); qpname = 0; Delete(noscope_pname); noscope_pname = 0; if (!tm) return sdef; s = Getattr(tm, "code"); if (!s) return sdef; /* Empty typemap. No match */ if (Cmp(s, "pass") == 0) return sdef; s = Copy(s); /* Make a local copy of the typemap code */ /* Look in the "out" typemap for the "optimal" attribute */ if (Cmp(cmethod, "out") == 0) { kw = Getattr(tm, "kwargs"); while (kw) { if (Cmp(Getattr(kw, "name"), "optimal") == 0) { optimal_attribute = GetFlag(kw, "value"); break; } kw = nextSibling(kw); } } if (optimal_attribute) { /* Note: "out" typemap is the only typemap that will have the "optimal" attribute set. * If f and actioncode are NULL, then the caller is just looking to attach the "out" attributes * ie, not use the typemap code, otherwise both f and actioncode must be non null. */ if (actioncode) { const String *result_equals = NewStringf("%s = ", Swig_cresult_name()); /* check that the code in the typemap can be used in this optimal way. * The code should be in the form "result = ...;\n". We need to extract * the "..." part. This may not be possible for various reasons, eg * code added by %exception. This optimal code generation is bit of a * hack and circumvents the normal requirement for a temporary variable * to hold the result returned from a wrapped function call. */ if (Strncmp(actioncode, result_equals, Len(result_equals)) == 0 && Strchr(actioncode, ';') == Char(actioncode) + Len(actioncode) - 2 && Char(actioncode)[Len(actioncode) - 1] == '\n') { clname = NewStringWithSize(Char(actioncode) + Len(result_equals), Len(actioncode) - Len(result_equals) - 2); lname = clname; actioncode = 0; optimal_substitution = 1; } else { Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_OUT_OPTIMAL_IGNORED, Getfile(node), Getline(node), "Method %s usage of the optimal attribute ignored\n", Swig_name_decl(node)); Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_OUT_OPTIMAL_IGNORED, Getfile(s), Getline(s), "in the out typemap as the following cannot be used to generate optimal code: %s\n", actioncode); delete_optimal_attribute = 1; } } else { assert(!f); } } if (actioncode) { assert(f); Append(f->code, actioncode); } /* emit local variables declared in typemap, eg emit declarations for aa and bb in: * %typemap(in) foo (int aa, int bb) "..." */ locals = Getattr(tm, "locals"); if (locals) locals = CopyParmList(locals); if (pname) { if (SwigType_istemplate(pname)) { cname = SwigType_namestr(pname); pname = cname; } } if (SwigType_istemplate((char *) lname)) { clname = SwigType_namestr((char *) lname); lname = clname; } matchtype = mtype && SwigType_isarray(mtype) ? mtype : type; num_substitutions = typemap_replace_vars(s, locals, matchtype, type, pname, (char *) lname, 1); if (optimal_substitution && num_substitutions > 1) { Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_OUT_OPTIMAL_MULTIPLE, Getfile(node), Getline(node), "Multiple calls to %s might be generated due to\n", Swig_name_decl(node)); Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_OUT_OPTIMAL_MULTIPLE, Getfile(s), Getline(s), "optimal attribute usage in the out typemap.\n"); } if (locals && f) { typemap_locals(s, locals, f, -1); } { ParmList *parm_sublist = NewParmWithoutFileLineInfo(type, pname); Setattr(parm_sublist, "lname", lname); replace_embedded_typemap(s, parm_sublist, f, tm); Delete(parm_sublist); } /* Attach kwargs - ie the typemap attributes */ kw = Getattr(tm, "kwargs"); typemap_merge_fragment_kwargs(kw); while (kw) { String *value = Copy(Getattr(kw, "value")); String *kwtype = Getattr(kw, "type"); char *ckwname = Char(Getattr(kw, "name")); { /* Expand special variables in typemap attributes. */ SwigType *ptype = Getattr(node, "type"); String *pname = Getattr(node, "name"); SwigType *mtype = Getattr(node, "tmap:match"); SwigType *matchtype = mtype ? mtype : ptype; ParmList *parm_sublist; typemap_replace_vars(value, NULL, matchtype, ptype, pname, (char *)lname, 1); /* Expand special variable macros (embedded typemaps) in typemap attributes. */ parm_sublist = NewParmWithoutFileLineInfo(ptype, pname); Setattr(parm_sublist, "lname", lname); replace_embedded_typemap(value, parm_sublist, NULL, tm); Delete(parm_sublist); } if (kwtype) { String *mangle = Swig_string_mangle(kwtype); Append(value, mangle); Delete(mangle); } sprintf(temp, "%s:%s", cmethod, ckwname); Setattr(node, typemap_method_name(temp), value); Delete(value); kw = nextSibling(kw); } if (delete_optimal_attribute) Delattr(node, "tmap:out:optimal"); Replace(s, "$name", pname, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); symname = Getattr(node, "sym:name"); if (symname) Replace(s, "$symname", symname, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); Setattr(node, typemap_method_name(tmap_method), s); if (locals) { sprintf(temp, "%s:locals", cmethod); Setattr(node, typemap_method_name(temp), locals); Delete(locals); } if (Checkattr(tm, "type", "SWIGTYPE")) { sprintf(temp, "%s:SWIGTYPE", cmethod); Setattr(node, typemap_method_name(temp), "1"); } /* Print warnings, if any */ warning = typemap_warn(cmethod, node); if (warning) { typemap_replace_vars(warning, 0, matchtype, type, pname, (char *) lname, 1); Replace(warning, "$name", pname, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); if (symname) Replace(warning, "$symname", symname, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); Swig_warning(0, Getfile(node), Getline(node), "%s\n", warning); Delete(warning); } /* Look for code fragments */ { String *fragment; sprintf(temp, "%s:fragment", cmethod); fragment = Getattr(node, typemap_method_name(temp)); if (fragment) { String *fname = Copy(fragment); Setfile(fname, Getfile(node)); Setline(fname, Getline(node)); Swig_fragment_emit(fname); Delete(fname); } } Delete(cname); Delete(clname); Delete(mtype); if (sdef) { /* put 'ref' and 'newfree' codes together */ String *p = NewStringf("%s\n%s", sdef, s); Delete(s); Delete(sdef); s = p; } Delete(actioncode); return s; } String *Swig_typemap_lookup_out(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, Node *node, const_String_or_char_ptr lname, Wrapper *f, String *actioncode) { assert(actioncode); assert(Cmp(tmap_method, "out") == 0); return Swig_typemap_lookup_impl(tmap_method, node, lname, f, actioncode); } String *Swig_typemap_lookup(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, Node *node, const_String_or_char_ptr lname, Wrapper *f) { return Swig_typemap_lookup_impl(tmap_method, node, lname, f, 0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemap_attach_kwargs() * * If this hash (tm) contains a linked list of parameters under its "kwargs" * attribute, add keys for each of those named keyword arguments to this * parameter for later use. * For example, attach the typemap attributes to firstp (first parameter in parameter list): * %typemap(in, foo="xyz") ... * A new attribute called "tmap:in:foo" with value "xyz" is attached to firstp. * Also expands special variables and special variable macros in the typemap attributes. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void typemap_attach_kwargs(Hash *tm, const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, Parm *firstp, int nmatch) { String *temp = NewStringEmpty(); Parm *kw = Getattr(tm, "kwargs"); typemap_merge_fragment_kwargs(kw); while (kw) { String *value = Copy(Getattr(kw, "value")); String *type = Getattr(kw, "type"); int i; Parm *p = firstp; /* Expand special variables */ for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { SwigType *type = Getattr(p, "type"); String *pname = Getattr(p, "name"); String *lname = Getattr(p, "lname"); SwigType *mtype = Getattr(p, "tmap:match"); SwigType *matchtype = mtype ? mtype : type; typemap_replace_vars(value, NULL, matchtype, type, pname, lname, i + 1); p = nextSibling(p); } /* Expand special variable macros (embedded typemaps). * Special variable are expanded first above as they might be used in the special variable macros. * For example: $typemap(imtype, $2_type). */ p = firstp; for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { SwigType *type = Getattr(p, "type"); String *pname = Getattr(p, "name"); String *lname = Getattr(p, "lname"); ParmList *parm_sublist = NewParmWithoutFileLineInfo(type, pname); Setattr(parm_sublist, "lname", lname); replace_embedded_typemap(value, parm_sublist, NULL, tm); p = nextSibling(p); } if (type) { Hash *v = NewHash(); Setattr(v, "type", type); Setattr(v, "value", value); Delete(value); value = v; } Clear(temp); Printf(temp, "%s:%s", tmap_method, Getattr(kw, "name")); Setattr(firstp, typemap_method_name(temp), value); Delete(value); kw = nextSibling(kw); } Clear(temp); Printf(temp, "%s:match_type", tmap_method); Setattr(firstp, typemap_method_name(temp), Getattr(tm, "type")); Delete(temp); } static void typemap_emit_code_fragments(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, Parm *p) { String *temp = NewStringf("%s:fragment", tmap_method); String *f = Getattr(p, typemap_method_name(temp)); if (f) { String *fname = Copy(f); Setfile(fname, Getfile(p)); Setline(fname, Getline(p)); Swig_fragment_emit(fname); Delete(fname); } Delete(temp); } static String *typemap_get_option(Hash *tm, const_String_or_char_ptr name) { Parm *kw = Getattr(tm, "kwargs"); while (kw) { String *kname = Getattr(kw, "name"); if (Equal(kname, name)) { return Getattr(kw, "value"); } kw = nextSibling(kw); } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_attach_parms() * * Given a parameter list, this function attaches all of the typemaps and typemap * attributes to the parameter for each type in the parameter list. * * This function basically provides the typemap code and typemap attribute values as * attributes on each parameter prefixed with "tmap:". For example with tmap_method="in", the typemap * code can be retrieved for the first parameter with a call to Getattr(parm, "tmap:in") * and the "numinputs" attribute can be retrieved with a call to Getattr(parm, "tmap:in:numinputs"). * * tmap_method - typemap method, eg "in", "out", "newfree" * parms - parameter list to attach each typemap and all typemap attributes * f - wrapper code to generate into if non null * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_typemap_attach_parms(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, ParmList *parms, Wrapper *f) { Parm *p, *firstp; Hash *tm; int nmatch = 0; int i; String *s; String *warning = 0; ParmList *locals; int argnum = 0; char temp[256]; char *cmethod = Char(tmap_method); String *kwmatch = 0; p = parms; #ifdef SWIG_DEBUG Printf(stdout, "Swig_typemap_attach_parms: %s\n", tmap_method); #endif while (p) { argnum++; nmatch = 0; #ifdef SWIG_DEBUG Printf(stdout, "parms: %s %s %s\n", tmap_method, Getattr(p, "name"), Getattr(p, "type")); #endif tm = typemap_search_multi(tmap_method, p, &nmatch); #ifdef SWIG_DEBUG if (tm) Printf(stdout, "found: %s\n", tm); #endif if (!tm) { p = nextSibling(p); continue; } /* Check if the typemap requires to match the type of another typemap, for example: %typemap(in) SWIGTYPE * (int var) {...} %typemap(freearg,match="in") SWIGTYPE * {if (var$argnum) ...} here, the freearg typemap requires the "in" typemap to match, or the 'var$argnum' variable will not exist. */ kwmatch = typemap_get_option(tm, "match"); if (kwmatch) { String *tmname = NewStringf("tmap:%s", kwmatch); String *tmin = Getattr(p, tmname); Delete(tmname); #ifdef SWIG_DEBUG if (tm) Printf(stdout, "matching: %s\n", kwmatch); #endif if (tmin) { String *tmninp = NewStringf("tmap:%s:numinputs", kwmatch); String *ninp = Getattr(p, tmninp); Delete(tmninp); if (ninp && Equal(ninp, "0")) { p = nextSibling(p); continue; } else { SwigType *typetm = Getattr(tm, "type"); String *temp = NewStringf("tmap:%s:match_type", kwmatch); SwigType *typein = Getattr(p, temp); Delete(temp); if (!Equal(typein, typetm)) { p = nextSibling(p); continue; } else { int nnmatch; Hash *tmapin = typemap_search_multi(kwmatch, p, &nnmatch); String *tmname = Getattr(tm, "pname"); String *tnname = Getattr(tmapin, "pname"); if (!(tmname && tnname && Equal(tmname, tnname)) && !(!tmname && !tnname)) { p = nextSibling(p); continue; } } } } else { p = nextSibling(p); continue; } } s = Getattr(tm, "code"); if (!s) { p = nextSibling(p); continue; } #ifdef SWIG_DEBUG if (s) Printf(stdout, "code: %s\n", s); #endif /* Empty typemap. No match */ if (Cmp(s, "pass") == 0) { p = nextSibling(p); continue; } s = Copy(s); locals = Getattr(tm, "locals"); if (locals) locals = CopyParmList(locals); firstp = p; #ifdef SWIG_DEBUG Printf(stdout, "nmatch: %d\n", nmatch); #endif for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) { SwigType *type = Getattr(p, "type"); String *pname = Getattr(p, "name"); String *lname = Getattr(p, "lname"); SwigType *mtype = Getattr(p, "tmap:match"); SwigType *matchtype = mtype ? mtype : type; typemap_replace_vars(s, locals, matchtype, type, pname, lname, i + 1); if (mtype) Delattr(p, "tmap:match"); if (Checkattr(tm, "type", "SWIGTYPE")) { sprintf(temp, "%s:SWIGTYPE", cmethod); Setattr(p, typemap_method_name(temp), "1"); } p = nextSibling(p); } if (locals && f) { typemap_locals(s, locals, f, argnum); } replace_embedded_typemap(s, firstp, f, tm); /* Attach attributes to object */ #ifdef SWIG_DEBUG Printf(stdout, "attach: %s %s %s\n", Getattr(firstp, "name"), typemap_method_name(tmap_method), s); #endif Setattr(firstp, typemap_method_name(tmap_method), s); /* Code object */ if (locals) { sprintf(temp, "%s:locals", cmethod); Setattr(firstp, typemap_method_name(temp), locals); Delete(locals); } /* Attach a link to the next parameter. Needed for multimaps */ sprintf(temp, "%s:next", cmethod); Setattr(firstp, typemap_method_name(temp), p); /* Attach kwargs */ typemap_attach_kwargs(tm, tmap_method, firstp, nmatch); /* Replace the argument number */ sprintf(temp, "%d", argnum); Replace(s, "$argnum", temp, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); /* Print warnings, if any */ warning = typemap_warn(tmap_method, firstp); if (warning) { SwigType *type = Getattr(firstp, "type"); String *pname = Getattr(firstp, "name"); String *lname = Getattr(firstp, "lname"); SwigType *mtype = Getattr(firstp, "tmap:match"); SwigType *matchtype = mtype ? mtype : type; typemap_replace_vars(warning, 0, matchtype, type, pname, lname, 1); Replace(warning, "$argnum", temp, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); Swig_warning(0, Getfile(firstp), Getline(firstp), "%s\n", warning); Delete(warning); } /* Look for code fragments */ typemap_emit_code_fragments(tmap_method, firstp); /* increase argnum to consider numinputs */ argnum += nmatch - 1; Delete(s); #ifdef SWIG_DEBUG Printf(stdout, "res: %s %s %s\n", Getattr(firstp, "name"), typemap_method_name(tmap_method), Getattr(firstp, typemap_method_name(tmap_method))); #endif } #ifdef SWIG_DEBUG Printf(stdout, "Swig_typemap_attach_parms: end\n"); #endif } /* Splits the arguments of an embedded typemap */ static List *split_embedded_typemap(String *s) { List *args = 0; char *c, *start; int level = 0; int angle_level = 0; int leading = 1; args = NewList(); c = strchr(Char(s), '('); assert(c); c++; start = c; while (*c) { if (*c == '\"') { c++; while (*c) { if (*c == '\\') { c++; } else { if (*c == '\"') break; } c++; } } if ((level == 0) && angle_level == 0 && ((*c == ',') || (*c == ')'))) { String *tmp = NewStringWithSize(start, (int)(c - start)); Append(args, tmp); Delete(tmp); start = c + 1; leading = 1; if (*c == ')') break; c++; continue; } if (*c == '(') level++; if (*c == ')') level--; if (*c == '<') angle_level++; if (*c == '>') angle_level--; if (isspace((int) *c) && leading) start++; if (!isspace((int) *c)) leading = 0; c++; } return args; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_replace_embedded_typemap() * * For special variable macro $typemap(...) expansion outside of typemaps. * Only limited usage works as most typemap special variables ($1, $input etc) * are not expanded correctly outside of typemaps. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_typemap_replace_embedded_typemap(String *s, Node *file_line_node) { Setfile(s, Getfile(file_line_node)); Setline(s, Getline(file_line_node)); Replaceall(s, "$typemap", "$TYPEMAP"); replace_embedded_typemap(s, 0, 0, file_line_node); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * replace_embedded_typemap() * * This function replaces the special variable macro $typemap(...) with typemap * code. The general form of $typemap is as follows: * * $typemap(method, typelist, var1=value, var2=value, ...) * * where varx parameters are optional and undocumented; they were used in an earlier version of $typemap. * A search is made using the typemap matching rules of form: * * %typemap(method) typelist {...} * * and if found will substitute in the typemap contents, making appropriate variable replacements. * * For example: * $typemap(in, int) # simple usage matching %typemap(in) int { ... } * $typemap(in, int b) # simple usage matching %typemap(in) int b { ... } or above %typemap * $typemap(in, (Foo a, int b)) # multi-argument typemap matching %typemap(in) (Foo a, int b) {...} * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void replace_embedded_typemap(String *s, ParmList *parm_sublist, Wrapper *f, Node *file_line_node) { char *start = 0; while ((start = strstr(Char(s), "$TYPEMAP("))) { /* note $typemap capitalisation to $TYPEMAP hack */ /* Gather the parameters */ char *end = 0, *c; int level = 0; String *dollar_typemap; int syntax_error = 1; c = start; while (*c) { if (*c == '(') level++; if (*c == ')') { level--; if (level == 0) { end = c + 1; break; } } c++; } if (end) { dollar_typemap = NewStringWithSize(start, (int)((end - start))); syntax_error = 0; } else { dollar_typemap = NewStringWithSize(start, (int)((c - start))); } if (!syntax_error) { List *l; String *tmap_method; Hash *vars; syntax_error = 1; /* Split apart each parameter in $typemap(...) */ l = split_embedded_typemap(dollar_typemap); if (Len(l) >= 2) { ParmList *to_match_parms; tmap_method = Getitem(l, 0); /* the second parameter might contain multiple sub-parameters for multi-argument * typemap matching, so split these parameters apart */ to_match_parms = Swig_cparse_parms(Getitem(l, 1), file_line_node); if (to_match_parms) { Parm *p = to_match_parms; Parm *sub_p = parm_sublist; String *empty_string = NewStringEmpty(); String *lname = empty_string; while (p) { if (sub_p) { lname = Getattr(sub_p, "lname"); sub_p = nextSibling(sub_p); } Setattr(p, "lname", lname); p = nextSibling(p); } Delete(empty_string); } /* process optional extra parameters - the variable replacements (undocumented) */ vars = NewHash(); { int i, ilen; ilen = Len(l); for (i = 2; i < ilen; i++) { String *parm = Getitem(l, i); char *eq = strchr(Char(parm), '='); char *c = Char(parm); if (eq && (eq - c > 0)) { String *name = NewStringWithSize(c, (int)(eq - c)); String *value = NewString(eq + 1); Insert(name, 0, "$"); Setattr(vars, name, value); } else { to_match_parms = 0; /* error - variable replacement parameters must be of form varname=value */ } } } /* Perform a typemap search */ if (to_match_parms) { static int already_substituting = 0; String *tm; String *attr; int match = 0; #ifdef SWIG_DEBUG Printf(stdout, "Swig_typemap_attach_parms: embedded\n"); #endif if (already_substituting < 10) { char* found_colon; already_substituting++; if ((in_typemap_search_multi == 0) && typemap_search_debug) { String *dtypemap = NewString(dollar_typemap); Replaceall(dtypemap, "$TYPEMAP", "$typemap"); Printf(stdout, " Containing: %s\n", dtypemap); Delete(dtypemap); } found_colon = Strchr(tmap_method, ':'); if (found_colon) { /* Substitute from a keyword argument to a typemap. Avoid emitting local variables from the attached typemap by passing NULL for the file. */ String *temp_tmap_method = NewStringWithSize(Char(tmap_method), (int)(found_colon - Char(tmap_method))); Swig_typemap_attach_parms(temp_tmap_method, to_match_parms, NULL); Delete(temp_tmap_method); } else { Swig_typemap_attach_parms(tmap_method, to_match_parms, f); } already_substituting--; /* Look for the typemap code */ attr = NewStringf("tmap:%s", tmap_method); tm = Getattr(to_match_parms, attr); if (tm) { Printf(attr, "%s", ":next"); /* fail if multi-argument lookup requested in $typemap(...) and the lookup failed */ if (!Getattr(to_match_parms, attr)) { /* Replace parameter variables */ Iterator ki; for (ki = First(vars); ki.key; ki = Next(ki)) { Replace(tm, ki.key, ki.item, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); } /* offer the target language module the chance to make special variable substitutions */ Language_replace_special_variables(tmap_method, tm, to_match_parms); /* finish up - do the substitution */ Replace(s, dollar_typemap, tm, DOH_REPLACE_ANY); Delete(tm); match = 1; } } if (!match) { String *dtypemap = NewString(dollar_typemap); Replaceall(dtypemap, "$TYPEMAP", "$typemap"); Swig_error(Getfile(s), Getline(s), "No typemap found for %s\n", dtypemap); Delete(dtypemap); } Delete(attr); } else { /* Simple recursive call check to prevent infinite recursion - this strategy only allows a limited * number of calls by a embedded typemaps to other embedded typemaps though */ String *dtypemap = NewString(dollar_typemap); Replaceall(dtypemap, "$TYPEMAP", "$typemap"); Swig_error(Getfile(s), Getline(s), "Likely recursive $typemap calls containing %s. Use -debug-tmsearch to debug.\n", dtypemap); Delete(dtypemap); } syntax_error = 0; } Delete(vars); } Delete(l); } if (syntax_error) { String *dtypemap = NewString(dollar_typemap); Replaceall(dtypemap, "$TYPEMAP", "$typemap"); Swig_error(Getfile(s), Getline(s), "Syntax error in: %s\n", dtypemap); Delete(dtypemap); } Replace(s, dollar_typemap, "", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); Delete(dollar_typemap); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_debug() * * Display all typemaps * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_typemap_debug(void) { int nesting_level = 2; Printf(stdout, "---[ typemaps ]--------------------------------------------------------------\n"); Swig_print(typemaps, nesting_level); Printf(stdout, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_search_debug_set() * * Turn on typemap searching debug display * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_typemap_search_debug_set(void) { typemap_search_debug = 1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_used_debug_set() * * Turn on typemaps used debug display * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_typemap_used_debug_set(void) { typemaps_used_debug = 1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_typemap_register_debug_set() * * Turn on typemaps used debug display * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_typemap_register_debug_set(void) { typemap_register_debug = 1; }