## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in # subdir-objects generates object files using the directory structure of the source files. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign nostdinc subdir-objects 1.7.2 SOURCE_DIR=$(top_srcdir)/Source BUILD_SOURCE_DIR=$(top_builddir)/Source SWIG_CXX_DEFS = @SWILL@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(BUILD_SOURCE_DIR)/Include \ -I$(BUILD_SOURCE_DIR)/CParse \ -I$(SOURCE_DIR)/Include \ -I$(SOURCE_DIR)/DOH \ -I$(SOURCE_DIR)/CParse \ -I$(SOURCE_DIR)/Doxygen \ -I$(SOURCE_DIR)/Preprocessor \ -I$(SOURCE_DIR)/Swig \ -I$(SOURCE_DIR)/Modules AM_CXXFLAGS = $(SWIG_CXX_DEFS) AM_YFLAGS = -d BUILT_SOURCES = CParse/parser.h eswig_SOURCES = CParse/cscanner.c \ CParse/parser.y \ CParse/templ.c \ CParse/util.c \ DOH/base.c \ DOH/file.c \ DOH/fio.c \ DOH/hash.c \ DOH/list.c \ DOH/memory.c \ DOH/string.c \ DOH/void.c \ Doxygen/doxyentity.cxx \ Doxygen/doxyentity.h \ Doxygen/doxyparser.cxx \ Doxygen/doxyparser.h \ Doxygen/doxytranslator.cxx \ Doxygen/doxytranslator.h \ Doxygen/javadoc.cxx \ Doxygen/javadoc.h \ Doxygen/pydoc.cxx \ Doxygen/pydoc.h \ Modules/allegrocl.cxx \ Modules/allocate.cxx \ Modules/browser.cxx \ Modules/cffi.cxx \ Modules/chicken.cxx \ Modules/contract.cxx \ Modules/csharp.cxx \ Modules/d.cxx \ Modules/directors.cxx \ Modules/emit.cxx \ Modules/go.cxx \ Modules/guile.cxx \ Modules/interface.cxx \ Modules/java.cxx \ Modules/javascript.cxx \ Modules/lang.cxx \ Modules/lua.cxx \ Modules/main.cxx \ Modules/mzscheme.cxx \ Modules/nested.cxx \ Modules/ocaml.cxx \ Modules/octave.cxx \ Modules/overload.cxx \ Modules/perl5.cxx \ Modules/php.cxx \ Modules/python.cxx \ Modules/r.cxx \ Modules/ruby.cxx \ Modules/scilab.cxx \ Modules/swigmain.cxx \ Modules/tcl8.cxx \ Modules/typepass.cxx \ Modules/utils.cxx \ Modules/xml.cxx \ Preprocessor/cpp.c \ Preprocessor/expr.c \ Swig/cwrap.c \ Swig/deprecate.c \ Swig/error.c \ Swig/extend.c \ Swig/fragment.c \ Swig/getopt.c \ Swig/include.c \ Swig/misc.c \ Swig/naming.c \ Swig/parms.c \ Swig/scanner.c \ Swig/stype.c \ Swig/symbol.c \ Swig/tree.c \ Swig/typemap.c \ Swig/typeobj.c \ Swig/typesys.c \ Swig/wrapfunc.c bin_PROGRAMS = eswig eswig_LDADD = @SWIGLIBS@ # Override the link stage to avoid using Libtool CXXLINK = $(CXXLD) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ # The executable is copied to the root directory for installation and running the test-suite. # This occurs on each invocation of make and is a step towards providing support for multiple # build directories. all-local: eswig@EXEEXT@ cp -f $(top_builddir)/Source/eswig@EXEEXT@ $(top_builddir)/swig@EXEEXT@ clean-local: rm -f $(top_builddir)/swig@EXEEXT@ rm -f core @EXTRA_CLEAN@ distclean-local: rm -f $(top_builddir)/Source/Include/swigconfig.h rm -f $(top_builddir)/Source/Include/stamp-h1 # Beautify the code. # Note that this works well on C code, but does some odd joining of lines for C++ code. # Compiling with -DNDEBUG and no optimisations will allow one to do a binary diff of the # swig executable as a way of checking before and after the 'beautifying'. # Single files can be beautified with the beautify-file target, eg: 'make beautify-file INDENTFILE=chosenfile.c' SWIGTYPEDEFS=-T bool -T File -T DohObjInfo -T Parm -T Language -T List -T TargetLanguageModule -T Typetab -T ModuleFactory -T ErrorMessageFormat -T Symtab -T Hash -T Scanner -T String -T DohBase -T Node -T String_or_char -T SwigType -T Dispatcher -T Wrapper -T DohStringMethods -T DohFileMethods -T DohListMethods -T DohHashMethods -T DOH -T DohIterator -T ParmList -T FILE -T HashNode -T DOHObj_or_char -T DOHFile -T DOHString -T DOHString_or_char -T UpcallData INDENTBAKSDIR=../IndentBaks beautify: rm -rf $(INDENTBAKSDIR) mkdir $(INDENTBAKSDIR) mkdir $(INDENTBAKSDIR)/CParse mkdir $(INDENTBAKSDIR)/DOH mkdir $(INDENTBAKSDIR)/Modules mkdir $(INDENTBAKSDIR)/Preprocessor mkdir $(INDENTBAKSDIR)/Swig mkdir $(INDENTBAKSDIR)/Include (csources=`find . -name "*.c"` && \ hsources=`find . -name "*.h"` && \ cxxsources=`find . -name "*.cxx"` && \ for file in $$csources $$hsources $$cxxsources; do \ $(MAKE) beautify-file INDENTFILE=$$file; \ done; ) beautify-file: test -e $(INDENTBAKSDIR) || (echo $(INDENTBAKSDIR) directory does not exist && exit 1;) test -n "$(INDENTFILE)" || (echo INDENTFILE not defined && exit 1;) test -e $(INDENTFILE) || (echo File does not exist: $(INDENTFILE) && exit 1;) cp $(INDENTFILE) $(INDENTBAKSDIR)/$(INDENTFILE); indent -kr --honour-newlines --line-length160 --indent-level2 --braces-on-func-def-line --leave-optional-blank-lines $(SWIGTYPEDEFS) $(INDENTFILE) -o $(INDENTFILE).tmp; cat $(INDENTFILE).tmp | sed -e 's/const const /const /' > $(INDENTFILE); rm $(INDENTFILE).tmp;