/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3 * (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional * terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG * license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files * included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers * and at http://www.swig.org/legal.html. * * pydoc.cxx * * Module to return documentation for nodes formatted for PyDoc * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "pydoc.h" #include "doxyparser.h" #include #include #include #include #include "swigmod.h" // define static tables, they are filled in PyDocConverter's constructor PyDocConverter::TagHandlersMap PyDocConverter::tagHandlers; std::map PyDocConverter::sectionTitles; using std::string; // Helper class increasing the provided indent string in its ctor and decreasing // it in its dtor. class IndentGuard { public: // One indent level. static const char *Level() { return " "; } // Default ctor doesn't do anything and prevents the dtor from doing anything// too and should only be used when the guard needs to be initialized// conditionally as Init() can then be called after checking some condition.// Otherwise, prefer to use the non default ctor below. IndentGuard() { m_initialized = false; } // Ctor takes the output to determine the current indent and to remove the // extra indent added to it in the dtor and the variable containing the indent // to use, which must be used after every new line by the code actually // updating the output. IndentGuard(string &output, string &indent) { Init(output, indent); } // Really initializes the object created using the default ctor. void Init(string &output, string &indent) { m_output = &output; m_indent = &indent; const string::size_type lastNonSpace = m_output->find_last_not_of(' '); if (lastNonSpace == string::npos) { m_firstLineIndent = m_output->length(); } else if ((*m_output)[lastNonSpace] == '\n') { m_firstLineIndent = m_output->length() - (lastNonSpace + 1); } else { m_firstLineIndent = 0; } // Notice that the indent doesn't include the first line indent because it's // implicit, i.e. it is present in the input and so is copied into the // output anyhow. *m_indent = Level(); m_initialized = true; } // Get the indent for the first line of the paragraph, which is smaller than // the indent for the subsequent lines. string getFirstLineIndent() const { return string(m_firstLineIndent, ' '); } ~IndentGuard() { if (!m_initialized) return; m_indent->clear(); // Get rid of possible remaining extra indent, e.g. if there were any trailing // new lines: we shouldn't add the extra indent level to whatever follows // this paragraph. static const size_t lenIndentLevel = strlen(Level()); if (m_output->length() > lenIndentLevel) { const size_t start = m_output->length() - lenIndentLevel; if (m_output->compare(start, string::npos, Level()) == 0) m_output->erase(start); } } private: string *m_output; string *m_indent; string::size_type m_firstLineIndent; bool m_initialized; IndentGuard(const IndentGuard &); IndentGuard &operator=(const IndentGuard &); }; // Return the indent of the given multiline string, i.e. the maximal number of // spaces present in the beginning of all its non-empty lines. static size_t determineIndent(const string &s) { size_t minIndent = static_cast(-1); for (size_t lineStart = 0; lineStart < s.length();) { const size_t lineEnd = s.find('\n', lineStart); const size_t firstNonSpace = s.find_first_not_of(' ', lineStart); // If inequality doesn't hold, it means that this line contains only spaces // (notice that this works whether lineEnd is valid or string::npos), in // which case it doesn't matter when determining the indent. if (firstNonSpace < lineEnd) { // Here we can be sure firstNonSpace != string::npos. const size_t lineIndent = firstNonSpace - lineStart; if (lineIndent < minIndent) minIndent = lineIndent; } if (lineEnd == string::npos) break; lineStart = lineEnd + 1; } return minIndent; } static void trimWhitespace(string &s) { const string::size_type lastNonSpace = s.find_last_not_of(' '); if (lastNonSpace == string::npos) s.clear(); else s.erase(lastNonSpace + 1); } // Erase the first character in the string if it is a newline static void eraseLeadingNewLine(string &s) { if (!s.empty() && s[0] == '\n') s.erase(s.begin()); } // Erase the last character in the string if it is a newline static void eraseTrailingNewLine(string &s) { if (!s.empty() && s[s.size() - 1] == '\n') s.erase(s.size() - 1); } // Check the generated docstring line by line and make sure that any // code and verbatim blocks have an empty line preceding them, which // is necessary for Sphinx. Additionally, this strips any empty lines // appearing at the beginning of the docstring. static string padCodeAndVerbatimBlocks(const string &docString) { std::string result; std::istringstream iss(docString); // Initialize to false because there is no previous line yet bool lastLineWasNonBlank = false; for (string line; std::getline(iss, line); result += line) { if (!result.empty()) { // Terminate the previous line result += '\n'; } const size_t pos = line.find_first_not_of(" \t"); if (pos == string::npos) { lastLineWasNonBlank = false; } else { if (lastLineWasNonBlank && (line.compare(pos, 13, ".. code-block") == 0 || line.compare(pos, 7, ".. math") == 0 || line.compare(pos, 3, ">>>") == 0)) { // Must separate code or math blocks from the previous line result += '\n'; } lastLineWasNonBlank = true; } } return result; } // Helper function to extract the option value from a command, // e.g. param[in] -> in static std::string getCommandOption(const std::string &command, char openChar, char closeChar) { string option; size_t opt_begin, opt_end; opt_begin = command.find(openChar); opt_end = command.find(closeChar); if (opt_begin != string::npos && opt_end != string::npos) option = command.substr(opt_begin+1, opt_end-opt_begin-1); return option; } /* static */ PyDocConverter::TagHandlersMap::mapped_type PyDocConverter::make_handler(tagHandler handler) { return make_pair(handler, std::string()); } /* static */ PyDocConverter::TagHandlersMap::mapped_type PyDocConverter::make_handler(tagHandler handler, const char *arg) { return make_pair(handler, arg); } void PyDocConverter::fillStaticTables() { if (tagHandlers.size()) // fill only once return; // table of section titles, they are printed only once // for each group of specified doxygen commands sectionTitles["author"] = "Author: "; sectionTitles["authors"] = "Authors: "; sectionTitles["copyright"] = "Copyright: "; sectionTitles["deprecated"] = "Deprecated: "; sectionTitles["example"] = "Example: "; sectionTitles["note"] = "Notes: "; sectionTitles["remark"] = "Remarks: "; sectionTitles["remarks"] = "Remarks: "; sectionTitles["warning"] = "Warning: "; // sectionTitles["sa"] = "See also: "; // sectionTitles["see"] = "See also: "; sectionTitles["since"] = "Since: "; sectionTitles["todo"] = "TODO: "; sectionTitles["version"] = "Version: "; tagHandlers["a"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagWrap, "*"); tagHandlers["b"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagWrap, "**"); // \c command is translated as single quotes around next word tagHandlers["c"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagWrap, "``"); tagHandlers["cite"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagWrap, "'"); tagHandlers["e"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagWrap, "*"); // these commands insert just a single char, some of them need to be escaped tagHandlers["$"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers["@"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers["\\"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers["<"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers[">"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers["&"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers["#"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers["%"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers["~"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers["\""] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers["."] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); tagHandlers["::"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagChar); // these commands are stripped out, and only their content is printed tagHandlers["attention"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["author"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["authors"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["brief"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["bug"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["code"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleCode); tagHandlers["copyright"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["date"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["deprecated"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["details"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["em"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagWrap, "*"); tagHandlers["example"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["exception"] = tagHandlers["throw"] = tagHandlers["throws"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagException); tagHandlers["htmlonly"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["invariant"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["latexonly"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["link"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["manonly"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["note"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["p"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagWrap, "``"); tagHandlers["partofdescription"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["rtfonly"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["remark"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["remarks"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["sa"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagMessage, "See also: "); tagHandlers["see"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagMessage, "See also: "); tagHandlers["since"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["short"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["todo"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["version"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["verbatim"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleVerbatimBlock); tagHandlers["warning"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); tagHandlers["xmlonly"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleParagraph); // these commands have special handlers tagHandlers["arg"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagMessage, "* "); tagHandlers["cond"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagMessage, "Conditional comment: "); tagHandlers["else"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagIf, "Else: "); tagHandlers["elseif"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagIf, "Else if: "); tagHandlers["endcond"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagMessage, "End of conditional comment."); tagHandlers["if"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagIf, "If: "); tagHandlers["ifnot"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagIf, "If not: "); tagHandlers["image"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagImage); tagHandlers["li"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagMessage, "* "); tagHandlers["overload"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagMessage, "This is an overloaded member function, provided for" " convenience.\nIt differs from the above function only in what" " argument(s) it accepts."); tagHandlers["par"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagPar); tagHandlers["param"] = tagHandlers["tparam"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagParam); tagHandlers["ref"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagRef); tagHandlers["result"] = tagHandlers["return"] = tagHandlers["returns"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleTagReturn); // this command just prints it's contents // (it is internal command of swig's parser, contains plain text) tagHandlers["plainstd::string"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handlePlainString); tagHandlers["plainstd::endl"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleNewLine); tagHandlers["n"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleNewLine); // \f commands output literal Latex formula, which is still better than nothing. tagHandlers["f$"] = tagHandlers["f["] = tagHandlers["f{"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleMath); // HTML tags tagHandlers[""); tagHandlers["&"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "&"); tagHandlers["&apos"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "'"); tagHandlers["""] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "\""); tagHandlers["&lsquo"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "`"); tagHandlers["&rsquo"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "'"); tagHandlers["&ldquo"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "\""); tagHandlers["&rdquo"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "\""); tagHandlers["&ndash"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "-"); tagHandlers["&mdash"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "--"); tagHandlers[" "] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, " "); tagHandlers["×"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "x"); tagHandlers["&minus"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "-"); tagHandlers["&sdot"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "."); tagHandlers["&sim"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "~"); tagHandlers["&le"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "<="); tagHandlers["&ge"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, ">="); tagHandlers["&larr"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "<--"); tagHandlers["&rarr"] = make_handler(&PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity, "-->"); } PyDocConverter::PyDocConverter(int flags): DoxygenTranslator(flags), m_tableLineLen(0), m_prevRowIsTH(false) { fillStaticTables(); } // Return the type as it should appear in the output documentation. static std::string getPyDocType(Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr lname = "") { std::string type; String *s = Swig_typemap_lookup("doctype", n, lname, 0); if (!s) { if (String *t = Getattr(n, "type")) s = SwigType_str(t, ""); } if (!s) return type; if (Language::classLookup(s)) { // In Python C++ namespaces are flattened, so remove all but last component // of the name. String *const last = Swig_scopename_last(s); // We are not actually sure whether it's a documented class or not, but // there doesn't seem to be any harm in making it a reference if it isn't, // while there is a lot of benefit in having a hyperlink if it is. type = ":py:class:`"; type += Char(last); type += "`"; Delete(last); } else { type = Char(s); } Delete(s); return type; } std::string PyDocConverter::getParamType(std::string param) { std::string type; ParmList *plist = CopyParmList(Getattr(currentNode, "parms")); for (Parm *p = plist; p; p = nextSibling(p)) { String *pname = Getattr(p, "name"); if (pname && Char(pname) == param) { type = getPyDocType(p, pname); break; } } Delete(plist); return type; } std::string PyDocConverter::getParamValue(std::string param) { std::string value; ParmList *plist = CopyParmList(Getattr(currentNode, "parms")); for (Parm *p = plist; p; p = nextSibling(p)) { String *pname = Getattr(p, "name"); if (pname && Char(pname) == param) { String *pval = Getattr(p, "value"); if (pval) value = Char(pval); break; } } Delete(plist); return value; } std::string PyDocConverter::translateSubtree(DoxygenEntity &doxygenEntity) { std::string translatedComment; if (doxygenEntity.isLeaf) return translatedComment; std::string currentSection; std::list::iterator p = doxygenEntity.entityList.begin(); while (p != doxygenEntity.entityList.end()) { std::map::iterator it; it = sectionTitles.find(p->typeOfEntity); if (it != sectionTitles.end()) { if (it->second != currentSection) { currentSection = it->second; translatedComment += currentSection; } } translateEntity(*p, translatedComment); translateSubtree(*p); p++; } return translatedComment; } void PyDocConverter::translateEntity(DoxygenEntity &doxyEntity, std::string &translatedComment) { // check if we have needed handler and call it std::map >::iterator it; it = tagHandlers.find(getBaseCommand(doxyEntity.typeOfEntity)); if (it != tagHandlers.end()) (this->*(it->second.first)) (doxyEntity, translatedComment, it->second.second); } void PyDocConverter::handleParagraph(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { translatedComment += translateSubtree(tag); } void PyDocConverter::handleVerbatimBlock(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { string verb = translateSubtree(tag); eraseLeadingNewLine(verb); // Remove the last newline to prevent doubling the newline already present after \endverbatim trimWhitespace(verb); // Needed to catch trailing newline below eraseTrailingNewLine(verb); translatedComment += verb; } void PyDocConverter::handleMath(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { IndentGuard indent; // Only \f$ is translated to inline formulae, \f[ and \f{ are for the block ones. const bool inlineFormula = tag.typeOfEntity == "f$"; string formulaNL; if (inlineFormula) { translatedComment += ":math:`"; } else { indent.Init(translatedComment, m_indent); trimWhitespace(translatedComment); const string formulaIndent = indent.getFirstLineIndent(); translatedComment += formulaIndent; translatedComment += ".. math::\n"; formulaNL = '\n'; formulaNL += formulaIndent; formulaNL += m_indent; translatedComment += formulaNL; } std::string formula; handleTagVerbatim(tag, formula, arg); // It is important to ensure that we have no spaces around the inline math // contents, so strip them. const size_t start = formula.find_first_not_of(" \t\n"); const size_t end = formula.find_last_not_of(" \t\n"); if (start != std::string::npos) { for (size_t n = start; n <= end; n++) { if (formula[n] == '\n') { // New lines must be suppressed in inline maths and indented in the block ones. if (!inlineFormula) translatedComment += formulaNL; } else { // Just copy everything else. translatedComment += formula[n]; } } } if (inlineFormula) { translatedComment += "`"; } } void PyDocConverter::handleCode(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { IndentGuard indent(translatedComment, m_indent); trimWhitespace(translatedComment); // Check for an option given to the code command (e.g. code{.py}), // and try to set the code-block language accordingly. string option = getCommandOption(tag.typeOfEntity, '{', '}'); // Set up the language option to the code-block command, which can // be any language supported by pygments: string codeLanguage; if (option == ".py") // Other possibilities here are "default" or "python3". In Sphinx // 2.1.2, basic syntax doesn't render quite the same in these as // with "python", which for basic keywords seems to provide // slightly richer formatting. Another option would be to leave // the language empty, but testing with Sphinx 1.8.5 has produced // an error "1 argument required". codeLanguage = "python"; else if (option == ".java") codeLanguage = "java"; else if (option == ".c") codeLanguage = "c"; else // If there is not a match, or if no option was given, go out on a // limb and assume that the examples in the C or C++ sources use // C++. codeLanguage = "c++"; std::string code; handleTagVerbatim(tag, code, arg); // Try and remove leading newline, which is present for block \code // command: eraseLeadingNewLine(code); // Check for python doctest blocks, and treat them specially: bool isDocTestBlock = false; size_t startPos; // ">>>" would normally appear at the beginning, but doxygen comment // style may have space in front, so skip leading whitespace if ((startPos=code.find_first_not_of(" \t")) != string::npos && code.substr(startPos,3) == ">>>") isDocTestBlock = true; string codeIndent; if (! isDocTestBlock) { // Use the current indent for the code-block line itself. translatedComment += indent.getFirstLineIndent(); translatedComment += ".. code-block:: " + codeLanguage + "\n\n"; // Specify the level of extra indentation that will be used for // subsequent lines within the code block. Note that the correct // "starting indentation" is already present in the input, so we // only need to add the desired code block indentation. codeIndent = m_indent; } translatedComment += codeIndent; for (size_t n = 0; n < code.length(); n++) { if (code[n] == '\n') { // Don't leave trailing white space, this results in PEP8 validation // errors in Python code (which are performed by our own unit tests). trimWhitespace(translatedComment); translatedComment += '\n'; // Ensure that we indent all the lines by the code indent. translatedComment += codeIndent; } else { // Just copy everything else. translatedComment += code[n]; } } trimWhitespace(translatedComment); // For block commands, the translator adds the newline after // \endcode, so try and compensate by removing the last newline from // the code text: eraseTrailingNewLine(translatedComment); } void PyDocConverter::handlePlainString(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { translatedComment += tag.data; } void PyDocConverter::handleTagVerbatim(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { translatedComment += arg; for (DoxygenEntityListCIt it = tag.entityList.begin(); it != tag.entityList.end(); it++) { translatedComment += it->data; } } void PyDocConverter::handleTagMessage(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { translatedComment += arg; handleParagraph(tag, translatedComment); } void PyDocConverter::handleTagChar(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { translatedComment += tag.typeOfEntity; } void PyDocConverter::handleTagIf(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { translatedComment += arg; if (tag.entityList.size()) { translatedComment += tag.entityList.begin()->data; tag.entityList.pop_front(); translatedComment += " {" + translateSubtree(tag) + "}"; } } void PyDocConverter::handleTagPar(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { translatedComment += "Title: "; if (tag.entityList.size()) translatedComment += tag.entityList.begin()->data; tag.entityList.pop_front(); handleParagraph(tag, translatedComment); } void PyDocConverter::handleTagImage(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { if (tag.entityList.size() < 2) return; tag.entityList.pop_front(); translatedComment += "Image: "; translatedComment += tag.entityList.begin()->data; tag.entityList.pop_front(); if (tag.entityList.size()) translatedComment += "(" + tag.entityList.begin()->data + ")"; } void PyDocConverter::handleTagParam(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { if (tag.entityList.size() < 2) return; IndentGuard indent(translatedComment, m_indent); DoxygenEntity paramNameEntity = *tag.entityList.begin(); tag.entityList.pop_front(); const std::string ¶mName = paramNameEntity.data; const std::string paramType = getParamType(paramName); const std::string paramValue = getParamValue(paramName); // Get command option, e.g. "in", "out", or "in,out" string commandOpt = getCommandOption(tag.typeOfEntity, '[', ']'); if (commandOpt == "in,out") commandOpt = "in/out"; // If provided, append the parameter direction to the type // information via a suffix: std::string suffix; if (commandOpt.size() > 0) suffix = ", " + commandOpt; // If the parameter has a default value, flag it as optional in the // generated type definition. Particularly helpful when the python // call is generated with *args, **kwargs. if (paramValue.size() > 0) suffix += ", optional"; if (!paramType.empty()) { translatedComment += ":type " + paramName + ": " + paramType + suffix + "\n"; translatedComment += indent.getFirstLineIndent(); } translatedComment += ":param " + paramName + ":"; handleParagraph(tag, translatedComment); } void PyDocConverter::handleTagReturn(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { IndentGuard indent(translatedComment, m_indent); const std::string pytype = getPyDocType(currentNode); if (!pytype.empty()) { translatedComment += ":rtype: "; translatedComment += pytype; translatedComment += "\n"; translatedComment += indent.getFirstLineIndent(); } translatedComment += ":return: "; handleParagraph(tag, translatedComment); } void PyDocConverter::handleTagException(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { IndentGuard indent(translatedComment, m_indent); translatedComment += ":raises: "; handleParagraph(tag, translatedComment); } void PyDocConverter::handleTagRef(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { if (!tag.entityList.size()) return; string anchor = tag.entityList.begin()->data; tag.entityList.pop_front(); string anchorText = anchor; if (!tag.entityList.empty()) { anchorText = tag.entityList.begin()->data; } translatedComment += "'" + anchorText + "'"; } void PyDocConverter::handleTagWrap(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { if (tag.entityList.size()) { // do not include empty tags std::string tagData = translateSubtree(tag); // wrap the thing, ignoring whitespace size_t wsPos = tagData.find_last_not_of("\n\t "); if (wsPos != std::string::npos && wsPos != tagData.size() - 1) translatedComment += arg + tagData.substr(0, wsPos + 1) + arg + tagData.substr(wsPos + 1); else translatedComment += arg + tagData + arg; } } void PyDocConverter::handleDoxyHtmlTag(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { std::string htmlTagArgs = tag.data; if (htmlTagArgs == "/") { // end html tag, for example " // translatedComment += ""; } else { translatedComment += arg + htmlTagArgs; } } void PyDocConverter::handleDoxyHtmlTagNoParam(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { std::string htmlTagArgs = tag.data; if (htmlTagArgs == "/") { // end html tag, for example " } else { translatedComment += arg; } } void PyDocConverter::handleDoxyHtmlTag_A(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { std::string htmlTagArgs = tag.data; if (htmlTagArgs == "/") { // end html tag, " translatedComment += " (" + m_url + ')'; m_url.clear(); } else { m_url.clear(); size_t pos = htmlTagArgs.find('='); if (pos != string::npos) { m_url = htmlTagArgs.substr(pos + 1); } translatedComment += arg; } } void PyDocConverter::handleDoxyHtmlTag2(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { std::string htmlTagArgs = tag.data; if (htmlTagArgs == "/") { // end html tag, for example " translatedComment += arg; } else { translatedComment += arg; } } void PyDocConverter::handleDoxyHtmlTag_tr(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { std::string htmlTagArgs = tag.data; size_t nlPos = translatedComment.rfind('\n'); if (htmlTagArgs == "/") { // end tag, appends vertical table line '|' translatedComment += '|'; if (nlPos != string::npos) { size_t startOfTableLinePos = translatedComment.find_first_not_of(" \t", nlPos + 1); if (startOfTableLinePos != string::npos) { m_tableLineLen = translatedComment.size() - startOfTableLinePos; } } } else { if (m_prevRowIsTH) { // if previous row contained tag, add horizontal separator // but first get leading spaces, because they'll be needed for the next row size_t numLeadingSpaces = translatedComment.size() - nlPos - 1; translatedComment += string(m_tableLineLen, '-') + '\n'; if (nlPos != string::npos) { translatedComment += string(numLeadingSpaces, ' '); } m_prevRowIsTH = false; } } } void PyDocConverter::handleDoxyHtmlTag_th(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { std::string htmlTagArgs = tag.data; if (htmlTagArgs == "/") { // end tag, is ignored } else { translatedComment += '|'; m_prevRowIsTH = true; } } void PyDocConverter::handleDoxyHtmlTag_td(DoxygenEntity &tag, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { std::string htmlTagArgs = tag.data; if (htmlTagArgs == "/") { // end tag, is ignored } else { translatedComment += '|'; } } void PyDocConverter::handleHtmlEntity(DoxygenEntity &, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &arg) { // html entities translatedComment += arg; } void PyDocConverter::handleNewLine(DoxygenEntity &, std::string &translatedComment, const std::string &) { trimWhitespace(translatedComment); translatedComment += "\n"; if (!m_indent.empty()) translatedComment += m_indent; } String *PyDocConverter::makeDocumentation(Node *n) { String *documentation; std::string pyDocString; // store the node, we may need it later currentNode = n; // for overloaded functions we must concat documentation for underlying overloads if (Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) { // rewind to the first overload while (Getattr(n, "sym:previousSibling")) n = Getattr(n, "sym:previousSibling"); std::vector allDocumentation; // minimal indent of any documentation comments, not initialized yet size_t minIndent = static_cast(-1); // for each real method (not a generated overload) append the documentation string oneDoc; while (n) { documentation = getDoxygenComment(n); if (!Swig_is_generated_overload(n) && documentation) { currentNode = n; if (GetFlag(n, "feature:doxygen:notranslate")) { String *comment = NewString(""); Append(comment, documentation); Replaceall(comment, "\n *", "\n"); oneDoc = Char(comment); Delete(comment); } else { std::list entityList = parser.createTree(n, documentation); DoxygenEntity root("root", entityList); oneDoc = translateSubtree(root); } // find the minimal indent of this documentation comment, we need to // ensure that the entire comment is indented by it to avoid the leading // parts of the other lines being simply discarded later const size_t oneIndent = determineIndent(oneDoc); if (oneIndent < minIndent) minIndent = oneIndent; allDocumentation.push_back(oneDoc); } n = Getattr(n, "sym:nextSibling"); } // construct final documentation string if (allDocumentation.size() > 1) { string indentStr; if (minIndent != static_cast(-1)) indentStr.assign(minIndent, ' '); std::ostringstream concatDocString; for (size_t realOverloadCount = 0; realOverloadCount < allDocumentation.size(); realOverloadCount++) { if (realOverloadCount != 0) { // separate it from the preceding one. concatDocString << "\n" << indentStr << "|\n\n"; } oneDoc = allDocumentation[realOverloadCount]; trimWhitespace(oneDoc); concatDocString << indentStr << "*Overload " << (realOverloadCount + 1) << ":*\n" << oneDoc; } pyDocString = concatDocString.str(); } else if (allDocumentation.size() == 1) { pyDocString = *(allDocumentation.begin()); } } // for other nodes just process as normal else { documentation = getDoxygenComment(n); if (documentation != NULL) { if (GetFlag(n, "feature:doxygen:notranslate")) { String *comment = NewString(""); Append(comment, documentation); Replaceall(comment, "\n *", "\n"); pyDocString = Char(comment); Delete(comment); } else { std::list entityList = parser.createTree(n, documentation); DoxygenEntity root("root", entityList); pyDocString = translateSubtree(root); } } } // if we got something log the result if (!pyDocString.empty()) { // remove the last '\n' since additional one is added during writing to file eraseTrailingNewLine(pyDocString); // ensure that a blank line occurs before code or math blocks pyDocString = padCodeAndVerbatimBlocks(pyDocString); if (m_flags & debug_translator) { std::cout << "\n---RESULT IN PYDOC---" << std::endl; std::cout << pyDocString; std::cout << std::endl; } } return NewString(pyDocString.c_str()); }