/* -*-c-*- */ /* SWIG pointer structure */ #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define C_bool 0 #define C_char 1 #define C_uchar 2 #define C_short 3 #define C_ushort 4 #define C_int 5 #define C_uint 6 #define C_int32 7 #define C_int64 8 #define C_float 9 #define C_double 10 #define C_ptr 11 #define C_array 12 #define C_list 13 #define C_obj 14 #define C_string 15 #define C_enum 16 #define C_director_core 17 /* Cast a pointer if possible; returns 1 if successful */ SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Cast (void *source, swig_type_info *source_type, void **ptr, swig_type_info *dest_type) { if( !source ) { /* Special case for NULL. This is a popular question for other modules on the list, so I want an easy way out... */ *ptr = 0; return 0; } #ifdef TYPE_CAST_VERBOSE fprintf( stderr, "Trying to cast %s to %s\n", source_type ? source_type->str : "", dest_type ? dest_type->str : "" ); #endif if (dest_type != source_type) { /* We have a type mismatch. Will have to look through our type mapping table to figure out whether or not we can accept this datatype. -- Ignore typechecks for void *. Allow any conversion. */ if( !dest_type || !source_type || !strcmp(dest_type->name,"_p_void") || !strcmp(source_type->name,"_p_void") ) { *ptr = source; return 0; } else { swig_cast_info *tc = SWIG_TypeCheckStruct(source_type, dest_type ); #ifdef TYPE_CAST_VERBOSE fprintf( stderr, "Typecheck -> %s\n", tc ? tc->type->str : "" ); #endif if( tc ) { int newmemory = 0; *ptr = SWIG_TypeCast(tc, source, &newmemory); assert(!newmemory); /* newmemory handling not yet implemented */ return 0; } else return -1; } } else { *ptr = source; return 0; } } /* Return 0 if successful. */ SWIGINTERN int SWIG_GetPtr(void *inptr, void **outptr, swig_type_info *intype, swig_type_info *outtype) { if (intype) { return SWIG_Cast(inptr, intype, outptr, outtype) == -1; } else { *outptr = inptr; return 0; } } SWIGINTERN void caml_print_list( CAML_VALUE v ); SWIGINTERN void caml_print_val( CAML_VALUE v ) { switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) { case C_bool: if( Bool_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)) ) fprintf( stderr, "true " ); else fprintf( stderr, "false " ); break; case C_char: case C_uchar: fprintf( stderr, "'%c' (\\%03d) ", (Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)) >= ' ' && Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)) < 127) ? Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)) : '.', Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)) ); break; case C_short: case C_ushort: case C_int: fprintf( stderr, "%d ", (int)caml_long_val(v) ); break; case C_uint: case C_int32: fprintf( stderr, "%ud ", (unsigned int)caml_long_val(v) ); break; case C_int64: fprintf( stderr, "%ld ", caml_long_val(v) ); break; case C_float: case C_double: fprintf( stderr, "%f ", caml_double_val(v) ); break; case C_ptr: { void *vout = 0; swig_type_info *ty = (swig_type_info *)(long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(v,1)); caml_ptr_val_internal(v,&vout,0); fprintf( stderr, "PTR(%p,%s) ", vout, ty ? ty->name : "(null)" ); } break; case C_array: { unsigned int i; for( i = 0; i < Wosize_val( SWIG_Field(v,0) ); i++ ) caml_print_val( SWIG_Field(SWIG_Field(v,0),i) ); } break; case C_list: caml_print_list( SWIG_Field(v,0) ); break; case C_obj: fprintf( stderr, "OBJ(%p) ", (void *)SWIG_Field(v,0) ); break; case C_string: { void *cout; caml_ptr_val_internal(v,&cout,0); fprintf( stderr, "'%s' ", (char *)cout ); } break; } } SWIGINTERN void caml_print_list( CAML_VALUE v ) { CAMLparam1(v); while( v && Is_block(v) ) { fprintf( stderr, "[ " ); caml_print_val( SWIG_Field(v,0) ); fprintf( stderr, "]\n" ); v = SWIG_Field(v,1); } CAMLreturn0; } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_list_nth( CAML_VALUE lst, int n ) { CAMLparam1(lst); int i = 0; while( i < n && lst && Is_block(lst) ) { i++; lst = SWIG_Field(lst,1); } if( lst == Val_unit ) CAMLreturn(Val_unit); else CAMLreturn(SWIG_Field(lst,0)); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_list_append( CAML_VALUE lst, CAML_VALUE elt ) { CAMLparam2(lst,elt); SWIG_CAMLlocal3(v,vt,lh); lh = Val_unit; v = Val_unit; /* Appending C_void should have no effect */ if( !Is_block(elt) ) return lst; while( lst && Is_block(lst) ) { if( v && v != Val_unit ) { vt = caml_alloc_tuple(2); SWIG_Store_field(v,1,vt); v = vt; } else { v = lh = caml_alloc_tuple(2); } SWIG_Store_field(v,0,SWIG_Field(lst,0)); lst = SWIG_Field(lst,1); } if( v && Is_block(v) ) { vt = caml_alloc_tuple(2); SWIG_Store_field(v,1,vt); v = vt; } else { v = lh = caml_alloc_tuple(2); } SWIG_Store_field(v,0,elt); SWIG_Store_field(v,1,Val_unit); CAMLreturn(lh); } SWIGINTERN int caml_list_length( CAML_VALUE lst ) { CAMLparam1(lst); int i = 0; while( lst && Is_block(lst) ) { i++; lst = SWIG_Field(lst,1); } CAMLreturn(i); } SWIGINTERN void caml_array_set( CAML_VALUE arr, int n, CAML_VALUE item ) { CAMLparam2(arr,item); SWIG_Store_field(SWIG_Field(arr,0),n,item); CAMLreturn0; } SWIGINTERN value caml_array_nth( CAML_VALUE arr, int n ) { CAMLparam1(arr); if( SWIG_Tag_val(arr) == C_array ) CAMLreturn(SWIG_Field(SWIG_Field(arr,0),n)); else if( SWIG_Tag_val(arr) == C_list ) CAMLreturn(caml_list_nth(arr,0)); else caml_failwith("Need array or list"); } SWIGINTERN int caml_array_len( CAML_VALUE arr ) { CAMLparam1(arr); if( SWIG_Tag_val(arr) == C_array ) CAMLreturn(Wosize_val(SWIG_Field(arr,0))); else if( SWIG_Tag_val(arr) == C_list ) CAMLreturn(caml_list_length(arr)); else caml_failwith("Need array or list"); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_swig_alloc(int x,int y) { return caml_alloc(x,y); } SWIGINTERN value caml_array_new( int n ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(vv); vv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_array); SWIG_Store_field(vv,0,caml_alloc_tuple(n)); CAMLreturn(vv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_bool( int b ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(bv); bv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_bool); SWIG_Store_field(bv,0,Val_bool(b)); CAMLreturn(bv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_char( char c ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(cv); cv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_char); SWIG_Store_field(cv,0,Val_int(c)); CAMLreturn(cv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_uchar( unsigned char uc ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(ucv); ucv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_uchar); SWIG_Store_field(ucv,0,Val_int(uc)); CAMLreturn(ucv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_short( short s ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(sv); sv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_short); SWIG_Store_field(sv,0,Val_int(s)); CAMLreturn(sv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_ushort( unsigned short us ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(usv); usv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_ushort); SWIG_Store_field(usv,0,Val_int(us)); CAMLreturn(usv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_int( int i ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(iv); iv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_int); SWIG_Store_field(iv,0,Val_int(i)); CAMLreturn(iv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_uint( unsigned int ui ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(uiv); uiv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_int); SWIG_Store_field(uiv,0,Val_int(ui)); CAMLreturn(uiv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_long( long l ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(lv); lv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_int64); SWIG_Store_field(lv,0,caml_copy_int64(l)); CAMLreturn(lv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_ulong( unsigned long ul ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(ulv); ulv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_int64); SWIG_Store_field(ulv,0,caml_copy_int64(ul)); CAMLreturn(ulv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_float( float f ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(fv); fv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_float); SWIG_Store_field(fv,0,caml_copy_double((double)f)); CAMLreturn(fv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_double( double d ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(fv); fv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_double); SWIG_Store_field(fv,0,caml_copy_double(d)); CAMLreturn(fv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_ptr( void *p, swig_type_info *info ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(vv); vv = caml_swig_alloc(2,C_ptr); SWIG_Store_field(vv,0,caml_copy_int64((long)p)); SWIG_Store_field(vv,1,caml_copy_int64((long)info)); CAMLreturn(vv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_string( const char *p ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(vv); if( !p ) CAMLreturn(caml_val_ptr( (void *)p, 0 )); vv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_string); SWIG_Store_field(vv,0,caml_copy_string(p)); CAMLreturn(vv); } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_string_len( const char *p, int len ) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(vv); if( !p || len < 0 ) CAMLreturn(caml_val_ptr( (void *)p, 0 )); vv = caml_swig_alloc(1,C_string); SWIG_Store_field(vv,0,caml_alloc_string(len)); memcpy(Bp_val(SWIG_Field(vv,0)),p,len); CAMLreturn(vv); } #define caml_val_obj(v, name) caml_val_obj_helper(v, SWIG_TypeQuery((name)), name) SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE caml_val_obj_helper( void *v, swig_type_info *type, char *name) { CAMLparam0(); CAMLreturn(caml_callback2(*caml_named_value("caml_create_object_fn"), caml_val_ptr(v,type), caml_copy_string(name))); } SWIGINTERN long caml_long_val_full( CAML_VALUE v, const char *name ) { CAMLparam1(v); if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0; switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) { case C_bool: case C_char: case C_uchar: case C_short: case C_ushort: case C_int: CAMLreturn(Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0))); case C_uint: case C_int32: CAMLreturn(Int32_val(SWIG_Field(v,0))); case C_int64: CAMLreturn((long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(v,0))); case C_float: case C_double: CAMLreturn((long)Double_val(SWIG_Field(v,0))); case C_string: CAMLreturn((long)String_val(SWIG_Field(v,0))); case C_ptr: CAMLreturn((long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(SWIG_Field(v,0),0))); case C_enum: { SWIG_CAMLlocal1(ret); const CAML_VALUE *enum_to_int = caml_named_value(SWIG_MODULE "_enum_to_int"); if( !name ) caml_failwith( "Not an enum conversion" ); ret = caml_callback2(*enum_to_int,*caml_named_value(name),v); CAMLreturn(caml_long_val(ret)); } default: caml_failwith("No conversion to int"); } } SWIGINTERN long caml_long_val( CAML_VALUE v ) { return caml_long_val_full(v,0); } SWIGINTERN double caml_double_val( CAML_VALUE v ) { CAMLparam1(v); if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0.0; switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) { case C_bool: case C_char: case C_uchar: case C_short: case C_ushort: case C_int: CAMLreturn_type(Int_val(SWIG_Field(v,0))); case C_uint: case C_int32: CAMLreturn_type(Int32_val(SWIG_Field(v,0))); case C_int64: CAMLreturn_type(SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(v,0))); case C_float: case C_double: CAMLreturn_type(Double_val(SWIG_Field(v,0))); default: fprintf( stderr, "Unknown block tag %d\n", SWIG_Tag_val(v) ); caml_failwith("No conversion to double"); } } SWIGINTERN int caml_ptr_val_internal( CAML_VALUE v, void **out, swig_type_info *descriptor ) { CAMLparam1(v); void *outptr = NULL; swig_type_info *outdescr = NULL; static const CAML_VALUE *func_val = NULL; if( v == Val_unit ) { *out = 0; CAMLreturn_type(0); } if( !Is_block(v) ) return -1; switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) { case C_obj: if (!func_val) { func_val = caml_named_value("caml_obj_ptr"); } CAMLreturn_type(caml_ptr_val_internal(caml_callback(*func_val, v), out, descriptor)); case C_string: outptr = (void *)String_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)); break; case C_ptr: outptr = (void *)(long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(v,0)); outdescr = (swig_type_info *)(long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(v,1)); break; default: *out = 0; CAMLreturn_type(1); break; } CAMLreturn_type(SWIG_GetPtr(outptr, out, outdescr, descriptor)); } SWIGINTERN void *caml_ptr_val( CAML_VALUE v, swig_type_info *descriptor ) { CAMLparam0(); #ifdef TYPE_CAST_VERBOSE caml_print_val( v ); #endif void *out = NULL; if( !caml_ptr_val_internal( v, &out, descriptor ) ) CAMLreturn_type(out); else caml_failwith( "No appropriate conversion found." ); } SWIGINTERN char *caml_string_val( CAML_VALUE v ) { return (char *)caml_ptr_val( v, 0 ); } SWIGINTERN int caml_string_len( CAML_VALUE v ) { switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) { case C_string: return caml_string_length(SWIG_Field(v,0)); default: return strlen((char *)caml_ptr_val(v,0)); } } SWIGINTERN int caml_bool_check( CAML_VALUE v ) { CAMLparam1(v); if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0; switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) { case C_bool: case C_ptr: case C_string: CAMLreturn(1); default: CAMLreturn(0); } } SWIGINTERN int caml_int_check( CAML_VALUE v ) { CAMLparam1(v); if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0; switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) { case C_char: case C_uchar: case C_short: case C_ushort: case C_int: case C_uint: case C_int32: case C_int64: CAMLreturn(1); default: CAMLreturn(0); } } SWIGINTERN int caml_float_check( CAML_VALUE v ) { CAMLparam1(v); if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0; switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) { case C_float: case C_double: CAMLreturn(1); default: CAMLreturn(0); } } SWIGINTERN int caml_ptr_check( CAML_VALUE v ) { CAMLparam1(v); if( !Is_block(v) ) return 0; switch( SWIG_Tag_val(v) ) { case C_string: case C_ptr: case C_int64: CAMLreturn(1); default: CAMLreturn(0); } } SWIGINTERN CAML_VALUE SWIG_Ocaml_ptr_to_val(const char *name, void *ptr, swig_type_info *descriptor) { CAMLparam0(); SWIG_CAMLlocal1(result); const CAML_VALUE *fromval = caml_named_value(name); if (fromval) { result = caml_callback(*fromval, caml_val_ptr(ptr, descriptor)); } else { result = caml_val_ptr(ptr, descriptor); } CAMLreturn(result); } static swig_module_info *SWIG_Ocaml_GetModule(void *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(clientdata)) { CAML_VALUE pointer; pointer = caml_callback(*caml_named_value("swig_find_type_info"), caml_val_int(0)); if (Is_block(pointer) && SWIG_Tag_val(pointer) == C_ptr) { return (swig_module_info *)(void *)(long)SWIG_Int64_val(SWIG_Field(pointer,0)); } return 0; } static void SWIG_Ocaml_SetModule(swig_module_info *pointer) { CAML_VALUE mod_pointer; mod_pointer = caml_val_ptr(pointer, NULL); caml_callback(*caml_named_value("swig_set_type_info"), mod_pointer); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #undef value