/* Define a C preprocessor symbol that can be used in interface files to distinguish between the SWIG language modules. */ #define SWIG_ALLEGRO_CL #define %ffargs(...) %feature("ffargs", "1", ##__VA_ARGS__) %ffargs(strings_convert="t"); /* typemaps for argument and result type conversions. */ %typemap(lin,numinputs=1) SWIGTYPE "(cl::let (($out $in))\n $body)"; %typemap(lout) bool, char, unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, float, double, long double, char *, void *, enum SWIGTYPE "(cl::setq ACL_ffresult $body)"; %typemap(lout) void "$body"; %typemap(lout) SWIGTYPE[ANY], SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE & %{ (cl:let* ((address $body) (new-inst (cl:make-instance '$lclass :foreign-address address))) (cl:when (cl:and $owner (cl:not (cl:zerop address))) (excl:schedule-finalization new-inst #'$ldestructor)) (cl:setq ACL_ffresult new-inst)) %} %typemap(lout) SWIGTYPE "(cl::let* ((address $body)\n (new-inst (cl::make-instance '$lclass :foreign-address address)))\n (cl::unless (cl::zerop address)\n (excl:schedule-finalization new-inst #'$ldestructor))\n (cl::setq ACL_ffresult new-inst))"; %typemap(lisptype) bool, const bool "cl:boolean"; %typemap(lisptype) char, const char "cl:character"; %typemap(lisptype) unsigned char, const unsigned char "cl:integer"; %typemap(lisptype) signed char, const signed char "cl:integer"; %typemap(ffitype) bool, const bool ":int"; %typemap(ffitype) char, const char, signed char, const signed char ":char"; %typemap(ffitype) unsigned char, const unsigned char ":unsigned-char"; %typemap(ffitype) short, const short, signed short, const signed short ":short"; %typemap(ffitype) unsigned short, const unsigned short ":unsigned-short"; %typemap(ffitype) int, const int, signed int, const signed int ":int"; %typemap(ffitype) unsigned int, const unsigned int ":unsigned-int"; %typemap(ffitype) long, const long, signed long, const signed long ":long"; %typemap(ffitype) unsigned long, const unsigned long ":unsigned-long"; %typemap(ffitype) float, const float ":float"; %typemap(ffitype) double, const double ":double"; %typemap(ffitype) char *, const char *, signed char *, const signed char *, signed char &, const signed char & "(* :char)"; %typemap(ffitype) unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, unsigned char &, const unsigned char & "(* :unsigned-char)"; %typemap(ffitype) short *, const short *, short &, const short & "(* :short)"; %typemap(ffitype) unsigned short *, const unsigned short *, unsigned short &, const unsigned short & "(* :unsigned-short)"; %typemap(ffitype) int *, const int *, int &, const int & "(* :int)"; %typemap(ffitype) unsigned int *, const unsigned int *, unsigned int &, const unsigned int & "(* :unsigned-int)"; %typemap(ffitype) void * "(* :void)"; %typemap(ffitype) void ":void"; %typemap(ffitype) enum SWIGTYPE ":int"; %typemap(ffitype) SWIGTYPE & "(* :void)"; /* const typemaps idea: marshall all primitive c types to their respective lisp types to maintain const corretness. For pointers/references, all bets are off if you try to modify them. idea: add a constant-p slot to the base foreign-pointer class. For constant pointer/references check this value when setting (around method?) and error if a setf operation is performed on the address of this object. */ /* %exception %{ try { $action } catch (...) { return $null; } %} */ // %typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE { // (void)$1; // SWIG_fail; // } %typemap(ctype) bool, const bool "int"; %typemap(ctype) char, unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, float, double, long double, char *, void *, void, enum SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE[], SWIGTYPE[ANY], SWIGTYPE &, const SWIGTYPE "$1_ltype"; %typemap(ctype) SWIGTYPE "$&1_type"; %typemap(in) bool "$1 = (bool)$input;"; %typemap(in) char, unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, float, double, long double, char *, void *, void, enum SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE[], SWIGTYPE[ANY], SWIGTYPE & "$1 = $input;"; %typemap(in) SWIGTYPE "$1 = *$input;"; /* We don't need to do any actual C-side typechecking, but need to use the precedence values to choose which overloaded function interfaces to generate when conflicts arise. */ /* predefined precedence values Symbolic Name Precedence Value ------------------------------ ------------------ SWIG_TYPECHECK_POINTER 0 SWIG_TYPECHECK_VOIDPTR 10 SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL 15 SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT8 20 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT8 25 SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT16 30 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT16 35 SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT32 40 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32 45 SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT64 50 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT64 55 SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT128 60 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT128 65 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INTEGER 70 SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT 80 SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE 90 SWIG_TYPECHECK_COMPLEX 100 SWIG_TYPECHECK_UNICHAR 110 SWIG_TYPECHECK_UNISTRING 120 SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR 130 SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING 140 SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL_ARRAY 1015 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT8_ARRAY 1025 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT16_ARRAY 1035 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32_ARRAY 1045 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT64_ARRAY 1055 SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT128_ARRAY 1065 SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT_ARRAY 1080 SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE_ARRAY 1090 SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR_ARRAY 1130 SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING_ARRAY 1140 */ %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL) bool { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR) char { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT) float { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE) double { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING) char * { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_INTEGER) unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, enum SWIGTYPE { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_POINTER) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE[], SWIGTYPE[ANY], SWIGTYPE { $1 = 1; }; /* This maps C/C++ types to Lisp classes for overload dispatch */ %typemap(lispclass) bool "t"; %typemap(lispclass) char "cl:character"; %typemap(lispclass) unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, enum SWIGTYPE "cl:integer"; %typemap(lispclass) float "cl:single-float"; %typemap(lispclass) double "cl:double-float"; %typemap(lispclass) char * "cl:string"; %typemap(out) void ""; %typemap(out) bool "$result = (int)$1;"; %typemap(out) char, unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, float, double, long double, char *, void *, enum SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE[ANY], SWIGTYPE & "$result = $1;"; #ifdef __cplusplus %typemap(out) SWIGTYPE "$result = new $1_ltype($1);"; #else %typemap(out) SWIGTYPE { $result = ($&1_ltype) malloc(sizeof($1_type)); memmove($result, &$1, sizeof($1_type)); } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UCS-2 string conversion // should this be SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR? %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_UNICHAR) wchar_t { $1 = 1; }; %typemap(in) wchar_t "$1 = $input;"; %typemap(lin,numinputs=1) wchar_t "(cl::let (($out (cl:char-code $in)))\n $body)"; %typemap(lin,numinputs=1) wchar_t* "(excl:with-native-string ($out $in :external-format #+little-endian :fat-le #-little-endian :fat)\n $body)" %typemap(out) wchar_t "$result = $1;"; %typemap(lout) wchar_t "(cl::setq ACL_ffresult (cl::code-char $body))"; %typemap(lout) wchar_t* "(cl::setq ACL_ffresult (excl:native-to-string $body :external-format #+little-endian :fat-le #-little-endian :fat))"; %typemap(ffitype) wchar_t ":unsigned-short"; %typemap(lisptype) wchar_t ""; %typemap(ctype) wchar_t "wchar_t"; %typemap(lispclass) wchar_t "cl:character"; %typemap(lispclass) wchar_t* "cl:string"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* name conversion for overloaded operators. */ #ifdef __cplusplus %rename(__add__) *::operator+; %rename(__pos__) *::operator+(); %rename(__pos__) *::operator+() const; %rename(__sub__) *::operator-; %rename(__neg__) *::operator-() const; %rename(__neg__) *::operator-(); %rename(__mul__) *::operator*; %rename(__deref__) *::operator*(); %rename(__deref__) *::operator*() const; %rename(__div__) *::operator/; %rename(__mod__) *::operator%; %rename(__logxor__) *::operator^; %rename(__logand__) *::operator&; %rename(__logior__) *::operator|; %rename(__lognot__) *::operator~(); %rename(__lognot__) *::operator~() const; %rename(__not__) *::operator!(); %rename(__not__) *::operator!() const; %rename(__assign__) *::operator=; %rename(__add_assign__) *::operator+=; %rename(__sub_assign__) *::operator-=; %rename(__mul_assign__) *::operator*=; %rename(__div_assign__) *::operator/=; %rename(__mod_assign__) *::operator%=; %rename(__logxor_assign__) *::operator^=; %rename(__logand_assign__) *::operator&=; %rename(__logior_assign__) *::operator|=; %rename(__lshift__) *::operator<<; %rename(__lshift_assign__) *::operator<<=; %rename(__rshift__) *::operator>>; %rename(__rshift_assign__) *::operator>>=; %rename(__eq__) *::operator==; %rename(__ne__) *::operator!=; %rename(__lt__) *::operator<; %rename(__gt__) *::operator>; %rename(__lte__) *::operator<=; %rename(__gte__) *::operator>=; %rename(__and__) *::operator&&; %rename(__or__) *::operator||; %rename(__preincr__) *::operator++(); %rename(__postincr__) *::operator++(int); %rename(__predecr__) *::operator--(); %rename(__postdecr__) *::operator--(int); %rename(__comma__) *::operator,(); %rename(__comma__) *::operator,() const; %rename(__member_ref__) *::operator->; %rename(__member_func_ref__) *::operator->*; %rename(__funcall__) *::operator(); %rename(__aref__) *::operator[]; %rename(__bool__) *::operator bool(); %rename(__bool__) *::operator bool() const; #endif %insert("lisphead") %{ ;; $Id$ (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;; avoid compiling ef-templates at runtime (excl:find-external-format :fat) (excl:find-external-format :fat-le) ;;; You can define your own identifier converter if you want. ;;; Use the -identifier-converter command line argument to ;;; specify its name. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (cl::defparameter *swig-export-list* nil)) (cl::defconstant *void* :..void..) ;; parsers to aid in finding SWIG definitions in files. (cl::defun scm-p1 (form) (let* ((info (cl::second form)) (id (car info)) (id-args (if (eq (cl::car form) 'swig-dispatcher) (cl::cdr info) (cl::cddr info)))) (cl::apply *swig-identifier-converter* id (cl::progn (cl::when (cl::eq (cl::car form) 'swig-dispatcher) (cl::remf id-args :arities)) id-args)))) (cl::defmacro defswig1 (name (&rest args) &body body) `(cl::progn (cl::defmacro ,name ,args ,@body) (excl::define-simple-parser ,name scm-p1)) ) (cl::defmacro defswig2 (name (&rest args) &body body) `(cl::progn (cl::defmacro ,name ,args ,@body) (excl::define-simple-parser ,name second))) (defun read-symbol-from-string (string) (cl::multiple-value-bind (result position) (cl::read-from-string string nil "eof" :preserve-whitespace t) (cl::if (cl::and (cl::symbolp result) (cl::eql position (cl::length string))) result (cl::multiple-value-bind (sym) (cl::intern string) sym)))) (cl::defun full-name (id type arity class) ; We need some kind of a hack here to handle template classes ; and other synonym types right. We need the original name. (let*( (sym (read-symbol-from-string (if (eq *swig-identifier-converter* 'identifier-convert-lispify) (string-lispify id) id))) (sym-class (find-class sym nil)) (id (cond ( (not sym-class) id ) ( (and sym-class (not (eq (class-name sym-class) sym))) (class-name sym-class) ) ( t id ))) ) (cl::case type (:getter (cl::format nil "~@[~A_~]~A" class id)) (:constructor (cl::format nil "new_~A~@[~A~]" id arity)) (:destructor (cl::format nil "delete_~A" id)) (:type (cl::format nil "ff_~A" id)) (:slot id) (:ff-operator (cl::format nil "ffi_~A" id)) (otherwise (cl::format nil "~@[~A_~]~A~@[~A~]" class id arity))))) (cl::defun identifier-convert-null (id &key type class arity) (cl::if (cl::eq type :setter) `(cl::setf ,(identifier-convert-null id :type :getter :class class :arity arity)) (read-symbol-from-string (full-name id type arity class)))) (cl::defun string-lispify (str) (cl::let ( (cname (excl::replace-regexp str "_" "-")) (lastcase :other) newcase char res ) (cl::dotimes (n (cl::length cname)) (cl::setf char (cl::schar cname n)) (excl::if* (cl::alpha-char-p char) then (cl::setf newcase (cl::if (cl::upper-case-p char) :upper :lower)) (cl::when (cl::and (cl::eq lastcase :lower) (cl::eq newcase :upper)) ;; case change... add a dash (cl::push #\- res) (cl::setf newcase :other)) (cl::push (cl::char-downcase char) res) (cl::setf lastcase newcase) else (cl::push char res) (cl::setf lastcase :other))) (cl::coerce (cl::nreverse res) 'string))) (cl::defun identifier-convert-lispify (cname &key type class arity) (cl::assert (cl::stringp cname)) (cl::when (cl::eq type :setter) (cl::return-from identifier-convert-lispify `(cl::setf ,(identifier-convert-lispify cname :type :getter :class class :arity arity)))) (cl::setq cname (full-name cname type arity class)) (cl::if (cl::eq type :constant) (cl::setf cname (cl::format nil "*~A*" cname))) (read-symbol-from-string (string-lispify cname))) (cl::defun id-convert-and-export (name &rest kwargs) (cl::multiple-value-bind (symbol package) (cl::apply *swig-identifier-converter* name kwargs) (cl::let ((args (cl::list (cl::if (cl::consp symbol) (cl::cadr symbol) symbol) (cl::or package cl::*package*)))) (cl::apply #'cl::export args) (cl::pushnew args *swig-export-list*)) symbol)) (cl::defmacro swig-insert-id (name namespace &key (type :type) class) `(cl::let ((cl::*package* (cl::find-package ,(package-name-for-namespace namespace)))) (id-convert-and-export ,name :type ,type :class ,class))) (defswig2 swig-defconstant (string value) (cl::let ((symbol (id-convert-and-export string :type :constant))) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (cl::defconstant ,symbol ,value)))) (cl::defun maybe-reorder-args (funcname arglist) ;; in the foreign setter function the new value will be the last argument ;; in Lisp it needs to be the first (cl::if (cl::consp funcname) (cl::append (cl::last arglist) (cl::butlast arglist)) arglist)) (cl::defun maybe-return-value (funcname arglist) ;; setf functions should return the new value (cl::when (cl::consp funcname) `(,(cl::if (cl::consp (cl::car arglist)) (cl::caar arglist) (cl::car arglist))))) (cl::defun swig-anyvarargs-p (arglist) (cl::member :SWIG__varargs_ arglist)) (defswig1 swig-defun ((name &optional (mangled-name name) &key (type :operator) class arity) arglist kwargs &body body) (cl::let* ((symbol (id-convert-and-export name :type type :arity arity :class class)) (mangle (excl::if* (cl::string-equal name mangled-name) then (id-convert-and-export (cl::cond ((cl::eq type :setter) (cl::format nil "~A-set" name)) ((cl::eq type :getter) (cl::format nil "~A-get" name)) (t name)) :type :ff-operator :arity arity :class class) else (cl::intern mangled-name))) (defun-args (maybe-reorder-args symbol (cl::mapcar #'cl::car (cl::and (cl::not (cl::equal arglist '(:void))) (cl::loop as i in arglist when (cl::eq (cl::car i) :p+) collect (cl::cdr i)))))) (ffargs (cl::if (cl::equal arglist '(:void)) arglist (cl::mapcar #'cl::cdr arglist))) ) (cl::when (swig-anyvarargs-p ffargs) (cl::setq ffargs '())) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (excl::compiler-let ((*record-xref-info* nil)) (ff:def-foreign-call (,mangle ,mangled-name) ,ffargs ,@kwargs)) (cl::macrolet ((swig-ff-call (&rest args) (cl::cons ',mangle args))) (cl::defun ,symbol ,defun-args ,@body ,@(maybe-return-value symbol defun-args)))))) (defswig1 swig-defmethod ((name &optional (mangled-name name) &key (type :operator) class arity) ffargs kwargs &body body) (cl::let* ((symbol (id-convert-and-export name :type type :arity arity :class class)) (mangle (cl::intern mangled-name)) (defmethod-args (maybe-reorder-args symbol (cl::unless (cl::equal ffargs '(:void)) (cl::loop for (lisparg name dispatch) in ffargs when (eq lisparg :p+) collect `(,name ,dispatch))))) (ffargs (cl::if (cl::equal ffargs '(:void)) ffargs (cl::loop for (nil name nil . ffi) in ffargs collect `(,name ,@ffi))))) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (excl::compiler-let ((*record-xref-info* nil)) (ff:def-foreign-call (,mangle ,mangled-name) ,ffargs ,@kwargs)) (cl::macrolet ((swig-ff-call (&rest args) (cl::cons ',mangle args))) (cl::defmethod ,symbol ,defmethod-args ,@body ,@(maybe-return-value symbol defmethod-args)))))) (defswig1 swig-dispatcher ((name &key (type :operator) class arities)) (cl::let ((symbol (id-convert-and-export name :type type :class class))) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (cl::defun ,symbol (&rest args) (cl::case (cl::length args) ,@(cl::loop for arity in arities for symbol-n = (id-convert-and-export name :type type :class class :arity arity) collect `(,arity (cl::apply #',symbol-n args))) (t (cl::error "No applicable wrapper-methods for foreign call ~a with args ~a of classes ~a" ',symbol args (cl::mapcar #'(cl::lambda (x) (cl::class-name (cl::class-of x))) args))) ))))) (defswig2 swig-def-foreign-stub (name) (cl::let ((lsymbol (id-convert-and-export name :type :class)) (symbol (id-convert-and-export name :type :type))) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (ff:def-foreign-type ,symbol (:class )) (cl::defclass ,lsymbol (ff:foreign-pointer) ())))) (defswig2 swig-def-foreign-class (name supers &rest rest) (cl::let ((lsymbol (id-convert-and-export name :type :class)) (symbol (id-convert-and-export name :type :type))) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (ff:def-foreign-type ,symbol ,@rest) (cl::defclass ,lsymbol ,supers ((foreign-type :initform ',symbol :initarg :foreign-type :accessor foreign-pointer-type)))))) (defswig2 swig-def-foreign-type (name &rest rest) (cl::let ((symbol (id-convert-and-export name :type :type))) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (ff:def-foreign-type ,symbol ,@rest)))) (defswig2 swig-def-synonym-type (synonym of ff-synonym) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (cl::setf (cl::find-class ',synonym) (cl::find-class ',of)) (ff:def-foreign-type ,ff-synonym (:struct )))) (cl::defun package-name-for-namespace (namespace) (excl::list-to-delimited-string (cl::cons *swig-module-name* (cl::mapcar #'(cl::lambda (name) (cl::string (cl::funcall *swig-identifier-converter* name :type :namespace))) namespace)) ".")) (cl::defmacro swig-defpackage (namespace) (cl::let* ((parent-namespaces (cl::maplist #'cl::reverse (cl::cdr (cl::reverse namespace)))) (parent-strings (cl::mapcar #'package-name-for-namespace parent-namespaces)) (string (package-name-for-namespace namespace))) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (cl::defpackage ,string (:use :swig :ff #+ignore '(:common-lisp :ff :excl) ,@parent-strings ,*swig-module-name*) (:import-from :cl :* :nil :t))))) (cl::defmacro swig-in-package (namespace) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (cl::in-package ,(package-name-for-namespace namespace)))) (defswig2 swig-defvar (name mangled-name &key type (ftype :unsigned-natural)) (cl::let ((symbol (id-convert-and-export name :type type))) `(cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (ff:def-foreign-variable (,symbol ,mangled-name) :type ,ftype)))) ) ;; eval-when (cl::eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (cl::flet ((starts-with-p (str prefix) (cl::and (cl::>= (cl::length str) (cl::length prefix)) (cl::string= str prefix :end1 (cl::length prefix))))) (cl::export (cl::loop for sym being each present-symbol of cl::*package* when (cl::or (starts-with-p (cl::symbol-name sym) (cl::symbol-name :swig-)) (starts-with-p (cl::symbol-name sym) (cl::symbol-name :identifier-convert-))) collect sym)))) %} typedef void *__SWIGACL_FwdReference; %{ #ifdef __cplusplus # define EXTERN extern "C" #else # define EXTERN extern #endif #define EXPORT EXTERN SWIGEXPORT typedef void *__SWIGACL_FwdReference; #include #include %}