// This module tests various facets of the %rename directive %module rname /* Applied everywhere */ %rename(foo_i) foo(int); %rename(foo_d) foo(double); /* Applied only to global scope */ %rename(foo_s) ::foo(short); /* Applied only to class scope */ %rename(foo_u) *::foo(unsigned); /* Rename classes in a class hierarchy */ %rename (RenamedBase) Base; %rename (RenamedDerived) Derived; %inline %{ class Bar { public: char *foo(int) { return (char *) "Bar::foo-int"; } char *foo(double) { return (char *) "Bar::foo-double"; } char *foo(short) { return (char *) "Bar::foo-short"; } char *foo(unsigned) { return (char *) "Bar::foo-unsigned"; } }; char *foo(int) { return (char *) "foo-int"; } char *foo(double) { return (char *) "foo-double"; } char *foo(short) { return (char *) "foo-short"; } char *foo(unsigned) { return (char *) "foo-unsigned"; } class Base { public: Base(){}; virtual ~Base(){}; }; class Derived : public Base { public: Derived(){} ~Derived(){} void fn(Derived derived, Base* basePtr, Base& baseRef){} // test renamed classes in a function }; %}