use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 31; BEGIN { use_ok('li_std_string') } require_ok('li_std_string'); use Devel::Peek; # Checking expected use of %typemap(in) std::string {} li_std_string::test_value("Fee"); # Checking expected result of %typemap(out) std::string {} is(li_std_string::test_value("Fi"), "Fi", "Test 1"); # Verify type-checking for %typemap(in) std::string {} eval { li_std_string::test_value(undef) }; like($@, qr/\bTypeError\b/, "Test 2"); # Checking expected use of %typemap(in) const std::string & {} li_std_string::test_const_reference("Fo"); # Checking expected result of %typemap(out) const std::string& {} is(li_std_string::test_const_reference("Fum"), "Fum", "Test 3"); # Verify type-checking for %typemap(in) const std::string & {} eval { li_std_string::test_const_reference(undef) }; like($@, qr/\bValueError\b/, "Test 4"); # # Input and output typemaps for pointers and non-const references to # std::string are *not* supported; the following tests confirm # that none of these cases are slipping through. # my $stringPtr = undef; $stringPtr = li_std_string::test_pointer_out(); li_std_string::test_pointer($stringPtr); $stringPtr = li_std_string::test_const_pointer_out(); li_std_string::test_const_pointer($stringPtr); $stringPtr = li_std_string::test_reference_out(); li_std_string::test_reference($stringPtr); # Check throw exception specification eval { li_std_string::test_throw() }; like($@, qr/^test_throw message/, "Test 5"); { local $TODO = "why is the error not a Perl string?"; eval { li_std_string::test_const_reference_throw() }; is($@, "", "Test 6"); } # Global variables my $s = "initial string"; is($li_std_string::GlobalString2, "global string 2", "GlobalString2 test 1"); $li_std_string::GlobalString2 = $s; is($li_std_string::GlobalString2, $s, "GlobalString2 test 2"); is($li_std_string::ConstGlobalString, "const global string", "ConstGlobalString test"); # Member variables my $myStructure = new li_std_string::Structure(); is($myStructure->{MemberString2}, "member string 2", "MemberString2 test 1"); $myStructure->{MemberString2} = $s; is($myStructure->{MemberString2}, $s, "MemberString2 test 2"); is($myStructure->{ConstMemberString}, "const member string", "ConstMemberString test"); is($li_std_string::Structure::StaticMemberString2, "static member string 2", "StaticMemberString2 test 1"); $li_std_string::Structure::StaticMemberString2 = $s; is($li_std_string::Structure::StaticMemberString2, $s, "StaticMemberString2 test 2"); is($li_std_string::Structure::ConstStaticMemberString, "const static member string", "ConstStaticMemberString test"); is(li_std_string::test_reference_input("hello"), "hello", "reference_input"); is(li_std_string::test_reference_inout("hello"), "hellohello", "reference_inout"); is(li_std_string::test_reference_output(), "output", "reference_output"); no strict; my $gen1 = new li_std_string::Foo(); is($gen1->test(1), 2, "ulonglong"); is($gen1->test("1"), "11", "ulonglong"); is($gen1->testl(12345), 12346, "ulonglong small number"); # Note: 32 bit builds of perl will fail this test as the number is stored internally in scientific notation # (USE_64_BIT_ALL probably needs defining when building Perl in order to avoid this) SKIP: { skip "this Perl does not seem to do 64 bit ints", 1 if 9234567890121111114 - 9234567890121111113 != 1; local $TODO; use Config; $TODO = "if we're lucky this might work" unless $Config{use64bitall}; is(eval { $gen1->testl(9234567890121111113) }, 9234567890121111114, "ulonglong big number"); # TODO: I suspect we can get by with "use64bitint", but I'll have to # work that out later. -talby } is($gen1->testl("9234567890121111113"), "9234567890121111114", "ulonglong big number"); is(li_std_string::stdstring_empty(), "", "stdstring_empty"); is(li_std_string::c_empty(), "", "c_empty"); is(li_std_string::c_null(), undef, "c_null"); is(li_std_string::get_null(li_std_string::c_null()), undef, "get_null c_null"); is(li_std_string::get_null(li_std_string::c_empty()), "non-null", "get_null c_empty"); is(li_std_string::get_null(li_std_string::stdstring_empty()), "non-null", "get_null stdstring_empty");