/* File : operator_overload.i */ /* This is a test of all the possible operator overloads see bottom for a set of possible tests */ %module operator_overload #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_IGNORE_OPERATOR_EQ, SWIGWARN_IGNORE_OPERATOR_INDEX, SWIGWARN_IGNORE_OPERATOR_PLUSPLUS, SWIGWARN_IGNORE_OPERATOR_MINUSMINUS, SWIGWARN_IGNORE_OPERATOR_LAND, SWIGWARN_IGNORE_OPERATOR_LOR); #endif #if !defined(SWIGLUA) && !defined(SWIGR) %rename(Equal) operator =; %rename(PlusEqual) operator +=; %rename(MinusEqual) operator -=; %rename(MultiplyEqual) operator *=; %rename(DivideEqual) operator /=; %rename(PercentEqual) operator %=; %rename(Plus) operator +; %rename(Minus) operator -; %rename(Multiply) operator *; %rename(Divide) operator /; %rename(Percent) operator %; %rename(Not) operator !; %rename(IndexIntoConst) operator[](unsigned idx) const; %rename(IndexInto) operator[](unsigned idx); %rename(Functor) operator (); %rename(EqualEqual) operator ==; %rename(NotEqual) operator !=; %rename(LessThan) operator <; %rename(LessThanEqual) operator <=; %rename(GreaterThan) operator >; %rename(GreaterThanEqual) operator >=; %rename(And) operator &&; %rename(Or) operator ||; %rename(PlusPlusPrefix) operator++(); %rename(PlusPlusPostfix) operator++(int); %rename(MinusMinusPrefix) operator--(); %rename(MinusMinusPostfix) operator--(int); #endif %rename(IndexInto) *::operator[](unsigned idx); // some languages have a %rename *::operator[] already in place, which seems to takes precedence over the above %rename operator[]. #ifdef SWIGCSHARP %csmethodmodifiers operator++() "protected"; %csmethodmodifiers operator++(int) "private"; %csmethodmodifiers operator--() "private"; %csmethodmodifiers operator--(int) "protected"; %typemap(cscode) Op %{ public static Op operator++(Op op) { // Unlike C++, operator++ must not modify the parameter and both prefix and postfix operations call this method Op newOp = new Op(op.i); newOp.PlusPlusPostfix(0); return newOp; } public static Op operator--(Op op) { // Unlike C++, operator-- must not modify the parameter and both prefix and postfix operations call this method Op newOp = new Op(op.i); newOp.MinusMinusPrefix(); return newOp; } %} #endif #ifdef SWIGPHP // "And" and "Or" can't be used as function names in PHP. %rename(AndOperator) operator &&; %rename(OrOperator) operator ||; #endif #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) %feature("python:slot", "tp_str", functype="reprfunc") Op::__str__; #endif #ifdef SWIGD // Due to the way operator overloading is implemented in D1 and D2, the prefix // increment/decrement operators (D1) resp. the postfix ones (D2) are ignored. %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_IGNORE_OPERATOR_PLUSPLUS, SWIGWARN_IGNORE_OPERATOR_MINUSMINUS); #endif %rename(IntCast) operator int(); %rename(DoubleCast) operator double(); %inline %{ #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) #include /* for named logical operator, eg 'operator or' */ #endif class Op { public: int i; Op(int a=0) : i(a) {} Op(const Op& o) : i(o.i) {} virtual ~Op() {} friend Op operator &&(const Op& a,const Op& b){return Op(a.i&&b.i);} friend Op operator or(const Op& a,const Op& b){return Op(a.i||b.i);} Op &operator=(const Op& o) { i=o.i; return *this; } // +=,-=... are member fns Op &operator+=(const Op& o){ i+=o.i; return *this; } Op &operator-=(const Op& o){ i-=o.i; return *this; } Op &operator*=(const Op& o){ i*=o.i; return *this; } Op &operator/=(const Op& o){ i/=o.i; return *this; } Op &operator%=(const Op& o){ i%=o.i; return *this; } // the +,-,*,... are friends // (just to make life harder) friend Op operator+(const Op& a,const Op& b){return Op(a.i+b.i);} friend Op operator-(const Op& a,const Op& b); friend Op operator*(const Op& a,const Op& b){return Op(a.i*b.i);} friend Op operator/(const Op& a,const Op& b){return Op(a.i/b.i);} friend Op operator%(const Op& a,const Op& b){return Op(a.i%b.i);} // unary operators Op operator-() const {return Op(-i);} bool operator !() const {return !(i);} // overloading the [] operator // need 2 versions: get & set // note: C++ can be a little mixed up upon which version it calls // most of the time it calls the second version int operator[](unsigned idx)const { if (idx==0) return i; return 0;} int& operator[](unsigned idx) { if (idx==0) return i; static int j;j=0; return j;} // overloading the () operator // this can have many parameters so we will test this int operator()(int a=0){return i+a;} int operator()(int a,int b){return i+a+b;} // increment/decrement operators Op& operator++() {++i; return *this;} // prefix ++ Op operator++(int) {Op o = *this; ++(*this); return o;} // postfix ++ Op& operator--() {--i; return *this;} // prefix -- Op operator--(int) {Op o = *this; --(*this); return o;} // postfix -- // TODO: <<,<<= // cast operators operator double() { return i; } virtual operator int() { return i; } // This method just checks that the operators are implemented correctly static void sanity_check(); }; // just to complicate matters // we have a couple of non class operators inline bool operator==(const Op& a,const Op& b){return a.i==b.i;} inline bool operator!=(const Op& a,const Op& b){return a.i!=b.i;} inline bool operator< (const Op& a,const Op& b){return a.i (const Op& a,const Op& b){return a.i>b.i;} inline bool operator>=(const Op& a,const Op& b){return a.i>=b.i;} %} %{ // This one is not declared inline as VC++7.1 gets mixed up with the unary operator- Op operator-(const Op& a,const Op& b){return Op(a.i-b.i);} %} // in order to wrap this correctly we need to extend the class // to make the friends & non members part of the class %extend Op{ Op operator &&(const Op& b){return Op($self->i&&b.i);} Op operator or(const Op& b){return Op($self->i||b.i);} Op operator+(const Op& b){return Op($self->i+b.i);} Op operator-(const Op& b){return Op($self->i-b.i);} Op operator*(const Op& b){return Op($self->i*b.i);} Op operator/(const Op& b){return Op($self->i/b.i);} Op operator%(const Op& b){return Op($self->i%b.i);} bool operator==(const Op& b){return $self->i==b.i;} bool operator!=(const Op& b){return $self->i!=b.i;} bool operator< (const Op& b){return $self->ii<=b.i;} bool operator> (const Op& b){return $self->i>b.i;} bool operator>=(const Op& b){return $self->i>=b.i;} // subtraction with reversed arguments Op __rsub__(const int b){return Op(b - $self->i);} // we also add the __str__() fn to the class // this allows it to be converted to a string (so it can be printed) const char* __str__() { static char buffer[255]; sprintf(buffer,"Op(%d)",$self->i); return buffer; } // to get the [] operator working correctly we need to extend with two function // __getitem__ & __setitem__ int __getitem__(unsigned i) { return (*$self)[i]; } void __setitem__(unsigned i,int v) { (*$self)[i]=v; } } /* Suggested list of operator overloads (mainly from python) Operators overloaded with their C++ equivalent __add__,__sub__,__mul__,__div__,__mod__ +,-,*,/,% __iadd__,__isub__,__imul__,__idiv__,__imod__ +=,-=,*=,/=,%= __eq__,__ne__,__lt__,__le__,__gt__,__ge__ ==,!=,<,<=,>,>= __not__,__neg__ unary !, unary - __and__,__or__,__xor__ logical and,logical or,logical xor __rshift__,__lshift__ >>,<< __getitem__,__setitem__ for operator[] Operators overloaded without C++ equivalents __pow__ for power operator __str__ converts object to a string (should return a const char*) __concat__ for concatenation (if language supports) */ %inline %{ class OpDerived : public Op { public: OpDerived(int a=0) : Op(a) {} // overloaded virtual operator int() { return i*2; } }; %} %{ #include #define ASSERT(X) { if (!(X)) { throw std::runtime_error(#X); } } void Op::sanity_check() { // test routine: Op a; Op b=5; Op c=b; // copy construct Op d=2; Op dd=d; // assignment operator // test equality ASSERT(a!=b); ASSERT(b==c); ASSERT(a!=d); ASSERT(d==dd); // test < ASSERT(a=c); ASSERT(b>d); ASSERT(b>=d); // test += Op e=3; e+=d; ASSERT(e==b); e-=c; ASSERT(e==a); e=Op(1); e*=b; ASSERT(e==c); e/=d; ASSERT(e==d); e%=c; ASSERT(e==d); // test + Op f(1),g(1); ASSERT(f+g==Op(2)); ASSERT(f-g==Op(0)); ASSERT(f*g==Op(1)); ASSERT(f/g==Op(1)); ASSERT(f%g==Op(0)); // test unary operators ASSERT(!a==true); ASSERT(!b==false); ASSERT(-a==a); ASSERT(-b==Op(-5)); // test [] Op h=3; ASSERT(h[0]==3); ASSERT(h[1]==0); h[0]=2; // set ASSERT(h[0]==2); h[1]=2; // ignored ASSERT(h[0]==2); ASSERT(h[1]==0); // test () Op i=3; ASSERT(i()==3); ASSERT(i(1)==4); ASSERT(i(1,2)==6); // plus add some code to check the __str__ fn //ASSERT(str(Op(1))=="Op(1)"); //ASSERT(str(Op(-3))=="Op(-3)"); // test ++ and -- Op j(100); int original = j.i; { Op newOp = j++; int newInt = original++; ASSERT(j.i == original); ASSERT(newOp.i == newInt); } { Op newOp = j--; int newInt = original--; ASSERT(j.i == original); ASSERT(newOp.i == newInt); } { Op newOp = ++j; int newInt = ++original; ASSERT(j.i == original); ASSERT(newOp.i == newInt); } { Op newOp = --j; int newInt = --original; ASSERT(j.i == original); ASSERT(newOp.i == newInt); } // cast operators Op k=3; int check_k = k; ASSERT (check_k == 3); Op l=4; double check_l = l; ASSERT (check_l == 4); } %}