// This tests shared_ptr is working okay. It also checks that there are no memory leaks in the // class that shared_ptr is pointing via a counting mechanism in the constructors and destructor of Klass. // In order to test that there are no leaks of the shared_ptr class itself (as it is created on the heap) // the runtime tests can be run for a long time to monitor memory leaks using memory monitor tools // like 'top'. There is a wrapper for shared_ptr in shared_ptr_wrapper.h which enables one to // count the instances of shared_ptr. Uncomment the SHARED_PTR_WRAPPER macro to turn this on. // // Also note the debug_shared flag which can be set from the target language. %module li_boost_shared_ptr %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_SWIGTYPELEAK); %inline %{ #include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp" #include "swig_examples_lock.h" // Uncomment macro below to turn on shared_ptr memory leak checking as described above //#define SHARED_PTR_WRAPPER #ifdef SHARED_PTR_WRAPPER # include "shared_ptr_wrapper.h" #endif %} %{ #ifndef SHARED_PTR_WRAPPER # define SwigBoost boost #endif %} %include "std_string.i" #ifndef SHARED_PTR_WRAPPER # define SWIG_SHARED_PTR_NAMESPACE SwigBoost #endif #if defined(SWIGJAVA) || defined(SWIGCSHARP) || defined(SWIGPYTHON) || defined(SWIGD) #define SHARED_PTR_WRAPPERS_IMPLEMENTED #endif #if defined(SHARED_PTR_WRAPPERS_IMPLEMENTED) %include %shared_ptr(Space::Klass) %shared_ptr(Space::KlassDerived) %shared_ptr(Space::Klass2ndDerived) %shared_ptr(Space::Klass3rdDerived) %shared_ptr(IgnoredMultipleInheritBase) // IgnoredMultipleInheritBase not actually used in any wrapped functions, so this isn't entirely necessary and warning 520 could instead have been suppressed. #endif // TODO: // const shared_ptr // std::vector // Add in generic %extend for the Upcast function for derived classes // Remove proxy upcast method - implement %feature("shadow") ??? which replaces the proxy method %exception { if (debug_shared) { cout << "++++++" << endl; cout << "calling $name" << endl; } $action if (debug_shared) { cout << "------" << endl; } } %ignore IgnoredMultipleInheritBase; %ignore Space::Klass::operator=; %newobject pointerownertest(); %newobject smartpointerpointerownertest(); %inline %{ #include using namespace std; static bool debug_shared = false; namespace Space { struct Klass { Klass() : value("EMPTY") { if (debug_shared) cout << "Klass() [" << value << "]" << endl; increment(); } Klass(const std::string &val) : value(val) { if (debug_shared) cout << "Klass(string) [" << value << "]" << endl; increment(); } virtual ~Klass() { if (debug_shared) cout << "~Klass() [" << value << "]" << endl; decrement(); } virtual std::string getValue() const { return value; } void append(const std::string &s) { value += s; } Klass(const Klass &other) : value(other.value) { if (debug_shared) cout << "Klass(const Klass&) [" << value << "]" << endl; increment(); } Klass &operator=(const Klass &other) { value = other.value; return *this; } static int getTotal_count() { return total_count; } private: // lock increment and decrement as a destructor could be called at the same time as a // new object is being created - C# / Java, at least, have finalizers run in a separate thread static SwigExamples::CriticalSection critical_section; static void increment() { SwigExamples::Lock lock(critical_section); total_count++; if (debug_shared) cout << " ++xxxxx Klass::increment tot: " << total_count << endl;} static void decrement() { SwigExamples::Lock lock(critical_section); total_count--; if (debug_shared) cout << " --xxxxx Klass::decrement tot: " << total_count << endl;} static int total_count; std::string value; int array[1024]; }; SwigExamples::CriticalSection Space::Klass::critical_section; struct IgnoredMultipleInheritBase { IgnoredMultipleInheritBase() : d(0.0), e(0.0) {} virtual ~IgnoredMultipleInheritBase() {} double d; double e; virtual void AVirtualMethod() {} }; // For most compilers, this use of multiple inheritance results in different derived and base class // pointer values ... for some more challenging tests :) struct KlassDerived : IgnoredMultipleInheritBase, Klass { KlassDerived() : Klass() {} KlassDerived(const std::string &val) : Klass(val) {} KlassDerived(const KlassDerived &other) : Klass(other) {} virtual ~KlassDerived() {} virtual std::string getValue() const { return Klass::getValue() + "-Derived"; } }; KlassDerived* derivedpointertest(KlassDerived* kd) { if (kd) kd->append(" derivedpointertest"); return kd; } KlassDerived& derivedreftest(KlassDerived& kd) { kd.append(" derivedreftest"); return kd; } SwigBoost::shared_ptr derivedsmartptrtest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr kd) { if (kd) kd->append(" derivedsmartptrtest"); return kd; } SwigBoost::shared_ptr* derivedsmartptrpointertest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr* kd) { if (kd && *kd) (*kd)->append(" derivedsmartptrpointertest"); return kd; } SwigBoost::shared_ptr* derivedsmartptrreftest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr* kd) { if (kd && *kd) (*kd)->append(" derivedsmartptrreftest"); return kd; } SwigBoost::shared_ptr*& derivedsmartptrpointerreftest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr*& kd) { if (kd && *kd) (*kd)->append(" derivedsmartptrpointerreftest"); return kd; } // 3 classes in inheritance chain test struct Klass2ndDerived : Klass { Klass2ndDerived() : Klass() {} Klass2ndDerived(const std::string &val) : Klass(val) {} }; struct Klass3rdDerived : IgnoredMultipleInheritBase, Klass2ndDerived { Klass3rdDerived() : Klass2ndDerived() {} Klass3rdDerived(const std::string &val) : Klass2ndDerived(val) {} virtual ~Klass3rdDerived() {} virtual std::string getValue() const { return Klass2ndDerived::getValue() + "-3rdDerived"; } }; std::string test3rdupcast( SwigBoost::shared_ptr< Klass > k) { return k->getValue(); } SwigBoost::shared_ptr factorycreate() { return SwigBoost::shared_ptr(new Klass("factorycreate")); } // smart pointer SwigBoost::shared_ptr smartpointertest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr k) { if (k) k->append(" smartpointertest"); return SwigBoost::shared_ptr(k); } SwigBoost::shared_ptr* smartpointerpointertest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr* k) { if (k && *k) (*k)->append(" smartpointerpointertest"); return k; } SwigBoost::shared_ptr& smartpointerreftest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr& k) { if (k) k->append(" smartpointerreftest"); return k; } SwigBoost::shared_ptr*& smartpointerpointerreftest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr*& k) { if (k && *k) (*k)->append(" smartpointerpointerreftest"); return k; } // const SwigBoost::shared_ptr constsmartpointertest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr k) { return SwigBoost::shared_ptr(k); } SwigBoost::shared_ptr* constsmartpointerpointertest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr* k) { return k; } SwigBoost::shared_ptr& constsmartpointerreftest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr& k) { return k; } // plain pointer Klass valuetest(Klass k) { k.append(" valuetest"); return k; } Klass *pointertest(Klass *k) { if (k) k->append(" pointertest"); return k; } Klass& reftest(Klass& k) { k.append(" reftest"); return k; } Klass *const& pointerreftest(Klass *const& k) { k->append(" pointerreftest"); return k; } // null std::string nullsmartpointerpointertest(SwigBoost::shared_ptr* k) { if (k && *k) return "not null"; else if (!k) return "null smartpointer pointer"; else if (!*k) return "null pointer"; else return "also not null"; } // $owner Klass *pointerownertest() { return new Klass("pointerownertest"); } SwigBoost::shared_ptr* smartpointerpointerownertest() { return new SwigBoost::shared_ptr(new Klass("smartpointerpointerownertest")); } // Provide overloads for Klass and derived classes as some language modules, eg Python, create an extra reference in // the marshalling if an upcast to a base class is required. long use_count(const SwigBoost::shared_ptr& sptr) { return sptr.use_count(); } long use_count(const SwigBoost::shared_ptr& sptr) { return sptr.use_count(); } long use_count(const SwigBoost::shared_ptr& sptr) { return sptr.use_count(); } long use_count(const SwigBoost::shared_ptr& sptr) { return sptr.use_count(); } const SwigBoost::shared_ptr& ref_1() { static SwigBoost::shared_ptr sptr; return sptr; } // overloading tests std::string overload_rawbyval(int i) { return "int"; } std::string overload_rawbyval(Klass k) { return "rawbyval"; } std::string overload_rawbyref(int i) { return "int"; } std::string overload_rawbyref(Klass &k) { return "rawbyref"; } std::string overload_rawbyptr(int i) { return "int"; } std::string overload_rawbyptr(Klass *k) { return "rawbyptr"; } std::string overload_rawbyptrref(int i) { return "int"; } std::string overload_rawbyptrref(Klass *const&k) { return "rawbyptrref"; } std::string overload_smartbyval(int i) { return "int"; } std::string overload_smartbyval(SwigBoost::shared_ptr k) { return "smartbyval"; } std::string overload_smartbyref(int i) { return "int"; } std::string overload_smartbyref(SwigBoost::shared_ptr &k) { return "smartbyref"; } std::string overload_smartbyptr(int i) { return "int"; } std::string overload_smartbyptr(SwigBoost::shared_ptr *k) { return "smartbyptr"; } std::string overload_smartbyptrref(int i) { return "int"; } std::string overload_smartbyptrref(SwigBoost::shared_ptr *&k) { return "smartbyptrref"; } } // namespace Space %} %{ int Space::Klass::total_count = 0; %} // Member variables %inline %{ struct MemberVariables { MemberVariables() : SmartMemberPointer(&SmartMemberValue), SmartMemberReference(SmartMemberValue), MemberPointer(0), MemberReference(MemberValue) {} SwigBoost::shared_ptr SmartMemberValue; SwigBoost::shared_ptr * SmartMemberPointer; SwigBoost::shared_ptr & SmartMemberReference; Space::Klass MemberValue; Space::Klass * MemberPointer; Space::Klass & MemberReference; }; // Global variables SwigBoost::shared_ptr GlobalSmartValue; Space::Klass GlobalValue; Space::Klass * GlobalPointer = 0; Space::Klass & GlobalReference = GlobalValue; %} #if defined(SHARED_PTR_WRAPPERS_IMPLEMENTED) // Note: %template after the shared_ptr typemaps %shared_ptr(Base) %shared_ptr(Pair) #endif // Templates %inline %{ template struct Base { Space::Klass klassBase; T1 baseVal1; T2 baseVal2; Base(T1 t1, T2 t2) : baseVal1(t1*2), baseVal2(t2*2) {} virtual std::string getValue() const { return "Base<>"; }; }; %} %template(BaseIntDouble) Base; %inline %{ template struct Pair : Base { Space::Klass klassPair; T1 val1; T2 val2; Pair(T1 t1, T2 t2) : Base(t1, t2), val1(t1), val2(t2) {} virtual std::string getValue() const { return "Pair<>"; }; }; Pair pair_id2(Pair p) { return p; } SwigBoost::shared_ptr< Pair > pair_id1(SwigBoost::shared_ptr< Pair > p) { return p; } %} %template(PairIntDouble) Pair; // For counting the instances of shared_ptr (all of which are created on the heap) // shared_ptr_wrapper_count() gives overall count %inline %{ namespace SwigBoost { const int NOT_COUNTING = -123456; int shared_ptr_wrapper_count() { #ifdef SHARED_PTR_WRAPPER return SwigBoost::SharedPtrWrapper::getTotalCount(); #else return NOT_COUNTING; #endif } #ifdef SHARED_PTR_WRAPPER template<> std::string show_message(boost::shared_ptr*t) { if (!t) return "null shared_ptr!!!"; if (boost::get_deleter(*t)) return "Klass NULL DELETER"; // pointer may be dangling so cannot use it if (*t) return "Klass: " + (*t)->getValue(); else return "Klass: NULL"; } template<> std::string show_message(boost::shared_ptr*t) { if (!t) return "null shared_ptr!!!"; if (boost::get_deleter(*t)) return "Klass NULL DELETER"; // pointer may be dangling so cannot use it if (*t) return "Klass: " + (*t)->getValue(); else return "Klass: NULL"; } template<> std::string show_message(boost::shared_ptr*t) { if (!t) return "null shared_ptr!!!"; if (boost::get_deleter(*t)) return "KlassDerived NULL DELETER"; // pointer may be dangling so cannot use it if (*t) return "KlassDerived: " + (*t)->getValue(); else return "KlassDerived: NULL"; } template<> std::string show_message(boost::shared_ptr*t) { if (!t) return "null shared_ptr!!!"; if (boost::get_deleter(*t)) return "KlassDerived NULL DELETER"; // pointer may be dangling so cannot use it if (*t) return "KlassDerived: " + (*t)->getValue(); else return "KlassDerived: NULL"; } #endif } %}