/* * This file contains comments which demonstrate details about Doxygen processing, * so they can be emulated in SWIG doxy comment translation */ /**This comment without space after '*' is valid in Doxygen. * */ void isNoSpaceValidA() {} /**.This comment without space after '*' is valid in Doxygen. * */ void isNoSpaceValidB() {} /***This is not Doxygen comment. * */ void isNoSpaceValidC() {} /** * Backslash following\c word is a valid doxygen command. Output contains * 'followingword' with 'word' in code font. */ void backslashA() {} // Output of escaped symbols below in doxygen generated HTML: // Rendered: Escaped symbols: $ @ \ & < > # % " \. :: @text ::text // HTML source: Escaped symbols: $ @ \ & < > # % " \. :: @text ::text /** * Doxy command without trailing \cspace space is ignored - nothing appears * on output. Standalone \ and '\' get to output. * Standalone @ and '@' get to output. * Commands "in quoted \b strings are treated as plain text". * Commands not recognized by Doxygen \blah @blah are ignored. * Backslashes in DOS paths d:\xyz\qwe\myfile and words * following them do not appear on output, we must quote them with * double quotes: "d:\xyz\qwe\myfile", "@something". Single quotes do not help: * 'd:\xyz\qwe\myfile'. Escaping works: d:\\xyz\\qwe\\myfile. Unix * paths of course have no such problems: /xyz/qwe/myfile * Commands for escaped symbols: * \$ \@ \\ \& \~ \< \> \# \% \" \. \:: \@text \::text */ void backslashB() {} /** * Backslash e at end of \e line froze SWIG \e * with old comment parser. * * @see MyClass::fun(char, * float) */ void backslashC() {} /** * The next line contains expression: *
 * ['retVal < 10', 'g_counter == 23 && g_mode & 3']
* * Both words should be emphasized \b isystem.connect. * But not the last period. For \b example, comma should not be emphasized. * Similar \b for: double colon. * * Spaces at the start of line should be taken into account: * @param id used as prefix in log * statements. The default value is empty string, which is OK if * there is only one app. instance. Example: *
 *         ctrl.setBP("func1");
* If we set the id to \c main_, we get: *
 *         main_ctrl.setBP("func1");
* * @param fileName name of the log file */ void cycle(int id, char *fileName) {} /// This doc comment ends with a quote: "and that's ok" void doc_ends_with_quote() {} /** This comment contains embedded triple-quoted string: """How quaint""" */ void doc_with_triple_quotes() {}