/* This testcase checks whether SWIG correctly parses and generates the code for variadic templates. This covers the variadic number of arguments inside the template brackets, new functions sizeof... and multiple inheritance using variadic number of classes. */ %module cpp11_variadic_templates %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_CPP11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATE) MultiArgs; %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_CPP11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATE) SizeOf; %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_CPP11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATE) MultiInherit; //////////////////////// // Variadic templates // //////////////////////// %inline %{ #include #include #include template class MultiArgs { }; class MultiArgs, std::map>> multiArgs; %} // TODO %template (MultiArgs1) MultiArgs, std::map>>; //////////////////////// // Variadic sizeof... // //////////////////////// %inline %{ template struct SizeOf { static const int size = sizeof...(Args); }; %} %template (SizeOf1) SizeOf; ////////////////////////// // Variadic inheritance // ////////////////////////// %inline %{ class A { public: A() { a = 100; } virtual ~A() {} int a; }; class B { public: B() { b = 200; } virtual ~B() {} int b; }; template class MultiInherit : public BaseClasses... { public: MultiInherit(BaseClasses&... baseClasses) : BaseClasses(baseClasses)... {} int InstanceMethod() { return 123; } static int StaticMethod() { return 456; } }; %} // TODO //%template (MultiInherit0) MultiInherit<>; %template (MultiInherit1) MultiInherit; // TODO %template (MultiInherit2) MultiInherit;