%module cpp11_rvalue_reference2 %warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_SWIGTYPELEAK) globalrrval; // This testcase tests lots of different places that rvalue reference syntax can be used %typemap(in) Something && "/*in Something && typemap*/" %rename(OperatorRValue) Thingy::operator int&&; %rename(memberFnRenamed) memberFn(short &&i); %feature("compactdefaultargs") Thingy::compactDefaultArgs(const bool &&b = (const bool &&)PublicGlobalTrue, const UserDef &&u = (const UserDef &&)PublicUserDef); %feature("exception") Thingy::privateDefaultArgs(const bool &&b = (const bool &&)PrivateTrue); %ignore Thingy::operator=; %inline %{ #include struct UserDef { int a; }; static const bool PublicGlobalTrue = true; static const UserDef PublicUserDef = UserDef(); struct Thingy { typedef int Integer; int valval; int &lvalref; int &&rvalref; Thingy(int v, int &&rvalv) : valval(v), lvalref(valval), rvalref(std::move(rvalv)) {} void refIn(long &i) {} void rvalueIn(long &&i) {} short && rvalueInOut(short &&i) { return std::move(i); } static short && staticRvalueInOut(short &&i) { return std::move(i); } // test both primitive and user defined rvalue reference default arguments and compactdefaultargs void compactDefaultArgs(const bool &&b = (const bool &&)PublicGlobalTrue, const UserDef &&u = (const UserDef &&)PublicUserDef) {} void privateDefaultArgs(const bool &&b = (const bool &&)PrivateTrue) {} operator int &&() { return std::move(valval); } Thingy(const Thingy& rhs) : valval(rhs.valval), lvalref(rhs.lvalref), rvalref(std::move(rhs.rvalref)) {} Thingy& operator=(const Thingy& rhs) { valval = rhs.valval; lvalref = rhs.lvalref; rvalref = rhs.rvalref; return *this; } private: static const bool PrivateTrue; Thingy(); }; const bool Thingy::PrivateTrue = true; short && globalRvalueInOut(short &&i) { return std::move(i); } int glob = 123; Thingy &&globalrrval = Thingy(55, std::move(glob)); short && funk(short &&i) { return std::move(i); } Thingy getit() { return Thingy(22, std::move(glob)); } void rvalrefFunction1(int &&v = (int &&)5) {} void rvalrefFunctionBYVAL(short (Thingy::*fptr)(short)) {} void rvalrefFunctionPTR(short * (*fptr)(short *)) {} void rvalrefFunctionLVALUE(short & (Thingy::*fptr)(short &)) {} void rvalrefFunction2(short && (Thingy::*fptr)(short &&)) {} void rvalrefFunction3(short && (*fptr)(short &&)) {} template struct RemoveReference { typedef T type; }; template struct RemoveReference { typedef T type; }; template struct RemoveReference { typedef T type; }; template <> struct RemoveReference { typedef short type; }; // like std::move template typename RemoveReference::type&& Move(T&& t) { return static_cast::type&&>(t); } %} %template(RemoveReferenceDouble) RemoveReference; %template(RemoveReferenceFloat) RemoveReference; %template(RemoveReferenceShort) RemoveReference; %template(MoveFloat) Move;