Version 1.3.23 (in progress) ============================ 10/28/2004:mmatus - Added module and swig option "templatereduce" to force swig to reduce any type needed with templates, ie, in these cases %module("templatereduce") test template struct A { }; typedef int Int; %template(A_Int) A ==> %template(A_Int) A typedef B* Bp; %template(A_Bp) A ==> %template(A_Bp) A swig reduces the types Int and Bp to their primitives int and B*. This is closer to the usual compiler resolution mechanism, and it is really needed sometimes when you mix templates + typedefs + specializations. Don't use it if you don't have any problem already, since the type reduction can interfere with some user typemaps, specially if you defined something like typedef int Int; %typemap(in) Int ...; in this case, when you use the "templatereduce" option, swig will ignore the user typemap, since the "typedef int Int" will take precedence, and the usual "int" typemap will be applied. Note that the previous case is not common, and should be avoided, ie, is not recommended to use a typedef and a typemap at the same time, specially if you are going to use templates + specializations. - Directors: virtual destructor is always emitted now, this doesn't cause any harm, and could solve some nasty and mysterious errors, like the one mentioned by Scott. also the destructor is not in-lined, so, that can solve some other mysterious errors when mixing directors + imports + embedded applications + some specific compilers. 10/27/2004: wsfulton [C#] typemaps.i library file with INPUT, OUTPUT and INOUT typemaps added. 10/27/2004: wsfulton [Java] std::wstring typemap fixes in std_string.i from Russell Keith-Magee. 10/25/2004: mmatus - Using + namespace is working now (using_namespace.i). - Derived + nested classes is working now (deriver_nested.i), but of course, we are still waiting for the nested class support. - Directors: - unnamed parameters support, - protected constructor support (automatic and with dirprot mode), - detection of really needed protected declarations (members and constructors), now, even if you don't use the 'dirprot' mode, swig will wrap what is minimally needed (and protected) for the code to compile. what is public, as usual, is always wrapped, and if you use the 'dirport' - Final fixes for the OSS to compile with SWIG 1.3.23 (my very very ugly C++ + templates + everything mounters wrap). 10/25/2004: wsfulton [C#] New commandline option -dllimport. This enables one to specify the name of the DLL for the DllImport attribute. Normally this name comes from the module name, so now it is possible to override this: swig -csharp -dllimport xyz example.i will generate for all the wrapped PInvoke methods: [DllImport("xyz", EntryPoint="...")] public static extern ... The wrappers from many different SWIG invocations can thus be compiled into one DLL. A new special variable $dllimport can also be used in typemaps, pragmas, features etc. This will get translated into the value specified by -dllimport if specified, otherwise the module name. 10/22/2004: wsfulton [Java] Patch #1049496 from Scott Michel fixes directors methods with enums when wrapped with typesafe or proper Java enums. 10/21/2004: wsfulton Fixes for default arguments in director constructors (Python, Ruby, Ocaml). 10/21/2004: mmatus - [Python] Add the '-cpluscast' option to enable the 'new' C++ casting operators, such as 'static_cast', inside the typemaps. By default swig use the old C cast style, even when parsing C++. - [Python] Add the '-new_vwm' option to enable the new SwigValueWrapper mode. Now this is mainly for testing that the typemaps are really safe for any future solution, but you can use it if you have a very strange error with default cosntructors missing + %apply + %typemap, and if everything else fails (see valuwrapper_opaque.i for alternative and current solutions). If you are a user that don't know what is SwigValueWrapper, don't even try it. - [Python] Add the '-noh' option to be used with directors and when you prefer to disable the generation of the director header file. If not used, swig will work as usual generating both the wrap.cxx and wrap.h files. If you use it, swig will only generate wrap.cxx. 10/21/2004: wuzzeb (John Lenz) - If you define SWIG_TYPE_TABLE when compiling a wrapper file, the runtime types will be stored in the given type table name. Using this, you can seperate different modules to share their own type systems. -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=Mytable - [Python] If you define SWIG_STATIC_RUNTIME then the type information will be static to this wrapper. Nothing will be shared with any other modules - [Python] If you define SWIG_LINK_RUNTIME, then instead of using the new way of sharing type information, the wrapper will expect to be linked against the Lib/linkruntime.c file. Any modules compiled with SWIG_LINK_RUNTIME and linked against linkruntime.c will all share type information. 10/20/2004: mmatus - [Python] Initial fix for python/import example. Please update the Makefile (autoconf, configure, etc, expert), since now probably is only working with g++, icc and a few other compilers that have the -shared option. We need to create additional shared libraries for the virtual destructors. Old and usually forgotten C++ requirement. Same fix need to be used in perl, I think. - [Python] Fix generation of header file for directors, now directors.swg is also included, so, it can be really used from C++, and it solves some problem with compiler that require that, even with the simple swig inclusion. - [Python] Reordering the methods and moving some bodies outside the class declaration. This is needed due to some gcc-2.96 internal compiler errors. It seems the PYTHON class is getting too large to been declared and defined at the same time. - Add the -oh option to change the output header file name if needed: swig -c++ -python test.i -o test.CC -oh test.HH this is mainly needed when using directors, and if the current default header file name is not good for you, which is generated as follow: swig -c++ -python test.i => test_wrap.h swig -c++ -python test.i -o test.CC => test.h 10/20/2004: wsfulton 1) Compact default arguments feature added. This feature allows one to use the default argument code generation that was used in SWIG-1.3.22 and earlier versions. It produces more compact wrappers as only one wrapper method is generated for any method with default arguments. So the advantage is it generates less code but has the original limitations, like it it does not work with all default arguments and default arguments cannot be taken advantage of in the strongly typed languages (C# and Java). It is implemented via the usual %feature mechanism: %feature("compactdefaultargs"); 2) Keyword arguments (kwargs) are working again for default arguments in the languages that support it, ie, Python and Ruby. The new default argument wrapping approach using overloaded methods cannot support kwargs so the compact default argument feature is automatically turned on when kwargs are specified, by %feature("kwargs"). 3) Compact default arguments are also automatically turned on when wrapping C (not C++) code. This is to support the bizarre notion of default arguments for C code. 10/20/2004: wsfulton Overloaded templated functions in namespaces also working now. Templated functions with default arguments in namespaces too. 10/19/2004: mmatus - Allow to disable the new SwigValueWrapper mechanism, if you add the following line in your language main. /* Turn on safe value wrapper use mode */ Swig_value_wrapper_mode(1); Now is only active in python. All the other languages are using the old resolution, but they can also use the "valuewrapper"/"novaluewrapper" features to fix some of the old broken cases. Note, however, that not all the broken cases can be solved in that way. The new mechanism seems to be working fine in perl, ruby and tcl, but failing in some typemaps in java. Hence, is upto the language maintainer to test it, and decide to enable it or not. Look at the valuewrapper_opaque.i for examples. - Fix more SwigValueWrapper cases when the new mechanism is active. Now it also check for local typemap variables, see valuewrapper_opaque.i for an example when this is needed. But again, this extra checking will only be activated when using the new value wrapper mode. - [Python] Fix variable wrapping of classes with private assign operators. It should be easy to fix in all the other modules, instead of checking if (!Getattr(n,"immutable")) ... you need to verify if (is_assignable(n)) ... Look at the private_assign.i for an example. 10/18/2004: mmatus - %features "director"/"nodirector" now work as expected. - General fixes in %feature to resolve function decl properly, %feature("hello") foo(); char foo() -> f() // was working char *foo() -> f().p // it wasn't - Template + specialization + default template args now is working, (don't confuse with template + default arg values, that was solved before), now this ugly case is working: template > struct Vector { Vector(T a){} }; template <> struct Vector { Vector(){} int foo() { return 0; } }; %template(V_c) Vector >; %template(V_i) Vector; // picks Vector > %template(V_d) Vector; // picks the specialization this is needed for automatic STL support (later will be). - Fix the template + typedef errors in test-suite, which probably will fix another group of strange template + namespaces + typedefs errors. - %warnfilter is working better now, parser.y tries to use them when needed. - **** New default type resolution method (stype.c) ***** It preserves the original mixed types, then it goes 'backward' first deleting the qualifier, then the inner types, for example: typedef A *Aptr; const Aptr&; r.q(const).Aptr -> r.q(const).p.SWIGTYPE r.q(const).p.SWIGTYPE -> r.p.SWIGTYPE r.p.SWIGTYPE -> r.SWIGTYPE r.SWIGTYPE -> SWIGTYPE enum Hello {}; const Hello& hi; r.q(const).Hello -> r.q(const).enum SWIGTYPE r.q(const).enum SWIGTYPE -> r.enum SWIGTYPE r.enum SWIGTYPE -> r.SWIGTYPE r.SWIGTYPE -> SWIGTYPE int a[2][4]; a(2).a(4).int -> a(ANY).a(ANY).SWIGTYPE a(ANY).a(ANY).SWIGTYPE -> a(ANY).a().SWIGTYPE a(ANY).a().SWIGTYPE -> a(ANY).p.SWIGTYPE a(ANY).p.SWIGTYPE -> a(ANY).SWIGTYPE a(ANY).SWIGTYPE -> a().SWIGTYPE a().SWIGTYPE -> p.SWIGTYPE p.SWIGTYPE -> SWIGTYPE before it always stops after finding ref/pointer/enum/array/etc. Now, then, you can define (use and apply) 'higher' typemaps such as: %typemap(in) SWIGTYPE* const& %typemap(out) char FIXSIZE[ANY] %typemap(in) SWIGTYPE* const& %typemap(in) const enum SWIGTYPE& %typemap(in) SWIGTYPE[ANY][ANY] %typemap(in) const char (&)[ANY] It is possible with this change that previous typemaps that were defined (but ignored), now will start to work. Also, it is necessary check for the '%typemap(varin) SWIGTYPE[]', before it was usually not defined (but char[] was), and that can produce some inconsistencies. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** This change was needed for STL, since std::vector std::vector, etc, will always generate methods that mix const references with the vector type. Now that is working, all the std::container specialization will not be needed anymore, well, in theory. In the practice, everythin is working as before until the proper mixed types are defined and the libraries simplified to use them. - Change the behavior of extern "java"/"fortran"/"etc", now swig produces a warning, and use extern "C" instead. The warning can also be disable with the "-w 313" flag. (WARN_PARSE_UNDEFINED_EXTERN). - SwigValueWrapper is now more selective (lang.cxx). [Perl/Tcl] - Fix some typemaps (perl/tcl) to work properly with SwigValueWrapper. This was not a problem with SwigValueWrapper, but with the typemaps that now are safe to use with %apply. [Python] - Fix %callback/%pythoncallback work now as before after the def args changes. Also, %callback now is an alias for %pythoncallback, so, they do the same. [Python/Ruby] - %callback is more usable and uniform: %callback("%s_cb") foo(); // for both, python/ruby %callback("%s_cb"); // for both, python/ruby %callback(1) foo(); // only in python. 10/17/2004: arty [OCAML] - Tweak to enum typing for soundness in the presence of multiple modules. - global functions are now unambiguous in multiple loaded modules. - Fixed test case code to build multimodule test cases correctly. - There is no way to share overload resolution across modules because of soundness issues. If the user wants to call some function foo from an arbitrary module bar, they will have to use Bar._foo to call it correctly. Later I will fix the camlp4 module to do something clever in this case. - Promided performance overhaul of class mechanism. - Removed symbol hack for ocaml-3.07 and below which is not needed for ocaml-3.08 and above. 10/16/2004: wuzzeb (John Lenz) [CHICKEN] - Completly change how chicken.cxx handles CLOS and generic code. chicken no longer exports -clos.scm and -generic.scm. The clos code is exported directly into the module.scm file if -proxy is passed. - The code now always exports a unit. Running the test-suite is now majorly broken, and needs to be fixed. - CLOS now generates virtual slots for member variables similar to how GOOPS support works in the guile module. - chicken no longer prefixes symbols by the module name, and no longer forces all names to lower case. It now has -useclassprefix and -closprefix similar to how guile handles GOOPS names. 10/16/2004: wsfulton Templated functions with default arguments working with new default argument wrapping approach. The new approach no longer fails with the following default argument pattern (previously failed with some primitive types, like unsigned primitive types): template int foo(const T& u = T()); %template(foo) foo; This relies on the templated function overloading support just added, so all the combinations of overloading by template parameters and normal parameters as well as overloading with default parameters works. 10/16/2004: wsfulton Added support for the large range of templated function overloading that C++ supports. - Overloaded templated functions, eg template int overload(T t); template int overload(T t, const T &r); - Fixes where the templated type is not used in the parameter list, eg template void xyz(); template<> void xyz(); - Fixes for overloading of plain functions by a templated function: void abc(double d); template void abc(T t); - Overloading by templated parameters fixed: template void foo(T t) {} template void foo(T t, U u) {} %template(foo) foo; - All combinations of the above also working including specializations, eg: void abc(double d); template void abc(T t); template<> void abc(double t); template<> void abc(int t); 10/16/2004: wuzzeb (John Lenz) - Remove the ability to share type information by using c linking. All type sharing happens through a global variable in the target language. + Remove SWIG_NOIMPORT, SWIG_RUNTIME, and related defines. + Depreciate -runtime, -noruntime command line options + Update test-suite to correctly build multicpptest + Remove reference to precommon.swg + Update the guile_gh interface to share data by a global var instead of c linkage. - Remove Advanced.html, since everything in it is now obsolete 10/09/2004: mmatus - Split the python std/STL C++ library files, now all the language independent definitions are under the directory Lib/std and hence, can be used from other languages. - Add more documentation to the Python STL, and clean unnecessary code. - Add initial C99 complex support, and some fixes for long double. 10/08/2004: mmatus - Fix the SwigValueWrapper for opaque types, now it is applied for opaque templates and classes, for which we don't know if there is or not a default constructor, ie struct A { A(int); }; Still, if you know that you class has a default constructor, and for some very very particular reason you want to avoid the SwigValueWrapper, and you don't want or can't expose the class to swig, now you can say %feature("novaluewrapper") A; class A; or the other way around, if the class has a default constructor, but you want to use the value wrapper, you can say %feature("valuewrapper") A; struct A { A(); .... }; - Fix for char > 128, ie const char tilde_a = '\341'; - Add patch 1041858 for $lextype, which carries the literal type of a symbol. See lextype.i in the test-suite for more details. 10/07/2004: wsfulton {Ruby, Java] Fix director + 'empty' throws struct A { A() throw(); virtual ~A() throw(); int foo() throw(); }; 10/06/2004: wuzzeb (John Lenz) [TCL] - Fix bug reported by William A. Hoffman propagating clientdata between modules. Added clientdata_prop.multicpptest to check for this bug. The fix involved the following changes: + SwigType_clientdata_collect does not need to check types in r_resolved because we only want to propagate clientdata to typedefed classes, and r_mangled already takes care of typedefs. + SWIG_TypeRegister now copies the clientdata field correctly + Move SWIG_Guile_PropagateClientData function from guile module into common.swg, because we need to call it from both guile and tcl. + Add base_names to swig_class to delay the lookup of bases. SWIG now exports the base names and only when the base swig_class is needed is SWIG_TypeQuery(name)->clientdata looked up. - conversion_ns_template testsuite test was failing because the name of the wrapped constructor function was not calculated correctly for structs. Fixed. 10/06/2004: wsfulton Fixes for default arguments used in directors - in virtual methods and director constructors. 10/06/2004: mmatus Fix the __cplusplus macro, and bug 1041170. Now it is working as supposed, ie, you can safely use #ifdef __cplusplus ... all over swig, including inside %defines and %{ %} bodies. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** The old trick of using #if __cplusplus doesn't work any more. So, if you have your own typemaps using that syntax, you will need to migrate them to use "#ifdef __cplusplus". 10/05/2004: wuzzeb (John Lenz) - Reorganize how runtime type information is stored and shared between modules. For chicken and mzscheme, I removed the ability to use runtime libraries, while perl, tcl, python, and ruby default to using the new method but can go back to the old method by declaring SWIG_ALLOW_RUNTIME. - line 582 in mzscheme.cxx was generating a segfault on imports.multicpptest, so I fixed it. 10/05/2004: wsfulton Fixes for %extend and overloaded static methods with default arguments. 10/05/2004: mmatus - [python] Fix director + method with 'empty' throw, ie struct A { virtual int foo() throw(); }; other languages should also easy to fix, look for Getattr(n,"throw") in python.cxx. - Fix director + destructor with 'empty' throw struct A { virtual ~A() throw(); }; - Now SWIG_FEATURES parse all and the same options you can pass to swig in the command line. - New command line flag: -features , as in swig -features autodoc=3,director ie, any global feature can be initialized from the command line. This is mainly for testing, but users can also take advantage of it. 10/04/2004: mmatus - Properly qualify type in syntax as 'long(2)' or 'Foo()', this solve old problem with default args, and probably other problems around. However, the default arg problem was also already solved by William (see bellow). - Fix feature_set and feature_get methods. Before they look from particular to general and keep the first feature found. This didn't work well with templates. Now the methods look from general to particular, and override any found feature. - Previously a feature could not be applied to constructors or destructors that weren't explicitly declared in the class. This is now fixed, for example: %feature("featurename") Foo() "..." %feature("featurename") ~Foo() "..." class Foo { // implicit Foo() and ~Foo() }; - Fix missing features for default const/dest, by really 'creating' the methods and applying the features. - Fix return_const_value.i case by adding SwigValueWrapper specialization. - Fix %extend + overload, including overloading actual class methods. - Adding more cases in related files in the test-suite. 10/04/2004: wsfulton Changes to the way default arguments are wrapped. Previously a single method was generated for each method that had default arguments. If a method had 5 arguments, say, of which 1 had a default argument then the call to the wrapped method would pass 5 arguments. The default value was copied into the wrapper method and used if the scripting language passed just 4 arguments. However, this was flawed as the default argument sometimes does not have global access, for example SWIG would generate code that couldn't compile when wrapping: class Tricky { public: void foo(int val = privatevalue); void bar(int val = Tricky::getDefault()); private: static int getDefault(); enum { privatevalue = 200 }; }; Also bugs in resolving symbols generated code that wouldn't compile, for example (probably fixable though): namespace Space { class Klass { }; Klass constructorcall(const Klass& k = Klass()); } The approach also does not work for statically typed languages (C# and Java) as these languages do not allow methods to have variable number of arguments. Although C# has a mechanism to pass a variable number of arguments they must be of the same type and are more like varargs. The new approach solves the above problems and wraps methods with default arguments as if the method was overloaded. So SWIG will now treat void foo(int val=0); as if it had parsed: void foo(int); void foo(); The code generated is then exactly the same as if SWIG had parsed the two overloaded methods. The scripting languages count the arguments passed and call the appropriate method, just like overloaded methods. C# and Java are now able to properly wrap methods with default arguments by generating extra methods, again as if the method was overloaded, so for: void bar(string s="hello", double d=10.0, int i=0); the following proxy methods are generated: void bar(string s, double d, int i); void bar(string s, double d); void bar(string s); void bar(); The new approach comes with a couple of minor knock on effects. 1) SWIG support for default arguments for C (not C++) code no longer works. Previously you could have this interface: %{ void foo(int val); %} void foo(int val=0); and call the wrapped method from a scripting language and pass no arguments whereupon the default of 0 was used. You can get the same behaviour for C code by using the "default" typemap: %typemap(default) int val "$1 = 0;"; %{ void foo(int val); %} void foo(int val); or you could of course compile your code as C++ if you want C++ features :) : %{ void foo(int val=0); %} void foo(int val=0); A couple of SWIG's libraries used this C extension and these have been modified to use the "default" typemap. The "default" typemap is thus unchanged (and still is not and is not fully supported by C# and Java, and is likely to remain so). 2) All features (%feature, %rename, %ignore etc) no longer work as if the method with default arguments is just one method. For example, previously %ignore foo(int); would have ignored the method completely. Now it will only ignore foo(int) but not the extra foo() method. Instead use: %ignore foo; to ignore them all. or %ignore foo(int); %ignore foo(); This of course allows one to fine tune the wrapping, for example one could use: %rename(fooint) foo(int); %rename(foodefaults) foo(); void foo(int val=0); and call them from any language like so: fooint(200) foodefaults() or for example ignore the extra overloaded method, so the defaults cannot be used: %ignore foo(); void foo(int val=0); *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** 10/2/2004: mmatus [Python] - More cleaning up and uniformation on the Python Lib - Added Robin's docstring patch, plus some fixes, plus some extensions, see autodoc.i example in the test-suite, and try using %feature("autodoc","extended"). This patch is not a complete solution for the documentation problem, just enough to inform python about the parameter list. The expected swig documentation support is far far away yet. 10/1/2004: mmatus - Fix the %callback feature (only used in ruby and python examples, by now, but it should be generic), now member callbacks are working again - Fix wrapping of functions pointers like std::ostream& std::endl(std::ostream&); ie, the ones that return references or enums. [Python] Add the %pythoncallback directive, which is an improved version of %callback, ie, %pythoncallback(1) foo; %pythoncallback(1) A::bar; %pythoncallback(1) A::barm; int foo(int a) { return a; } struct A { static int bar(int a); int barm(int a); }; int foobar(int a, int (*pf)(int a)); in python you can use foo(2) foobar(2,foo) foobar(2, ie, no additional pointer elements are created, and the original 'foo' and '' can be used as parameters. In the case of member fucntion however, still you need to use the special variable Class::_cb_ptr, ie: foobarm(3, a, A.barm_cb_ptr) we will try to fix this situation also, but later. [Python] Add more elements from the STL library, now you can use import std std.cout << "hello " << 123 << std.endl [Python] Fix in/out return mechanism, now swig will behave as 1.3.21 but using a python list when needed. The problem is that the types std::pair,std::vector,etc, use tuples, and they interfer with the previous inout tuple type. By using lists we solve the conflicts, swig acts as before, but returns a list when more than one parameter are using the OUT typemap. See the new inout.i example in the test-suite. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY FOR PYTHON MODULE *** [Python] Much better error messages for bad arguments, now you always get the argument number where the error occurred. 09/27/2004: wsfulton Patch from Bill Clarke - 1) Warning emitted when -importall and -includeall is used together, with -includeall taking precedence. 2) Ensure SWIGIMPORTED is always defined when a file is being imported with %import. Note that this is not the same as SWIGIMPORT, which gets defined in all generated wrapper files. 09/26/2004: mmatus - add %feature("exceptionclass") to identify a class used as exception. Before swig identified and marked a class using the "cplus:exceptionclass" attribute. However, the class needed to appear on an throw() statement. Now swig keeps trying to identify the exception classes, as before, but it also allows the user to mark a class by using the %feature explicitly. (mostly relevant for python and chicken) [Python] - fix -modern option + exceptions, which mix old class style with the new one. So, we always need to emit the "nonmodern" python code. - add the "python:nondynamic" feature and its handler now if you have %pythonnondynamic(1) A; struct A { int a; int b; }; then, in the python side aa = A() aa.a = 1 # ok aa.b = 2 # ok aa.c = 3 # error, the class can not be extended dynamically. Since this is a feature, you can use %pythonnondynamic(1); or %pythondynamic(0); to force all the wrapped classes to be "nondynamic" ones. The default, as in regular python, is that all the wrapped classes are dynamics. So, careful with your spelling. 09/14/2004: mmatus - Support the -I- option. - Differentiate between %include and %include "file". This fix several corner cases. [Python] Several patches: - Normalize the Lib file names: *.swg internal files, *.i user files. - Fix Char[ANY] typemaps, so they also delete any extra '\0' chars, now they behave as before (1.3.21). Still, you can use the SWIG_PRESERVE_CARRAY_SIZE macro if you need to preserve the original size (see pystrbase.swg). - Add the Char FIXSIZE[ANY] typemaps, to preserve the original C array sizes (see above). Though, you can't use them yet since %apply and arrays are not working together. - Add pyfragments.swg, now the user can add fragments to override the default ones. 09/10/2004: wsfulton Patch from Bill Clarke which fixes spurious preprocessor bug which shows on Solaris and gcc, eg: Warning(202): Could not evaluate '!defined(SWIGJAVA) && !(defined(SWIGCSHARP)' Also fixes a bug where '#if "a" == "b" == 1' wouldn't have worked 09/10/2004: wsfulton Restored multiple build directories for the test-suite. Patch from Bill Clarke. 09/06/2004: wsfulton Added the missing runtime.dsp Visual Studio project files for the import examples to work.