Below are the changes for the current release. See the CHANGES file for changes in older releases. See the RELEASENOTES file for a summary of changes in each release. Version 2.0.10 (in progress) ============================ 2013-01-18: Brant Kyser [Java] Patch #15 - Allow the use of the nspace feature without the -package commandline option. This works as long and the new jniclasspackage pragma is used to place the JNI intermediate class into a package and the nspace feature is used to place all exposed types into a package. 2013-01-15: wsfulton Fix Visual Studio examples to work when SWIG is unzipped into a directory containing spaces. 2013-01-15: wsfulton [C#] Fix cstype typemap lookup for member variables so that a fully qualified variable name matches. For example: %typemap(cstype) bool MVar::mvar "MyBool" struct MVar { bool mvar; }; 2013-01-11: Brant Kyser [Java, C#, D] SF Bug #1299 - Fix generated names for when %nspace is used on classes with the same name in two different namespaces. 2013-01-11: Vladimir Kalinin [C#] Add support for csdirectorin 'pre', 'post' and 'terminator' attributes. 2013-01-08: olly [PHP] Fix to work with a ZTS build of PHP (broken in 2.0.7). 2013-01-07: olly Fix bashism in configure, introduced in 2.0.9. 2013-01-06: wsfulton Pull patch #4 from ptomulik to fix SF Bug #1296 - Fix incorrect warning for virtual destructors in templates, such as: Warning 521: Illegal destructor name B< A >::~B(). Ignored. 2013-01-05: wsfulton [Python] Pull patch #3 from ptomulik to fix SF Bug #1295 - standard exceptions as classes using the SWIG_STD_EXCEPTIONS_AS_CLASSES macro. 2013-01-04: wsfulton [Java] Pull patch #2 from BrantKyser to fix SF Bug #1283 - fix smart pointers in conjuction with directors. 2013-01-03: wsfulton [Java] Pull patch #1 from BrantKyser to fix SF Bug #1278 - fix directors and nspace feature when multilevel namespaces are used.