Below are the changes for the current release. See the CHANGES file for changes in older releases. See the RELEASENOTES file for a summary of changes in each release. Version 3.0.9 (in progress) =========================== 2016-03-01: wsfulton Add rstrip encoder for use in %rename. This is like the strip encoder but strips the symbol's suffix instead of the prefix. The example below will rename SomeThingCls to SomeThing and AnotherThingCls to AnotherThing: %rename("%(rstrip:[Cls])s") ""; class SomeThingCls {}; struct AnotherThingCls {}; 2016-02-07: kwwette [Octave] recognise various unary functions * Use __float__() for numeric conversions, e.g. when calling double() * Map various unary functions, e.g. abs() to __abs__(), see full list in section 32.3.10 of manual; only available in Octave 3.8.0 or later 2016-02-07: kwwette [Octave] export function swig_octave_prereq() for testing Octave version 2016-02-06: pjohangustavsson [C#] Fix duplicate symbol problems when linking the source generated from multiple SWIG modules into one shared library for the -namespace option. The namespace is now mangled into the global PInvoke function names. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** 2016-01-27: ahnolds [Python] Added support for differentiating between Python Bytes and Unicode objects using by defining SWIG_PYTHON_STRICT_BYTE_CHAR and SWIG_PYTHON_STRICT_UNICODE_WCHAR. 2016-01-27: steeve [Go] Ensure structs are properly packed between gc and GCC/clang. 2016-01-25: ahnolds [Python] Support the full Python test suite in -classic mode * Convert long/unsigned long/long long/unsigned long long to PyInt rather than PyLong when possible. Certain python functions like len() require a PyInt when operating on old-style classes. * Add support for static methods in classic mode, including support for pythonappend, pythonprepend, and docstrings. * Removing the use of __swig_getmethods__ for static member methods since they will always be found by the standard argument lookup * Fix a bug where the wrong type of exception was caught when checking for new-style class support 2016-01-23: ahnolds [Go] Enable support for the Go test-suite on OSX: * The linker on OSX requires that all symbols (even weak symbols) are defined at link time. Because the function _cgo_topofstack is only defined starting in Go version 1.4, we explicitly mark it as undefined for older versions of Go on OSX. * Avoid writing empty swigargs structs, since empty structs are not allowed in extern "C" blocks. 2016-01-12: olly [Javascript] Look for "nodejs" as well as "node", as it's packaged as the former on Debian. 2016-01-12: olly [Javascript] For v8 >= 4.3.0, use V8_MAJOR_VERSION. Fixes 2016-01-10: ahnolds Improved size_t and ptrdiff_t typemaps to support large values on platforms where sizeof(size_t) > sizeof(unsigned long) and sizeof(ptrdiff_t) > sizeof(long).