*** ANNOUNCE : SWIG1.3 (Alpha 5) *** September 22, 2000 Overview -------- We're pleased to announce the next installment of the SWIG1.3 redevelopment effort. This release represents a reasonably stable snapshot of the CVS repository that has undergone extensive testing and debugging. However, this release also represents work in progress so there may be obscure bugs and problems that we haven't found yet. Please send us your feedback. Availability: ------------- The release is available for download on Sourceforge at http://download.sourceforge.net/swig/swig1.3a5.tar.gz What's new? ----------- On the surface, this release still looks a lot like SWIG1.1p5 except that a lot of bugs have been fixed and the language modules tend to generate smaller and more efficient wrappers. New modules have also been added to support Ruby and Mzscheme. In addition, Python, Perl, and Guile support has been enhanced to support new releases such as Python1.6 and Perl5.6. Under the hood, you will find that this release is an almost complete reimplementation of SWIG's internals. In fact the only code that still remains from SWIG1.1 is the C/C++ parser and the language modules (all of which have undergone significant changes as well). As a result, a lot of minor improvements can be found throughout the system and things that used to cause problems may now work (for instance, pointers to functions are now supported). In addition, this release incorporates a number of feature requests that have been made on the mailing list. What's broken? -------------- As this is a work in progress, a number of features are still missing or incomplete. The documentation system is still missing and won't be reimplemented for some time. The Java module is also temporarily out of service for this release. In addition, C++ programmers who make extensive use of typemaps may encounter a few strange problems (although SWIG will generate warning messages). We need your help! ------------------ Even if you are perfectly happy with SWIG1.1, we can use your feedback. First, we like to know about compilation problems and other issues concerning the building of SWIG. Second, if SWIG1.3 is unable to compile your old interface files, we would like to get information about the features you are using. This information will help us find bugs in the SWIG1.3 release, develop techniques for supporting backwards compatibility, and write documentation that addresses specific issues related to migrating from SWIG1.1 to SWIG1.3. Finally, we are still looking for volunteers to work on aspects of SWIG development. Please send email to beazley@cs.uchicago.edu for details. Please report problems with this release to swig-dev@cs.uchicago.edu. --- The SWIG Developers David Beazley Thien-Thi Nguyen Matthias Köppe Masaki Fukushima Harco de Hilster Loic Dachary Oleg Tolmatcev