path: root/SphinxDocs/source/Manual/Warnings.rst
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1 files changed, 183 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/SphinxDocs/source/Manual/Warnings.rst b/SphinxDocs/source/Manual/Warnings.rst
index 90e11c1fc..4985da52b 100644
--- a/SphinxDocs/source/Manual/Warnings.rst
+++ b/SphinxDocs/source/Manual/Warnings.rst
@@ -288,191 +288,191 @@ Warning number reference
Deprecated features (100-199)
-- 101. Deprecated ``%extern`` directive.
-- 102. Deprecated ``%val`` directive.
-- 103. Deprecated ``%out`` directive.
-- 104. Deprecated ``%disabledoc`` directive.
-- 105. Deprecated ``%enabledoc`` directive.
-- 106. Deprecated ``%doconly`` directive.
-- 107. Deprecated ``%style`` directive.
-- 108. Deprecated ``%localstyle`` directive.
-- 109. Deprecated ``%title`` directive.
-- 110. Deprecated ``%section`` directive.
-- 111. Deprecated ``%subsection`` directive.
-- 112. Deprecated ``%subsubsection`` directive.
-- 113. Deprecated ``%addmethods`` directive.
-- 114. Deprecated ``%readonly`` directive.
-- 115. Deprecated ``%readwrite`` directive.
-- 116. Deprecated ``%except`` directive.
-- 117. Deprecated ``%new`` directive.
-- 118. Deprecated ``%typemap(except)``.
-- 119. Deprecated ``%typemap(ignore)``.
-- 120. Deprecated command line option (-runtime, -noruntime).
-- 121. Deprecated ``%name`` directive.
-- 126. The 'nestedworkaround' feature is deprecated.
+- **101.** Deprecated ``%extern`` directive.
+- **102.** Deprecated ``%val`` directive.
+- **103.** Deprecated ``%out`` directive.
+- **104.** Deprecated ``%disabledoc`` directive.
+- **105.** Deprecated ``%enabledoc`` directive.
+- **106.** Deprecated ``%doconly`` directive.
+- **107.** Deprecated ``%style`` directive.
+- **108.** Deprecated ``%localstyle`` directive.
+- **109.** Deprecated ``%title`` directive.
+- **110.** Deprecated ``%section`` directive.
+- **111.** Deprecated ``%subsection`` directive.
+- **112.** Deprecated ``%subsubsection`` directive.
+- **113.** Deprecated ``%addmethods`` directive.
+- **114.** Deprecated ``%readonly`` directive.
+- **115.** Deprecated ``%readwrite`` directive.
+- **116.** Deprecated ``%except`` directive.
+- **117.** Deprecated ``%new`` directive.
+- **118.** Deprecated ``%typemap(except)``.
+- **119.** Deprecated ``%typemap(ignore)``.
+- **120.** Deprecated command line option (-runtime, -noruntime).
+- **121.** Deprecated ``%name`` directive.
+- **126.** The 'nestedworkaround' feature is deprecated.
Preprocessor (200-299)
-- 201. Unable to find *filename*.
-- 202. Could not evaluate expression *expr*.
-- 203. Both includeall and importall are defined: using includeall.
-- 204. CPP #warning, "*warning*".
-- 205. CPP #error, "*error*".
-- 206. Unexpected tokens after #\ *directive* directive.
+- **201.** Unable to find *filename*.
+- **202.** Could not evaluate expression *expr*.
+- **203.** Both includeall and importall are defined: using includeall.
+- **204.** CPP #warning, "*warning*".
+- **205.** CPP #error, "*error*".
+- **206.** Unexpected tokens after #\ *directive* directive.
C/C++ Parser (300-399)
-- 301. ``class`` keyword used, but not in C++ mode.
-- 302. Identifier '*name*' redefined (ignored).
-- 303. ``%extend`` defined for an undeclared class '*name*'.
-- 304. Unsupported constant value (ignored).
-- 305. Bad constant value (ignored).
-- 306. '*identifier*' is private in this context.
-- 307. Can't set default argument value (ignored)
-- 308. Namespace alias '*name*' not allowed here. Assuming '*name*'
-- 309. [private \| protected] inheritance ignored.
-- 310. Template '*name*' was already wrapped as '*name*' (ignored)
-- 312. Unnamed nested class not currently supported (ignored).
-- 313. Unrecognized extern type "*name*" (ignored).
-- 314. '*identifier*' is a *lang* keyword.
-- 315. Nothing known about '*identifier*'.
-- 316. Repeated %module directive.
-- 317. Specialization of non-template '*name*'.
-- 318. Instantiation of template '*name*' is ambiguous, instantiation
+- **301.** ``class`` keyword used, but not in C++ mode.
+- **302.** Identifier '*name*' redefined (ignored).
+- **303.** ``%extend`` defined for an undeclared class '*name*'.
+- **304.** Unsupported constant value (ignored).
+- **305.** Bad constant value (ignored).
+- **306.** '*identifier*' is private in this context.
+- **307.** Can't set default argument value (ignored)
+- **308.** Namespace alias '*name*' not allowed here. Assuming '*name*'
+- **309.** [private \| protected] inheritance ignored.
+- **310.** Template '*name*' was already wrapped as '*name*' (ignored)
+- **312.** Unnamed nested class not currently supported (ignored).
+- **313.** Unrecognized extern type "*name*" (ignored).
+- **314.** '*identifier*' is a *lang* keyword.
+- **315.** Nothing known about '*identifier*'.
+- **316.** Repeated %module directive.
+- **317.** Specialization of non-template '*name*'.
+- **318.** Instantiation of template '*name*' is ambiguous, instantiation
*templ* used, instantiation *templ* ignored.
-- 319. No access specifier given for base class *name* (ignored).
-- 320. Explicit template instantiation ignored.
-- 321. *identifier* conflicts with a built-in name.
-- 322. Redundant redeclaration of '*name*'.
-- 323. Recursive scope inheritance of '*name*'.
-- 324. Named nested template instantiations not supported. Processing
+- **319.** No access specifier given for base class *name* (ignored).
+- **320.** Explicit template instantiation ignored.
+- **321.** *identifier* conflicts with a built-in name.
+- **322.** Redundant redeclaration of '*name*'.
+- **323.** Recursive scope inheritance of '*name*'.
+- **324.** Named nested template instantiations not supported. Processing
as if no name was given to %template().
-- 325. Nested *kind* not currently supported (*name* ignored).
-- 326. Deprecated %extend name used - the *kind* name '*name*' should
+- **325.** Nested *kind* not currently supported (*name* ignored).
+- **326.** Deprecated %extend name used - the *kind* name '*name*' should
be used instead of the typedef name '*name*'.
-- 350. operator new ignored.
-- 351. operator delete ignored.
-- 352. operator+ ignored.
-- 353. operator- ignored.
-- 354. operator\* ignored.
-- 355. operator/ ignored.
-- 356. operator% ignored.
-- 357. operator^ ignored.
-- 358. operator& ignored.
-- 359. operator\| ignored.
-- 360. operator~ ignored.
-- 361. operator! ignored.
-- 362. operator= ignored.
-- 363. operator< ignored.
-- 364. operator> ignored.
-- 365. operator+= ignored.
-- 366. operator-= ignored.
-- 367. operator*= ignored.
-- 368. operator/= ignored.
-- 369. operator%= ignored.
-- 370. operator^= ignored.
-- 371. operator&= ignored.
-- 372. operator|= ignored.
-- 373. operator<< ignored.
-- 374. operator>>ignored.
-- 375. operator<<= ignored.
-- 376. operator>>= ignored.
-- 377. operator== ignored.
-- 378. operator!= ignored.
-- 379. operator<= ignored.
-- 380. operator>= ignored.
-- 381. operator&& ignored.
-- 382. operator|\| ignored.
-- 383. operator++ ignored.
-- 384. operator-- ignored.
-- 385. operator, ignored.
-- 386. operator-<\* ignored.
-- 387. operator-< ignored.
-- 388. operator() ignored.
-- 389. operator[] ignored.
-- 390. operator+ ignored (unary).
-- 391. operator- ignored (unary).
-- 392. operator\* ignored (unary).
-- 393. operator& ignored (unary).
-- 394. operator new[] ignored.
-- 395. operator delete[] ignored.
+- **350.** operator new ignored.
+- **351.** operator delete ignored.
+- **352.** operator+ ignored.
+- **353.** operator- ignored.
+- **354.** operator\* ignored.
+- **355.** operator/ ignored.
+- **356.** operator% ignored.
+- **357.** operator^ ignored.
+- **358.** operator& ignored.
+- **359.** operator\| ignored.
+- **360.** operator~ ignored.
+- **361.** operator! ignored.
+- **362.** operator= ignored.
+- **363.** operator< ignored.
+- **364.** operator> ignored.
+- **365.** operator+= ignored.
+- **366.** operator-= ignored.
+- **367.** operator*= ignored.
+- **368.** operator/= ignored.
+- **369.** operator%= ignored.
+- **370.** operator^= ignored.
+- **371.** operator&= ignored.
+- **372.** operator|= ignored.
+- **373.** operator<< ignored.
+- **374.** operator>>ignored.
+- **375.** operator<<= ignored.
+- **376.** operator>>= ignored.
+- **377.** operator== ignored.
+- **378.** operator!= ignored.
+- **379.** operator<= ignored.
+- **380.** operator>= ignored.
+- **381.** operator&& ignored.
+- **382.** operator|\| ignored.
+- **383.** operator++ ignored.
+- **384.** operator-- ignored.
+- **385.** operator, ignored.
+- **386.** operator-<\* ignored.
+- **387.** operator-< ignored.
+- **388.** operator() ignored.
+- **389.** operator[] ignored.
+- **390.** operator+ ignored (unary).
+- **391.** operator- ignored (unary).
+- **392.** operator\* ignored (unary).
+- **393.** operator& ignored (unary).
+- **394.** operator new[] ignored.
+- **395.** operator delete[] ignored.
Types and typemaps (400-499)
-- 401. Nothing known about class 'name'. Ignored.
-- 402. Base class 'name' is incomplete.
-- 403. Class 'name' might be abstract.
-- 450. Deprecated typemap feature ($source/$target).
-- 451. Setting const char \* variable may leak memory.
-- 452. Reserved
-- 453. Can't apply (pattern). No typemaps are defined.
-- 460. Unable to use type *type* as a function argument.
-- 461. Unable to use return type *type* in function *name*.
-- 462. Unable to set variable of type *type*.
-- 463. Unable to read variable of type *type*.
-- 464. Unsupported constant value.
-- 465. Unable to handle type *type*.
-- 466. Unsupported variable type *type*.
-- 467. Overloaded *declaration* not supported (incomplete type checking
+- **401.** Nothing known about class 'name'. Ignored.
+- **402.** Base class 'name' is incomplete.
+- **403.** Class 'name' might be abstract.
+- **450.** Deprecated typemap feature ($source/$target).
+- **451.** Setting const char \* variable may leak memory.
+- **452.** Reserved
+- **453.** Can't apply (pattern). No typemaps are defined.
+- **460.** Unable to use type *type* as a function argument.
+- **461.** Unable to use return type *type* in function *name*.
+- **462.** Unable to set variable of type *type*.
+- **463.** Unable to read variable of type *type*.
+- **464.** Unsupported constant value.
+- **465.** Unable to handle type *type*.
+- **466.** Unsupported variable type *type*.
+- **467.** Overloaded *declaration* not supported (incomplete type checking
rule - no precedence level in typecheck typemap for '*type*')
-- 468. No 'throw' typemap defined for exception type *type*
-- 469. No or improper directorin typemap defined for *type*
-- 470. Thread/reentrant unsafe wrapping, consider returning by value
+- **468.** No 'throw' typemap defined for exception type *type*
+- **469.** No or improper directorin typemap defined for *type*
+- **470.** Thread/reentrant unsafe wrapping, consider returning by value
-- 471. Unable to use return type *type* in director method
-- 474. Method *method* usage of the optimal attribute ignored in the
+- **471.** Unable to use return type *type* in director method
+- **474.** Method *method* usage of the optimal attribute ignored in the
out typemap as the following cannot be used to generate optimal code:
-- 475. Multiple calls to *method* might be generated due to optimal
+- **475.** Multiple calls to *method* might be generated due to optimal
attribute usage in the out typemap.
-- 476. Initialization using std::initializer_list.
-- 477. No directorthrows typemap defined for *type*
+- **476.** Initialization using std::initializer_list.
+- **477.** No directorthrows typemap defined for *type*
Code generation (500-559)
-- 501. Overloaded declaration ignored. *decl*. Previous declaration is
+- **501.** Overloaded declaration ignored. *decl*. Previous declaration is
-- 502. Overloaded constructor ignored. *decl*. Previous declaration is
+- **502.** Overloaded constructor ignored. *decl*. Previous declaration is
-- 503. Can't wrap '*identifier*' unless renamed to a valid identifier.
-- 504. Function *name* must have a return type. Ignored.
-- 505. Variable length arguments discarded.
-- 506. Can't wrap varargs with keyword arguments enabled.
-- 507. Adding native function *name* not supported (ignored).
-- 508. Declaration of '*name*' shadows declaration accessible via
+- **503.** Can't wrap '*identifier*' unless renamed to a valid identifier.
+- **504.** Function *name* must have a return type. Ignored.
+- **505.** Variable length arguments discarded.
+- **506.** Can't wrap varargs with keyword arguments enabled.
+- **507.** Adding native function *name* not supported (ignored).
+- **508.** Declaration of '*name*' shadows declaration accessible via
operator->(), previous declaration of'*declaration*'.
-- 509. Overloaded method *declaration* effectively ignored, as it is
+- **509.** Overloaded method *declaration* effectively ignored, as it is
shadowed by *declaration*.
-- 510. Friend function '*name*' ignored.
-- 511. Can't use keyword arguments with overloaded functions.
-- 512. Overloaded method *declaration* ignored, using non-const method
+- **510.** Friend function '*name*' ignored.
+- **511.** Can't use keyword arguments with overloaded functions.
+- **512.** Overloaded method *declaration* ignored, using non-const method
*declaration* instead.
-- 513. Can't generate wrappers for unnamed struct/class.
-- 514.
-- 515.
-- 516. Overloaded method *declaration* ignored, using *declaration*
+- **513.** Can't generate wrappers for unnamed struct/class.
+- **514.**
+- **515.**
+- **516.** Overloaded method *declaration* ignored, using *declaration*
-- 517.
-- 518. Portability warning: File *file1* will be overwritten by *file2*
+- **517.**
+- **518.** Portability warning: File *file1* will be overwritten by *file2*
on case insensitive filesystems such as Windows' FAT32 and NTFS
unless the class/module name is renamed.
-- 519. %template() contains no name. Template method ignored:
+- **519.** %template() contains no name. Template method ignored:
-- 520. *Base/Derived* class '*classname1*' of '*classname2*' is not
+- **520.** *Base/Derived* class '*classname1*' of '*classname2*' is not
similarly marked as a smart pointer.
-- 521. Illegal destructor name *name*. Ignored.
-- 522. Use of an illegal constructor name '*name*' in %extend is
+- **521.** Illegal destructor name *name*. Ignored.
+- **522.** Use of an illegal constructor name '*name*' in %extend is
deprecated, the constructor name should be '*name*'.
-- 523. Use of an illegal destructor name '*name*' in %extend is
+- **523.** Use of an illegal destructor name '*name*' in %extend is
deprecated, the destructor name should be '*name*'.
-- 524. Experimental target language. Target language *language*
+- **524.** Experimental target language. Target language *language*
specified by *lang* is an experimental language. Please read about
SWIG experimental languages, *htmllink*.
-- 525. Destructor *declaration* is final, *name* cannot be a director
+- **525.** Destructor *declaration* is final, *name* cannot be a director
Doxygen comments (560-599)
@@ -488,58 +488,58 @@ Doxygen comments (560-599)
Language module specific (700-899)
-- 801. Wrong name (corrected to '*name*'). (Ruby).
+- **801.** Wrong name (corrected to '*name*'). (Ruby).
-- 810. No jni typemap defined for *type* (Java).
-- 811. No jtype typemap defined for *type* (Java).
-- 812. No jstype typemap defined for *type* (Java).
-- 813. Warning for *classname*, base *baseclass* ignored. Multiple
+- **810.** No jni typemap defined for *type* (Java).
+- **811.** No jtype typemap defined for *type* (Java).
+- **812.** No jstype typemap defined for *type* (Java).
+- **813.** Warning for *classname*, base *baseclass* ignored. Multiple
inheritance is not supported in Java. (Java).
-- 814.
-- 815. No javafinalize typemap defined for *type* (Java).
-- 816. No javabody typemap defined for *type* (Java).
-- 817. No javaout typemap defined for *type* (Java).
-- 818. No javain typemap defined for *type* (Java).
-- 819. No javadirectorin typemap defined for *type* (Java).
-- 820. No javadirectorout typemap defined for *type* (Java).
-- 821.
-- 822. Covariant return types not supported in Java. Proxy method will
+- **814.**
+- **815.** No javafinalize typemap defined for *type* (Java).
+- **816.** No javabody typemap defined for *type* (Java).
+- **817.** No javaout typemap defined for *type* (Java).
+- **818.** No javain typemap defined for *type* (Java).
+- **819.** No javadirectorin typemap defined for *type* (Java).
+- **820.** No javadirectorout typemap defined for *type* (Java).
+- **821.**
+- **822.** Covariant return types not supported in Java. Proxy method will
return *basetype* (Java).
-- 823. No javaconstruct typemap defined for *type* (Java).
-- 824. Missing JNI descriptor in directorin typemap defined for *type*
+- **823.** No javaconstruct typemap defined for *type* (Java).
+- **824.** Missing JNI descriptor in directorin typemap defined for *type*
-- 825. "directorconnect" attribute missing in *type* "javaconstruct"
+- **825.** "directorconnect" attribute missing in *type* "javaconstruct"
typemap. (Java).
-- 826. The nspace feature is used on '*type*' without -package. The
+- **826.** The nspace feature is used on '*type*' without -package. The
generated code may not compile as Java does not support types
declared in a named package accessing types declared in an unnamed
package. (Java).
-- 830. No ctype typemap defined for *type* (C#).
-- 831. No cstype typemap defined for *type* (C#).
-- 832. No cswtype typemap defined for *type* (C#).
-- 833. Warning for *classname*, base *baseclass* ignored. Multiple
+- **830.** No ctype typemap defined for *type* (C#).
+- **831.** No cstype typemap defined for *type* (C#).
+- **832.** No cswtype typemap defined for *type* (C#).
+- **833.** Warning for *classname*, base *baseclass* ignored. Multiple
inheritance is not supported in C#. (C#).
-- 834.
-- 835. No csfinalize typemap defined for *type* (C#).
-- 836. No csbody typemap defined for *type* (C#).
-- 837. No csout typemap defined for *type* (C#).
-- 838. No csin typemap defined for *type* (C#).
-- 839.
-- 840.
-- 841.
-- 842. Covariant return types not supported in C#. Proxy method will
+- **834.**
+- **835.** No csfinalize typemap defined for *type* (C#).
+- **836.** No csbody typemap defined for *type* (C#).
+- **837.** No csout typemap defined for *type* (C#).
+- **838.** No csin typemap defined for *type* (C#).
+- **839.**
+- **840.**
+- **841.**
+- **842.** Covariant return types not supported in C#. Proxy method will
return *basetype* (C#).
-- 843. No csconstruct typemap defined for *type* (C#).
-- 844. C# exception may not be thrown - no $excode or excode attribute
+- **843.** No csconstruct typemap defined for *type* (C#).
+- **844.** C# exception may not be thrown - no $excode or excode attribute
in *typemap* typemap. (C#).
-- 845. Unmanaged code contains a call to a
+- **845.** Unmanaged code contains a call to a
SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException method and C# code does not handle
pending exceptions via the canthrow attribute. (C#).
-- 870. Warning for *classname*: Base *baseclass* ignored. Multiple
+- **870.** Warning for *classname*: Base *baseclass* ignored. Multiple
inheritance is not supported in PHP. (Php).
-- 871. Unrecognized pragma *pragma*. (Php).
+- **871.** Unrecognized pragma *pragma*. (Php).
User defined (900-999)