%include %include /* Mark all of std exception classes as "exception classes" via the "exceptionclass" feature. If needed, you can disable it by using %noexceptionclass. */ %define %std_exception_map(Exception, Code) %exceptionclass Exception; #if !defined(SWIG_STD_EXCEPTIONS_AS_CLASSES) %typemap(throws,noblock=1) Exception { SWIG_exception_fail(Code, $1.what()); } %ignore Exception; struct Exception { }; #endif %enddef namespace std { %std_exception_map(bad_exception, SWIG_SystemError); %std_exception_map(domain_error, SWIG_ValueError); %std_exception_map(exception, SWIG_SystemError); %std_exception_map(invalid_argument, SWIG_ValueError); %std_exception_map(length_error, SWIG_IndexError); %std_exception_map(logic_error, SWIG_RuntimeError); %std_exception_map(out_of_range, SWIG_IndexError); %std_exception_map(overflow_error, SWIG_OverflowError); %std_exception_map(range_error, SWIG_OverflowError); %std_exception_map(runtime_error, SWIG_RuntimeError); %std_exception_map(underflow_error, SWIG_OverflowError); } #if defined(SWIG_STD_EXCEPTIONS_AS_CLASSES) namespace std { struct exception { virtual ~exception() throw(); virtual const char* what() const throw(); }; struct bad_exception : exception { }; struct logic_error : exception { logic_error(const string& msg); }; struct domain_error : logic_error { domain_error(const string& msg); }; struct invalid_argument : logic_error { invalid_argument(const string& msg); }; struct length_error : logic_error { length_error(const string& msg); }; struct out_of_range : logic_error { out_of_range(const string& msg); }; struct runtime_error : exception { runtime_error(const string& msg); }; struct range_error : runtime_error { range_error(const string& msg); }; struct overflow_error : runtime_error { overflow_error(const string& msg); }; struct underflow_error : runtime_error { underflow_error(const string& msg); }; } #endif