#!/usr/bin/perl -w # modula3_count - count physical lines of code # Strips out (* .. *) and counts the rest. # Usage: modula3_count [-f file] [list_of_files] # file: file with a list of files to count (if "-", read list from stdin) # list_of_files: list of files to count # -f file or list_of_files can be used, or both $total_sloc = 0; # Do we have "-f" (read list of files from second argument)? if (($#ARGV >= 1) && ($ARGV[0] eq "-f")) { # Yes, we have -f if ($ARGV[1] eq "-") { # The list of files is in STDIN while () { chomp ($_); &count_file ($_); } } else { # The list of files is in the file $ARGV[1] open (FILEWITHLIST, $ARGV[1]) || die "Error: Could not open $ARGV[1]\n"; while () { chomp ($_); &count_file ($_); } close FILEWITHLIST; } shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; } # Process all (remaining) arguments as file names while ($file = shift @ARGV) { &count_file ($file); } print "Total:\n"; print "$total_sloc\n"; sub count_file { my ($file) = @_; my $sloc = 0; my $incomment = 0; open (FILE, $file); while () { if ($incomment) { if (m/\*\)/) { s/^.*?\*\)//; $incomment = 0;} else { s/.*//; } } if (!$incomment) { s!\(\*.*?\*\)!!g; if (m/\(\*/) { s/\(\*.*//; $incomment = 1; } } if (m/\S/) {$sloc++;} } print "$sloc $file\n"; if ($incomment) {print "ERROR: ended in comment in $file\n";} $total_sloc += $sloc; $sloc = 0; $incomment = 0; close (FILE); }