#include #define N_(x) x #define _(x) (x) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define XML_NS XML_XML_NAMESPACE #define XMLNS_NS "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" #define FREE_NS (xmlChar *)"http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info" #define COPYING \ N_("Copyright (C) 2003 Thomas Leonard.\n" \ "update-mime-database comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY,\n" \ "to the extent permitted by law.\n" \ "You may redistribute copies of update-mime-database\n" \ "under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\n" \ "For more information about these matters, " \ "see the file named COPYING.\n") #define MIME_ERROR g_quark_from_static_string("mime-error-quark") #define NOGLOBS "__NOGLOBS__" #define NOMAGIC "__NOMAGIC__" #ifndef PATH_SEPARATOR # ifdef _WIN32 # define PATH_SEPARATOR ";" # else # define PATH_SEPARATOR ":" # endif #endif /* This is the list of directories to scan when finding old type files to * delete. It is also used to warn about invalid MIME types. */ const char *media_types[] = { "text", "application", "image", "audio", "inode", "video", "message", "model", "multipart", "x-content", "x-epoc", "x-scheme-handler", }; /* Represents a MIME type */ typedef struct _Type Type; /* A parsed element */ typedef struct _Magic Magic; /* A parsed element */ typedef struct _Match Match; /* A parsed element */ typedef struct _TreeMagic TreeMagic; /* A parsed element */ typedef struct _TreeMatch TreeMatch; /* A parsed element */ typedef struct _Glob Glob; struct _Type { char *media; char *subtype; /* Contains xmlNodes for elements that are being copied to the output. * That is, , and nodes, and anything * with an unknown namespace. */ xmlDoc *output; }; struct _Glob { int weight; char *pattern; Type *type; gboolean noglob; gboolean case_sensitive; }; struct _Magic { int priority; Type *type; GList *matches; gboolean nomagic; }; struct _Match { long range_start; int range_length; char word_size; int data_length; char *data; char *mask; GList *matches; }; struct _TreeMagic { int priority; Type *type; GList *matches; }; struct _TreeMatch { char *path; gboolean match_case; gboolean executable; gboolean non_empty; gint type; char *mimetype; GList *matches; }; /* Maps MIME type names to Types */ static GHashTable *types = NULL; /* Maps "namespaceURI localName" strings to Types */ static GHashTable *namespace_hash = NULL; /* Maps glob patterns to Types */ static GHashTable *globs_hash = NULL; /* 'magic' nodes */ static GPtrArray *magic_array = NULL; /* 'treemagic' nodes */ static GPtrArray *tree_magic_array = NULL; /* Maps MIME type names to superclass names */ static GHashTable *subclass_hash = NULL; /* Maps aliases to Types */ static GHashTable *alias_hash = NULL; /* Maps MIME type names to icon names */ static GHashTable *icon_hash = NULL; /* Maps MIME type names to icon names */ static GHashTable *generic_icon_hash = NULL; /* Lists enabled log levels */ static GLogLevelFlags enabled_log_levels = G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING; /* Static prototypes */ static Magic *magic_new(xmlNode *node, Type *type, GError **error); static Match *match_new(void); static TreeMagic *tree_magic_new(xmlNode *node, Type *type, GError **error); static void g_log_handler (const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *message, gpointer unused_data) { if (log_level & enabled_log_levels) { g_printf("%s\n", message); } } static void usage(const char *name) { g_fprintf(stderr, _("Usage: %s [-hvV] MIME-DIR\n"), name); } static void free_type(gpointer data) { Type *type = (Type *) data; g_free(type->media); g_free(type->subtype); xmlFreeDoc(type->output); g_free(type); } /* Ugly workaround to shut up gcc4 warnings about signedness issues * (xmlChar is typedef'ed to unsigned char) */ static char *my_xmlGetNsProp (xmlNodePtr node, const char *name, const xmlChar *namespace) { return (char *)xmlGetNsProp (node, (xmlChar *)name, namespace); } /* If we've seen this type before, return the existing object. * Otherwise, create a new one. Checks that the name looks sensible; * if not, sets error and returns NULL. * Also warns about unknown media types, but does not set error. */ static Type *get_type(const char *name, GError **error) { xmlNode *root; xmlNs *ns; const char *slash; Type *type; int i; slash = strchr(name, '/'); if (!slash || strchr(slash + 1, '/')) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Invalid MIME-type '%s'"), name); return NULL; } type = g_hash_table_lookup(types, name); if (type) return type; type = g_new(Type, 1); type->media = g_strndup(name, slash - name); type->subtype = g_strdup(slash + 1); g_hash_table_insert(types, g_strdup(name), type); type->output = xmlNewDoc((xmlChar *)"1.0"); root = xmlNewDocNode(type->output, NULL, (xmlChar *)"mime-type", NULL); ns = xmlNewNs(root, FREE_NS, NULL); xmlSetNs(root, ns); xmlDocSetRootElement(type->output, root); xmlSetNsProp(root, NULL, (xmlChar *)"type", (xmlChar *)name); xmlAddChild(root, xmlNewDocComment(type->output, (xmlChar *)"Created automatically by update-mime-database. DO NOT EDIT!")); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(media_types); i++) { if (strcmp(media_types[i], type->media) == 0) return type; } g_warning("Unknown media type in type '%s'", name); return type; } /* Test that this node has the expected name and namespace */ static gboolean match_node(xmlNode *node, const char *namespaceURI, const char *localName) { if (namespaceURI) return node->ns && strcmp((char *)node->ns->href, namespaceURI) == 0 && strcmp((char *)node->name, localName) == 0; else return strcmp((char *)node->name, localName) == 0 && !node->ns; } static int get_int_attribute(xmlNode *node, const char *name) { char *prio_string; int p; prio_string = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, name, NULL); if (prio_string) { char *end; p = strtol(prio_string, &end, 10); if (*prio_string == '\0' || *end != '\0') p = -1; xmlFree(prio_string); if (p < 0 || p > 100) return -1; return p; } else return 50; } /* Return the priority of a node. * Returns 50 if no priority is given, or -1 if a priority is given but * is invalid. */ static int get_priority(xmlNode *node) { return get_int_attribute (node, "priority"); } /* Return the weight a node. * Returns 50 if no weight is given, or -1 if a weight is given but * is invalid. */ static int get_weight(xmlNode *node) { return get_int_attribute (node, "weight"); } /* Return the value of a false/true attribute, which defaults to false. * Returns 0 or 1. */ static gboolean get_boolean_attribute(xmlNode *node, const char* name) { char *attr; attr = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, name, NULL); if (attr) { if (strcmp (attr, "true") == 0) { return TRUE; } xmlFree(attr); } return FALSE; } /* Process a element by adding a rule to namespace_hash */ static void add_namespace(Type *type, const char *namespaceURI, const char *localName, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail(type != NULL); if (!namespaceURI) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Missing 'namespaceURI' attribute'")); return; } if (!localName) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Missing 'localName' attribute'")); return; } if (!*namespaceURI && !*localName) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("namespaceURI and localName attributes can't " "both be empty")); return; } if (strpbrk(namespaceURI, " \n") || strpbrk(localName, " \n")) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("namespaceURI and localName cannot contain " "spaces or newlines")); return; } g_hash_table_insert(namespace_hash, g_strconcat(namespaceURI, " ", localName, NULL), type); } /* 'field' was found in the definition of 'type' and has the freedesktop.org * namespace. If it's a known field, process it and return TRUE, else * return FALSE to add it to the output XML document. * On error, returns FALSE and sets 'error'. */ static gboolean process_freedesktop_node(Type *type, xmlNode *field, GError **error) { gboolean copy_to_xml; copy_to_xml = FALSE; if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "glob") == 0) { gchar *pattern; gint weight; gboolean case_sensitive; weight = get_weight(field); case_sensitive = get_boolean_attribute(field, "case-sensitive"); if (weight == -1) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Bad weight (%d) in element"), weight); } pattern = my_xmlGetNsProp(field, "pattern", NULL); if (pattern && *pattern) { Glob *glob; GList *list = g_hash_table_lookup (globs_hash, pattern); glob = g_new0 (Glob, 1); glob->pattern = g_strdup (pattern); glob->type = type; glob->weight = weight; glob->case_sensitive = case_sensitive; list = g_list_append (list, glob); g_hash_table_insert(globs_hash, g_strdup (glob->pattern), list); xmlFree(pattern); copy_to_xml = TRUE; } else { if (pattern) xmlFree(pattern); g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Missing 'pattern' attribute in " "element")); } } else if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "glob-deleteall") == 0) { Glob *glob; GList *list = g_hash_table_lookup (globs_hash, NOGLOBS); glob = g_new0 (Glob, 1); glob->pattern = g_strdup (NOGLOBS); glob->type = type; glob->weight = 0; glob->noglob = TRUE; glob->case_sensitive = FALSE; list = g_list_append (list, glob); g_hash_table_insert(globs_hash, g_strdup (glob->pattern), list); copy_to_xml = TRUE; } else if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "magic") == 0) { Magic *magic; magic = magic_new(field, type, error); if (!*error) { g_return_val_if_fail(magic != NULL, FALSE); g_ptr_array_add(magic_array, magic); } else g_return_val_if_fail(magic == NULL, FALSE); } else if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "magic-deleteall") == 0) { Magic *magic; Match *match; magic = g_new0(Magic, 1); magic->priority = 0; magic->type = type; magic->nomagic = TRUE; match = match_new (); match->data = g_strdup (NOMAGIC); match->data_length = strlen (NOMAGIC); magic->matches = g_list_prepend (NULL, match); g_ptr_array_add(magic_array, magic); } else if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "treemagic") == 0) { TreeMagic *magic; magic = tree_magic_new(field, type, error); if (!*error) { g_return_val_if_fail(magic != NULL, FALSE); g_ptr_array_add(tree_magic_array, magic); } else g_return_val_if_fail(magic == NULL, FALSE); } else if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "comment") == 0 || strcmp((char *)field->name, "acronym") == 0 || strcmp((char *)field->name, "expanded-acronym") == 0) copy_to_xml = TRUE; else if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "alias") == 0 || strcmp((char *)field->name, "sub-class-of") == 0) { char *other_type; gboolean valid; GSList *list, *nlist; other_type = my_xmlGetNsProp(field, "type", NULL); valid = other_type && strchr(other_type, '/'); if (valid) { char *typename; typename = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", type->media, type->subtype); if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "alias") == 0) g_hash_table_insert(alias_hash, g_strdup(other_type), type); else { list = g_hash_table_lookup(subclass_hash, typename); nlist = g_slist_append (list, g_strdup(other_type)); if (list == NULL) g_hash_table_insert(subclass_hash, g_strdup(typename), nlist); } g_free(typename); xmlFree(other_type); copy_to_xml = TRUE; /* Copy through */ } else { xmlFree(other_type); g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Incorrect or missing 'type' attribute " "in <%s>"), field->name); } } else if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "root-XML") == 0) { char *namespaceURI, *localName; namespaceURI = my_xmlGetNsProp(field, "namespaceURI", NULL); localName = my_xmlGetNsProp(field, "localName", NULL); add_namespace(type, namespaceURI, localName, error); if (namespaceURI) xmlFree(namespaceURI); if (localName) xmlFree(localName); } else if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "generic-icon") == 0 || strcmp((char *)field->name, "icon") == 0) { char *icon; char *typename; icon = my_xmlGetNsProp(field, "name", NULL); if (icon) { typename = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", type->media, type->subtype); if (strcmp((char *)field->name, "icon") == 0) g_hash_table_insert(icon_hash, typename, g_strdup (icon)); else g_hash_table_insert(generic_icon_hash, typename, g_strdup (icon)); xmlFree (icon); copy_to_xml = TRUE; /* Copy through */ } } if (*error) return FALSE; return !copy_to_xml; } /* Checks to see if 'node' has the given value for xml:lang. * If 'lang' is NULL, checks that 'node' doesn't have an xml:lang. */ static gboolean has_lang(xmlNode *node, const char *lang) { char *lang2; lang2 = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "lang", XML_NS); if (!lang2) return !lang; if (lang && strcmp(lang, lang2) == 0) { xmlFree(lang2); return TRUE; } xmlFree(lang2); return FALSE; } /* We're about to add 'new' to the list of fields to be output for the * type. Remove any existing nodes which it replaces. */ static void remove_old(Type *type, xmlNode *new) { xmlNode *field, *fields; char *lang; if (new->ns == NULL || xmlStrcmp(new->ns->href, FREE_NS) != 0) return; /* No idea what we're doing -- leave it in! */ if (strcmp((char *)new->name, "comment") != 0) return; lang = my_xmlGetNsProp(new, "lang", XML_NS); fields = xmlDocGetRootElement(type->output); for (field = fields->xmlChildrenNode; field; field = field->next) { if (match_node(field, (char *)FREE_NS, "comment") && has_lang(field, lang)) { xmlUnlinkNode(field); xmlFreeNode(field); break; } } xmlFree(lang); } /* 'node' is a node from a source file, whose type is 'type'. * Process all the child elements, setting 'error' if anything goes wrong. */ static void load_type(Type *type, xmlNode *node, GError **error) { xmlNode *field; g_return_if_fail(type != NULL); g_return_if_fail(node != NULL); g_return_if_fail(error != NULL); for (field = node->xmlChildrenNode; field; field = field->next) { xmlNode *copy; if (field->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (field->ns && xmlStrcmp(field->ns->href, FREE_NS) == 0) { if (process_freedesktop_node(type, field, error)) { g_return_if_fail(*error == NULL); continue; } } if (*error) return; copy = xmlDocCopyNode(field, type->output, 1); /* Ugly hack to stop the xmlns= attributes appearing on * every node... */ if (copy->ns && copy->ns->prefix == NULL && xmlStrcmp(copy->ns->href, FREE_NS) == 0) { if (copy->nsDef) { /* Still used somewhere... */ /* xmlFreeNsList(copy->nsDef); */ /* (this leaks) */ copy->nsDef = NULL; } } remove_old(type, field); xmlAddChild(xmlDocGetRootElement(type->output), copy); } } /* Parse 'filename' as an XML file and add all the information to the * database. If called more than once, information read in later calls * overrides information read previously. */ static void load_source_file(const char *filename) { xmlDoc *doc; xmlNode *root, *node; doc = xmlParseFile(filename); if (!doc) { g_warning(_("Failed to parse '%s'"), filename); return; } root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (root->ns == NULL || xmlStrcmp(root->ns->href, FREE_NS) != 0) { g_warning("Wrong namespace on document element in '%s' (should be %s)", filename, FREE_NS); goto out; } if (strcmp((char *)root->name, "mime-info") != 0) { g_warning("Root element <%s> is not (in '%s')", root->name, filename); goto out; } for (node = root->xmlChildrenNode; node; node = node->next) { Type *type = NULL; char *type_name = NULL; GError *error = NULL; if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (!match_node(node, (char *)FREE_NS, "mime-type")) g_set_error(&error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Excepted , but got wrong name " "or namespace")); if (!error) { type_name = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "type", NULL); if (!type_name) g_set_error(&error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _(" element has no 'type' " "attribute")); } if (type_name) { type = get_type(type_name, &error); xmlFree(type_name); } if (!error) { g_return_if_fail(type != NULL); load_type(type, node, &error); } else g_return_if_fail(type == NULL); if (error) { g_warning("Error in type '%s/%s' (in %s): %s.", type ? type->media : _("unknown"), type ? type->subtype : _("unknown"), filename, error->message); g_error_free(error); } } out: xmlFreeDoc(doc); } /* Used as the sort function for sorting GPtrArrays */ static gint strcmp2(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const char *aa = *(char **) a; const char *bb = *(char **) b; return strcmp(aa, bb); } /* 'path' should be a 'packages' directory. Loads the information from * every file in the directory. */ static void scan_source_dir(const char *path) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; char *filename; GPtrArray *files; int i; gboolean have_override = FALSE; dir = opendir(path); if (!dir) { perror("scan_source_dir"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } files = g_ptr_array_new(); while ((ent = readdir(dir))) { int l; l = strlen(ent->d_name); if (l < 4 || strcmp(ent->d_name + l - 4, ".xml") != 0) continue; if (strcmp(ent->d_name, "Override.xml") == 0) { have_override = TRUE; continue; } g_ptr_array_add(files, g_strdup(ent->d_name)); } closedir(dir); g_ptr_array_sort(files, strcmp2); if (have_override) g_ptr_array_add(files, g_strdup("Override.xml")); for (i = 0; i < files->len; i++) { gchar *leaf = (gchar *) files->pdata[i]; filename = g_strconcat(path, "/", leaf, NULL); load_source_file(filename); g_free(filename); } for (i = 0; i < files->len; i++) g_free(files->pdata[i]); g_ptr_array_free(files, TRUE); } /* Save doc as XML as filename, 0 on success or -1 on failure */ static int save_xml_file(xmlDocPtr doc, const gchar *filename) { #if LIBXML_VERSION > 20400 if (xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(filename, doc, "utf-8", 1) < 0) return 1; #else FILE *out; out = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!out) return 1; xmlDocDump(out, doc); /* Some versions return void */ if (fclose(out)) return 1; #endif return 0; } /* Write out globs for one pattern to the 'globs' file */ static void write_out_glob(GList *globs, FILE *stream) { GList *list; Glob *glob; Type *type; for (list = globs; list; list = list->next) { glob = (Glob *)list->data; type = glob->type; if (strchr(glob->pattern, '\n')) g_warning("Glob patterns can't contain literal newlines " "(%s in type %s/%s)", glob->pattern, type->media, type->subtype); else g_fprintf(stream, "%s/%s:%s\n", type->media, type->subtype, glob->pattern); } } /* Write out globs and weights for one pattern to the 'globs2' file */ static void write_out_glob2(GList *globs, FILE *stream) { GList *list; Glob *glob; Type *type; gboolean need_flags; for (list = globs ; list; list = list->next) { glob = (Glob *)list->data; type = glob->type; if (strchr(glob->pattern, '\n')) g_warning("Glob patterns can't contain literal newlines " "(%s in type %s/%s)", glob->pattern, type->media, type->subtype); else { need_flags = FALSE; if (glob->case_sensitive) need_flags = TRUE; if (need_flags) { g_fprintf(stream, "%d:%s/%s:%s%s\n", glob->weight, type->media, type->subtype, glob->pattern, glob->case_sensitive ? ":cs" : ""); } /* Always write the line without the flags, for older parsers */ g_fprintf(stream, "%d:%s/%s:%s\n", glob->weight, type->media, type->subtype, glob->pattern); } } } static void collect_glob2(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { GList **listp = data; *listp = g_list_concat (*listp, g_list_copy ((GList *)value)); } static int compare_glob_by_weight (gpointer a, gpointer b) { Glob *ag = (Glob *)a; Glob *bg = (Glob *)b; if (ag->noglob || bg->noglob) return bg->noglob - ag->noglob; return bg->weight - ag->weight; } /* Renames pathname by removing the .new extension */ static void atomic_update(const gchar *pathname) { gchar *new_name; int len; len = strlen(pathname); g_return_if_fail(strcmp(pathname + len - 4, ".new") == 0); new_name = g_strndup(pathname, len - 4); #ifdef _WIN32 /* we need to remove the old file first! */ remove(new_name); #endif if (rename(pathname, new_name)) g_warning("Failed to rename %s as %s , errno: %d", pathname, new_name, errno); g_free(new_name); } /* Write out an XML file for one type */ static void write_out_type(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { Type *type = (Type *) value; const char *mime_dir = (char *) data; char *media, *filename; media = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/", type->media, NULL); #ifdef _WIN32 mkdir(media); #else mkdir(media, 0755); #endif filename = g_strconcat(media, "/", type->subtype, ".xml.new", NULL); g_free(media); media = NULL; if (save_xml_file(type->output, filename) != 0) g_warning("Failed to write out '%s'", filename); atomic_update(filename); g_free(filename); } /* Comparison function to get the magic rules in priority order */ static gint cmp_magic(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { Magic *aa = *(Magic **) a; Magic *bb = *(Magic **) b; int retval; /* Sort nomagic items at start */ if (aa->nomagic || bb->nomagic) return bb->nomagic - aa->nomagic; if (aa->priority > bb->priority) return -1; else if (aa->priority < bb->priority) return 1; retval = strcmp(aa->type->media, bb->type->media); if (!retval) retval = strcmp(aa->type->subtype, bb->type->subtype); return retval; } /* Comparison function to get the tree magic rules in priority order */ static gint cmp_tree_magic(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { TreeMagic *aa = *(TreeMagic **) a; TreeMagic *bb = *(TreeMagic **) b; int retval; if (aa->priority > bb->priority) return -1; else if (aa->priority < bb->priority) return 1; retval = strcmp(aa->type->media, bb->type->media); if (!retval) retval = strcmp(aa->type->subtype, bb->type->subtype); return retval; } /* Write out 'n' as a two-byte big-endian number to 'stream' */ static void write16(FILE *stream, guint32 n) { guint16 big = GUINT16_TO_BE(n); g_return_if_fail(n <= 0xffff); fwrite(&big, sizeof(big), 1, stream); } /* Single hex char to int; -1 if not a hex char. * From file(1). */ static int hextoint(int c) { if (!isascii((unsigned char) c)) return -1; if (isdigit((unsigned char) c)) return c - '0'; if ((c >= 'a')&&(c <= 'f')) return c + 10 - 'a'; if (( c>= 'A')&&(c <= 'F')) return c + 10 - 'A'; return -1; } /* * Convert a string containing C character escapes. Stop at an unescaped * space or tab. * Copy the converted version to "p", returning its length in *slen. * Return updated scan pointer as function result. * Stolen from file(1) and heavily modified. */ static void getstr(const char *s, GString *out) { int c; int val; while ((c = *s++) != '\0') { if(c == '\\') { switch(c = *s++) { case '\0': return; default: g_string_append_c(out, (char) c); break; case 'n': g_string_append_c(out, '\n'); break; case 'r': g_string_append_c(out, '\r'); break; case 'b': g_string_append_c(out, '\b'); break; case 't': g_string_append_c(out, '\t'); break; case 'f': g_string_append_c(out, '\f'); break; case 'v': g_string_append_c(out, '\v'); break; /* \ and up to 3 octal digits */ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': val = c - '0'; c = *s++; /* try for 2 */ if(c >= '0' && c <= '7') { val = (val<<3) | (c - '0'); c = *s++; /* try for 3 */ if(c >= '0' && c <= '7') val = (val<<3) | (c-'0'); else --s; } else --s; g_string_append_c(out, (char)val); break; /* \x and up to 2 hex digits */ case 'x': val = 'x'; /* Default if no digits */ c = hextoint(*s++); /* Get next char */ if (c >= 0) { val = c; c = hextoint(*s++); if (c >= 0) val = (val << 4) + c; else --s; } else --s; g_string_append_c(out, (char)val); break; } } else g_string_append_c(out, (char)c); } } /* Parse the value and mask attributes of a element with a * numerical type (anything except "string"). */ static void parse_int_value(int bytes, const char *in, const char *in_mask, GString *parsed_value, char **parsed_mask, gboolean big_endian, GError **error) { char *end; char *out_mask = NULL; unsigned long value; int b; value = strtoul(in, &end, 0); if (errno == ERANGE) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Number out-of-range (%s should fit in %d bytes)", in, bytes); return; } if (*end != '\0') { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Value is not a number"); return; } for (b = 0; b < bytes; b++) { int shift = (big_endian ? (bytes - b - 1) : b) * 8; g_string_append_c(parsed_value, (value >> shift) & 0xff); } if ((bytes == 1 && (value & ~0xff)) || (bytes == 2 && (value & ~0xffff))) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Number out-of-range (%lx should fit in %d bytes)", value, bytes); return; } if (in_mask) { int b; unsigned long mask; mask = strtoul(in_mask, &end, 0); if (errno == ERANGE) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Mask out-of-range (%s should fit in %d bytes)", in_mask, bytes); return; } if (*end != '\0') { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Mask is not a number"); return; } out_mask = g_new(char, bytes); for (b = 0; b < bytes; b++) { int shift = (big_endian ? (bytes - b - 1) : b) * 8; out_mask[b] = (mask >> shift) & 0xff; } } *parsed_mask = out_mask; } /* 'len' is the length of the value. The mask created will be the same * length. */ static char *parse_string_mask(const char *mask, int len, GError **error) { int i; char *parsed_mask = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail(mask != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(len > 0, NULL); if (mask[0] != '0' || mask[1] != 'x') { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "String masks must be in base 16 (starting with 0x)"); goto err; } mask += 2; parsed_mask = g_new0(char, len); i = 0; /* Nybble to write to next */ while (mask[i]) { int c; c = hextoint(mask[i]); if (c == -1) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "'%c' is not a valid hex digit", mask[i]); goto err; } if (i >= len * 2) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Mask is longer than value"); goto err; } if (i & 1) parsed_mask[i >> 1] |= c; else parsed_mask[i >> 1] |= c << 4; i++; } return parsed_mask; err: g_return_val_if_fail(error == NULL || *error != NULL, NULL); g_free(parsed_mask); return NULL; } /* Parse the value and mask attributes for a element */ static void parse_value(const char *type, const char *in, const char *in_mask, GString *parsed_value, char **parsed_mask, GError **error) { *parsed_mask = NULL; if (in == NULL || !in[0]) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "No value specified"); return; } if (strstr(type, "16")) parse_int_value(2, in, in_mask, parsed_value, parsed_mask, type[0] != 'l', error); else if (strstr(type, "32")) parse_int_value(4, in, in_mask, parsed_value, parsed_mask, type[0] != 'l', error); else if (strcmp(type, "byte") == 0) parse_int_value(1, in, in_mask, parsed_value, parsed_mask, FALSE, error); else if (strcmp(type, "string") == 0) { getstr(in, parsed_value); if (in_mask) *parsed_mask = parse_string_mask(in_mask, parsed_value->len, error); } else g_assert_not_reached(); } static Match *match_new(void) { Match *match; match = g_new(Match, 1); match->range_start = 0; match->range_length = 1; match->word_size = 1; match->data_length = 0; match->data = NULL; match->mask = NULL; match->matches = NULL; return match; } static void match_free(Match *match) { GList *next; g_return_if_fail(match != NULL); for (next = match->matches; next; next = next->next) match_free((Match *) next->data); g_list_free(match->matches); g_free(match->data); g_free(match->mask); g_free(match); } /* Sets match->range_start and match->range_length */ static void match_offset(Match *match, xmlNode *node, GError **error) { char *offset = NULL; char *end; offset = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "offset", NULL); if (offset == NULL || !*offset) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Missing 'offset' attribute"); goto err; } match->range_start = strtol(offset, &end, 10); if (errno == ERANGE) { char *number; number = g_strndup(offset, end-offset); g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Number out-of-range (%s should fit in 4 bytes)", number); g_free(number); return; } if (*end == ':' && end[1] && match->range_start >= 0) { int last; char *begin; begin = end + 1; last = strtol(begin, &end, 10); if (errno == ERANGE) { char *number; number = g_strndup(begin, end-begin); g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Number out-of-range (%s should fit in 8 bytes)", number); g_free(number); return; } if (*end == '\0' && last >= match->range_start) match->range_length = last - match->range_start + 1; else g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Invalid offset"); } else if (*end != '\0') g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Invalid offset"); err: xmlFree(offset); } /* Sets match->data, match->data_length and match->mask */ static void match_value_and_mask(Match *match, xmlNode *node, GError **error) { char *mask = NULL; char *value = NULL; char *type = NULL; char *parsed_mask = NULL; GString *parsed_value; type = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "type", NULL); g_return_if_fail(type != NULL); mask = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "mask", NULL); value = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "value", NULL); parsed_value = g_string_new(NULL); parse_value(type, value, mask, parsed_value, &parsed_mask, error); if (*error) { g_string_free(parsed_value, TRUE); g_return_if_fail(parsed_mask == NULL); } else { match->data = parsed_value->str; match->data_length = parsed_value->len; match->mask = parsed_mask; g_string_free(parsed_value, FALSE); } if (mask) xmlFree(mask); if (value) xmlFree(value); xmlFree(type); } /* Sets match->word_size */ static void match_word_size(Match *match, xmlNode *node, GError **error) { char *type; type = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "type", NULL); if (!type) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Missing 'type' attribute in ")); return; } if (strcmp(type, "host16") == 0) match->word_size = 2; else if (strcmp(type, "host32") == 0) match->word_size = 4; else if (!*error && strcmp(type, "big16") && strcmp(type, "big32") && strcmp(type, "little16") && strcmp(type, "little32") && strcmp(type, "string") && strcmp(type, "byte")) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, "Unknown magic type '%s'", type); } xmlFree(type); } /* Turn the list of child nodes of 'parent' into a list of Matches */ static GList *build_matches(xmlNode *parent, GError **error) { xmlNode *node; GList *out = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail(error != NULL, NULL); for (node = parent->xmlChildrenNode; node; node = node->next) { Match *match; if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (node->ns == NULL || xmlStrcmp(node->ns->href, FREE_NS) != 0) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Element found with non-freedesktop.org " "namespace")); break; } if (strcmp((char *)node->name, "match") != 0) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Expected element, but found " "<%s> instead"), node->name); break; } match = match_new(); match_offset(match, node, error); if (!*error) match_word_size(match, node, error); if (!*error) match_value_and_mask(match, node, error); if (*error) { match_free(match); break; } out = g_list_append(out, match); match->matches = build_matches(node, error); if (*error) break; } return out; } static void magic_free(Magic *magic) { GList *next; g_return_if_fail(magic != NULL); for (next = magic->matches; next; next = next->next) match_free((Match *) next->data); g_list_free(magic->matches); g_free(magic); } /* Create a new Magic object by parsing 'node' (a element) */ static Magic *magic_new(xmlNode *node, Type *type, GError **error) { Magic *magic = NULL; int prio; g_return_val_if_fail(node != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(type != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(error != NULL, NULL); prio = get_priority(node); if (prio == -1) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Bad priority (%d) in element"), prio); } else { magic = g_new0(Magic, 1); magic->priority = prio; magic->type = type; magic->matches = build_matches(node, error); if (*error) { gchar *old = (*error)->message; magic_free(magic); magic = NULL; (*error)->message = g_strconcat( _("Error in element: "), old, NULL); g_free(old); } else if (magic->matches == NULL) { magic_free(magic); magic = NULL; g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Incomplete element")); } } return magic; } static TreeMatch *tree_match_new(void) { TreeMatch *match; match = g_new(TreeMatch, 1); match->path = NULL; match->match_case = 0; match->executable = 0; match->non_empty = 0; match->type = 0; match->mimetype = NULL; match->matches = NULL; return match; } static void tree_match_free(TreeMatch *match) { GList *next; g_return_if_fail(match != NULL); for (next = match->matches; next; next = next->next) tree_match_free((TreeMatch *) next->data); g_list_free(match->matches); g_free(match->path); g_free(match->mimetype); g_free(match); } /* Turn the list of child nodes of 'parent' into a list of TreeMatches */ static GList *build_tree_matches(xmlNode *parent, GError **error) { xmlNode *node; GList *out = NULL; char *attr; g_return_val_if_fail(error != NULL, NULL); for (node = parent->xmlChildrenNode; node; node = node->next) { TreeMatch *match; if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (node->ns == NULL || xmlStrcmp(node->ns->href, FREE_NS) != 0) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Element found with non-freedesktop.org " "namespace")); break; } if (strcmp((char *)node->name, "treematch") != 0) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Expected element, but found " "<%s> instead"), node->name); break; } match = tree_match_new(); attr = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "path", NULL); if (attr) { match->path = g_strdup (attr); xmlFree (attr); } else { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Missing 'path' attribute in ")); } if (!*error) { attr = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "type", NULL); if (attr) { if (strcmp (attr, "file") == 0) { match->type = 1; } else if (strcmp (attr, "directory") == 0) { match->type = 2; } else if (strcmp (attr, "link") == 0) { match->type = 3; } else { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Invalid 'type' attribute in ")); } xmlFree(attr); } } if (!*error) { attr = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "executable", NULL); if (attr) { if (strcmp (attr, "true") == 0) { match->executable = 1; } xmlFree(attr); } } if (!*error) { attr = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "match-case", NULL); if (attr) { if (strcmp (attr, "true") == 0) { match->match_case = 1; } xmlFree(attr); } } if (!*error) { attr = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "non-empty", NULL); if (attr) { if (strcmp (attr, "true") == 0) { match->non_empty = 1; } xmlFree(attr); } } if (!*error) { attr = my_xmlGetNsProp(node, "mimetype", NULL); if (attr) { match->mimetype = g_strdup (attr); xmlFree(attr); } } if (*error) { tree_match_free(match); break; } out = g_list_append(out, match); match->matches = build_tree_matches(node, error); if (*error) break; } return out; } static void tree_magic_free(TreeMagic *magic) { GList *next; g_return_if_fail(magic != NULL); for (next = magic->matches; next; next = next->next) tree_match_free((TreeMatch *) next->data); g_list_free(magic->matches); g_free(magic); } /* Create a new TreeMagic object by parsing 'node' (a element) */ static TreeMagic *tree_magic_new(xmlNode *node, Type *type, GError **error) { TreeMagic *magic = NULL; int prio; g_return_val_if_fail(node != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(type != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(error != NULL, NULL); prio = get_priority(node); if (prio == -1) { g_set_error(error, MIME_ERROR, 0, _("Bad priority (%d) in element"), prio); } else { magic = g_new(TreeMagic, 1); magic->priority = prio; magic->type = type; magic->matches = build_tree_matches(node, error); if (*error) { gchar *old = (*error)->message; tree_magic_free(magic); magic = NULL; (*error)->message = g_strconcat( _("Error in element: "), old, NULL); g_free(old); } } return magic; } /* Write a list of Match elements (and their children) to the 'magic' file */ static void write_magic_children(FILE *stream, GList *matches, int indent) { GList *next; for (next = matches; next; next = next->next) { Match *match = (Match *) next->data; if (indent) g_fprintf(stream, "%d>%ld=", indent, match->range_start); else g_fprintf(stream, ">%ld=", match->range_start); write16(stream, match->data_length); fwrite(match->data, match->data_length, 1, stream); if (match->mask) { fputc('&', stream); fwrite(match->mask, match->data_length, 1, stream); } if (match->word_size != 1) g_fprintf(stream, "~%d", match->word_size); if (match->range_length != 1) g_fprintf(stream, "+%d", match->range_length); fputc('\n', stream); write_magic_children(stream, match->matches, indent + 1); } } /* Write a whole Magic element to the 'magic' file */ static void write_magic(FILE *stream, Magic *magic) { g_fprintf(stream, "[%d:%s/%s]\n", magic->priority, magic->type->media, magic->type->subtype); write_magic_children(stream, magic->matches, 0); } /* Write a list of TreeMatch elements (and their children) to the 'treemagic' file */ static void write_tree_magic_children(FILE *stream, GList *matches, int indent) { GList *next; for (next = matches; next; next = next->next) { TreeMatch *match = (TreeMatch *) next->data; if (indent) g_fprintf(stream, "%d>\"%s\"=", indent, match->path); else g_fprintf(stream, ">\"%s\"=", match->path); switch (match->type) { default: case 0: fputs("any", stream); break; case 1: fputs("file", stream); break; case 2: fputs("directory", stream); break; case 3: fputs("link", stream); break; } if (match->match_case) fputs (",match-case", stream); if (match->executable) fputs (",executable", stream); if (match->non_empty) fputs (",non-empty", stream); if (match->mimetype) g_fprintf (stream, ",%s", match->mimetype); fputc('\n', stream); write_tree_magic_children(stream, match->matches, indent + 1); } } /* Write a whole TreeMagic element to the 'treemagic' file */ static void write_tree_magic(FILE *stream, TreeMagic *magic) { g_fprintf(stream, "[%d:%s/%s]\n", magic->priority, magic->type->media, magic->type->subtype); write_tree_magic_children(stream, magic->matches, 0); } /* Check each of the directories with generated XML files, looking for types * which we didn't get on this scan, and delete them. */ static void delete_old_types(const gchar *mime_dir) { int i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(media_types); i++) { gchar *media_dir; DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; media_dir = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/", media_types[i], NULL); dir = opendir(media_dir); g_free(media_dir); if (!dir) continue; while ((ent = readdir(dir))) { char *type_name; int l; l = strlen(ent->d_name); if (l < 4 || strcmp(ent->d_name + l - 4, ".xml") != 0) continue; type_name = g_strconcat(media_types[i], "/", ent->d_name, NULL); type_name[strlen(type_name) - 4] = '\0'; if (!g_hash_table_lookup(types, type_name)) { char *path; path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/", type_name, ".xml", NULL); #if 0 g_warning("Removing old info for type %s", path); #endif unlink(path); g_free(path); } g_free(type_name); } closedir(dir); } } /* Extract one entry from namespace_hash and put it in the GPtrArray so * we can sort it. */ static void add_ns(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { GPtrArray *lines = (GPtrArray *) data; const gchar *ns = (gchar *) key; Type *type = (Type *) value; g_ptr_array_add(lines, g_strconcat(ns, " ", type->media, "/", type->subtype, "\n", NULL)); } /* Write all the collected namespace rules to 'XMLnamespaces' */ static void write_namespaces(FILE *stream) { GPtrArray *lines; int i; lines = g_ptr_array_new(); g_hash_table_foreach(namespace_hash, add_ns, lines); g_ptr_array_sort(lines, strcmp2); for (i = 0; i < lines->len; i++) { char *line = (char *) lines->pdata[i]; fwrite(line, 1, strlen(line), stream); g_free(line); } g_ptr_array_free(lines, TRUE); } static void write_subclass(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { GSList *list = value; FILE *stream = data; GSList *l; char *line; for (l = list; l; l = l->next) { line = g_strconcat (key, " ", l->data, "\n", NULL); fwrite(line, 1, strlen(line), stream); g_free (line); } } /* Write all the collected subclass information to 'subclasses' */ static void write_subclasses(FILE *stream) { g_hash_table_foreach(subclass_hash, write_subclass, stream); } /* Extract one entry from alias_hash and put it in the GPtrArray so * we can sort it. */ static void add_alias(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { GPtrArray *lines = (GPtrArray *) data; const gchar *alias = (gchar *) key; Type *type = (Type *) value; g_ptr_array_add(lines, g_strconcat(alias, " ", type->media, "/", type->subtype, "\n", NULL)); } /* Write all the collected aliases */ static void write_aliases(FILE *stream) { GPtrArray *lines; int i; lines = g_ptr_array_new(); g_hash_table_foreach(alias_hash, add_alias, lines); g_ptr_array_sort(lines, strcmp2); for (i = 0; i < lines->len; i++) { char *line = (char *) lines->pdata[i]; fwrite(line, 1, strlen(line), stream); g_free(line); } g_ptr_array_free(lines, TRUE); } static void add_type(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { GPtrArray *lines = (GPtrArray *) data; g_ptr_array_add(lines, g_strconcat((char *)key, "\n", NULL)); } /* Write all the collected types */ static void write_types(FILE *stream) { GPtrArray *lines; int i; lines = g_ptr_array_new(); g_hash_table_foreach(types, add_type, lines); g_ptr_array_sort(lines, strcmp2); for (i = 0; i < lines->len; i++) { char *line = (char *) lines->pdata[i]; fwrite(line, 1, strlen(line), stream); g_free(line); } g_ptr_array_free(lines, TRUE); } static void write_one_icon(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { char *mimetype = (char *)key; char *iconname = (char *)value; FILE *stream = (FILE *)data; char *line; line = g_strconcat (mimetype, ":", iconname, "\n", NULL); fwrite(line, 1, strlen(line), stream); g_free (line); } static void write_icons(GHashTable *icons, FILE *stream) { g_hash_table_foreach(icons, write_one_icon, stream); } /* Issue a warning if 'path' won't be found by applications */ static void check_in_path_xdg_data(const char *mime_path) { struct stat path_info, dir_info; const char *env; char **dirs; char *path; int i, n; path = g_path_get_dirname(mime_path); if (stat(path, &path_info)) { g_warning("Can't stat '%s' directory: %s", path, g_strerror(errno)); goto out; } env = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); if (!env) env = "/usr/local/share/"PATH_SEPARATOR"/usr/share/"; dirs = g_strsplit(env, PATH_SEPARATOR, 0); g_return_if_fail(dirs != NULL); for (n = 0; dirs[n]; n++) ; env = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); if (env) dirs[n] = g_strdup(env); else dirs[n] = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".local", "share", NULL); n++; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (stat(dirs[i], &dir_info) == 0 && dir_info.st_ino == path_info.st_ino && dir_info.st_dev == path_info.st_dev) break; } if (i == n) { g_printerr(_("\nNote that '%s' is not in the search path\n" "set by the XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_DATA_DIRS\n" "environment variables, so applications may not\n" "be able to find it until you set them. The\n" "directories currently searched are:\n\n"), path); g_printerr("- %s\n", dirs[n - 1]); for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) g_printerr("- %s\n", dirs[i]); g_printerr("\n"); } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) g_free(dirs[i]); g_free(dirs); out: g_free(path); } static void free_string_list(gpointer data) { GSList *list = data; g_slist_foreach(list, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(list); } #define ALIGN_VALUE(this, boundary) \ (( ((unsigned long)(this)) + (((unsigned long)(boundary)) -1)) & (~(((unsigned long)(boundary))-1))) static gint write_data (FILE *cache, const gchar *n, gint len) { gchar *s; int i, l; l = ALIGN_VALUE (len, 4); s = g_malloc0 (l); memcpy (s, n, len); i = fwrite (s, l, 1, cache); return i == 1; } static gint write_string (FILE *cache, const gchar *n) { return write_data (cache, n, strlen (n) + 1); } static gboolean write_card16 (FILE *cache, guint16 n) { int i; n = GUINT16_TO_BE (n); i = fwrite ((char *)&n, 2, 1, cache); return i == 1; } static gboolean write_card32 (FILE *cache, guint32 n) { int i; n = GUINT32_TO_BE (n); i = fwrite ((char *)&n, 4, 1, cache); return i == 1; } #define MAJOR_VERSION 1 #define MINOR_VERSION 2 static gboolean write_header (FILE *cache, gint alias_offset, gint parent_offset, gint literal_offset, gint suffix_offset, gint glob_offset, gint magic_offset, gint namespace_offset, gint icons_list_offset, gint generic_icons_list_offset, gint type_offset, guint *offset) { *offset = 44; return (write_card16 (cache, MAJOR_VERSION) && write_card16 (cache, MINOR_VERSION) && write_card32 (cache, alias_offset) && write_card32 (cache, parent_offset) && write_card32 (cache, literal_offset) && write_card32 (cache, suffix_offset) && write_card32 (cache, glob_offset) && write_card32 (cache, magic_offset) && write_card32 (cache, namespace_offset) && write_card32 (cache, icons_list_offset) && write_card32 (cache, generic_icons_list_offset) && write_card32 (cache, type_offset)); } typedef gboolean (FilterFunc) (gpointer key); typedef gchar ** (GetValueFunc) (gpointer data, gchar *key); typedef struct { FILE *cache; GHashTable *pool; guint offset; GetValueFunc *get_value; gpointer data; gboolean weighted; gboolean error; } MapData; static void write_map_entry (gpointer key, gpointer data) { MapData *map_data = (MapData *)data; gchar **values; guint offset, i; guint weight; values = (* map_data->get_value) (map_data->data, key); for (i = 0; values[i]; i++) { if (map_data->weighted && (i % 3 == 2)) { weight = atoi (values[i]); if (!write_card32 (map_data->cache, weight)) map_data->error = TRUE; map_data->offset += 4; } else { offset = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_hash_table_lookup (map_data->pool, values[i])); if (offset == 0) { g_warning ("Missing string: '%s'", values[i]); map_data->error = TRUE; } if (!write_card32 (map_data->cache, offset)) map_data->error = TRUE; map_data->offset += 4; } } g_strfreev (values); } typedef struct { FilterFunc *filter; GPtrArray *keys; } FilterData; static void add_key (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { FilterData *filter_data = (FilterData *)data; if (!filter_data->filter || (* filter_data->filter) (key)) g_ptr_array_add (filter_data->keys, key); } static gboolean write_map (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, GHashTable *map, FilterFunc *filter, GetValueFunc *get_value, gboolean weighted, guint *offset) { GPtrArray *keys; MapData map_data; FilterData filter_data; keys = g_ptr_array_new (); filter_data.keys = keys; filter_data.filter = filter; g_hash_table_foreach (map, add_key, &filter_data); g_ptr_array_sort (keys, strcmp2); if (!write_card32 (cache, keys->len)) return FALSE; map_data.cache = cache; map_data.pool = strings; map_data.get_value = get_value; map_data.data = map; map_data.weighted = weighted; map_data.offset = *offset + 4; map_data.error = FALSE; g_ptr_array_foreach (keys, write_map_entry, &map_data); *offset = map_data.offset; return !map_data.error; } static gchar ** get_type_value (gpointer data, gchar *key) { Type *type; gchar **result; type = (Type *)g_hash_table_lookup ((GHashTable *)data, key); result = g_new0 (gchar *, 3); result[0] = g_strdup (key); result[1] = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", type->media, type->subtype); return result; } static guint32 get_glob_weight_and_flags (Glob *glob) { guint32 res; res = glob->weight & 0xff; if (glob->case_sensitive) res |= 0x100; return res; } static gchar ** get_glob_list_value (gpointer data, gchar *key) { GList *list; Glob *glob; Type *type; gchar **result; gint i; list = (GList *)g_hash_table_lookup ((GHashTable *)data, key); result = g_new0 (gchar *, 1 + 3 * g_list_length (list)); i = 0; for (; list; list = list->next) { glob = (Glob *)list->data; type = glob->type; result[i++] = g_strdup (glob->pattern); result[i++] = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", type->media, type->subtype); result[i++] = g_strdup_printf ("%ud", get_glob_weight_and_flags (glob)); } return result; } static gboolean write_alias_cache (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, guint *offset) { return write_map (cache, strings, alias_hash, NULL, get_type_value, FALSE, offset); } static void write_parent_entry (gpointer key, gpointer data) { gchar *mimetype = (gchar *)key; MapData *map_data = (MapData *)data; guint parents_offset, offset; GList *parents; parents = (GList *)g_hash_table_lookup (subclass_hash, mimetype); offset = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_hash_table_lookup (map_data->pool, mimetype)); if (offset == 0) { g_warning ("Missing string: '%s'", (gchar *)key); map_data->error = TRUE; } parents_offset = map_data->offset; map_data->offset += 4 + 4 * g_list_length (parents); if (!write_card32 (map_data->cache, offset) || !write_card32 (map_data->cache, parents_offset)) map_data->error = TRUE; } static void write_parent_list (gpointer key, gpointer data) { gchar *mimetype = (gchar *)key; MapData *map_data = (MapData *)data; guint offset; GList *parents, *p; parents = (GList *)g_hash_table_lookup (subclass_hash, mimetype); if (!write_card32 (map_data->cache, g_list_length (parents))) map_data->error = TRUE; for (p = parents; p; p = p->next) { gchar *parent = (gchar *)p->data; offset = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_hash_table_lookup (map_data->pool, parent)); if (offset == 0) { g_warning ("Missing string: '%s'", parent); map_data->error = TRUE; } if (!write_card32 (map_data->cache, offset)) map_data->error = TRUE; } map_data->offset += 4 + 4 * g_list_length (parents); } static gboolean write_parent_cache (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, guint *offset) { GPtrArray *keys; MapData map_data; FilterData filter_data; keys = g_ptr_array_new (); filter_data.keys = keys; filter_data.filter = NULL; g_hash_table_foreach (subclass_hash, add_key, &filter_data); g_ptr_array_sort (keys, strcmp2); if (!write_card32 (cache, keys->len)) return FALSE; map_data.cache = cache; map_data.pool = strings; map_data.offset = *offset + 4 + keys->len * 8; map_data.error = FALSE; g_ptr_array_foreach (keys, write_parent_entry, &map_data); map_data.offset = *offset + 4 + keys->len * 8; g_ptr_array_foreach (keys, write_parent_list, &map_data); *offset = map_data.offset; return !map_data.error; } typedef enum { GLOB_LITERAL, GLOB_SIMPLE, GLOB_FULL } GlobType; static GlobType glob_type (gchar *glob) { gchar *ptr; gboolean maybe_in_simple_glob = FALSE; gboolean first_char = TRUE; ptr = glob; while (*ptr != '\0') { if (*ptr == '*' && first_char) maybe_in_simple_glob = TRUE; else if (*ptr == '\\' || *ptr == '[' || *ptr == '?' || *ptr == '*') return GLOB_FULL; first_char = FALSE; ptr = g_utf8_next_char (ptr); } if (maybe_in_simple_glob) return GLOB_SIMPLE; return GLOB_LITERAL; } static gboolean is_literal_glob (gpointer key) { return glob_type ((gchar *)key) == GLOB_LITERAL; } static gboolean is_simple_glob (gpointer key) { return glob_type ((gchar *)key) == GLOB_SIMPLE; } static gboolean is_full_glob (gpointer key) { return glob_type ((gchar *)key) == GLOB_FULL; } static gboolean write_literal_cache (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, guint *offset) { return write_map (cache, strings, globs_hash, is_literal_glob, get_glob_list_value, TRUE, offset); } static gboolean write_glob_cache (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, guint *offset) { return write_map (cache, strings, globs_hash, is_full_glob, get_glob_list_value, TRUE, offset); } typedef struct _SuffixEntry SuffixEntry; struct _SuffixEntry { gunichar character; gchar *mimetype; gint weight; guint32 flags; GList *children; guint size; guint depth; }; static GList * insert_suffix (gunichar *suffix, gchar *mimetype, gint weight, guint32 flags, GList *suffixes) { GList *l; SuffixEntry *s = NULL; for (l = suffixes; l; l = l->next) { s = (SuffixEntry *)l->data; if (s->character > suffix[0]) { s = g_new0 (SuffixEntry, 1); s->character = suffix[0]; s->mimetype = NULL; s->children = NULL; suffixes = g_list_insert_before (suffixes, l, s); } if (s->character == suffix[0]) break; } if (!s || s->character != suffix[0]) { s = g_new0 (SuffixEntry, 1); s->character = suffix[0]; s->mimetype = NULL; s->children = NULL; suffixes = g_list_append (suffixes, s); } if (suffix[1] == 0) { GList *l2; SuffixEntry *s2; gboolean found = FALSE; for (l2 = s->children; l2; l2 = l2->next) { s2 = (SuffixEntry *)l2->data; if (s2->character != 0) break; if (strcmp (s2->mimetype, mimetype) == 0) { if (s2->weight < weight) s2->weight = weight; found = TRUE; break; } } if (!found) { s2 = g_new0 (SuffixEntry, 1); s2->character = 0; s2->mimetype = mimetype; s2->weight = weight; s2->flags = flags; s2->children = NULL; s->children = g_list_insert_before (s->children, l2, s2); } } else s->children = insert_suffix (suffix + 1, mimetype, weight, flags, s->children); return suffixes; } static void ucs4_reverse (gunichar *in, glong len) { int i; gunichar c; for (i = 0; i < len - i - 1; i++) { c = in[i]; in[i] = in[len - i - 1]; in[len - i - 1] = c; } } static void build_suffixes (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { gchar *pattern = (gchar *)key; GList *list = (GList *)value; GList **suffixes = (GList **)data; gunichar *suffix; gchar *mimetype; Glob *glob; Type *type; glong len; guint32 flags; if (is_simple_glob (pattern)) { suffix = g_utf8_to_ucs4 (pattern + 1, -1, NULL, &len, NULL); if (suffix == NULL) { g_warning ("Glob '%s' is not valid UTF-8", pattern); return; } ucs4_reverse (suffix, len); for ( ; list; list = list->next) { glob = (Glob *)list->data; type = glob->type; mimetype = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", type->media, type->subtype); flags = 0; if (glob->case_sensitive) flags |= 0x100; *suffixes = insert_suffix (suffix, mimetype, glob->weight, flags, *suffixes); } g_free (suffix); } } static void calculate_size (SuffixEntry *entry) { GList *s; entry->size = 0; entry->depth = 0; for (s = entry->children; s; s= s->next) { SuffixEntry *child = (SuffixEntry *)s->data; calculate_size (child); entry->size += 1 + child->size; entry->depth = MAX (entry->depth, child->depth + 1); } } static gboolean write_suffix_entries (FILE *cache, guint depth, SuffixEntry *entry, GHashTable *strings, guint *child_offset) { GList *c; guint offset; if (depth > 0) { gboolean error = FALSE; for (c = entry->children; c; c = c->next) { SuffixEntry *child = (SuffixEntry *)c->data; if (!write_suffix_entries (cache, depth - 1, child, strings, child_offset)) error = TRUE; } return !error; } if (entry->mimetype) { offset = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(g_hash_table_lookup (strings, entry->mimetype)); if (offset == 0) { g_warning ("Missing string: '%s'", entry->mimetype); return FALSE; } } else offset = 0; if (entry->character == 0) { if (!write_card32 (cache, entry->character)) return FALSE; if (!write_card32 (cache, offset)) return FALSE; if (!write_card32 (cache, (entry->weight & 0xff) | entry->flags)) return FALSE; } else { if (!write_card32 (cache, entry->character)) return FALSE; if (!write_card32 (cache, g_list_length (entry->children))) return FALSE; if (!write_card32 (cache, *child_offset)) return FALSE; } *child_offset += 12 * g_list_length (entry->children); return TRUE; } static gboolean write_suffix_cache (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, guint *offset) { GList *suffixes, *s; guint n_entries; guint child_offset; guint depth, d; suffixes = NULL; g_hash_table_foreach (globs_hash, build_suffixes, &suffixes); n_entries = g_list_length (suffixes); *offset += 8; child_offset = *offset + 12 * n_entries; depth = 0; for (s = suffixes; s; s= s->next) { SuffixEntry *entry = (SuffixEntry *)s->data; calculate_size (entry); depth = MAX (depth, entry->depth + 1); } if (!write_card32 (cache, n_entries) || !write_card32 (cache, *offset)) return FALSE; for (d = 0; d < depth; d++) { for (s = suffixes; s; s = s->next) { SuffixEntry *entry = (SuffixEntry *)s->data; if (!write_suffix_entries (cache, d, entry, strings, &child_offset)) return FALSE; } } *offset = child_offset; return TRUE; } typedef struct { FILE *cache; GHashTable *strings; GList *matches; guint offset; gboolean error; } WriteMatchData; static void write_match (gpointer key, gpointer data) { Magic *magic = (Magic *)key; WriteMatchData *mdata = (WriteMatchData *)data; gchar *mimetype; guint offset; if (!write_card32 (mdata->cache, magic->priority)) { mdata->error = TRUE; return; } mimetype = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", magic->type->media, magic->type->subtype); offset = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_hash_table_lookup (mdata->strings, mimetype)); if (offset == 0) { g_warning ("Missing string: '%s'", mimetype); g_free (mimetype); mdata->error = TRUE; return; } g_free (mimetype); if (!write_card32 (mdata->cache, offset)) { mdata->error = TRUE; return; } if (!write_card32 (mdata->cache, g_list_length (magic->matches))) { mdata->error = TRUE; return; } offset = mdata->offset + 32 * g_list_index (mdata->matches, magic->matches->data); if (!write_card32 (mdata->cache, offset)) { mdata->error = TRUE; return; } } static gboolean write_matchlet (FILE *cache, Match *match, GList *matches, gint offset, gint *offset2) { if (!write_card32 (cache, match->range_start) || !write_card32 (cache, match->range_length) || !write_card32 (cache, match->word_size) || !write_card32 (cache, match->data_length) || !write_card32 (cache, *offset2)) return FALSE; *offset2 = ALIGN_VALUE (*offset2 + match->data_length, 4); if (match->mask) { if (!write_card32 (cache, *offset2)) return FALSE; *offset2 = ALIGN_VALUE (*offset2 + match->data_length, 4); } else { if (!write_card32 (cache, 0)) return FALSE; } if (match->matches) { if (!write_card32 (cache, g_list_length (match->matches)) || !write_card32 (cache, offset + 32 * g_list_index (matches, match->matches->data))) return FALSE; } else { if (!write_card32 (cache, 0) || !write_card32 (cache, 0)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean write_matchlet_data (FILE *cache, Match *match, gint *offset2) { if (!write_data (cache, match->data, match->data_length)) return FALSE; *offset2 = ALIGN_VALUE (*offset2 + match->data_length, 4); if (match->mask) { if (!write_data (cache, match->mask, match->data_length)) return FALSE; *offset2 = ALIGN_VALUE (*offset2 + match->data_length, 4); } return TRUE; } static void collect_matches_list (GList *list, GList **matches) { GList *l; for (l = list; l; l = l->next) *matches = g_list_prepend (*matches, l->data); for (l = list; l; l = l->next) { Match *match = (Match *)l->data; collect_matches_list (match->matches, matches); } } static void collect_matches (gpointer key, gpointer data) { Magic *magic = (Magic *)key; GList **matches = (GList **)data; collect_matches_list (magic->matches, matches); } static gboolean write_magic_cache (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, guint *offset) { guint n_entries, max_extent; gint offset2; GList *m; WriteMatchData data; data.matches = NULL; g_ptr_array_foreach (magic_array, collect_matches, &data.matches); data.matches = g_list_reverse (data.matches); max_extent = 0; for (m = data.matches; m; m = m->next) { Match *match = (Match *)m->data; max_extent = MAX (max_extent, match->data_length + match->range_start + match->range_length); } n_entries = magic_array->len; *offset += 12; if (!write_card32 (cache, n_entries) || !write_card32 (cache, max_extent) || !write_card32 (cache, *offset)) return FALSE; *offset += 16 * n_entries; data.cache = cache; data.strings = strings; data.offset = *offset; data.error = FALSE; offset2 = *offset + 32 * g_list_length (data.matches); g_ptr_array_foreach (magic_array, write_match, &data); for (m = data.matches; m; m = m->next) { Match *match = (Match *)m->data; write_matchlet (cache, match, data.matches, *offset, &offset2); } offset2 = *offset + 32 * g_list_length (data.matches); for (m = data.matches; m; m = m->next) { Match *match = (Match *)m->data; write_matchlet_data (cache, match, &offset2); } *offset = offset2; g_list_free (data.matches); return !data.error; } static gchar ** get_namespace_value (gpointer data, gchar *key) { Type *type; gchar **result; gchar *space; type = (Type *)g_hash_table_lookup ((GHashTable *)data, key); result = g_new0 (gchar *, 4); space = strchr (key, ' '); if (*space) { *space = '\0'; result[0] = g_strdup (key); result[1] = g_strdup (space + 1); *space = ' '; } else result[0] = g_strdup (key); result[2] = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", type->media, type->subtype); return result; } static gboolean write_namespace_cache (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, guint *offset) { return write_map (cache, strings, namespace_hash, NULL, get_namespace_value, FALSE, offset); } static gchar ** get_icon_value (gpointer data, gchar *key) { gchar *iconname; gchar **result; iconname = (gchar *)g_hash_table_lookup ((GHashTable *)data, key); result = g_new0 (gchar *, 3); result[0] = g_strdup (key); result[1] = g_strdup (iconname); result[2] = NULL; return result; } static gboolean write_icons_cache (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, GHashTable *icon_hash, guint *offset) { return write_map (cache, strings, icon_hash, NULL, get_icon_value, FALSE, offset); } /* Write all the collected types */ static gboolean write_types_cache (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, GHashTable *types, guint *offset) { GPtrArray *lines; int i; char *mimetype; guint mime_offset; lines = g_ptr_array_new(); g_hash_table_foreach(types, add_type, lines); g_ptr_array_sort(lines, strcmp2); if (!write_card32 (cache, lines->len)) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < lines->len; i++) { mimetype = (char *) lines->pdata[i]; mime_offset = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_hash_table_lookup (strings, mimetype)); if (!write_card32 (cache, mime_offset)) return FALSE; g_free(mimetype); } *offset += 4 + 4 * lines->len; g_ptr_array_free(lines, TRUE); return TRUE; } static void collect_alias (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { GHashTable *strings = (GHashTable *)data; Type *type = (Type *)value; gchar *mimetype; mimetype = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", type->media, type->subtype); g_hash_table_insert (strings, key, NULL); g_hash_table_insert (strings, mimetype, NULL); } static void collect_parents (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { GList *parents = (GList *)value; GHashTable *strings = (GHashTable *)data; GList *p; g_hash_table_insert (strings, key, NULL); for (p = parents; p; p = p->next) g_hash_table_insert (strings, p->data, NULL); } static void collect_glob (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { GList *list = (GList *)value; GHashTable *strings = (GHashTable *)data; gchar *mimetype; Glob *glob; Type *type; switch (glob_type ((char *)key)) { case GLOB_LITERAL: case GLOB_FULL: g_hash_table_insert (strings, key, NULL); break; default: break; } for (; list; list = list->next) { glob = (Glob *)list->data; type = glob->type; mimetype = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", type->media, type->subtype); g_hash_table_insert (strings, mimetype, NULL); } } static void collect_magic (gpointer key, gpointer data) { Magic *magic = (Magic *)key; GHashTable *strings = (GHashTable *)data; gchar *mimetype; mimetype = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", magic->type->media, magic->type->subtype); g_hash_table_insert (strings, mimetype, NULL); } static void collect_namespace (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { gchar *ns = (gchar *)key; Type *type = (Type *)value; GHashTable *strings = (GHashTable *)data; gchar *mimetype; gchar *space; mimetype = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", type->media, type->subtype); g_hash_table_insert (strings, mimetype, NULL); space = strchr (ns, ' '); if (space) { *space = '\0'; g_hash_table_insert (strings, g_strdup (ns), NULL); g_hash_table_insert (strings, space + 1, NULL); *space = ' '; } else g_hash_table_insert (strings, ns, NULL); } static void collect_icons(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { gchar *mimetype = (gchar *)key; gchar *iconname = (gchar *)value; GHashTable *strings = (GHashTable *)data; g_hash_table_insert (strings, mimetype, NULL); g_hash_table_insert (strings, iconname, NULL); } static void collect_strings (GHashTable *strings) { g_hash_table_foreach (alias_hash, collect_alias, strings); g_hash_table_foreach (subclass_hash, collect_parents, strings); g_hash_table_foreach (globs_hash, collect_glob, strings); g_ptr_array_foreach (magic_array, collect_magic, strings); g_hash_table_foreach (namespace_hash, collect_namespace, strings); g_hash_table_foreach (generic_icon_hash, collect_icons, strings); g_hash_table_foreach (icon_hash, collect_icons, strings); } typedef struct { FILE *cache; GHashTable *strings; guint offset; gboolean error; } StringData; static void write_one_string (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { gchar *str = (gchar *)key; StringData *sdata = (StringData *)data; if (!write_string (sdata->cache, str)) sdata->error = TRUE; g_hash_table_insert (sdata->strings, str, GUINT_TO_POINTER (sdata->offset)); sdata->offset = ALIGN_VALUE (sdata->offset + strlen (str) + 1, 4); } static gboolean write_strings (FILE *cache, GHashTable *strings, guint *offset) { StringData data; data.cache = cache; data.strings = strings; data.offset = *offset; data.error = FALSE; g_hash_table_foreach (strings, write_one_string, &data); *offset = data.offset; return !data.error; } static gboolean write_cache (FILE *cache) { guint strings_offset; guint alias_offset; guint parent_offset; guint literal_offset; guint suffix_offset; guint glob_offset; guint magic_offset; guint namespace_offset; guint icons_list_offset; guint generic_icons_list_offset; guint type_offset; guint offset; GHashTable *strings; offset = 0; if (!write_header (cache, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write header"); return FALSE; } strings = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); collect_strings (strings); strings_offset = offset; if (!write_strings (cache, strings, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write strings"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote %d strings at %x - %x\n", g_hash_table_size (strings), strings_offset, offset); alias_offset = offset; if (!write_alias_cache (cache, strings, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write alias list"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote aliases at %x - %x\n", alias_offset, offset); parent_offset = offset; if (!write_parent_cache (cache, strings, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write parent list"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote parents at %x - %x\n", parent_offset, offset); literal_offset = offset; if (!write_literal_cache (cache, strings, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write literal list"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote literal globs at %x - %x\n", literal_offset, offset); suffix_offset = offset; if (!write_suffix_cache (cache, strings, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write suffix list"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote suffix globs at %x - %x\n", suffix_offset, offset); glob_offset = offset; if (!write_glob_cache (cache, strings, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write glob list"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote full globs at %x - %x\n", glob_offset, offset); magic_offset = offset; if (!write_magic_cache (cache, strings, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write magic list"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote magic at %x - %x\n", magic_offset, offset); namespace_offset = offset; if (!write_namespace_cache (cache, strings, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write namespace list"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote namespace list at %x - %x\n", namespace_offset, offset); icons_list_offset = offset; if (!write_icons_cache (cache, strings, icon_hash, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write icons list"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote icons list at %x - %x\n", icons_list_offset, offset); generic_icons_list_offset = offset; if (!write_icons_cache (cache, strings, generic_icon_hash, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write generic icons list"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote generic icons list at %x - %x\n", generic_icons_list_offset, offset); type_offset = offset; if (!write_types_cache (cache, strings, types, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to write types list"); return FALSE; } g_message ("Wrote types list at %x - %x\n", type_offset, offset); rewind (cache); offset = 0; if (!write_header (cache, alias_offset, parent_offset, literal_offset, suffix_offset, glob_offset, magic_offset, namespace_offset, icons_list_offset, generic_icons_list_offset, type_offset, &offset)) { g_warning ("Failed to rewrite header"); return FALSE; } g_hash_table_destroy (strings); return TRUE; } static FILE * open_or_die(const char *filename) { FILE *stream = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!stream) { g_printerr("Failed to open '%s' for writing\n", filename); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return stream; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *mime_dir = NULL; char *package_dir = NULL; int opt; /* Install the filtering log handler */ g_log_set_default_handler(g_log_handler, NULL); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hvV")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case '?': usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case 'v': g_fprintf(stderr, "update-mime-database (" PACKAGE ") " VERSION "\n" COPYING); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case 'V': enabled_log_levels |= G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE | G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO; break; default: return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (optind != argc - 1) { usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; mime_dir = argv[optind]; /* Strip trailing / characters */ { int l = strlen(mime_dir); while (l > 1 && mime_dir[l - 1] == '/') { l--; mime_dir[l] = '\0'; } } package_dir = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/packages", NULL); if (access(mime_dir, F_OK)) { g_warning(_("Directory '%s' does not exist!"), package_dir); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (access(mime_dir, W_OK)) { g_warning(_("%s: I don't have write permission on %s. " "Try rerunning me as root."), argv[0], mime_dir); return EXIT_FAILURE; } g_message("Updating MIME database in %s...\n", mime_dir); if (access(package_dir, F_OK)) { g_fprintf(stderr, _("Directory '%s' does not exist!\n"), package_dir); return EXIT_FAILURE; } types = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, free_type); globs_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); namespace_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); magic_array = g_ptr_array_new(); tree_magic_array = g_ptr_array_new(); subclass_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, free_string_list); alias_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); icon_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); generic_icon_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); scan_source_dir(package_dir); g_free(package_dir); delete_old_types(mime_dir); g_hash_table_foreach(types, write_out_type, (gpointer) mime_dir); { FILE *globs; char *globs_path; GList *glob_list = NULL; g_hash_table_foreach(globs_hash, collect_glob2, &glob_list); glob_list = g_list_sort(glob_list, (GCompareFunc)compare_glob_by_weight); globs_path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/globs.new", NULL); globs = open_or_die(globs_path); g_fprintf(globs, "# This file was automatically generated by the\n" "# update-mime-database command. DO NOT EDIT!\n"); write_out_glob(glob_list, globs); fclose(globs); atomic_update(globs_path); g_free(globs_path); globs_path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/globs2.new", NULL); globs = open_or_die(globs_path); g_fprintf(globs, "# This file was automatically generated by the\n" "# update-mime-database command. DO NOT EDIT!\n"); write_out_glob2 (glob_list, globs); fclose(globs); atomic_update(globs_path); g_free(globs_path); g_list_free (glob_list); } { FILE *stream; char *magic_path; int i; magic_path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/magic.new", NULL); stream = open_or_die(magic_path); fwrite("MIME-Magic\0\n", 1, 12, stream); if (magic_array->len) g_ptr_array_sort(magic_array, cmp_magic); for (i = 0; i < magic_array->len; i++) { Magic *magic = (Magic *) magic_array->pdata[i]; write_magic(stream, magic); } fclose(stream); atomic_update(magic_path); g_free(magic_path); } { FILE *stream; char *ns_path; ns_path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/XMLnamespaces.new", NULL); stream = open_or_die(ns_path); write_namespaces(stream); fclose(stream); atomic_update(ns_path); g_free(ns_path); } { FILE *stream; char *path; path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/subclasses.new", NULL); stream = open_or_die(path); write_subclasses(stream); fclose(stream); atomic_update(path); g_free(path); } { FILE *stream; char *path; path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/aliases.new", NULL); stream = open_or_die(path); write_aliases(stream); fclose(stream); atomic_update(path); g_free(path); } { FILE *stream; char *path; path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/types.new", NULL); stream = open_or_die(path); write_types(stream); fclose(stream); atomic_update(path); g_free(path); } { FILE *stream; char *icon_path; icon_path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/generic-icons.new", NULL); stream = open_or_die(icon_path); write_icons(generic_icon_hash, stream); fclose(stream); atomic_update(icon_path); g_free(icon_path); } { FILE *stream; char *icon_path; icon_path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/icons.new", NULL); stream = open_or_die(icon_path); write_icons(icon_hash, stream); fclose(stream); atomic_update(icon_path); g_free(icon_path); } { FILE *stream; char *path; int i; path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/treemagic.new", NULL); stream = open_or_die(path); fwrite("MIME-TreeMagic\0\n", 1, 16, stream); if (tree_magic_array->len) g_ptr_array_sort(tree_magic_array, cmp_tree_magic); for (i = 0; i < tree_magic_array->len; i++) { TreeMagic *magic = (TreeMagic *) tree_magic_array->pdata[i]; write_tree_magic(stream, magic); } fclose(stream); atomic_update(path); g_free(path); } { FILE *stream; char *path; path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/mime.cache.new", NULL); stream = open_or_die(path); write_cache(stream); fclose(stream); atomic_update(path); g_free(path); } { FILE *stream; char *path; path = g_strconcat(mime_dir, "/version.new", NULL); stream = open_or_die(path); g_fprintf(stream, VERSION "\n"); fclose(stream); atomic_update(path); g_free(path); } g_ptr_array_foreach(magic_array, (GFunc)magic_free, NULL); g_ptr_array_free(magic_array, TRUE); g_ptr_array_foreach(tree_magic_array, (GFunc)tree_magic_free, NULL); g_ptr_array_free(tree_magic_array, TRUE); g_hash_table_destroy(types); g_hash_table_destroy(globs_hash); g_hash_table_destroy(namespace_hash); g_hash_table_destroy(subclass_hash); g_hash_table_destroy(alias_hash); g_hash_table_destroy(icon_hash); g_hash_table_destroy(generic_icon_hash); check_in_path_xdg_data(mime_dir); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }