Version of ITS [0-9]+\.[0-9]+ The query language to be used for processing the rules xpath css Absolute selector Relative selector 0 1 The Translate data category information to be attached to the current node yes The nodes need to be translated no The nodes must not be translated The type of localization note alert Localization note is an alert description Localization note is a description Indicates a term locally yes The value 'yes' means that this is a term no The value 'no' means that this is not a term The text direction for the context ltr Left-to-right text rtl Right-to-left text lro Left-to-right override rlo Right-to-left override States whether current context is regarded as "within text" yes The element and its content are part of the flow of its parent element no The element splits the text flow of its parent element and its content is an independent text flow nested The element is part of the flow of its parent element, its content is an independent flow A comma separated list of mappings between values in the content and workflow specific values. The values may contain spaces; in that case they MUST be delimited by quotation marks. include exclude default preserve terminology mistranslation omission untranslated addition duplication inconsistency grammar legal register locale-specific-content locale-violation style characters misspelling typographical formatting inconsistent-entities numbers markup pattern-problem whitespace internationalization length non-conformance uncategorized other 0 100 yes no 0 100 0 100 cr lf crlf