%scons; %builders-mod; %functions-mod; %tools-mod; %variables-mod; ]> Sets construction variables for the &swig; interface compiler. SWIG SWIGFLAGS SWIGDIRECTORSUFFIX SWIGCFILESUFFIX SWIGCXXFILESUFFIX _SWIGINCFLAGS SWIGINCPREFIX SWIGINCSUFFIX SWIGCOM SWIGPATH SWIGVERSION SWIGCOMSTR The name of the &swig; compiler to use. The suffix that will be used for intermediate C source files generated by &swig;. The default value is '_wrap$CFILESUFFIX' - that is, the concatenation of the string _wrap and the current C suffix &cv-link-CFILESUFFIX;. By default, this value is used whenever the option is not specified as part of the &cv-link-SWIGFLAGS; construction variable. The suffix that will be used for intermediate C++ header files generated by &swig;. These are only generated for C++ code when the &swig; 'directors' feature is turned on. The default value is _wrap.h. The command line used to call &swig;. The string displayed when calling &swig;. If this is not set, then &cv-link-SWIGCOM; (the command line) is displayed. The suffix that will be used for intermediate C++ source files generated by &swig;. The default value is '_wrap$CXXFILESUFFIX' - that is, the concatenation of the string _wrap and the current C++ suffix &cv-link-CXXFILESUFFIX;. By default, this value is used whenever the option is specified as part of the &cv-link-SWIGFLAGS; construction variable. General options passed to &swig;. This is where you should set the target language (, , , etc.) and whatever other options you want to specify to &swig;, such as the to generate C++ code instead of C Code. An automatically-generated construction variable containing the &swig; command-line options for specifying directories to be searched for included files. The value of &cv-_SWIGINCFLAGS; is created by respectively prepending and appending &cv-SWIGINCPREFIX; and &cv-SWIGINCSUFFIX; to the beginning and end of each directory in &cv-SWIGPATH;. The prefix used to specify an include directory on the &swig; command line. This will be prepended to the beginning of each directory in the &cv-SWIGPATH; construction variable when the &cv-_SWIGINCFLAGS; variable is automatically generated. The suffix used to specify an include directory on the &swig; command line. This will be appended to the end of each directory in the &cv-SWIGPATH; construction variable when the &cv-_SWIGINCFLAGS; variable is automatically generated. Specifies the output directory in which &swig; should place generated language-specific files. This will be used by SCons to identify the files that will be generated by the &swig; call, and translated into the swig -outdir option on the command line. The list of directories that &swig; will search for included files. &SCons;' SWIG implicit dependency scanner will search these directories for include files. The default value is an empty list. Don't explicitly put include directory arguments in &cv-link-SWIGFLAGS; the result will be non-portable and the directories will not be searched by the dependency scanner. Note: directory names in &cv-link-SWIGPATH; will be looked-up relative to the SConscript directory when they are used in a command. To force &scons; to look-up a directory relative to the root of the source tree use a top-relative path (#): env = Environment(SWIGPATH='#/include') The directory look-up can also be forced using the &Dir;() function: include = Dir('include') env = Environment(SWIGPATH=include) The directory list will be added to command lines through the automatically-generated &cv-_SWIGINCFLAGS; construction variable, which is constructed by respectively prepending and appending the values of the &cv-SWIGINCPREFIX; and &cv-SWIGINCSUFFIX; construction variables to the beginning and end of each directory in &cv-SWIGPATH;. Any command lines you define that need the SWIGPATH directory list should include &cv-_SWIGINCFLAGS;: env = Environment(SWIGCOM="my_swig -o $TARGET $_SWIGINCFLAGS $SOURCES") The detected version string of the &swig; tool.