scipy-sphinx-theme ================== `Sphinx `__ theme for `Scipy `__. Theme options ------------- The theme takes the followin options in the `html_options` configuration variable: - ``edit_link`` ``True`` or ``False``. Determines if an "edit this page" link is displayed in the left sidebar. - ``rootlinks`` List of tuples ``(url, link_name)`` to show in the beginning of the breadcrumb list on the top left. You can override it by defining an `edit_link` block in ``searchbox.html``. - ``sidebar`` One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"none"``. Defines where the sidebar should appear. - ``scipy_org_logo`` ``True`` or ``False``. Whether to plaster the logo on top. You can use your own logo by overriding the :attr:`layout.html:header` block. - ``navigation_links`` ``True`` or ``False``. Whether to display "next", "prev", "index", etc. links. The following blocks are defined: - ``layout.html:header`` Block at the top of the page, for logo etc. - ``searchbox.html:edit_link`` Edit link HTML code to paste in the left sidebar, if `edit_link` is enabled.