#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # WARNING! Do not edit! https://waf.io/book/index.html#_obtaining_the_waf_file #!/usr/bin/python # encoding: utf-8 # vim: tabstop=4 noexpandtab """ Create a satellite assembly from "*.??.txt" files. ?? stands for a language code. The projects Resources subfolder contains resources.??.txt string files for several languages. The build folder will hold the satellite assemblies as ./??/ExeName.resources.dll #gen becomes template (It is called gen because it also uses resx.py). bld(source='Resources/resources.de.txt',gen=ExeName) """ import os, re from waflib import Task from waflib.TaskGen import feature,before_method class al(Task.Task): run_str = '${AL} ${ALFLAGS}' @feature('satellite_assembly') @before_method('process_source') def satellite_assembly(self): if not getattr(self, 'gen', None): self.bld.fatal('satellite_assembly needs a template assembly provided with the "gen" parameter') res_lang = re.compile(r'(.*)\.(\w\w)\.(?:resx|txt)',flags=re.I) # self.source can contain node objects, so this will break in one way or another self.source = self.to_list(self.source) for i, x in enumerate(self.source): #x = 'resources/resources.de.resx' #x = 'resources/resources.de.txt' mo = res_lang.match(x) if mo: template = os.path.splitext(self.gen)[0] templatedir, templatename = os.path.split(template) res = mo.group(1) lang = mo.group(2) #./Resources/resources.de.resources resources = self.path.find_or_declare(res+ '.' + lang + '.resources') self.create_task('resgen', self.to_nodes(x), [resources]) #./de/Exename.resources.dll satellite = self.path.find_or_declare(os.path.join(templatedir,lang,templatename) + '.resources.dll') tsk = self.create_task('al',[resources],[satellite]) tsk.env.append_value('ALFLAGS','/template:'+os.path.join(self.path.relpath(),self.gen)) tsk.env.append_value('ALFLAGS','/embed:'+resources.relpath()) tsk.env.append_value('ALFLAGS','/culture:'+lang) tsk.env.append_value('ALFLAGS','/out:'+satellite.relpath()) self.source[i] = None # remove the None elements that we just substituted self.source = list(filter(lambda x:x, self.source)) def configure(ctx): ctx.find_program('al', var='AL', mandatory=True) ctx.load('resx')