/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. basic raw test suite for multiplexing Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2003 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "includes.h" #include "system/filesys.h" #include "libcli/raw/libcliraw.h" #include "libcli/raw/raw_proto.h" #include "libcli/libcli.h" #include "torture/util.h" #include "torture/raw/proto.h" #define BASEDIR "\\test_mux" /* test the delayed reply to a open that leads to a sharing violation */ static bool test_mux_open(struct torture_context *tctx, struct smbcli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx) { union smb_open io; NTSTATUS status; int fnum1, fnum2; bool ret = true; struct smbcli_request *req1, *req2; struct timeval tv; double d; torture_comment(tctx, "Testing multiplexed open/open/close\n"); torture_comment(tctx, "send first open\n"); io.generic.level = RAW_OPEN_NTCREATEX; io.ntcreatex.in.root_fid.fnum = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.flags = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.access_mask = SEC_FILE_READ_DATA; io.ntcreatex.in.create_options = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.file_attr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; io.ntcreatex.in.share_access = NTCREATEX_SHARE_ACCESS_READ; io.ntcreatex.in.alloc_size = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.open_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_CREATE; io.ntcreatex.in.impersonation = NTCREATEX_IMPERSONATION_ANONYMOUS; io.ntcreatex.in.security_flags = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.fname = BASEDIR "\\open.dat"; status = smb_raw_open(cli->tree, mem_ctx, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, "send first open"); fnum1 = io.ntcreatex.out.file.fnum; torture_comment(tctx, "send 2nd open, non-conflicting\n"); io.ntcreatex.in.open_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN; status = smb_raw_open(cli->tree, mem_ctx, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, "send 2nd open, non-conflicting"); fnum2 = io.ntcreatex.out.file.fnum; tv = timeval_current(); torture_comment(tctx, "send 3rd open, conflicting\n"); io.ntcreatex.in.share_access = 0; status = smb_raw_open(cli->tree, mem_ctx, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION, "send 3rd open, conflicting"); d = timeval_elapsed(&tv); if (d < 0.5 || d > 1.5) { torture_comment(tctx, "bad timeout for conflict - %.2f should be 1.0\n", d); } else { torture_comment(tctx, "open delay %.2f\n", d); } torture_comment(tctx, "send async open, conflicting\n"); tv = timeval_current(); req1 = smb_raw_open_send(cli->tree, &io); torture_comment(tctx, "send 2nd async open, conflicting\n"); tv = timeval_current(); req2 = smb_raw_open_send(cli->tree, &io); torture_comment(tctx, "close first sync open\n"); smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum1); torture_comment(tctx, "cancel 2nd async open (should be ignored)\n"); smb_raw_ntcancel(req2); d = timeval_elapsed(&tv); if (d > 0.25) { torture_comment(tctx, "bad timeout after cancel - %.2f should be <0.25\n", d); torture_assert(tctx, d <= 0.25, "bad timeout after cancel"); } torture_comment(tctx, "close the 2nd sync open\n"); smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum2); torture_comment(tctx, "see if the 1st async open now succeeded\n"); status = smb_raw_open_recv(req1, mem_ctx, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, "see if the 1st async open now succeeded"); d = timeval_elapsed(&tv); if (d > 0.25) { torture_comment(tctx, "bad timeout for async conflict - %.2f should be <0.25\n", d); torture_assert(tctx, d <= 0.25, "bad timeout for async conflict"); } else { torture_comment(tctx, "async open delay %.2f\n", d); } torture_comment(tctx, "2nd async open should have timed out\n"); status = smb_raw_open_recv(req2, mem_ctx, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION, "2nd async open should have timed out"); d = timeval_elapsed(&tv); if (d < 0.8) { torture_comment(tctx, "bad timeout for async conflict - %.2f should be 1.0\n", d); } torture_comment(tctx, "close the 1st async open\n"); smbcli_close(cli->tree, io.ntcreatex.out.file.fnum); return ret; } /* test a write that hits a byte range lock and send the close after the write */ static bool test_mux_write(struct torture_context *tctx, struct smbcli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx) { union smb_write io; NTSTATUS status; int fnum; bool ret = true; struct smbcli_request *req; torture_comment(tctx, "Testing multiplexed lock/write/close\n"); fnum = smbcli_open(cli->tree, BASEDIR "\\write.dat", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, DENY_NONE); if (fnum == -1) { torture_comment(tctx, "open failed in mux_write - %s\n", smbcli_errstr(cli->tree)); torture_assert(tctx, fnum != -1, "open failed in mux_write"); } cli->session->pid = 1; status = smbcli_lock(cli->tree, fnum, 0, 4, 0, WRITE_LOCK); /* lock a range */ if (NT_STATUS_IS_ERR(status)) { torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "lock failed in mux_write"); } cli->session->pid = 2; /* send an async write */ io.generic.level = RAW_WRITE_WRITEX; io.writex.in.file.fnum = fnum; io.writex.in.offset = 0; io.writex.in.wmode = 0; io.writex.in.remaining = 0; io.writex.in.count = 4; io.writex.in.data = (const uint8_t *)&fnum; req = smb_raw_write_send(cli->tree, &io); /* unlock the range */ cli->session->pid = 1; smbcli_unlock(cli->tree, fnum, 0, 4); /* and recv the async write reply */ status = smb_raw_write_recv(req, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT, "recv the async write reply"); smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum); return ret; } /* test a lock that conflicts with an existing lock */ static bool test_mux_lock(struct torture_context *tctx, struct smbcli_state *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx) { union smb_lock io; NTSTATUS status; int fnum; bool ret = true; struct smbcli_request *req; struct smb_lock_entry lock[1]; struct timeval t; torture_comment(tctx, "TESTING MULTIPLEXED LOCK/LOCK/UNLOCK\n"); fnum = smbcli_open(cli->tree, BASEDIR "\\write.dat", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, DENY_NONE); if (fnum == -1) { torture_comment(tctx, "open failed in mux_lock - %s\n", smbcli_errstr(cli->tree)); torture_assert(tctx, fnum != -1, "open failed in mux_lock"); } torture_comment(tctx, "establishing a lock\n"); io.lockx.level = RAW_LOCK_LOCKX; io.lockx.in.file.fnum = fnum; io.lockx.in.mode = 0; io.lockx.in.timeout = 0; io.lockx.in.lock_cnt = 1; io.lockx.in.ulock_cnt = 0; lock[0].pid = 1; lock[0].offset = 0; lock[0].count = 4; io.lockx.in.locks = &lock[0]; status = smb_raw_lock(cli->tree, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, "establishing a lock"); torture_comment(tctx, "the second lock will conflict with the first\n"); lock[0].pid = 2; io.lockx.in.timeout = 1000; status = smb_raw_lock(cli->tree, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT, "the second lock will conflict with the first"); torture_comment(tctx, "this will too, but we'll unlock while waiting\n"); t = timeval_current(); req = smb_raw_lock_send(cli->tree, &io); torture_comment(tctx, "unlock the first range\n"); lock[0].pid = 1; io.lockx.in.ulock_cnt = 1; io.lockx.in.lock_cnt = 0; io.lockx.in.timeout = 0; status = smb_raw_lock(cli->tree, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, "unlock the first range"); torture_comment(tctx, "recv the async reply\n"); status = smbcli_request_simple_recv(req); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, "recv the async reply"); torture_comment(tctx, "async lock took %.2f msec\n", timeval_elapsed(&t) * 1000); torture_assert(tctx, timeval_elapsed(&t) <= 0.1, "failed to trigger early lock retry\n"); torture_comment(tctx, "reopening with an exit\n"); smb_raw_exit(cli->session); fnum = smbcli_open(cli->tree, BASEDIR "\\write.dat", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, DENY_NONE); torture_comment(tctx, "Now trying with a cancel\n"); io.lockx.level = RAW_LOCK_LOCKX; io.lockx.in.file.fnum = fnum; io.lockx.in.mode = 0; io.lockx.in.timeout = 0; io.lockx.in.lock_cnt = 1; io.lockx.in.ulock_cnt = 0; lock[0].pid = 1; lock[0].offset = 0; lock[0].count = 4; io.lockx.in.locks = &lock[0]; status = smb_raw_lock(cli->tree, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, "Now trying with a cancel"); lock[0].pid = 2; io.lockx.in.timeout = 1000; status = smb_raw_lock(cli->tree, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT, "Now trying with a cancel pid 2"); req = smb_raw_lock_send(cli->tree, &io); /* cancel the blocking lock */ smb_raw_ntcancel(req); torture_comment(tctx, "sending 2nd cancel\n"); /* the 2nd cancel is totally harmless, but tests the server trying to cancel an already cancelled request */ smb_raw_ntcancel(req); torture_comment(tctx, "sent 2nd cancel\n"); lock[0].pid = 1; io.lockx.in.ulock_cnt = 1; io.lockx.in.lock_cnt = 0; io.lockx.in.timeout = 0; status = smb_raw_lock(cli->tree, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, "clear lock"); status = smbcli_request_simple_recv(req); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT, "recv 2nd cancel"); torture_comment(tctx, "cancel a lock using exit to close file\n"); lock[0].pid = 1; io.lockx.in.ulock_cnt = 0; io.lockx.in.lock_cnt = 1; io.lockx.in.timeout = 1000; status = smb_raw_lock(cli->tree, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, "cancel a lock using exit to close file"); t = timeval_current(); lock[0].pid = 2; req = smb_raw_lock_send(cli->tree, &io); smb_raw_exit(cli->session); smb_raw_exit(cli->session); smb_raw_exit(cli->session); smb_raw_exit(cli->session); torture_comment(tctx, "recv the async reply\n"); status = smbcli_request_simple_recv(req); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_RANGE_NOT_LOCKED, "recv the async reply"); torture_comment(tctx, "async lock exit took %.2f msec\n", timeval_elapsed(&t) * 1000); torture_assert(tctx, timeval_elapsed(&t) <= 0.1, "failed to trigger early lock failure\n"); return ret; } /* basic testing of multiplexing notify */ bool torture_raw_mux(struct torture_context *torture, struct smbcli_state *cli) { bool ret = true; TALLOC_CTX *frame; torture_assert(torture, torture_setup_dir(cli, BASEDIR), "Failed to setup up test directory: " BASEDIR); frame = talloc_stackframe(); ret &= test_mux_open(torture, cli, frame); ret &= test_mux_write(torture, cli, frame); ret &= test_mux_lock(torture, cli, frame); smb_raw_exit(cli->session); smbcli_deltree(cli->tree, BASEDIR); TALLOC_FREE(frame); return ret; }