/* Unix SMB/CIFS mplementation. DSDB replication service helper function for outgoing traffic Copyright (C) Stefan Metzmacher 2007 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "dsdb/samdb/samdb.h" #include "auth/auth.h" #include "smbd/service.h" #include "lib/events/events.h" #include "dsdb/repl/drepl_service.h" #include <ldb_errors.h> #include "../lib/util/dlinklist.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_misc.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_drsuapi.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_drsblobs.h" #include "libcli/composite/composite.h" #include "auth/gensec/gensec.h" #include "param/param.h" #include "../lib/util/tevent_ntstatus.h" #include "libcli/security/security.h" struct dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_state { struct tevent_context *ev; struct dreplsrv_out_connection *conn; struct dreplsrv_drsuapi_connection *drsuapi; struct drsuapi_DsBindInfoCtr bind_info_ctr; struct drsuapi_DsBind bind_r; }; static void dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_connect_done(struct composite_context *creq); struct tevent_req *dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_send(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct tevent_context *ev, struct dreplsrv_out_connection *conn) { struct tevent_req *req; struct dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_state *state; struct composite_context *creq; req = tevent_req_create(mem_ctx, &state, struct dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_state); if (req == NULL) { return NULL; } state->ev = ev; state->conn = conn; state->drsuapi = conn->drsuapi; if (state->drsuapi && !state->drsuapi->pipe->conn->dead) { tevent_req_done(req); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } if (state->drsuapi && state->drsuapi->pipe->conn->dead) { talloc_free(state->drsuapi); conn->drsuapi = NULL; } state->drsuapi = talloc_zero(state, struct dreplsrv_drsuapi_connection); if (tevent_req_nomem(state->drsuapi, req)) { return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } creq = dcerpc_pipe_connect_b_send(state, conn->binding, &ndr_table_drsuapi, conn->service->system_session_info->credentials, ev, conn->service->task->lp_ctx); if (tevent_req_nomem(creq, req)) { return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } composite_continue(NULL, creq, dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_connect_done, req); return req; } static void dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_bind_done(struct tevent_req *subreq); static void dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_connect_done(struct composite_context *creq) { struct tevent_req *req = talloc_get_type(creq->async.private_data, struct tevent_req); struct dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_state *state = tevent_req_data(req, struct dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_state); NTSTATUS status; struct tevent_req *subreq; status = dcerpc_pipe_connect_b_recv(creq, state->drsuapi, &state->drsuapi->pipe); if (tevent_req_nterror(req, status)) { return; } state->drsuapi->drsuapi_handle = state->drsuapi->pipe->binding_handle; status = gensec_session_key(state->drsuapi->pipe->conn->security_state.generic_state, state->drsuapi, &state->drsuapi->gensec_skey); if (tevent_req_nterror(req, status)) { return; } state->bind_info_ctr.length = 28; state->bind_info_ctr.info.info28 = state->conn->service->bind_info28; state->bind_r.in.bind_guid = &state->conn->service->ntds_guid; state->bind_r.in.bind_info = &state->bind_info_ctr; state->bind_r.out.bind_handle = &state->drsuapi->bind_handle; subreq = dcerpc_drsuapi_DsBind_r_send(state, state->ev, state->drsuapi->drsuapi_handle, &state->bind_r); if (tevent_req_nomem(subreq, req)) { return; } tevent_req_set_callback(subreq, dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_bind_done, req); } static void dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_bind_done(struct tevent_req *subreq) { struct tevent_req *req = tevent_req_callback_data(subreq, struct tevent_req); struct dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_state *state = tevent_req_data(req, struct dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_state); NTSTATUS status; status = dcerpc_drsuapi_DsBind_r_recv(subreq, state); TALLOC_FREE(subreq); if (tevent_req_nterror(req, status)) { return; } if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(state->bind_r.out.result)) { status = werror_to_ntstatus(state->bind_r.out.result); tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return; } ZERO_STRUCT(state->drsuapi->remote_info28); if (state->bind_r.out.bind_info) { struct drsuapi_DsBindInfo28 *info28; info28 = &state->drsuapi->remote_info28; switch (state->bind_r.out.bind_info->length) { case 24: { struct drsuapi_DsBindInfo24 *info24; info24 = &state->bind_r.out.bind_info->info.info24; info28->supported_extensions = info24->supported_extensions; info28->site_guid = info24->site_guid; info28->pid = info24->pid; info28->repl_epoch = 0; break; } case 48: { struct drsuapi_DsBindInfo48 *info48; info48 = &state->bind_r.out.bind_info->info.info48; info28->supported_extensions = info48->supported_extensions; info28->site_guid = info48->site_guid; info28->pid = info48->pid; info28->repl_epoch = info48->repl_epoch; break; } case 28: *info28 = state->bind_r.out.bind_info->info.info28; break; } } tevent_req_done(req); } NTSTATUS dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_recv(struct tevent_req *req) { struct dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_state *state = tevent_req_data(req, struct dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_state); NTSTATUS status; if (tevent_req_is_nterror(req, &status)) { tevent_req_received(req); return status; } state->conn->drsuapi = talloc_move(state->conn, &state->drsuapi); tevent_req_received(req); return NT_STATUS_OK; } struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state { struct tevent_context *ev; struct dreplsrv_out_operation *op; void *ndr_struct_ptr; }; static void dreplsrv_op_pull_source_connect_done(struct tevent_req *subreq); struct tevent_req *dreplsrv_op_pull_source_send(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct tevent_context *ev, struct dreplsrv_out_operation *op) { struct tevent_req *req; struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state *state; struct tevent_req *subreq; req = tevent_req_create(mem_ctx, &state, struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state); if (req == NULL) { return NULL; } state->ev = ev; state->op = op; subreq = dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_send(state, ev, op->source_dsa->conn); if (tevent_req_nomem(subreq, req)) { return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } tevent_req_set_callback(subreq, dreplsrv_op_pull_source_connect_done, req); return req; } static void dreplsrv_op_pull_source_get_changes_trigger(struct tevent_req *req); static void dreplsrv_op_pull_source_connect_done(struct tevent_req *subreq) { struct tevent_req *req = tevent_req_callback_data(subreq, struct tevent_req); NTSTATUS status; status = dreplsrv_out_drsuapi_recv(subreq); TALLOC_FREE(subreq); if (tevent_req_nterror(req, status)) { return; } dreplsrv_op_pull_source_get_changes_trigger(req); } static void dreplsrv_op_pull_source_get_changes_done(struct tevent_req *subreq); /* get a RODC partial attribute set for a replication call */ static NTSTATUS dreplsrv_get_rodc_partial_attribute_set(struct dreplsrv_service *service, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct drsuapi_DsPartialAttributeSet **_pas, bool for_schema) { struct drsuapi_DsPartialAttributeSet *pas; struct dsdb_schema *schema; uint32_t i; pas = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, struct drsuapi_DsPartialAttributeSet); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(pas); schema = dsdb_get_schema(service->samdb, NULL); pas->version = 1; pas->attids = talloc_array(pas, enum drsuapi_DsAttributeId, schema->num_attributes); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY_AND_FREE(pas->attids, pas); for (i=0; i<schema->num_attributes; i++) { struct dsdb_attribute *a; a = schema->attributes_by_attributeID_id[i]; if (a->systemFlags & (DS_FLAG_ATTR_NOT_REPLICATED | DS_FLAG_ATTR_IS_CONSTRUCTED)) { continue; } if (a->searchFlags & SEARCH_FLAG_RODC_ATTRIBUTE) { continue; } pas->attids[pas->num_attids] = dsdb_attribute_get_attid(a, for_schema); pas->num_attids++; } pas->attids = talloc_realloc(pas, pas->attids, enum drsuapi_DsAttributeId, pas->num_attids); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY_AND_FREE(pas->attids, pas); *_pas = pas; return NT_STATUS_OK; } /* get a GC partial attribute set for a replication call */ static NTSTATUS dreplsrv_get_gc_partial_attribute_set(struct dreplsrv_service *service, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct drsuapi_DsPartialAttributeSet **_pas) { struct drsuapi_DsPartialAttributeSet *pas; struct dsdb_schema *schema; uint32_t i; pas = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, struct drsuapi_DsPartialAttributeSet); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(pas); schema = dsdb_get_schema(service->samdb, NULL); pas->version = 1; pas->attids = talloc_array(pas, enum drsuapi_DsAttributeId, schema->num_attributes); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY_AND_FREE(pas->attids, pas); for (i=0; i<schema->num_attributes; i++) { struct dsdb_attribute *a; a = schema->attributes_by_attributeID_id[i]; if (a->isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet) { pas->attids[pas->num_attids] = dsdb_attribute_get_attid(a, false); pas->num_attids++; } } pas->attids = talloc_realloc(pas, pas->attids, enum drsuapi_DsAttributeId, pas->num_attids); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY_AND_FREE(pas->attids, pas); *_pas = pas; return NT_STATUS_OK; } /* convert from one udv format to the other */ static WERROR udv_convert(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct replUpToDateVectorCtr2 *udv, struct drsuapi_DsReplicaCursorCtrEx *udv_ex) { uint32_t i; udv_ex->version = 2; udv_ex->reserved1 = 0; udv_ex->reserved2 = 0; udv_ex->count = udv->count; udv_ex->cursors = talloc_array(mem_ctx, struct drsuapi_DsReplicaCursor, udv->count); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(udv_ex->cursors); for (i=0; i<udv->count; i++) { udv_ex->cursors[i].source_dsa_invocation_id = udv->cursors[i].source_dsa_invocation_id; udv_ex->cursors[i].highest_usn = udv->cursors[i].highest_usn; } return WERR_OK; } static void dreplsrv_op_pull_source_get_changes_trigger(struct tevent_req *req) { struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state *state = tevent_req_data(req, struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state); struct repsFromTo1 *rf1 = state->op->source_dsa->repsFrom1; struct dreplsrv_service *service = state->op->service; struct dreplsrv_partition *partition = state->op->source_dsa->partition; struct dreplsrv_drsuapi_connection *drsuapi = state->op->source_dsa->conn->drsuapi; struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChanges *r; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaCursorCtrEx *uptodateness_vector; struct tevent_req *subreq; struct drsuapi_DsPartialAttributeSet *pas = NULL; NTSTATUS status; uint32_t replica_flags; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaHighWaterMark highwatermark; r = talloc(state, struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChanges); if (tevent_req_nomem(r, req)) { return; } r->out.level_out = talloc(r, uint32_t); if (tevent_req_nomem(r->out.level_out, req)) { return; } r->in.req = talloc(r, union drsuapi_DsGetNCChangesRequest); if (tevent_req_nomem(r->in.req, req)) { return; } r->out.ctr = talloc(r, union drsuapi_DsGetNCChangesCtr); if (tevent_req_nomem(r->out.ctr, req)) { return; } if (partition->uptodatevector.count != 0 && partition->uptodatevector_ex.count == 0) { WERROR werr; werr = udv_convert(partition, &partition->uptodatevector, &partition->uptodatevector_ex); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": Failed to convert UDV for %s : %s\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(partition->dn), win_errstr(werr))); } } if (partition->uptodatevector_ex.count == 0) { uptodateness_vector = NULL; } else { uptodateness_vector = &partition->uptodatevector_ex; } replica_flags = rf1->replica_flags; highwatermark = rf1->highwatermark; if (partition->partial_replica) { status = dreplsrv_get_gc_partial_attribute_set(service, r, &pas); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": Failed to construct GC partial attribute set : %s\n", nt_errstr(status))); return; } replica_flags &= ~DRSUAPI_DRS_WRIT_REP; } else if (partition->rodc_replica) { bool for_schema = false; if (ldb_dn_compare_base(ldb_get_schema_basedn(service->samdb), partition->dn) == 0) { for_schema = true; } status = dreplsrv_get_rodc_partial_attribute_set(service, r, &pas, for_schema); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": Failed to construct RODC partial attribute set : %s\n", nt_errstr(status))); return; } if (state->op->extended_op == DRSUAPI_EXOP_REPL_SECRET) { replica_flags &= ~DRSUAPI_DRS_SPECIAL_SECRET_PROCESSING; } } /* is this a full resync of all objects? */ if (state->op->options & DRSUAPI_DRS_FULL_SYNC_NOW) { ZERO_STRUCT(highwatermark); /* clear the FULL_SYNC_NOW option for subsequent stages of the replication cycle */ state->op->options &= ~DRSUAPI_DRS_FULL_SYNC_NOW; state->op->options |= DRSUAPI_DRS_FULL_SYNC_IN_PROGRESS; replica_flags |= DRSUAPI_DRS_NEVER_SYNCED; } if (state->op->options & DRSUAPI_DRS_FULL_SYNC_IN_PROGRESS) { uptodateness_vector = NULL; } r->in.bind_handle = &drsuapi->bind_handle; if (drsuapi->remote_info28.supported_extensions & DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREQ_V8) { r->in.level = 8; r->in.req->req8.destination_dsa_guid = service->ntds_guid; r->in.req->req8.source_dsa_invocation_id= rf1->source_dsa_invocation_id; r->in.req->req8.naming_context = &partition->nc; r->in.req->req8.highwatermark = highwatermark; r->in.req->req8.uptodateness_vector = uptodateness_vector; r->in.req->req8.replica_flags = replica_flags; r->in.req->req8.max_object_count = 133; r->in.req->req8.max_ndr_size = 1336811; r->in.req->req8.extended_op = state->op->extended_op; r->in.req->req8.fsmo_info = state->op->fsmo_info; r->in.req->req8.partial_attribute_set = pas; r->in.req->req8.partial_attribute_set_ex= NULL; r->in.req->req8.mapping_ctr.num_mappings= 0; r->in.req->req8.mapping_ctr.mappings = NULL; } else { r->in.level = 5; r->in.req->req5.destination_dsa_guid = service->ntds_guid; r->in.req->req5.source_dsa_invocation_id= rf1->source_dsa_invocation_id; r->in.req->req5.naming_context = &partition->nc; r->in.req->req5.highwatermark = highwatermark; r->in.req->req5.uptodateness_vector = uptodateness_vector; r->in.req->req5.replica_flags = replica_flags; r->in.req->req5.max_object_count = 133; r->in.req->req5.max_ndr_size = 1336770; r->in.req->req5.extended_op = state->op->extended_op; r->in.req->req5.fsmo_info = state->op->fsmo_info; } #if 0 NDR_PRINT_IN_DEBUG(drsuapi_DsGetNCChanges, r); #endif state->ndr_struct_ptr = r; subreq = dcerpc_drsuapi_DsGetNCChanges_r_send(state, state->ev, drsuapi->drsuapi_handle, r); if (tevent_req_nomem(subreq, req)) { return; } tevent_req_set_callback(subreq, dreplsrv_op_pull_source_get_changes_done, req); } static void dreplsrv_op_pull_source_apply_changes_trigger(struct tevent_req *req, struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChanges *r, uint32_t ctr_level, struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChangesCtr1 *ctr1, struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChangesCtr6 *ctr6); static void dreplsrv_op_pull_source_get_changes_done(struct tevent_req *subreq) { struct tevent_req *req = tevent_req_callback_data(subreq, struct tevent_req); struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state *state = tevent_req_data(req, struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state); NTSTATUS status; struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChanges *r = talloc_get_type(state->ndr_struct_ptr, struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChanges); uint32_t ctr_level = 0; struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChangesCtr1 *ctr1 = NULL; struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChangesCtr6 *ctr6 = NULL; enum drsuapi_DsExtendedError extended_ret; state->ndr_struct_ptr = NULL; status = dcerpc_drsuapi_DsGetNCChanges_r_recv(subreq, r); TALLOC_FREE(subreq); if (tevent_req_nterror(req, status)) { return; } if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r->out.result)) { status = werror_to_ntstatus(r->out.result); tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return; } if (*r->out.level_out == 1) { ctr_level = 1; ctr1 = &r->out.ctr->ctr1; } else if (*r->out.level_out == 2 && r->out.ctr->ctr2.mszip1.ts) { ctr_level = 1; ctr1 = &r->out.ctr->ctr2.mszip1.ts->ctr1; } else if (*r->out.level_out == 6) { ctr_level = 6; ctr6 = &r->out.ctr->ctr6; } else if (*r->out.level_out == 7 && r->out.ctr->ctr7.level == 6 && r->out.ctr->ctr7.type == DRSUAPI_COMPRESSION_TYPE_MSZIP && r->out.ctr->ctr7.ctr.mszip6.ts) { ctr_level = 6; ctr6 = &r->out.ctr->ctr7.ctr.mszip6.ts->ctr6; } else if (*r->out.level_out == 7 && r->out.ctr->ctr7.level == 6 && r->out.ctr->ctr7.type == DRSUAPI_COMPRESSION_TYPE_XPRESS && r->out.ctr->ctr7.ctr.xpress6.ts) { ctr_level = 6; ctr6 = &r->out.ctr->ctr7.ctr.xpress6.ts->ctr6; } else { status = werror_to_ntstatus(WERR_BAD_NET_RESP); tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return; } if (!ctr1 && !ctr6) { status = werror_to_ntstatus(WERR_BAD_NET_RESP); tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return; } if (ctr_level == 6) { if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(ctr6->drs_error)) { status = werror_to_ntstatus(ctr6->drs_error); tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return; } extended_ret = ctr6->extended_ret; } if (ctr_level == 1) { extended_ret = ctr1->extended_ret; } if (state->op->extended_op != DRSUAPI_EXOP_NONE) { state->op->extended_ret = extended_ret; if (extended_ret != DRSUAPI_EXOP_ERR_SUCCESS) { status = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return; } } dreplsrv_op_pull_source_apply_changes_trigger(req, r, ctr_level, ctr1, ctr6); } static void dreplsrv_update_refs_trigger(struct tevent_req *req); static void dreplsrv_op_pull_source_apply_changes_trigger(struct tevent_req *req, struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChanges *r, uint32_t ctr_level, struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChangesCtr1 *ctr1, struct drsuapi_DsGetNCChangesCtr6 *ctr6) { struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state *state = tevent_req_data(req, struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state); struct repsFromTo1 rf1 = *state->op->source_dsa->repsFrom1; struct dreplsrv_service *service = state->op->service; struct dreplsrv_partition *partition = state->op->source_dsa->partition; struct dreplsrv_drsuapi_connection *drsuapi = state->op->source_dsa->conn->drsuapi; struct dsdb_schema *schema; struct dsdb_schema *working_schema = NULL; const struct drsuapi_DsReplicaOIDMapping_Ctr *mapping_ctr; uint32_t object_count; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaObjectListItemEx *first_object; uint32_t linked_attributes_count; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaLinkedAttribute *linked_attributes; const struct drsuapi_DsReplicaCursor2CtrEx *uptodateness_vector; struct dsdb_extended_replicated_objects *objects; bool more_data = false; WERROR status; NTSTATUS nt_status; uint32_t dsdb_repl_flags = 0; switch (ctr_level) { case 1: mapping_ctr = &ctr1->mapping_ctr; object_count = ctr1->object_count; first_object = ctr1->first_object; linked_attributes_count = 0; linked_attributes = NULL; rf1.highwatermark = ctr1->new_highwatermark; uptodateness_vector = NULL; /* TODO: map it */ more_data = ctr1->more_data; break; case 6: mapping_ctr = &ctr6->mapping_ctr; object_count = ctr6->object_count; first_object = ctr6->first_object; linked_attributes_count = ctr6->linked_attributes_count; linked_attributes = ctr6->linked_attributes; rf1.highwatermark = ctr6->new_highwatermark; uptodateness_vector = ctr6->uptodateness_vector; more_data = ctr6->more_data; break; default: nt_status = werror_to_ntstatus(WERR_BAD_NET_RESP); tevent_req_nterror(req, nt_status); return; } schema = dsdb_get_schema(service->samdb, NULL); if (!schema) { DEBUG(0,(__location__ ": Schema is not loaded yet!\n")); tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } /* * Decide what working schema to use for object conversion. * We won't need a working schema for empty replicas sent. */ if (first_object && ldb_dn_compare(partition->dn, schema->base_dn) == 0) { /* create working schema to convert objects with */ status = dsdb_repl_make_working_schema(service->samdb, schema, mapping_ctr, object_count, first_object, &drsuapi->gensec_skey, state, &working_schema); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(0,("Failed to create working schema: %s\n", win_errstr(status))); tevent_req_nterror(req, NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } } if (partition->partial_replica || partition->rodc_replica) { dsdb_repl_flags |= DSDB_REPL_FLAG_PARTIAL_REPLICA; } if (state->op->options & DRSUAPI_DRS_FULL_SYNC_IN_PROGRESS) { dsdb_repl_flags |= DSDB_REPL_FLAG_PRIORITISE_INCOMING; } status = dsdb_replicated_objects_convert(service->samdb, working_schema ? working_schema : schema, partition->nc.dn, mapping_ctr, object_count, first_object, linked_attributes_count, linked_attributes, &rf1, uptodateness_vector, &drsuapi->gensec_skey, dsdb_repl_flags, state, &objects); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(status)) { nt_status = werror_to_ntstatus(WERR_BAD_NET_RESP); DEBUG(0,("Failed to convert objects: %s/%s\n", win_errstr(status), nt_errstr(nt_status))); tevent_req_nterror(req, nt_status); return; } status = dsdb_replicated_objects_commit(service->samdb, working_schema, objects, &state->op->source_dsa->notify_uSN); talloc_free(objects); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(status)) { nt_status = werror_to_ntstatus(WERR_BAD_NET_RESP); DEBUG(0,("Failed to commit objects: %s/%s\n", win_errstr(status), nt_errstr(nt_status))); tevent_req_nterror(req, nt_status); return; } if (state->op->extended_op == DRSUAPI_EXOP_NONE) { /* if it applied fine, we need to update the highwatermark */ *state->op->source_dsa->repsFrom1 = rf1; } /* we don't need this maybe very large structure anymore */ TALLOC_FREE(r); if (more_data) { dreplsrv_op_pull_source_get_changes_trigger(req); return; } if (state->op->extended_op != DRSUAPI_EXOP_NONE || state->op->service->am_rodc) { /* we don't do the UpdateRefs for extended ops or if we are a RODC */ tevent_req_done(req); return; } /* now we need to update the repsTo record for this partition on the server. These records are initially established when we join the domain, but they quickly expire. We do it here so we can use the already established DRSUAPI pipe */ dreplsrv_update_refs_trigger(req); } static void dreplsrv_update_refs_done(struct tevent_req *subreq); /* send a UpdateRefs request to refresh our repsTo record on the server */ static void dreplsrv_update_refs_trigger(struct tevent_req *req) { struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state *state = tevent_req_data(req, struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state); struct dreplsrv_service *service = state->op->service; struct dreplsrv_partition *partition = state->op->source_dsa->partition; struct dreplsrv_drsuapi_connection *drsuapi = state->op->source_dsa->conn->drsuapi; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaUpdateRefs *r; char *ntds_dns_name; struct tevent_req *subreq; r = talloc(state, struct drsuapi_DsReplicaUpdateRefs); if (tevent_req_nomem(r, req)) { return; } ntds_dns_name = samdb_ntds_msdcs_dns_name(service->samdb, r, &service->ntds_guid); if (tevent_req_nomem(ntds_dns_name, req)) { talloc_free(r); return; } r->in.bind_handle = &drsuapi->bind_handle; r->in.level = 1; r->in.req.req1.naming_context = &partition->nc; r->in.req.req1.dest_dsa_dns_name = ntds_dns_name; r->in.req.req1.dest_dsa_guid = service->ntds_guid; r->in.req.req1.options = DRSUAPI_DRS_ADD_REF | DRSUAPI_DRS_DEL_REF; if (!service->am_rodc) { r->in.req.req1.options |= DRSUAPI_DRS_WRIT_REP; } state->ndr_struct_ptr = r; subreq = dcerpc_drsuapi_DsReplicaUpdateRefs_r_send(state, state->ev, drsuapi->drsuapi_handle, r); if (tevent_req_nomem(subreq, req)) { talloc_free(r); return; } tevent_req_set_callback(subreq, dreplsrv_update_refs_done, req); } /* receive a UpdateRefs reply */ static void dreplsrv_update_refs_done(struct tevent_req *subreq) { struct tevent_req *req = tevent_req_callback_data(subreq, struct tevent_req); struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state *state = tevent_req_data(req, struct dreplsrv_op_pull_source_state); struct drsuapi_DsReplicaUpdateRefs *r = talloc_get_type(state->ndr_struct_ptr, struct drsuapi_DsReplicaUpdateRefs); NTSTATUS status; state->ndr_struct_ptr = NULL; status = dcerpc_drsuapi_DsReplicaUpdateRefs_r_recv(subreq, r); TALLOC_FREE(subreq); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(0,("UpdateRefs failed with %s\n", nt_errstr(status))); tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return; } if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r->out.result)) { status = werror_to_ntstatus(r->out.result); DEBUG(0,("UpdateRefs failed with %s/%s for %s %s\n", win_errstr(r->out.result), nt_errstr(status), r->in.req.req1.dest_dsa_dns_name, r->in.req.req1.naming_context->dn)); /* * TODO we are currently not sending the * DsReplicaUpdateRefs at the correct moment, * we do it just after a GetNcChanges which is * not always correct. * Especially when another DC is trying to demote * it will sends us a DsReplicaSync that will trigger a getNcChanges * this call will succeed but the DsRecplicaUpdateRefs that we send * just after will not because the DC is in a demote state and * will reply us a WERR_DS_DRA_BUSY, this error will cause us to * answer to the DsReplicaSync with a non OK status, the other DC * will stop the demote due to this error. * In order to cope with this we will for the moment concider * a DS_DRA_BUSY not as an error. * It's not ideal but it should not have a too huge impact for * running production as this error otherwise never happen and * due to the fact the send a DsReplicaUpdateRefs after each getNcChanges */ if (!W_ERROR_EQUAL(r->out.result, WERR_DS_DRA_BUSY)) { tevent_req_nterror(req, status); return; } } DEBUG(4,("UpdateRefs OK for %s %s\n", r->in.req.req1.dest_dsa_dns_name, r->in.req.req1.naming_context->dn)); tevent_req_done(req); } WERROR dreplsrv_op_pull_source_recv(struct tevent_req *req) { NTSTATUS status; if (tevent_req_is_nterror(req, &status)) { tevent_req_received(req); return ntstatus_to_werror(status); } tevent_req_received(req); return WERR_OK; }